Area (ha):900
Altitude (m):350-1200
# Species:591
# Excl Vagrants:591
# Endemics:1
# Near Endemics:8
Species/100 ha:65.7
Habitat: Bamboo, varzea forest, terra firme forest, islands, river edge


Pantiacolla Lodge occupies a private forested tract of land at the base of the Andean foothills where the Madre de Dios River exits the andes and enters the Manu lowlands. The lodge and much of the grounds is situated at an elevation of 425-450m with a ridgeline that gets to 1100m elevation. At least some serious birders consider this lodge to be the best birding site in the Peruvian Amazon, partly because of the varied habitat and extensive bamboo stands that are home to bamboo specialist species not so easily seen elsewhere and partly because bird activity typically remains high all day rather than going quiescent by 10:00am, which is typical at other lodge sites. Habitats within 5 minutes walk of the lodge include solid bamboo stands, primary varzea forest, primary terra firme forest, island habitats, and river edge. Of special note are Black Tinamou, which can be found in a low-lying bit of cloud forest on the ridge and the bamboo obligate species such as Peruvian Recurvebill, White-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher, and several species of antbirds. In addition to birds. 8 species of monkeys have been recorded on the property including the rare Monk Saki Monkey and the only nocturnal monkey the Douroucouli or Night Monkey.


Pantiacolla Lodge is located 2 hours down the Madre de Dios River from the end of Manu Road in the Peruvian Amazon headwaters.