Black-crowned Antshrike - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Dot-winged Antwren - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Bicolored Antbird - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Ocellated Antbird - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Ruddy Treerunner - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Blue Cotinga - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Masked Tityra - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Southern Bentbill - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Common Tody-Flycatcher - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Tufted Flycatcher - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Great Kiskadee - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Tropical Kingbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Brown-capped Vireo - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Tropical Mockingbird - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Golden-browed Chlorophonia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-crowned Euphonia - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Thick-billed Euphonia - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Tawny-capped Euphonia - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Chestnut-capped Brushfinch - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-thighed Finch - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-thighed Finch - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Eastern Meadowlark - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-rumped Cacique - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Yellow-tailed Oriole - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Flame-throated Warbler - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Crimson-backed Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue-gray Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Blue-gray Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Palm Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Silver-throated Tanager - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Red-legged Honeycreeper - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Slaty Flowerpiercer - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Slaty Flowerpiercer - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Slaty Flowerpiercer - © Laura L Fellows and Exotic Birding LLC Variable Seedeater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC Variable Seedeater - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLC