1 | Northern Cassowary | Casuarius unappendiculatus | E | | NG |
2 | Southern Brown Kiwi | Apteryx australis | E | V | NZ |
3 | Okarito Brown Kiwi | Apteryx rowi | E | V | NZ |
4 | North Island Brown Kiwi | Apteryx mantelli | E | V | NZ |
5 | Little Spotted Kiwi | Apteryx owenii | E | NT | NZ |
6 | Great Spotted Kiwi | Apteryx maxima | E | V | NZ |
7 | Magpie Goose | Anseranas semipalmata | NE | | AU,NG |
8 | Cape Barren Goose | Cereopsis novaehollandiae | E | | AU |
9 | Australian Shelduck | Tadorna tadornoides | NE | | AU,NZ |
10 | Paradise Shelduck | Tadorna variegata | E | | NZ |
11 | Blue Duck | Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos | E | EN | NZ |
12 | Salvadori's Teal | Salvadorina waigiuensis | E | | NG |
13 | Auckland Islands Teal | Anas aucklandica | E | NT | NZ |
14 | Campbell Islands Teal | Anas nesiotis | E | V | NZ |
15 | Brown Teal | Anas chlorotis | E | NT | NZ |
16 | New Zealand Scaup | Aythya novaeseelandiae | E | | NZ |
17 | Blue-billed Duck | Oxyura australis | E | | AU |
18 | Musk Duck | Biziura lobata | E | | AU |
19 | Australian Brushturkey | Alectura lathami | E | | AU |
20 | Wattled Brushturkey | Aepypodius arfakianus | E | | NG |
21 | Waigeo Brushturkey | Aepypodius bruijnii | E | EN | NG |
22 | Red-billed Brushturkey | Talegalla cuvieri | E | | NG |
23 | Black-billed Brushturkey | Talegalla fuscirostris | E | | NG |
24 | Red-legged Brushturkey | Talegalla jobiensis | E | | NG |
25 | Malleefowl | Leipoa ocellata | E | V | AU |
26 | Micronesian Megapode | Megapodius laperouse | E | NT | MIC |
27 | Dusky Megapode | Megapodius freycinet | E | | NG |
28 | Biak Megapode | Megapodius geelvinkianus | E | NT | NG |
29 | New Guinea Megapode | Megapodius decollatus | E | | NG |
30 | Snow Mountain Quail | Synoicus monorthonyx | E | NT | NG |
31 | White-headed Pigeon | Columba leucomela | E | | AU |
32 | Great Cuckoo-Dove | Reinwardtoena reinwardti | NE | | NG |
33 | Crested Cuckoo-Dove | Reinwardtoena crassirostris | E | NT | MEL |
34 | New Guinea Bronzewing | Henicophaps albifrons | E | | NG |
35 | Santa Cruz Ground Dove | Pampusana sanctaecrucis | E | EN | MEL |
36 | White-bibbed Ground Dove | Pampusana jobiensis | E | | NG |
37 | Marquesan Ground Dove | Pampusana rubescens | E | EN | FP |
38 | Caroline Islands Ground Dove | Pampusana kubaryi | E | EN | MIC |
39 | Polynesian Ground Dove | Pampusana erythroptera | E | CR | FP |
40 | White-throated Ground Dove | Pampusana xanthonura | E | NT | MIC |
41 | Brush Bronzewing | Phaps elegans | E | | AU |
42 | Flock Bronzewing | Phaps histrionica | E | | AU |
43 | Spinifex Pigeon | Geophaps plumifera | E | | AU |
44 | Squatter Pigeon | Geophaps scripta | E | | AU |
45 | Partridge Pigeon | Geophaps smithii | E | | AU |
46 | Chestnut-quilled Rock-Pigeon | Petrophassa rufipennis | E | | AU |
47 | White-quilled Rock-Pigeon | Petrophassa albipennis | E | | AU |
48 | Wonga Pigeon | Leucosarcia melanoleuca | E | | AU |
49 | Cinnamon Ground Dove | Gallicolumba rufigula | E | | NG |
50 | Thick-billed Ground-Pigeon | Trugon terrestris | E | | NG |
51 | Pheasant Pigeon | Otidiphaps nobilis | E | | NG |
52 | Western Crowned-Pigeon | Goura cristata | E | V | NG |
53 | Sclater's Crowned-Pigeon | Goura sclaterii | E | NT | NG |
54 | Scheepmaker's Crowned-Pigeon | Goura scheepmakeri | E | V | NG |
55 | Victoria Crowned-Pigeon | Goura victoria | E | NT | NG |
56 | Black-banded Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus alligator | E | | AU |
57 | Wompoo Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus magnificus | NE | | AU,NG |
58 | Pink-spotted Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus perlatus | E | | NG |
59 | Western Ornate Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus ornatus | E | | NG |
60 | Eastern Ornate Fruit-Dove** | Ptilinopus gestroi | E | | NG |
