# Species: | 1367 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 1235 |
# Endemics: | 86 |
# Near Endemics: | 65 |
List of species that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*
1 | /Greater White-fronted Goose/ | Anser albifrons | RR | |
2 | /Common Shelduck/ | Tadorna tadorna | RR | |
3 | /Falcated Duck/ | Mareca falcata | NT | |
4 | Andaman Teal | Anas albogularis | E | V |
5 | /Marbled Duck/ | Marmaronetta angustirostris | RR | V |
6 | White-winged Duck | Asarcornis scutulata | EN | |
7 | /Common Pochard/ | Aythya ferina | V | |
8 | /Ferruginous Duck/ | Aythya nyroca | NT | |
9 | /Baer's Pochard/ | Aythya baeri | RR | CR |
10 | |White-headed Duck| | Oxyura leucocephala | EN | |
11 | Nicobar Megapode | Megapodius nicobariensis | E | V |
12 | Chestnut-breasted Partridge | Arborophila mandellii | NT | |
13 | White-cheeked Partridge | Arborophila atrogularis | RR | NT |
14 | Western Tragopan | Tragopan melanocephalus | NE | V |
15 | Satyr Tragopan | Tragopan satyra | NT | |
16 | Blyth's Tragopan | Tragopan blythii | RR | V |
17 | Temminck's Tragopan | Tragopan temminckii | RR | |
18 | Sclater's Monal | Lophophorus sclateri | V | |
19 | Koklass Pheasant | Pucrasia macrolopha | RR | |
20 | Mrs. Hume's Pheasant | Syrmaticus humiae | RR | NT |
21 | Cheer Pheasant | Catreus wallichii | RR | V |
22 | Tibetan Eared-Pheasant | Crossoptilon harmani | NE | NT |
23 | Green Peafowl | Pavo muticus | RR | EN |
24 | Red Spurfowl | Galloperdix spadicea | E | |
25 | Painted Spurfowl | Galloperdix lunulata | E | |
26 | Gray Junglefowl | Gallus sonneratii | E | |
27 | Swamp Francolin | Ortygornis gularis | V | |
28 | Painted Francolin | Francolinus pictus | NE | |
29 | Chinese Francolin | Francolinus pintadeanus | RR | |
30 | /Japanese Quail/ | Coturnix japonica | NT | |
31 | Jungle Bush-Quail | Perdicula asiatica | NE | |
32 | Rock Bush-Quail | Perdicula argoondah | E | |
33 | Painted Bush-Quail | Perdicula erythrorhyncha | E | |
34 | Manipur Bush-Quail | Perdicula manipurensis | E | EN |
35 | Hill Pigeon | Columba rupestris | RR | |
36 | Snow Pigeon | Columba leuconota | RR | |
37 | /Yellow-eyed Pigeon/ | Columba eversmanni | V | |
38 | Common Wood-Pigeon | Columba palumbus | RR | |
39 | Ashy Wood-Pigeon | Columba pulchricollis | ||
40 | Nilgiri Wood-Pigeon | Columba elphinstonii | E | V |
41 | Pale-capped Pigeon | Columba punicea | V | |
42 | Andaman Wood-Pigeon | Columba palumboides | E | NT |
43 | Barred Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia unchall | RR | |
44 | Andaman Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia rufipennis | E | |
45 | Nicobar Pigeon | Caloenas nicobarica | NT | |
46 | Gray-fronted Green-Pigeon | Treron affinis | E | |
47 | Andaman Green-Pigeon | Treron chloropterus | E | NT |
48 | Ashy-headed Green-Pigeon | Treron phayrei | RR | NT |
49 | Thick-billed Green-Pigeon | Treron curvirostra | RR | |
50 | Green Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula aenea | NT | |
51 | Nicobar Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula nicobarica | E | NT |
52 | Malabar Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula cuprea | E | |
53 | Mountain Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula badia | RR | |
54 | Pied Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula bicolor | RR | |
55 | Tibetan Sandgrouse | Syrrhaptes tibetanus | RR | |
56 | Painted Sandgrouse | Pterocles indicus | NE | |
57 | Great Indian Bustard | Ardeotis nigriceps | NE | CR |
58 | /Asian Houbara/ | Chlamydotis macqueenii | V | |
59 | Bengal Florican | Houbaropsis bengalensis | RR | CR |
60 | Lesser Florican | Sypheotides indicus | E | CR |
61 | |Little Bustard| | Tetrax tetrax | NT | |
62 | Andaman Coucal | Centropus andamanensis | E | |
63 | Blue-faced Malkoha | Phaenicophaeus viridirostris | NE | |
64 | (Violet Cuckoo) | Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus | RR | |
65 | (Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo) | Surniculus lugubris | RR | |
66 | (Eurasian Nightjar) | Caprimulgus europaeus | RR | |
67 | Andaman Nightjar | Caprimulgus andamanicus | E | |
68 | Jerdon's Nightjar | Caprimulgus atripennis | NE | |
69 | Sri Lanka Frogmouth | Batrachostomus moniliger | NE | |
70 | Hodgson's Frogmouth | Batrachostomus hodgsoni | RR | |
71 | White-rumped Spinetail | Zoonavena sylvatica | NE | |
72 | Silver-backed Needletail | Hirundapus cochinchinensis | RR | |
73 | Glossy Swiftlet | Collocalia esculenta | RR | |
74 | Indian Swiftlet | Aerodramus unicolor | NE | |
75 | White-nest Swiftlet | Aerodramus fuciphagus | RR | |
76 | Pacific Swift | Apus pacificus | RR | |
77 | (Dark-rumped Swift) | Apus acuticauda | RR | V |
78 | /Water Rail/ | Rallus aquaticus | RR | |
79 | Andaman Crake | Rallina canningi | E | |
80 | Masked Finfoot | Heliopais personatus | LC | CR |
81 | Sarus Crane | Antigone antigone | V | |
82 | (Black-necked Crane) | Grus nigricollis | LC | NT |
83 | Great Thick-knee | Esacus recurvirostris | NT | |
84 | Beach Thick-knee | Esacus magnirostris | RR | NT |
85 | Ibisbill | Ibidorhyncha struthersii | RR | |
86 | /Eurasian Oystercatcher/ | Haematopus ostralegus | NT | |
87 | /Northern Lapwing/ | Vanellus vanellus | NT | |
88 | River Lapwing | Vanellus duvaucelii | NT | |
89 | /Sociable Lapwing/ | Vanellus gregarius | RR | CR |
90 | /Eurasian Curlew/ | Numenius arquata | NT | |
91 | /Bar-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa lapponica | NT | |
92 | /Black-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa limosa | NT | |
93 | /Asian Dowitcher/ | Limnodromus semipalmatus | RR | NT |
94 | /Wood Snipe/ | Gallinago nemoricola | V | |
95 | /Swinhoe's Snipe/ | Gallinago megala | RR | |
96 | /Great Knot/ | Calidris tenuirostris | RR | EN |
97 | /Red Knot/ | Calidris canutus | RR | NT |
98 | /Curlew Sandpiper/ | Calidris ferruginea | NT | |
99 | /Red-necked Stint/ | Calidris ruficollis | NT | |
100 | Crab-Plover | Dromas ardeola | RR | |
101 | Jerdon's Courser | Rhinoptilus bitorquatus | E | CR |
102 | Indian Courser | Cursorius coromandelicus | NE | |
103 | (Collared Pratincole) | Glareola pratincola | RR | |
104 | /Slender-billed Gull/ | Chroicocephalus genei | RR | |
105 | Indian Skimmer | Rynchops albicollis | LC | EN |
106 | Saunders's Tern | Sternula saundersi | RR | |
107 | /White-winged Tern/ | Chlidonias leucopterus | RR | |
108 | Roseate Tern | Sterna dougallii | RR | |
109 | River Tern | Sterna aurantia | V | |
110 | Black-naped Tern | Sterna sumatrana | RR | |
111 | Black-bellied Tern | Sterna acuticauda | EN | |
112 | Lesser Flamingo | Phoenicoparrus minor | V | |
113 | /Red-necked Grebe/ | Podiceps grisegena | RR | |
114 | /Eared Grebe/ | Podiceps nigricollis | RR | |
115 | Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates monorhis | NT | |
116 | Barau's Petrel | Pterodroma baraui | EN | |
117 | #Jouanin's Petrel# | Bulweria fallax | NT | |
118 | Streaked Shearwater | Calonectris leucomelas | NT | |
119 | Flesh-footed Shearwater | Ardenna carneipes | NT | |
120 | Asian Woolly-necked Stork | Ciconia episcopus | NT | |
121 | Black-necked Stork | Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus | NT | |
122 | /Lesser Adjutant/ | Leptoptilos javanicus | V | |
123 | Greater Adjutant | Leptoptilos dubius | RR | EN |
124 | Painted Stork | Mycteria leucocephala | NT | |
125 | Oriental Darter | Anhinga melanogaster | NT | |
126 | Black-headed Ibis | Threskiornis melanocephalus | NT | |
127 | Little Bittern | Botaurus minutus | RR | |
128 | Malayan Night Heron | Gorsachius melanolophus | RR | |
129 | Pacific Reef-Heron | Egretta sacra | RR | |
130 | Chinese Pond-Heron | Ardeola bacchus | LC | |
131 | White-bellied Heron | Ardea insignis | RR | CR |
132 | /Goliath Heron/ | Ardea goliath | RR | |
133 | Spot-billed Pelican | Pelecanus philippensis | NT | |
134 | /Dalmatian Pelican/ | Pelecanus crispus | NT | |
135 | Bearded Vulture | Gypaetus barbatus | NT | |
136 | Egyptian Vulture | Neophron percnopterus | EN | |
137 | Jerdon's Baza | Aviceda jerdoni | RR | |
138 | Red-headed Vulture | Sarcogyps calvus | CR | |
139 | /Cinereous Vulture/ | Aegypius monachus | NT | |
140 | White-rumped Vulture | Gyps bengalensis | CR | |
141 | Indian Vulture | Gyps indicus | CR | |
142 | Slender-billed Vulture | Gyps tenuirostris | CR | |
143 | /Himalayan Griffon/ | Gyps himalayensis | NT | |
144 | Nicobar Serpent-Eagle | Spilornis klossi | E | NT |
145 | Andaman Serpent-Eagle | Spilornis elgini | E | V |
146 | Legge's Hawk-Eagle | Nisaetus kelaarti | NE | |
147 | Mountain Hawk-Eagle | Nisaetus nipalensis | NT | |
148 | Rufous-bellied Eagle | Lophotriorchis kienerii | NT | |
149 | Indian Spotted Eagle | Clanga hastata | V | |
150 | /Greater Spotted Eagle/ | Clanga clanga | V | |
151 | Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax | V | |
152 | /Steppe Eagle/ | Aquila nipalensis | EN | |
153 | /Imperial Eagle/ | Aquila heliaca | V | |
154 | /Japanese Sparrowhawk/ | Tachyspiza gularis | RR | |
155 | Nicobar Sparrowhawk | Tachyspiza butleri | E | V |
156 | /Chinese Sparrowhawk/ | Tachyspiza soloensis | RR | |
157 | /Eastern Marsh Harrier/ | Circus spilonotus | RR | |
158 | /Pallid Harrier/ | Circus macrourus | NT | |
159 | Pallas's Fish-Eagle | Haliaeetus leucoryphus | EN | |
160 | Lesser Fish-Eagle | Icthyophaga humilis | NT | |
161 | Gray-headed Fish-Eagle | Icthyophaga ichthyaetus | NT | |
162 | Andaman Masked-Owl | Tyto deroepstorffi | E | |
163 | /Oriental Bay-Owl/ | Phodilus badius | RR | |
164 | Sri Lanka Bay-Owl | Phodilus assimilis | NE | |
