Duration:11 days
#Heard Only:3

2015 Sicily Scouting Trip


List of bird species seen or heard during the tour. The table indicates whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country.* See sidebar for meaning of location codes and symbols associated with common names.
h = heard only; g = seen by guide only

color codes

Ducks: Anatidae

1Common ShelduckTadorna tadornaCTL,LW,SW
2(Garganey)Spatula querquedulaCTL,SW,TS
3Northern ShovelerSpatula clypeataCTL,LW,SW,VW
4GadwallMareca streperaCTL
5/Eurasian Wigeon/Mareca penelopeCTL,TS
6MallardAnas platyrhynchosCTL,LW,SM,SW,VW
7/Northern Pintail/Anas acutaCTL,VW
8/Green-winged Teal/Anas creccaCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
9(Marbled Duck)Marmaronetta angustirostrisVW
10/Common Pochard/Aythya ferinaCTL,SW,TS
11Ferruginous DuckAythya nyrocaCTL,TS

Pigeons and Doves: Columbidae

12Rock PigeonColumba liviaMany
13Common Wood-PigeonColumba palumbusMany
14(European Turtle-Dove)Streptopelia turturTS
15Eurasian Collared-DoveStreptopelia decaoctoMany

Swifts: Apodidae

16(Pallid Swift)Apus pallidusSW

Rails, Gallinules, and Coots: Rallidae

17Water RailRallus aquaticusLW
18Eurasian MoorhenGallinula chloropusCTL,SW
19Eurasian CootFulica atraCTL,LG,LW,SW,VW
20Western SwamphenPorphyrio porphyrioLG

Stilts and Avocets: Recurvirostridae

21(Black-winged Stilt)Himantopus himantopusCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
22Pied AvocetRecurvirostra avosettaCTL,LW,TS,VW

Plovers and Lapwings: Charadriidae

23/Black-bellied Plover/Pluvialis squatarolaTS
24/Common Ringed Plover/Charadrius hiaticulaCTL,LW,SW
25(Little Ringed Plover)Thinornis dubiusCTL,LW,SW
26[Greater Sand-Plover]Anarhynchus leschenaultiiSW
27Kentish PloverAnarhynchus alexandrinusCTL,LW

Sandpipers and Allies: Scolopacidae

28/Eurasian Curlew/Numenius arquataCTL,TS
29/Black-tailed Godwit/Limosa limosaCTL
30/Common Snipe/Gallinago gallinagoLW
31Red-necked PhalaropePhalaropus lobatusTS
32/Terek Sandpiper/Xenus cinereusTS
33Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucosCTL,TS
34/Green Sandpiper/Tringa ochropusMM
35/Marsh Sandpiper/Tringa stagnatilisCTL,VW
36/Wood Sandpiper/Tringa glareolaCTL,LW,SW,VW
37Common RedshankTringa totanusCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
38/Spotted Redshank/Tringa erythropusCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
39/Common Greenshank/Tringa nebulariaCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
40/Ruddy Turnstone/Arenaria interpresMCMS
41/Ruff/Calidris pugnaxCTL,LW,TS
42|Curlew Sandpiper|Calidris ferrugineaCTL,TS
43/Temminck's Stint/Calidris temminckiiLW
44/Dunlin/Calidris alpinaCTL,LW,SW,VW
45Purple SandpiperCalidris maritimaTS
46/Little Stint/Calidris minutaCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW

Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers: Laridae

47/Slender-billed Gull/Chroicocephalus geneiCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
48Black-headed GullChroicocephalus ridibundusMany
49/Audouin's Gull/Ichthyaetus audouiniiSW
50/Mediterranean Gull/Ichthyaetus melanocephalusSW
51Yellow-legged GullLarus michahellisMany
52/Lesser Black-backed Gull/Larus fuscusSW
53{Gull-billed Tern}Gelochelidon niloticaFI,LW
54/Caspian Tern/Hydroprogne caspiaLW,SW,VW
55/Whiskered Tern/Chlidonias hybridaLW
56/Sandwich Tern/Thalasseus sandvicensisCTL,LG,VW

Flamingos: Phoenicopteridae

57Greater FlamingoPhoenicopterus roseusCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW

Grebes: Podicipedidae

58Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollisCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
59Great Crested GrebePodiceps cristatusCTL,TS
60/Eared Grebe/Podiceps nigricollisCTL,LW,SW,VW

Storks: Ciconiidae

61|Black Stork|Ciconia nigraCRD,LW
62(White Stork)Ciconia ciconiaCRD,LW

Cormorants and Shags: Phalacrocoracidae

63/Great Cormorant/Phalacrocorax carboCTL,SW,VW

Ibises and Spoonbills: Threskiornithidae

64Eurasian SpoonbillPlatalea leucorodiaCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns: Ardeidae

65Little EgretEgretta garzettaMany
66Western Reef-HeronEgretta gularisLW
67(Squacco Heron)Ardeola ralloidesLG
68Western Cattle-EgretBubulcus ibisCTL,SW
69/Great Egret/Ardea albaCTL,LW,SW,TS,VW
70/Gray Heron/Ardea cinereaMany

Osprey: Pandionidae

71/Osprey/Pandion haliaetusLW

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites: Accipitridae

72(Egyptian Vulture)Neophron percnopterusCRD
73Eurasian GriffonGyps fulvusMM
74/Booted Eagle/Hieraaetus pennatusFI
75Golden EagleAquila chrysaetosMMg
76Bonelli's EagleAquila fasciataMCMS
77Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisusCRD,ME,RA,TS
78Western Marsh HarrierCircus aeruginosusMany
79Red KiteMilvus milvusCRD
80(Black Kite)Milvus migransCRD
81Common BuzzardButeo buteoCRD,LG,MCMS,ME,MM

Barn-Owls: Tytonidae

82Western Barn OwlTyto albaCRD

Owls: Strigidae

83Little OwlAthene noctuaCTL,ME

Hoopoes: Upupidae

84(Eurasian Hoopoe)Upupa epopsLW

Bee-eaters: Meropidae

85(European Bee-eater)Merops apiasterCRD,FI,TS

Kingfishers: Alcedinidae

86Common KingfisherAlcedo atthisMany

Woodpeckers: Picidae

87(Eurasian Wryneck)Jynx torquillaFI
88Great Spotted WoodpeckerDendrocopos majorMEh,MMh,RAh

Falcons and Caracaras: Falconidae

89Lesser KestrelFalco naumanniRA
90Eurasian KestrelFalco tinnunculusMany
91|Red-footed Falcon|Falco vespertinusRA
92(Eurasian Hobby)Falco subbuteoRA
93Lanner FalconFalco biarmicusMM
94Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinusME,MM,RA,SW

Crows, Jays, and Magpies: Corvidae

95Eurasian JayGarrulus glandariusME,MM,RA,VW
96Eurasian MagpiePica picaMany
97Eurasian JackdawColoeus monedulaMany
98Hooded CrowCorvus cornixMany
99Common RavenCorvus coraxMany

Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice: Paridae

100Coal TitPeriparus aterME,MMh
101Great TitParus majorMany
102Eurasian Blue TitCyanistes caeruleusAV,ME,MM,SM

Penduline-Tits: Remizidae

103Eurasian Penduline-TitRemiz pendulinusVWh

Larks: Alaudidae

104{Wood Lark}Lullula arboreaME,MM
105Eurasian SkylarkAlauda arvensisFI,MCMSh
106Crested LarkGalerida cristataMany
107[Thekla's Lark]Galerida theklaeFI

Cisticolas and Allies: Cisticolidae

108Zitting CisticolaCisticola juncidisCTL,LG,LW

Reed Warblers and Allies: Acrocephalidae

109Eastern Olivaceous WarblerIduna pallidaFI
110|Sedge Warbler|Acrocephalus schoenobaenusLWh
111(Common Reed Warbler)Acrocephalus scirpaceusFI,SW

Swallows: Hirundinidae

112/Bank Swallow/Riparia ripariaLG,SW
113Eurasian Crag-MartinPtyonoprogne rupestrisMCMS,ME,MM,RA
114(Barn Swallow)Hirundo rusticaMany
115(Western House-Martin)Delichon urbicumLG,MM,SW
116(European Red-rumped Swallow)Cecropis rufulaCRD,LG