61 | Wallace's Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus wallacii | E | | NG |
62 | Kosrae Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus hernsheimi | E | | MIC |
63 | Crimson-crowned Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus porphyraceus | E | | MEL |
64 | Mariana Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus roseicapilla | E | NT | MIC |
65 | Silver-capped Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus richardsii | E | | MEL |
66 | Raiatea Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus chrysogaster | E | EN | FP |
67 | Gray-green Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus purpuratus | E | | FP |
68 | Makatea Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus chalcurus | E | V | FP |
69 | Atoll Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus coralensis | E | NT | FP |
70 | Rapa Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus huttoni | E | CR | FP |
71 | White-capped Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii | E | | FP |
72 | Coroneted Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus coronulatus | E | | NG |
73 | Beautiful Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus pulchellus | E | | NG |
74 | Mountain Fruit-Dove** | Ptilinopus bellus | E | | NG |
75 | Geelvink Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus speciosus | E | | NG |
76 | White-headed Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus eugeniae | E | NT | MEL |
77 | Dwarf Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus nainus | E | | NG |
78 | Micronesian Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula oceanica | E | V | MIC |
79 | Polynesian Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula aurorae | E | EN | FP |
80 | Nuku Hiva Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula galeata | E | EN | FP |
81 | Spice Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula myristicivora | NE | | NG |
82 | Geelvink Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula geelvinkiana | E | | NG |
83 | Purple-tailed Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula rufigaster | E | | NG |
84 | Rufescent Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula chalconota | E | | NG |
85 | Chestnut-bellied Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula brenchleyi | E | NT | MEL |
86 | Pinon's Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula pinon | E | | NG |
87 | Collared Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula mullerii | E | | NG |
88 | Zoe's Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula zoeae | E | | NG |
89 | Torresian Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula spilorrhoa | NE | | AU,NG |
90 | Topknot Pigeon | Lopholaimus antarcticus | E | | AU |
91 | New Zealand Pigeon | Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae | E | | NZ |
92 | Chatham Islands Pigeon | Hemiphaga chathamensis | E | V | NZ |
93 | Pale Mountain-Pigeon | Gymnophaps solomonensis | E | | MEL |
94 | Buff-headed Coucal | Centropus milo | E | | MEL |
95 | Greater Black Coucal | Centropus menbeki | E | | NG |
96 | Lesser Black Coucal | Centropus bernsteini | E | | NG |
97 | Biak Coucal | Centropus chalybeus | E | NT | NG |
98 | Dwarf Koel | Microdynamis parva | E | | NG |
99 | Long-billed Cuckoo | Chalcites megarhynchus | E | | NG |
100 | Rufous-throated Bronze-Cuckoo | Chalcites ruficollis | E | | NG |
101 | White-eared Bronze-Cuckoo | Chalcites meyerii | E | | NG |
102 | White-crowned Cuckoo | Caliechthrus leucolophus | E | | NG |
103 | Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo | Cacomantis castaneiventris | NE | | AU,NG |
104 | Solomons Brush Cuckoo | Cacomantis addendus | E | | MEL |
105 | Manus Brush Cuckoo | Cacomantis blandus | E | | NG |
106 | Solomons Nightjar | Eurostopodus nigripennis | E | V | MEL |
107 | Papuan Nightjar | Eurostopodus papuensis | E | | NG |
108 | Archbold's Nightjar | Eurostopodus archboldi | E | | NG |
109 | Marbled Frogmouth | Podargus ocellatus | NE | | AU,NG |
110 | Papuan Frogmouth | Podargus papuensis | NE | | AU,NG |
111 | Feline Owlet-nightjar | Aegotheles insignis | E | | NG |
112 | Wallace's Owlet-nightjar | Aegotheles wallacii | E | | NG |
113 | Mountain Owlet-nightjar | Aegotheles albertisi | E | | NG |
114 | Barred Owlet-nightjar | Aegotheles bennettii | E | | NG |
115 | Karimui Owlet-nightjar | Aegotheles tergorghi | E | | NG |
116 | Papuan Spinetail | Mearnsia novaeguineae | E | | NG |
117 | Mountain Swiftlet | Aerodramus hirundinaceus | E | | NG |
118 | Australian Swiftlet | Aerodramus terraereginae | E | | AU |
119 | Bare-legged Swiftlet | Aerodramus nuditarsus | E | | NG |
120 | Mariana Swiftlet | Aerodramus bartschi | E | EN | MIC |
121 | Caroline Islands Swiftlet | Aerodramus inquietus | E | | MIC |
122 | Tahiti Swiftlet | Aerodramus leucophaeus | E | | FP |
123 | Marquesan Swiftlet | Aerodramus ocistus | E | | FP |
124 | Three-toed Swiftlet | Aerodramus papuensis | E | | NG |
125 | Auckland Islands Rail | Lewinia muelleri | E | V | NZ |
126 | Chestnut Rail | Gallirallus castaneoventris | NE | | AU |
127 | Weka | Gallirallus australis | E | V | NZ |
128 | Woodford's Rail | Gallirallus woodfordi | E | | MEL |
129 | Guam Rail | Gallirallus owstoni | E | CR | MIC |
130 | Roviana Rail | Gallirallus rovianae | E | NT | MEL |
131 | Tasmanian Nativehen | Tribonyx mortierii | E | | AU |
132 | New Guinea Flightless Rail | Megacrex inepta | E | | NG |
133 | Chestnut Forest Rail | Rallicula rubra | E | | NG |
134 | White-striped Forest Rail | Rallicula leucospila | E | NT | NG |
135 | Forbes's Forest Rail | Rallicula forbesi | E | | NG |
136 | Mayr's Forest Rail | Rallicula mayri | E | | NG |
137 | Black Stilt | Himantopus novaezelandiae | E | CR | NZ |
138 | Banded Stilt | Cladorhynchus leucocephalus | E | | AU |
139 | Red-necked Avocet | Recurvirostra novaehollandiae | NE | | AU |
140 | South Island Oystercatcher | Haematopus finschi | E | | NZ |
141 | Chatham Islands Oystercatcher | Haematopus chathamensis | E | EN | NZ |
142 | Variable Oystercatcher | Haematopus unicolor | E | | NZ |
143 | Hooded Plover | Thinornis cucullatus | E | V | AU |
144 | Shore Plover | Thinornis novaeseelandiae | E | EN | NZ |
145 | Inland Dotterel | Peltohyas australis | E | | AU |
146 | Double-banded Plover | Anarhynchus bicinctus | NE | NT | AU,NZ |
147 | Wrybill | Anarhynchus frontalis | E | V | NZ |
148 | Red-breasted Dotterel | Anarhynchus obscurus | E | CR | NZ |
149 | Plains-wanderer | Pedionomus torquatus | E | EN | AU |
150 | New Guinea Woodcock | Scolopax rosenbergii | E | | NG |
151 | Chatham Islands Snipe | Coenocorypha pusilla | E | V | NZ |
152 | Snares Snipe | Coenocorypha huegeli | E | NT | NZ |
153 | Subantarctic Snipe | Coenocorypha aucklandica | E | NT | NZ |
154 | Tuamotu Sandpiper | Prosobonia parvirostris | E | EN | FP |
155 | Red-chested Buttonquail | Turnix pyrrhothorax | E | | AU |
156 | Chestnut-backed Buttonquail | Turnix castanotus | E | | AU |
157 | Buff-breasted Buttonquail | Turnix olivii | E | CR | AU |
158 | Painted Buttonquail | Turnix varius | E | | AU |
159 | Black-breasted Buttonquail | Turnix melanogaster | E | V | AU |
160 | Black-billed Gull | Chroicocephalus bulleri | E | 10 | NZ |
161 | Pacific Gull | Larus pacificus | E | | AU |
162 | Black-fronted Tern | Chlidonias albostriatus | E | EN | NZ |
163 | New Zealand Grebe | Poliocephalus rufopectus | E | | NZ |
164 | Fiordland Penguin | Eudyptes pachyrhynchus | NE | NT | NZ |
165 | Erect-crested Penguin | Eudyptes sclateri | NE | EN | AU,NZ |
166 | Snares Penguin | Eudyptes robustus | NE | V | NZ |
167 | Chatham Albatross | Thalassarche eremita | E | V | AU |
168 | Campbell Albatross** | Thalassarche impavida | NE | V | AU,NZ |
169 | Magenta Petrel | Pterodroma magentae | E | CR | NZ |
170 | Hutton's Shearwater | Puffinus huttoni | NE | EN | AU,NZ |
171 | Spotted Shag | Phalacrocorax punctatus | E | | NZ |
172 | Pitt Island Shag | Phalacrocorax featherstoni | E | EN | NZ |
173 | Black-faced Cormorant | Phalacrocorax fuscescens | E | | AU |
174 | Bounty Islands Shag | Leucocarbo ranfurlyi | E | V | NZ |
175 | Stewart Island Shag | Leucocarbo chalconotus | E | V | NZ |
176 | Chatham Islands Shag | Leucocarbo onslowi | E | CR | NZ |
177 | Auckland Islands Shag | Leucocarbo colensoi | E | V | NZ |
178 | Campbell Islands Shag | Leucocarbo campbelli | E | V | NZ |
179 | Crozet Shag | Leucocarbo melanogenis | E | | NZ |
180 | Macquarie Shag | Leucocarbo purpurascens | E | | NZ |
181 | Black-backed Bittern | Botaurus dubius | NE | | AU,NG |
182 | Forest Bittern | Zonerodius heliosylus | E | NT | NG |
183 | Long-tailed Honey-buzzard | Henicopernis longicauda | E | | NG |
184 | New Guinea Eagle | Harpyopsis novaeguineae | E | V | NG |
185 | Imitator Sparrowhawk | Tachyspiza imitator | E | NT | MEL |
186 | Gray-headed Goshawk | Tachyspiza poliocephalus | E | | NG |
187 | Black-mantled Goshawk | Tachyspiza melanochlamys | E | | NG |
188 | Chestnut-shouldered Goshawk | Erythrotriorchis buergersi | E | | NG |
189 | Red Goshawk | Erythrotriorchis radiatus | E | EN | AU |
190 | Doria's Hawk | Megatriorchis doriae | E | NT | NG |
191 | Papuan Harrier | Circus spilothorax | E | | NG |
192 | Sooty-Owl | Tyto tenebricosa | NE | | AU,NG |
193 | Biak Scops-Owl | Otus beccarii | E | V | NG |
194 | Guadalcanal Owl | Athene granti | E | | MEL |
195 | Malaita Owl | Athene malaitae | E | | MEL |
196 | Makira Owl | Athene roseoaxillaris | E | | MEL |
197 | Rufous Owl | Ninox rufa | NE | | AU,NG |
198 | Powerful Owl | Ninox strenua | E | | AU |
199 | Tasmanian Boobook | Ninox leucopsis | E | | AU |
200 | Morepork | Ninox novaeseelandiae | E | | NZ |
201 | Papuan Boobook | Ninox theomacha | E | | NG |
202 | Papuan Owl | Uroglaux dimorpha | E | | NG |
203 | Papuan Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx solitarius | E | | NG |
204 | Manus Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx dispar | E | NT | NG |
205 | New Ireland Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx mulcatus | E | | NG |
206 | New Britain Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx sacerdotis | E | | NG |
207 | New Georgia Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx collectoris | E | | MEL |
208 | North Solomons Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx meeki | E | | NG |
209 | Guadalcanal Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx nigromaxilla | E | | NG |
210 | Makira Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx gentianus | E | | MEL |
211 | Laughing Kookaburra | Dacelo novaeguineae | E | | AU |
212 | Blue-winged Kookaburra | Dacelo leachii | NE | | AU,NG |
213 | Spangled Kookaburra | Dacelo tyro | E | | NG |
214 | Rufous-bellied Kookaburra | Dacelo gaudichaud | E | | NG |
215 | Shovel-billed Kookaburra | Clytoceyx rex | E | | NG |
216 | Blue-black Kingfisher | Todiramphus nigrocyaneus | E | NT | NG |
217 | Marquesan Kingfisher | Todiramphus godeffroyi | E | CR | FP |
218 | Society Kingfisher | Todiramphus veneratus | E | | FP |
219 | Tuamotu Kingfisher | Todiramphus gambieri | E | CR | FP |
220 | Colonist Kingfisher | Todiramphus colonus | E | | NG |
221 | Torresian Kingfisher | Todiramphus sordidus | NE | | AU,NG |
222 | Mariana Kingfisher | Todiramphus albicilla | E | | MIC |
223 | Sombre Kingfisher | Todiramphus funebris | E | V | FP |
224 | Hook-billed Kingfisher | Melidora macrorrhina | E | | NG |
225 | Moustached Kingfisher | Actenoides bougainvillei | E | EN | MEL |