165 | Andaman Scops-Owl | Otus balli | E | |
166 | Nicobar Scops-Owl | Otus alius | E | NT |
167 | /Pallid Scops-Owl/ | Otus brucei | RR | |
168 | Buffy Fish-Owl | Ketupa ketupu | RR | |
169 | Tawny Fish-Owl | Ketupa flavipes | RR | |
170 | Forest Owlet | Athene blewitti | E | EN |
171 | Mottled Wood-Owl | Strix ocellata | E | |
172 | Tawny Owl | Strix aluco | RR | |
173 | /Long-eared Owl/ | Asio otus | RR | |
174 | Andaman Boobook | Ninox affinis | E | |
175 | Hume's Boobook | Ninox obscura | E | |
176 | Malabar Trogon | Harpactes fasciatus | NE | |
177 | Ward's Trogon | Harpactes wardi | RR | NT |
178 | Great Hornbill | Buceros bicornis | V | |
179 | Brown Hornbill | Anorrhinus austeni | RR | NT |
180 | Malabar Gray Hornbill | Ocyceros griseus | E | V |
181 | Malabar Pied-Hornbill | Anthracoceros coronatus | NE | NT |
182 | Rufous-necked Hornbill | Aceros nipalensis | RR | V |
183 | Wreathed Hornbill | Rhyticeros undulatus | RR | V |
184 | Narcondam Hornbill | Rhyticeros narcondami | E | V |
185 | (European Bee-eater) | Merops apiaster | RR | |
186 | Blyth's Kingfisher | Alcedo hercules | RR | NT |
187 | Brown-winged Kingfisher | Pelargopsis amauroptera | RR | NT |
188 | Ruddy Kingfisher | Halcyon coromanda | RR | |
189 | Black-capped Kingfisher | Halcyon pileata | V | |
190 | Collared Kingfisher | Todiramphus chloris | LC | |
191 | |European Roller| | Coracias garrulus | RR | |
192 | Indochinese Roller | Coracias affinis | RR | |
193 | Malabar Barbet | Psilopogon malabaricus | E | |
194 | White-cheeked Barbet | Psilopogon viridis | E | |
195 | Golden-throated Barbet | Psilopogon franklinii | RR | |
196 | Yellow-rumped Honeyguide | Indicator xanthonotus | RR | NT |
197 | White-browed Piculet | Sasia ochracea | RR | |
198 | Brown-fronted Woodpecker | Dendrocoptes auriceps | RR | |
199 | Freckle-breasted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos analis | RR | |
200 | Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos atratus | RR | |
201 | Darjeeling Woodpecker | Dendrocopos darjellensis | RR | |
202 | Great Spotted Woodpecker | Dendrocopos major | RR | |
203 | Himalayan Woodpecker | Dendrocopos himalayensis | RR | |
204 | Sind Woodpecker | Dendrocopos assimilis | RR | |
205 | Crimson-naped Woodpecker | Dryobates cathpharius | RR | |
206 | Bay Woodpecker | Blythipicus pyrrhotis | RR | |
207 | Pale-headed Woodpecker | Gecinulus grantia | RR | |
208 | Scaly-bellied Woodpecker | Picus squamatus | RR | |
209 | Malabar Flameback | Chrysocolaptes socialis | E | |
210 | White-naped Woodpecker | Chrysocolaptes festivus | NE | |
211 | Great Slaty Woodpecker | Mulleripicus pulverulentus | V | |
212 | Andaman Woodpecker | Dryocopus hodgei | E | V |
213 | Pied Falconet | Microhierax melanoleucos | RR | |
214 | Collared Falconet | Microhierax caerulescens | RR | |
215 | Red-necked Falcon | Falco chicquera | NT | |
216 | Laggar Falcon | Falco jugger | NT | |
217 | /Saker Falcon/ | Falco cherrug | RR | EN |
218 | Alexandrine Parakeet | Psittacula eupatria | NT | |
219 | Slaty-headed Parakeet | Psittacula himalayana | RR | |
220 | Gray-headed Parakeet | Psittacula finschii | RR | NT |
221 | Blossom-headed Parakeet | Psittacula roseata | RR | NT |
222 | Malabar Parakeet | Psittacula columboides | E | |
223 | Derbyan Parakeet | Psittacula derbiana | NE | NT |
224 | Red-breasted Parakeet | Psittacula alexandri | NT | |
225 | Nicobar Parakeet | Psittacula caniceps | E | NT |
226 | Long-tailed Parakeet | Psittacula longicauda | RR | V |
227 | Gray-lored Broadbill | Serilophus rubrophygius | RR | |
228 | Blue-naped Pitta | Hydrornis nipalensis | RR | |
229 | Blue Pitta | Hydrornis cyaneus | RR | |
230 | Indian Pitta | Pitta brachyura | NE | |
231 | Mangrove Pitta | Pitta megarhyncha | RR | NT |
232 | White-bellied Minivet | Pericrocotus erythropygius | E | |
233 | Gray-chinned Minivet | Pericrocotus solaris | RR | |
234 | Short-billed Minivet | Pericrocotus brevirostris | RR | |
235 | Orange Minivet | Pericrocotus flammeus | NE | |
236 | /Ashy Minivet/ | Pericrocotus divaricatus | RR | |
237 | Indian Cuckooshrike | Coracina macei | NE | |
238 | Andaman Cuckooshrike | Coracina dobsoni | E | NT |
239 | Pied Triller | Lalage nigra | RR | |
240 | Black-headed Shrike-Babbler | Pteruthius rufiventer | RR | |
241 | Black-eared Shrike-Babbler | Pteruthius melanotis | RR | |
242 | Clicking Shrike-Babbler | Pteruthius intermedius | RR | |
243 | White-bellied Erpornis | Erpornis zantholeuca | RR | |
244 | /Slender-billed Oriole/ | Oriolus tenuirostris | RR | |
245 | White-breasted Woodswallow | Artamus leucorynchus | RR | |
246 | Malabar Woodshrike | Tephrodornis sylvicola | E | |
247 | White-tailed Iora | Aegithina nigrolutea | NE | |
248 | Spot-breasted Fantail | Rhipidura albogularis | E | |
249 | White-bellied Drongo | Dicrurus caerulescens | NE | |
250 | Crow-billed Drongo | Dicrurus annectens | RR | |
251 | Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus remifer | RR | |
252 | Andaman Drongo | Dicrurus andamanensis | NE | |
253 | |Red-backed Shrike| | Lanius collurio | RR | |
254 | |Red-tailed Shrike| | Lanius phoenicuroides | RR | |
255 | |Burmese Shrike| | Lanius collurioides | RR | |
256 | Woodchat Shrike | Lanius senator | NT | |
257 | Eurasian Jay | Garrulus glandarius | RR | |
258 | Black-headed Jay | Garrulus lanceolatus | RR | |
259 | Yellow-billed Blue-Magpie | Urocissa flavirostris | RR | |
260 | Red-billed Blue-Magpie | Urocissa erythroryncha | RR | |
261 | Common Green-Magpie | Cissa chinensis | RR | |
262 | White-bellied Treepie | Dendrocitta leucogastra | E | |
263 | Andaman Treepie | Dendrocitta bayleii | E | V |
264 | Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica | RR | |
265 | Southern Nutcracker | Nucifraga hemisila | RR | |
266 | Kashmir Nutcracker | Nucifraga multipunctata | RR | |
267 | Yellow-billed Chough | Pyrrhocorax graculus | RR | |
268 | /Eurasian Jackdaw/ | Coloeus monedula | RR | |
269 | /Rook/ | Corvus frugilegus | RR | |
270 | Carrion Crow | Corvus corone | RR | |
271 | /Hooded Crow/ | Corvus cornix | RR | |
272 | Fire-capped Tit | Cephalopyrus flammiceps | RR | |
273 | Rufous-naped Tit | Periparus rufonuchalis | RR | |
274 | Rufous-vented Tit | Periparus rubidiventris | RR | |
275 | White-naped Tit | Machlolophus nuchalis | E | V |
276 | Himalayan Black-lored Tit | Machlolophus xanthogenys | RR | |
277 | Indian Yellow Tit | Machlolophus aplonotus | E | |
278 | Yellow-cheeked Tit | Machlolophus spilonotus | RR | |
279 | Sultan Tit | Melanochlora sultanea | RR | |
280 | Rufous-tailed Lark | Ammomanes phoenicura | NE | |
281 | Jerdon's Bushlark | Plocealauda affinis | NE | |
282 | Indian Bushlark | Plocealauda erythroptera | NE | |
283 | /Eurasian Skylark/ | Alauda arvensis | RR | |
284 | Malabar Lark | Galerida malabarica | E | |
285 | Tawny Lark | Galerida deva | E | |
286 | /Bimaculated Lark/ | Melanocorypha bimaculata | RR | |
287 | Tibetan Lark | Melanocorypha maxima | NE | |
288 | /Turkestan Short-toed Lark/ | Alaudala heinei | RR | |
289 | Dark-necked Tailorbird | Orthotomus atrogularis | RR | |
290 | Black-throated Prinia | Prinia atrogularis | RR | |
291 | Hill Prinia | Prinia superciliaris | RR | |
292 | Gray-crowned Prinia | Prinia cinereocapilla | NE | V |
293 | Rufescent Prinia | Prinia rufescens | RR | |
294 | Jungle Prinia | Prinia sylvatica | NE | |
295 | /Black-browed Reed Warbler/ | Acrocephalus bistrigiceps | RR | |
296 | /Moustached Warbler/ | Acrocephalus melanopogon | RR | |
297 | /Blunt-winged Warbler/ | Acrocephalus concinens | RR | |
298 | /Oriental Reed Warbler/ | Acrocephalus orientalis | RR | |
299 | /Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler/ | Helopsaltes certhiola | RR | |
300 | /Lanceolated Warbler/ | Locustella lanceolata | RR | |
301 | Brown Bush Warbler | Locustella luteoventris | RR | |
302 | /Chinese Bush Warbler/ | Locustella tacsanowskia | RR | |
303 | (Long-billed Bush Warbler) | Locustella major | RR | NT |
304 | West Himalayan Bush Warbler | Locustella kashmirensis | E | |
305 | Russet Bush Warbler | Locustella mandelli | RR | |
306 | Broad-tailed Grassbird | Schoenicola platyurus | E | V |
307 | Bristled Grassbird | Schoenicola striata | LC | V |
308 | Nepal Cupwing | Pnoepyga immaculata | RR | |
309 | Pygmy Cupwing | Pnoepyga pusilla | RR | |
310 | /Bank Swallow/ | Riparia riparia | RR | |
311 | Hill Swallow | Hirundo domicola | NE | |
312 | Pacific Swallow | Hirundo javanica | RR | |
313 | Nepal House-Martin | Delichon nipalense | RR | |
314 | Striated Swallow | Cecropis striolata | RR | |
315 | White-throated Bulbul | Alophoixus flaveolus | RR | |
316 | Striated Bulbul | Alcurus striatus | RR | |
317 | Olive Bulbul | Iole viridescens | RR | |
318 | Cachar Bulbul | Iole cacharensis | NE | |
319 | Ashy Bulbul | Hemixos flavala | RR | |
320 | Yellow-browed Bulbul | Acritillas indica | NE | |
321 | Nicobar Bulbul | Hypsipetes nicobariensis | E | NT |
322 | Square-tailed Bulbul | Hypsipetes ganeesa | NE | |
323 | Gray-headed Bulbul | Microtarsus priocephalus | E | NT |
324 | Black-headed Bulbul | Microtarsus melanocephalos | RR | |
325 | Andaman Bulbul | Microtarsus fuscoflavescens | E | |
326 | Flame-throated Bulbul | Rubigula gularis | E | |
327 | Crested Finchbill | Spizixos canifrons | RR | |
328 | White-browed Bulbul | Pycnonotus luteolus | NE | |
329 | Flavescent Bulbul | Pycnonotus flavescens | RR | |
330 | Yellow-throated Bulbul | Pycnonotus xantholaemus | E | V |
331 | /Yellow-browed Warbler/ | Phylloscopus inornatus | RR | |