Leaf Warblers: Phylloscopidae

117/Willow Warbler/Phylloscopus trochilusFI,MCMS
118Common ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybitaAV,ME

Bush Warblers and Allies: Scotocercidae

119Cetti's WarblerCettia cettiMany

Long-tailed Tits: Aegithalidae

120Long-tailed TitAegithalos caudatusMM

Sylviid Warblers and Allies: Sylviidae

121(Eurasian Blackcap)Sylvia atricapillaMMh,RAg,VWh
122|Garden Warbler|Sylvia borinFI
123Sardinian WarblerCurruca melanocephalaMany
124(Eastern Subalpine Warbler)Curruca cantillansFI,MCMS,SM
125(Greater Whitethroat)Curruca communisFI

Kinglets: Regulidae

126Common FirecrestRegulus ignicapillaAV,ME,MM,SM

Nuthatches: Sittidae

127Eurasian NuthatchSitta europaeaME,MM

Treecreepers: Certhiidae

128Short-toed TreecreeperCerthia brachydactylaAV,MM,SM

Wrens: Troglodytidae

129Eurasian WrenTroglodytes troglodytesAV,SM,SW

Starlings: Sturnidae

130Spotless StarlingSturnus unicolorMany

Thrushes and Allies: Turdidae

131Mistle ThrushTurdus viscivorusMEg,MMg
132Eurasian BlackbirdTurdus merulaME,MM,RA

Old World Flycatchers: Muscicapidae

133(Spotted Flycatcher)Muscicapa striataFI
134European RobinErithacus rubeculaAV,ME,MM
135|European Pied Flycatcher|Ficedula hypoleucaFI
136(Common Redstart)Phoenicurus phoenicurusFI,MM
137Black RedstartPhoenicurus ochrurosME,MM
138Blue Rock-ThrushMonticola solitariusFI,MCMS,ME,MM
139/Whinchat/Saxicola rubetraFI,MCMS,MM,SM
140European StonechatSaxicola rubicolaAV,MCMS,MM,SM,VW
141(Northern Wheatear)Oenanthe oenantheFI,LW,MCMS,SM
142|Eastern Black-eared Wheatear|Oenanthe melanoleucaFI,MCMS,MM

Old World Sparrows: Passeridae

143Italian SparrowPasser italiaeMany
144Spanish SparrowPasser hispaniolensisCRD,FI
145Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanusCRD,FI,MCMS,ME
146Rock SparrowGymnornis petroniaFI

Wagtails and Pipits: Motacillidae

147Gray WagtailMotacilla cinereaME,MM
148(Western Yellow Wagtail)Motacilla flavaCRD,FI,LW,TS
149(Tawny Pipit)Anthus campestrisFI
150|Tree Pipit|Anthus trivialisMEg

Finches, Euphonias, and Allies: Fringillidae

151Common ChaffinchFringilla coelebsAV,MM,RA,SM,SW
152Eurasian LinnetLinaria cannabinaFI,MCMS,ME,MM,SM
153Red CrossbillLoxia curvirostraME
154European GoldfinchCarduelis carduelisMany
155European SerinSerinus serinusCRD,ME

Old World Buntings: Emberizidae

156Cirl BuntingEmberiza cirlusMCMS,RA,SM
157Rock BuntingEmberiza ciaFI,ME,MM
158Corn BuntingEmberiza calandraLW,MCMS,MM


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.


  • Anapo Valley (AV)
  • Campobello Rubbish Dump (CRD)
  • Capofeto & Tonnarella Lagoon (CTL)
  • Custonaci, Monte Cofano, Monte Sparagio (MCMS)
  • Favignana Island (FI)
  • Lagui Gorghi (LG)
  • Longarini Wetlands (LW)
  • Madonie Mountains (MM)
  • Mt Etna (ME)
  • Randazzo Area (RA)
  • Sicily (SC)
  • Siracusa Wetlands (SW)
  • Strait of Messina (SM)
  • Trapani Saltpans (TS)
  • Vendicari Wetlands (VW)


//Boreal Visitor69
\\Austral Visitor0
##Non-breeding Dispersal3
()Breeding Season Only79

Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.