226 | Yellow-billed Kingfisher | Syma torotoro | NE | | AU,NG |
227 | Mountain Kingfisher | Syma megarhyncha | E | | NG |
228 | Little Paradise-Kingfisher | Tanysiptera hydrocharis | E | | NG |
229 | Kofiau Paradise-Kingfisher | Tanysiptera ellioti | E | NT | NG |
230 | Biak Paradise-Kingfisher | Tanysiptera riedelii | E | NT | NG |
231 | Numfor Paradise-Kingfisher | Tanysiptera carolinae | E | NT | NG |
232 | Red-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher | Tanysiptera nympha | E | | NG |
233 | Black-capped Paradise-Kingfisher | Tanysiptera nigriceps | E | | NG |
234 | New Zealand Falcon | Falco novaeseelandiae | E | | NZ |
235 | Kea | Nestor notabilis | E | EN | NZ |
236 | New Zealand Kaka | Nestor meridionalis | E | EN | NZ |
237 | Kakapo | Strigops habroptilus | E | CR | NZ |
238 | Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo | Zanda funereus | E | | AU |
239 | Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo | Zanda latirostris | E | EN | AU |
240 | Baudin's Black-Cockatoo | Zanda baudinii | E | CR | AU |
241 | Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo | Calyptorhynchus banksii | E | | AU |
242 | Glossy Black-Cockatoo | Calyptorhynchus lathami | E | V | AU |
243 | Palm Cockatoo | Probosciger aterrimus | NE | | AU,NG |
244 | Gang-gang Cockatoo | Callocephalon fimbriatum | E | V | AU |
245 | Pink Cockatoo | Cacatua leadbeateri | E | | AU |
246 | Western Corella | Cacatua pastinator | E | | AU |
247 | Long-billed Corella | Cacatua tenuirostris | E | | AU |
248 | Pesquet's Parrot | Psittrichas fulgidus | E | V | NG |
249 | Geelvink Pygmy-Parrot | Micropsitta geelvinkiana | E | | NG |
250 | Buff-faced Pygmy-Parrot | Micropsitta pusio | E | | NG |
251 | Superb Parrot | Polytelis swainsonii | E | | AU |
252 | Regent Parrot | Polytelis anthopeplus | E | | AU |
253 | Princess Parrot | Polytelis alexandrae | E | NT | AU |
254 | Australian King-Parrot | Alisterus scapularis | E | | AU |
255 | Moluccan King-Parrot | Alisterus amboinensis | E | | NG |
256 | Papuan King-Parrot | Alisterus chloropterus | E | | NG |
257 | Red-winged Parrot | Aprosmictus erythropterus | NE | | AU,NG |
258 | Blue-collared Parrot | Geoffroyus simplex | E | | NG |
259 | Painted Tiger-Parrot | Psittacella picta | E | | NG |
260 | Brehm's Tiger-Parrot | Psittacella brehmii | E | | NG |
261 | Modest Tiger-Parrot | Psittacella modesta | E | | NG |
262 | Madarasz's Tiger-Parrot | Psittacella madaraszi | E | | NG |
263 | Eastern Ground Parrot | Pezoporus wallicus | E | | AU |
264 | Western Ground Parrot** | Pezoporus flaviventris | E | | AU |
265 | Night Parrot | Pezoporus occidentalis | E | CR | AU |
266 | Bourke's Parrot | Neopsephotus bourkii | E | | AU |
267 | Blue-winged Parrot | Neophema chrysostoma | E | V | AU |
268 | Elegant Parrot | Neophema elegans | E | | AU |
269 | Rock Parrot | Neophema petrophila | E | | AU |
270 | Orange-bellied Parrot | Neophema chrysogaster | E | CR | AU |
271 | Turquoise Parrot | Neophema pulchella | E | | AU |
272 | Scarlet-chested Parrot | Neophema splendida | E | | AU |
273 | Swift Parrot | Lathamus discolor | E | CR | AU |
274 | Antipodes Parakeet | Cyanoramphus unicolor | E | V | NZ |
275 | Red-crowned Parakeet | Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae | E | | NZ |
276 | Yellow-crowned Parakeet | Cyanoramphus auriceps | E | NT | NZ |
277 | Green Rosella | Platycercus caledonicus | E | | AU |
278 | Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans | E | | AU |
279 | Northern Rosella | Platycercus venustus | E | | AU |
280 | Pale-headed Rosella | Platycercus adscitus | E | | AU |
281 | Western Rosella | Platycercus icterotis | E | | AU |
282 | Greater Bluebonnet | Northiella haematogaster | E | | AU |
283 | Naretha Bluebonnet | Northiella narethae | E | | AU |
284 | Red-rumped Parrot | Psephotus haematonotus | E | | AU |