332 | /Brooks's Leaf Warbler/ | Phylloscopus subviridis | RR | |
333 | /Smoky Warbler/ | Phylloscopus fuligiventer | RR | |
334 | White-spectacled Warbler | Phylloscopus intermedius | RR | |
335 | Gray-cheeked Warbler | Phylloscopus poliogenys | RR | |
336 | (Gray-crowned Warbler) | Phylloscopus tephrocephalus | RR | |
337 | Chestnut-crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus castaniceps | RR | |
338 | Yellow-vented Warbler | Phylloscopus cantator | RR | |
339 | Gray-bellied Tesia | Tesia cyaniventer | RR | |
340 | Slaty-bellied Tesia | Tesia olivea | RR | |
341 | /Cetti's Warbler/ | Cettia cetti | RR | |
342 | Yellow-bellied Warbler | Abroscopus superciliaris | RR | |
343 | Rufous-faced Warbler | Abroscopus albogularis | RR | |
344 | Mountain Tailorbird | Phyllergates cucullatus | RR | |
345 | Broad-billed Warbler | Tickellia hodgsoni | RR | |
346 | Hume's Bush Warbler | Horornis brunnescens | RR | |
347 | White-cheeked Tit | Aegithalos leucogenys | RR | |
348 | Black-throated Tit | Aegithalos concinnus | RR | |
349 | White-throated Tit | Aegithalos niveogularis | RR | |
350 | Black-browed Tit | Aegithalos iouschistos | RR | |
351 | |Greater Whitethroat| | Curruca communis | RR | |
352 | Fire-tailed Myzornis | Myzornis pyrrhoura | RR | |
353 | Golden-breasted Fulvetta | Lioparus chrysotis | RR | |
354 | Jerdon's Babbler | Chrysomma altirostre | RR | V |
355 | Brown-throated Fulvetta | Fulvetta ludlowi | RR | |
356 | White-browed Fulvetta | Fulvetta vinipectus | RR | |
357 | Manipur Fulvetta | Fulvetta manipurensis | RR | |
358 | Black-breasted Parrotbill | Paradoxornis flavirostris | NE | V |
359 | Spot-breasted Parrotbill | Paradoxornis guttaticollis | RR | |
360 | Great Parrotbill | Paradoxornis aemodium | RR | |
361 | Brown Parrotbill | Paradoxornis unicolor | RR | |
362 | Gray-headed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis gularis | RR | |
363 | White-breasted Parrotbill | Paradoxornis ruficeps | RR | |
364 | Fulvous Parrotbill | Suthora fulvifrons | RR | |
365 | Black-throated Parrotbill | Suthora nipalensis | RR | |
366 | Pale-billed Parrotbill | Suthora atrosuperciliaris | RR | |
367 | Striated Yuhina | Staphida castaniceps | RR | |
368 | White-naped Yuhina | Yuhina bakeri | RR | |
369 | Whiskered Yuhina | Yuhina flavicollis | RR | |
370 | Stripe-throated Yuhina | Yuhina gularis | RR | |
371 | Rufous-vented Yuhina | Yuhina occipitalis | RR | |
372 | Black-chinned Yuhina | Yuhina nigrimenta | RR | |
373 | Chestnut-capped Babbler | Timalia pileata | RR | |
374 | Dark-fronted Babbler | Dumetia atriceps | NE | |
375 | Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | Mixornis gularis | RR | |
376 | Golden Babbler | Cyanoderma chrysaeum | RR | |
377 | Rufous-fronted Babbler | Cyanoderma rufifrons | RR | |
378 | Black-chinned Babbler | Cyanoderma pyrrhops | RR | |
379 | Rufous-capped Babbler | Cyanoderma ruficeps | RR | |
380 | Rufous-throated Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis caudatus | RR | NT |
381 | Mishmi Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis badeigularis | E | V |
382 | Bar-winged Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis troglodytoides | RR | |
383 | Naga Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis chocolatinus | E | V |
384 | Chin Hills Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis oatesi | NE | |
385 | Tawny-breasted Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis longicaudatus | E | NT |
386 | Gray-bellied Wren-Babbler | Spelaeornis reptatus | RR | |
387 | Black-crowned Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus ferruginosus | RR | |
388 | Red-billed Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus ochraceiceps | RR | |
389 | Slender-billed Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus superciliaris | RR | |
390 | Streak-breasted Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus ruficollis | RR | |
391 | Indian Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus horsfieldii | NE | |
392 | White-browed Scimitar-Babbler | Pomatorhinus schisticeps | RR | |
393 | Large Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys hypoleucos | RR | |
394 | Spot-breasted Scimitar-Babbler | Erythrogenys mcclellandi | RR | |
395 | Gray-throated Babbler | Stachyris nigriceps | RR | |
396 | Sikkim Wedge-billed Babbler | Stachyris humei | RR | NT |
397 | Cachar Wedge-billed Babbler | Stachyris roberti | RR | NT |
398 | Snowy-throated Babbler | Stachyris oglei | NE | V |
399 | Indian Grassbird | Graminicola bengalensis | NT | |
400 | White-hooded Babbler | Gampsorhynchus rufulus | RR | |
401 | Yellow-throated Fulvetta | Schoeniparus cinereus | RR | |
402 | Rufous-winged Fulvetta | Schoeniparus castaneceps | RR | |
403 | Rufous-throated Fulvetta | Schoeniparus rufogularis | RR | |
404 | Rusty-capped Fulvetta | Schoeniparus dubius | RR | |
405 | Puff-throated Babbler | Pellorneum ruficeps | RR | |
406 | Marsh Babbler | Pellorneum palustre | RR | V |
407 | Spot-throated Babbler | Pellorneum albiventre | RR | |
408 | Buff-breasted Babbler | Pellorneum tickelli | RR | |
409 | Rufous-vented Grass Babbler | Laticilla burnesii | NE | NT |
410 | Swamp Grass Babbler | Laticilla cinerascens | E | EN |
411 | Abbott's Babbler | Malacocincla abbotti | RR | |
412 | Streaked Wren-Babbler | Gypsophila brevicaudata | RR | |
413 | Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler | Napothera epilepidota | RR | |
414 | Long-billed Wren-Babbler | Napothera malacoptila | RR | |
415 | Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | Alcippe poioicephala | RR | |
416 | Nepal Fulvetta | Alcippe nipalensis | RR | |
417 | Himalayan Cutia | Cutia nipalensis | RR | |
418 | Scaly Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron subunicolor | RR | |
419 | Brown-capped Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron austeni | NE | |
420 | Blue-winged Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron squamatum | RR | |
421 | Streaked Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron lineatum | RR | |
422 | Bhutan Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron imbricatum | NE | |
423 | Striped Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron virgatum | NE | |
424 | Variegated Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron variegatum | RR | |
425 | Black-faced Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron affine | RR | |
426 | Elliot's Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron elliotii | NE | |
427 | Assam Laughingthrush | Trochalopteron chrysopterum | RR | |
428 | Banasura Laughingthrush | Montecincla jerdoni | E | EN |
429 | Nilgiri Laughingthrush | Montecincla cachinnans | E | EN |
430 | Palani Laughingthrush | Montecincla fairbanki | E | NT |
431 | Ashambu Laughingthrush | Montecincla meriodionalis | E | |
432 | Long-tailed Sibia | Heterophasia picaoides | RR | |
433 | Beautiful Sibia | Heterophasia pulchella | RR | |
434 | Gray Sibia | Heterophasia gracilis | RR | |
435 | Hoary-throated Barwing | Actinodura nipalensis | RR | |
436 | Streak-throated Barwing | Actinodura waldeni | RR | |
437 | Blue-winged Minla | Actinodura cyanouroptera | RR | |
438 | Rusty-fronted Barwing | Actinodura egertoni | RR | |
439 | Silver-eared Mesia | Leiothrix argentauris | RR | |
440 | Red-tailed Minla | Minla ignotincta | RR | |
441 | Rufous-backed Sibia | Leioptila annectens | RR | |
442 | Bugun Liocichla | Liocichla bugunorum | E | CR |
443 | Red-faced Liocichla | Liocichla phoenicea | RR | |
444 | Large Gray Babbler | Argya malcolmi | NE | |
445 | Slender-billed Babbler | Argya longirostris | NE | V |
446 | Rufous Babbler | Argya subrufa | E | |
447 | Yellow-billed Babbler | Argya affinis | NE | |
448 | Spot-breasted Laughingthrush | Garrulax merulinus | RR | |
449 | Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush | Garrulax monileger | RR | |
450 | White-crested Laughingthrush | Garrulax leucolophus | RR | |
451 | Moustached Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla cineracea | RR | |
452 | Spotted Laughingthrush | Ianthocincla ocellata | RR | |
453 | Wayanad Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus delesserti | E | |
454 | Rufous-vented Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus gularis | RR | |
455 | Yellow-throated Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus galbana | NE | |
456 | Rufous-necked Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus ruficollis | RR | |
457 | Chestnut-backed Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus nuchalis | NE | NT |
458 | White-browed Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus sannio | RR | |
459 | Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus pectoralis | RR | |
460 | Mount Victoria Babax | Pterorhinus woodi | NE | |
461 | Giant Babax | Pterorhinus waddelli | NE | NT |
462 | White-throated Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus albogularis | RR | |
463 | Gray-sided Laughingthrush | Pterorhinus caerulata | RR | |
464 | /Wallcreeper/ | Tichodroma muraria | RR | |
465 | White-cheeked Nuthatch | Sitta leucopsis | RR | |
466 | Beautiful Nuthatch | Sitta formosa | RR | V |
467 | Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch | Sitta cinnamoventris | RR | |
468 | Chestnut-vented Nuthatch | Sitta nagaensis | RR | |
469 | Kashmir Nuthatch | Sitta cashmirensis | RR | |
470 | Indian Spotted Creeper | Salpornis spilonota | E | |
471 | /Bar-tailed Treecreeper/ | Certhia himalayana | RR | |