285 | Mulga Parrot | Psephotellus varius | E | | AU |
286 | Hooded Parrot | Psephotellus dissimilis | E | | AU |
287 | Golden-shouldered Parrot | Psephotellus chrysopterygius | E | EN | AU |
288 | Red-capped Parrot | Purpureicephalus spurius | E | | AU |
289 | Dusky-cheeked Fig-Parrot | Nannopsittacus melanogenia | E | | NG |
290 | Blue-fronted Fig-Parrot | Nannopsittacus gulielmitertii | NE | | NG |
291 | Black-fronted Fig-Parrot | Nannopsittacus nigrifrons | E | | NG |
292 | Double-eyed Fig-Parrot | Cyclopsitta diophthalma | NE | | AU,NG |
293 | Large Fig-Parrot | Cyclopsitta desmarestii | E | | NG |
294 | Edwards's Fig-Parrot | Cyclopsitta edwardsii | E | | NG |
295 | Salvadori's Fig-Parrot | Cyclopsitta salvadorii | E | | NG |
296 | Plum-faced Lorikeet | Oreopsittacus arfaki | E | | NG |
297 | Pygmy Lorikeet | Charminetta wilhelminae | E | | NG |
298 | Red-fronted Lorikeet | Hypocharmosyna rubronotata | E | | NG |
299 | Fairy Lorikeet | Charmosynopsis pulchella | E | | NG |
300 | Striated Lorikeet | Charmosyna multistriata | E | NT | NG |
301 | Josephine's Lorikeet | Charmosyna josefinae | E | | NG |
302 | West Papuan Lorikeet | Charmosyna papou | E | | NG |
303 | Stella's Lorikeet | Charmosyna stellae | E | | NG |
304 | Ultramarine Lorikeet | Vini ultramarina | E | CR | FP |
305 | Kuhl's Lorikeet | Vini kuhlii | E | EN | FP |
306 | Blue Lorikeet | Vini peruviana | E | V | FP |
307 | Yellow-billed Lorikeet | Neopsittacus musschenbroekii | E | | NG |
308 | Orange-billed Lorikeet | Neopsittacus pullicauda | E | | NG |
309 | Black-capped Lory | Lorius lory | E | | NG |
310 | Yellow-bibbed Lory | Lorius chlorocercus | E | | MEL |
311 | Varied Lorikeet | Psitteuteles versicolor | E | | AU |
312 | Little Lorikeet | Psitteuteles pusilla | E | | AU |
313 | Purple-crowned Lorikeet | Psitteuteles porphyrocephala | E | | AU |
314 | Dusky Lory | Chalcopsitta fuscata | E | | NG |
315 | Brown Lory | Chalcopsitta duivenbodei | E | | NG |
316 | Black Lory | Chalcopsitta atra | E | | NG |
317 | Yellow-streaked Lory | Chalcopsitta scintillata | E | | NG |
318 | Goldie's Lorikeet | Glossoptilus goldiei | E | | NG |
319 | Musk Lorikeet | Trichoglossus concinna | E | | AU |
320 | Black-winged Lory | Trichoglossus cyanogenia | E | NT | NG |
321 | Violet-necked Lory | Trichoglossus squamata | E | | NG |
322 | Scaly-breasted Lorikeet | Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus | E | | AU |
323 | Biak Lorikeet | Trichoglossus rosenbergii | E | V | NG |
324 | Rainbow Lorikeet | Trichoglossus moluccanus | E | | AU |
325 | Red-collared Lorikeet | Trichoglossus rubritorquis | E | | AU |
326 | Papuan Hanging-Parrot | Loriculus aurantiifrons | E | | NG |
327 | Rifleman | Acanthisitta chloris | E | | NZ |
328 | South Island Wren | Xenicus gilviventris | E | EN | NZ |
329 | Papuan Pitta | Erythropitta macklotii | NE | | AU,NG |
330 | Habenicht's Pitta** | Erythropitta habenichti | E | | NG |
331 | Eastern Hooded Pitta | Pitta novaeguineae | NE | | NG |
332 | Biak Hooded Pitta | Pitta rosenbergii | E | NT | NG |
333 | Rainbow Pitta | Pitta iris | E | | AU |
334 | Albert's Lyrebird | Menura alberti | E | | AU |
335 | Superb Lyrebird | Menura novaehollandiae | E | | AU |
336 | Rufous Scrub-bird | Atrichornis rufescens | E | EN | AU |
337 | Noisy Scrub-bird | Atrichornis clamosus | E | EN | AU |
338 | White-eared Catbird | Ailuroedus buccoides | E | | NG |
339 | Ochre-breasted Catbird | Ailuroedus stonii | E | | NG |
340 | Tan-capped Catbird | Ailuroedus geislerorum | E | | NG |
341 | Spotted Catbird | Ailuroedus maculosus | NE | | AU |
342 | Huon Catbird | Ailuroedus astigmaticus | E | | NG |
343 | Black-capped Catbird | Ailuroedus melanocephalus | E | | NG |
344 | Northern Catbird | Ailuroedus jobiensis | E | | NG |
345 | Arfak Catbird | Ailuroedus arfakianus | E | | NG |
346 | Black-eared Catbird | Ailuroedus melanotis | NE | | AU,NG |
347 | Green Catbird | Ailuroedus crassirostris | NE | | AU |
348 | Tooth-billed Bowerbird | Scenopoeetes dentirostris | NE | NT | AU |
349 | Vogelkop Bowerbird | Amblyornis inornata | E | | NG |
350 | MacGregor's Bowerbird | Amblyornis macgregoriae | E | | NG |
351 | Golden-fronted Bowerbird | Amblyornis flavifrons | E | | NG |
352 | Golden Bowerbird | Prionodura newtoniana | E | | AU |
353 | Masked Bowerbird | Sericulus aureus | E | | NG |
354 | Regent Bowerbird | Sericulus chrysocephalus | E | | AU |
355 | Satin Bowerbird | Ptilonorhynchus violaceus | E | | AU |
356 | Western Bowerbird | Chlamydera guttata | E | | AU |
357 | Spotted Bowerbird | Chlamydera maculata | E | | AU |
358 | Great Bowerbird | Chlamydera nuchalis | E | | AU |
359 | Yellow-breasted Bowerbird | Chlamydera lauterbachi | E | | NG |
360 | Fawn-breasted Bowerbird | Chlamydera cerviniventris | NE | | AU,NG |
361 | Papuan Treecreeper | Cormobates placens | E | | NG |
362 | White-throated Treecreeper | Cormobates leucophaea | E | | AU |
363 | White-browed Treecreeper | Climacteris affinis | E | | AU |
364 | Red-browed Treecreeper | Climacteris erythrops | E | | AU |
365 | Brown Treecreeper | Climacteris picumnus | E | | AU |
366 | Black-tailed Treecreeper | Climacteris melanurus | E | | AU |
367 | Rufous Treecreeper | Climacteris rufus | E | | AU |
368 | Gray Grasswren | Amytornis barbatus | E | | AU |
369 | Pilbara Grasswren | Amytornis whitei | E | | AU |
370 | Sandhill Grasswren | Amytornis oweni | E | | AU |
371 | Opalton Grasswren | Amytornis rowleyi | E | | AU |
372 | Striated Grasswren | Amytornis striatus | E | | AU |
373 | White-throated Grasswren | Amytornis woodwardi | E | EN | AU |
374 | Carpentarian Grasswren | Amytornis dorotheae | E | V | AU |
375 | Short-tailed Grasswren | Amytornis merrotsyi | E | NT | AU |
376 | Western Grasswren | Amytornis textilis | E | | AU |
377 | Thick-billed Grasswren | Amytornis modestus | E | | AU |
378 | Black Grasswren | Amytornis housei | E | | AU |
379 | Eyrean Grasswren | Amytornis goyderi | E | | AU |
380 | Dusky Grasswren | Amytornis purnelli | E | | AU |
381 | Kalkadoon Grasswren | Amytornis ballarae | E | V | AU |
382 | Southern Emuwren | Stipiturus malachurus | E | | AU |
383 | Mallee Emuwren | Stipiturus mallee | E | EN | AU |
384 | Wallace's Fairywren | Sipodotus wallacii | E | | NG |
385 | Orange-crowned Fairywren | Clytomyias insignis | E | | NG |
386 | Broad-billed Fairywren | Chenorhamphus grayi | E | | NG |
387 | Emperor Fairywren | Malurus cyanocephalus | E | | NG |
388 | Purple-crowned Fairywren | Malurus coronatus | E | | AU |
389 | Red-winged Fairywren | Malurus elegans | E | | AU |
390 | Blue-breasted Fairywren | Malurus pulcherrimus | E | | AU |
391 | Lovely Fairywren | Malurus amabilis | E | | AU |
392 | Splendid Fairywren | Malurus splendens | E | | AU |
393 | Superb Fairywren | Malurus cyaneus | E | | AU |
394 | Red-backed Fairywren | Malurus melanocephalus | E | | AU |
395 | White-shouldered Fairywren | Malurus alboscapulatus | E | | NG |
396 | Eastern Spinebill | Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris | E | | AU |
397 | Western Spinebill | Acanthorhynchus superciliosus | E | | AU |
398 | Pied Honeyeater | Certhionyx variegatus | E | | AU |
399 | Plain Honeyeater | Pycnopygius ixoides | E | | NG |
400 | Marbled Honeyeater | Pycnopygius cinereus | E | | NG |
401 | Streak-headed Honeyeater | Pycnopygius stictocephalus | E | | NG |
402 | Tui | Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae | E | | NZ |
403 | New Zealand Bellbird | Anthornis melanura | E | | NZ |
404 | Puff-backed Honeyeater | Meliphaga aruensis | E | | NG |
405 | Yellow-spotted Honeyeater | Meliphaga notata | NE | | AU,NG |
406 | Lewin's Honeyeater | Meliphaga lewinii | E | | AU |