472 | Rusty-flanked Treecreeper | Certhia nipalensis | RR | |
473 | Sikkim Treecreeper | Certhia discolor | RR | |
474 | Hume's Treecreeper | Certhia manipurensis | RR | |
475 | Spotted Elachura | Elachura formosa | RR | |
476 | Asian Glossy Starling | Aplonis panayensis | RR | |
477 | Golden-crested Myna | Ampeliceps coronatus | RR | |
478 | Southern Hill Myna | Gracula indica | NE | |
479 | Malabar Starling | Sturnia blythii | E | |
480 | White-headed Starling | Sturnia erythropygia | E | |
481 | Collared Myna | Acridotheres albocinctus | RR | |
482 | Great Myna | Acridotheres grandis | RR | |
483 | /Siberian Thrush/ | Geokichla sibirica | RR | |
484 | (Pied Thrush) | Geokichla wardii | NE | |
485 | Himalayan Thrush | Zoothera salimalii | RR | |
486 | Dark-sided Thrush | Zoothera marginata | RR | |
487 | Nilgiri Thrush | Zoothera neilgherriensis | E | |
488 | Mistle Thrush | Turdus viscivorus | RR | |
489 | Indian Blackbird | Turdus simillimus | NE | |
490 | Black-breasted Thrush | Turdus dissimilis | RR | |
491 | /Gray-sided Thrush/ | Turdus feae | RR | V |
492 | /Eyebrowed Thrush/ | Turdus obscurus | RR | |
493 | /Red-throated Thrush/ | Turdus ruficollis | RR | |
494 | /Dusky Thrush/ | Turdus eunomus | RR | |
495 | Purple Cochoa | Cochoa purpurea | RR | |
496 | (Green Cochoa) | Cochoa viridis | RR | |
497 | (Ferruginous Flycatcher) | Muscicapa ferruginea | RR | |
498 | |Spotted Flycatcher| | Muscicapa striata | RR | |
499 | Andaman Shama | Copsychus albiventris | E | |
500 | White-tailed Flycatcher | Leucoptilon concretus | RR | |
501 | Nilgiri Sholakili | Sholicola major | E | EN |
502 | White-bellied Sholakili | Sholicola albiventris | E | V |
503 | Large Niltava | Niltava grandis | RR | |
504 | Chinese Vivid Niltava | Niltava oatesi | RR | |
505 | Nilgiri Flycatcher | Eumyias albicaudatus | E | |
506 | White-gorgeted Flycatcher | Anthipes monileger | RR | |
507 | White-bellied Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis pallidipes | E | |
508 | Pale-chinned Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis poliogenys | RR | |
509 | (Pale Blue Flycatcher) | Cyornis unicolor | RR | |
510 | Blue-throated Flycatcher | Cyornis rubeculoides | RR | |
511 | Large Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis magnirostris | RR | NT |
512 | Hill Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis whitei | RR | |
513 | Nicobar Jungle Flycatcher | Cyornis nicobaricus | E | NT |
514 | Rusty-bellied Shortwing | Brachypteryx hyperythra | LC | NT |
515 | Lesser Shortwing | Brachypteryx leucophris | RR | |
516 | Himalayan Shortwing | Brachypteryx cruralis | RR | |
517 | Gould's Shortwing | Brachypteryx stellata | RR | |
518 | Malabar Whistling-Thrush | Myophonus horsfieldii | E | |
519 | White-crowned Forktail | Enicurus leschenaulti | RR | |
520 | Black-backed Forktail | Enicurus immaculatus | RR | |
521 | Slaty-backed Forktail | Enicurus schistaceus | RR | |
522 | /Chinese Rubythroat/ | Calliope tschebaiewi | RR | |
523 | White-tailed Robin | Myiomela leucurum | RR | |
524 | Blue-fronted Robin | Cinclidium frontale | RR | |
525 | Rufous-breasted Bush-Robin | Tarsiger hyperythrus | RR | |
526 | White-browed Bush-Robin | Tarsiger indicus | RR | |
527 | Golden Bush-Robin | Tarsiger chrysaeus | RR | |
528 | Slaty-backed Flycatcher | Ficedula erithacus | RR | |
529 | Black-and-orange Flycatcher | Ficedula nigrorufa | E | |
530 | Snowy-browed Flycatcher | Ficedula hyperythra | RR | |
531 | Pygmy Flycatcher | Ficedula hodgsoni | RR | |
532 | Sapphire Flycatcher | Ficedula sapphira | RR | |
533 | /Kashmir Flycatcher/ | Ficedula subrubra | V | |
534 | /Blue-capped Redstart/ | Phoenicurus coeruleocephala | RR | |
535 | /Hodgson's Redstart/ | Phoenicurus hodgsoni | RR | |
536 | White-throated Redstart | Phoenicurus schisticeps | RR | |
537 | /White-winged Redstart/ | Phoenicurus erythrogastrus | RR | |
538 | /Daurian Redstart/ | Phoenicurus auroreus | RR | |
539 | |Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush| | Monticola saxatilis | RR | |
540 | White-browed Bushchat | Saxicola macrorhynchus | E | V |
541 | /White-throated Bushchat/ | Saxicola insignis | RR | V |
542 | Amur Stonechat | Saxicola stejnegeri | RR | |
543 | Jerdon's Bushchat | Saxicola jerdoni | RR | |
544 | (Pied Wheatear) | Oenanthe pleschanka | RR | |
545 | Brown Rock Chat | Oenanthe fusca | NE | |
546 | /Hypocolius/ | Hypocolius ampelinus | RR | |
547 | Yellow-vented Flowerpecker | Pachyglossa chrysorrheum | RR | |
548 | Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker | Pachyglossa melanozanthum | RR | |
549 | Orange-bellied Flowerpecker | Dicaeum trigonostigma | LC | |
550 | Nilgiri Flowerpecker | Dicaeum concolor | E | |
551 | Andaman Flowerpecker | Dicaeum virescens | E | |
552 | Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | Dicaeum cruentatum | RR | |
553 | Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | Chalcoparia singalensis | RR | |
554 | Crimson-backed Sunbird | Leptocoma minima | E | |
555 | Van Hasselt's Sunbird | Leptocoma brasiliana | RR | |
556 | Ornate Sunbird | Cinnyris ornatus | RR | |
557 | Loten's Sunbird | Cinnyris lotenius | NE | |
558 | Fire-tailed Sunbird | Aethopyga ignicauda | RR | |
559 | Black-throated Sunbird | Aethopyga saturata | RR | |
560 | Green-tailed Sunbird | Aethopyga nipalensis | RR | |
561 | Vigors's Sunbird | Aethopyga vigorsii | E | |
562 | Little Spiderhunter | Arachnothera longirostra | RR | |
563 | Streaked Spiderhunter | Arachnothera magna | RR | |
564 | Blue-winged Leafbird | Chloropsis moluccensis | RR | EN |
565 | Jerdon's Leafbird | Chloropsis jerdoni | NE | |
566 | Finn's Weaver | Ploceus megarhynchus | NE | EN |
567 | Java Sparrow | Padda oryzivora | EN | |
568 | Black-throated Munia | Lonchura kelaarti | NE | |
569 | Tricolored Munia | Lonchura malacca | NE | |
570 | Green Avadavat | Amandava formosus | E | V |
571 | Alpine Accentor | Prunella collaris | RR | |
572 | /Altai Accentor/ | Prunella himalayana | RR | |
573 | Robin Accentor | Prunella rubeculoides | RR | |
574 | Rufous-breasted Accentor | Prunella strophiata | RR | |
575 | Brown Accentor | Prunella fulvescens | RR | |
576 | /Black-throated Accentor/ | Prunella atrogularis | RR | |
577 | Maroon-backed Accentor | Prunella immaculata | RR | |
578 | /Spanish Sparrow/ | Passer hispaniolensis | RR | |
579 | Sind Sparrow | Passer pyrrhonotus | RR | |
580 | Russet Sparrow | Passer cinnamomeus | RR | |
581 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | RR | |
582 | Tibetan Snowfinch | Montifringilla henrici | NE | |
583 | Black-winged Snowfinch | Montifringilla adamsi | RR | |
584 | Rufous-necked Snowfinch | Pyrgilauda ruficollis | NE | |
585 | /Forest Wagtail/ | Dendronanthus indicus | RR | |
586 | Nilgiri Pipit | Anthus nilghiriensis | E | V |
587 | Upland Pipit | Anthus sylvanus | RR | |
588 | /Red-throated Pipit/ | Anthus cervinus | RR | |
589 | /Siberian Pipit/ | Anthus japonicus | RR | |
590 | /Common Chaffinch/ | Fringilla coelebs | RR | |
591 | /Brambling/ | Fringilla montifringilla | RR | |
592 | Black-and-yellow Grosbeak | Mycerobas icterioides | RR | |
593 | Collared Grosbeak | Mycerobas affinis | RR | |
594 | Scarlet Finch | Carpodacus sipahi | RR | |
595 | Himalayan Beautiful Rosefinch | Carpodacus pulcherrimus | RR | |
596 | Pink-browed Rosefinch | Carpodacus rodochroa | RR | |
597 | Vinaceous Rosefinch | Carpodacus vinaceus | RR | |
598 | Dark-rumped Rosefinch | Carpodacus edwardsii | RR | |
599 | Three-banded Rosefinch | Carpodacus trifasciatus | NE | |
600 | /Spot-winged Rosefinch/ | Carpodacus rodopeplus | RR | |
601 | Himalayan White-browed Rosefinch | Carpodacus thura | RR | |
602 | Red-mantled Rosefinch | Carpodacus rhodochlamys | RR | |
603 | Crimson-browed Finch | Carpodacus subhimachala | RR | |
604 | Orange Bullfinch | Pyrrhula aurantiaca | RR | |
605 | Red-headed Bullfinch | Pyrrhula erythrocephala | RR | |
606 | Gray-headed Bullfinch | Pyrrhula erythaca | RR | |
607 | /Trumpeter Finch/ | Bucanetes githagineus | RR | |
608 | Mongolian Finch | Bucanetes mongolicus | RR | |
609 | Blanford's Rosefinch | Agraphospiza rubescens | RR | |
610 | /Gold-naped Finch/ | Pyrrhoplectes epauletta | RR | |
611 | Spectacled Finch | Callacanthis burtoni | RR | |
612 | Dark-breasted Rosefinch | Procarduelis nipalensis | RR | |
613 | Twite | Linaria flavirostris | RR | |
614 | /Eurasian Linnet/ | Linaria cannabina | RR | |
615 | European Goldfinch | Carduelis carduelis | RR | |
616 | Fire-fronted Serin | Serinus pusillus | RR | |
617 | Tibetan Serin | Spinus thibetanus | RR | |
618 | /Pine Bunting/ | Emberiza leucocephalos | RR | |
619 | Rock Bunting | Emberiza cia | RR | |
620 | /Little Bunting/ | Emberiza pusilla | RR | |
621 | /Yellow-breasted Bunting/ | Emberiza aureola | CR | |
622 | /Chestnut Bunting/ | Emberiza rutila | RR | |
623 | /Black-faced Bunting/ | Emberiza spodocephala | RR | |
624 | /Reed Bunting/ | Emberiza schoeniclus | RR |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
§ Includes Sarawak, Sabah, & Kalimantan
§§ Excludes Taiwan
§§§ Includes Wallacea but excludes Kalimantan (Borneo) and West Papua New Guinea & nearby islands
§§§§ Excludes Sarawak and Sabah on Borneo
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 86 |
LC | Local | 8 |
NE | Near Endemic | 65 |
RR | Restricted Range | 395 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 41 |
V | Vulnerable | 36 |
EN | Endangered | 13 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 9 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.