407 | Kimberley Honeyeater | Meliphaga fordiana | E | | AU |
408 | White-lined Honeyeater | Meliphaga albilineata | E | | AU |
409 | Orange-cheeked Honeyeater | Meliphaga chrysogenys | E | | NG |
410 | Forest Honeyeater | Meliphaga montana | E | | NG |
411 | Mottled Honeyeater | Meliphaga mimikae | E | | NG |
412 | Yellow-gaped Honeyeater | Meliphaga flavirictus | E | | NG |
413 | Mountain Honeyeater | Meliphaga orientalis | E | | NG |
414 | Scrub Honeyeater | Meliphaga albonotata | E | | NG |
415 | Mimic Honeyeater | Meliphaga analoga | E | | NG |
416 | Graceful Honeyeater | Meliphaga gracilis | NE | | AU,NG |
417 | Cryptic Honeyeater | Meliphaga imitatrix | NE | | AU |
418 | Yellow Honeyeater | Stomiopera flavus | E | | AU |
419 | White-gaped Honeyeater | Stomiopera unicolor | E | | AU |
420 | White-fronted Honeyeater | Purnella albifrons | E | | AU |
421 | Yellow-faced Honeyeater | Caligavis chrysops | E | | AU |
422 | Black-throated Honeyeater | Caligavis subfrenatus | E | | NG |
423 | Obscure Honeyeater | Caligavis obscurus | E | | NG |
424 | White-eared Honeyeater | Lichenostomus leucotis | E | | AU |
425 | Yellow-tufted Honeyeater | Lichenostomus melanops | E | | AU |
426 | Purple-gaped Honeyeater | Lichenostomus cratitius | E | | AU |
427 | Yellow-tinted Honeyeater | Lichenostomus flavescens | NE | | AU,NG |
428 | Bell Miner | Manorina melanophrys | E | | AU |
429 | Noisy Miner | Manorina melanocephala | E | | AU |
430 | Sooty Honeyeater | Melionyx fuscus | E | | NG |
431 | Short-bearded Honeyeater | Melionyx nouhuysi | E | | NG |
432 | Cinnamon-browed Melidectes | Melidectes ochromelas | E | | NG |
433 | Vogelkop Melidectes | Melidectes leucostephes | E | | NG |
434 | Belford's Melidectes | Melidectes belfordi | E | | NG |
435 | Yellow-browed Melidectes | Melidectes rufocrissalis | E | | NG |
436 | Ornate Melidectes | Melidectes torquatus | E | | NG |
437 | Bridled Honeyeater | Bolemoreus frenatus | E | | AU |
438 | Eungella Honeyeater | Bolemoreus hindwoodi | E | NT | AU |
439 | Red Wattlebird | Anthochaera carunculata | E | | AU |
440 | Little Wattlebird | Anthochaera chrysoptera | E | | AU |
441 | Western Wattlebird | Anthochaera lunulata | E | | AU |
442 | Yellow Wattlebird | Anthochaera paradoxa | E | | AU |
443 | Regent Honeyeater | Anthochaera phrygia | E | CR | AU |
444 | Varied Honeyeater | Gavicalis versicolor | NE | | AU,NG |
445 | Mangrove Honeyeater | Gavicalis fasciogularis | E | | AU |
446 | Yellow-plumed Honeyeater | Ptilotula ornatus | E | | AU |
447 | White-plumed Honeyeater | Ptilotula penicillatus | E | | AU |
448 | Fuscous Honeyeater | Ptilotula fuscus | E | | AU |
449 | Gray-headed Honeyeater | Ptilotula keartlandi | E | | AU |
450 | Gray-fronted Honeyeater | Ptilotula plumulus | E | | AU |
451 | Brown-backed Honeyeater | Ramsayornis modestus | NE | | AU,NG |
452 | Bar-breasted Honeyeater | Ramsayornis fasciatus | E | | AU |
453 | Rufous-banded Honeyeater | Conopophila albogularis | NE | | AU,NG |
454 | Rufous-throated Honeyeater | Conopophila rufogularis | E | | AU |
455 | Gray Honeyeater | Conopophila whitei | E | | AU |
456 | Gibberbird | Ashbyia lovensis | E | | AU |
457 | Crimson Chat | Epthianura tricolor | E | | AU |
458 | Orange Chat | Epthianura aurifrons | E | | AU |
459 | Yellow Chat | Epthianura crocea | E | | AU |
460 | White-fronted Chat | Epthianura albifrons | E | | AU |
461 | Arfak Honeyeater | Melipotes gymnops | E | | NG |
462 | Smoky Honeyeater | Melipotes fumigatus | E | | NG |
463 | MacGregor's Honeyeater | Macgregoria pulchra | E | V | NG |
464 | Long-billed Honeyeater | Melilestes megarhynchus | E | | NG |
465 | Olive Straightbill | Timeliopsis fulvigula | E | | NG |
466 | Tawny Straightbill | Timeliopsis griseigula | E | | NG |
467 | Black Honeyeater | Sugomel nigrum | E | | AU |
468 | Ruby-throated Myzomela | Myzomela eques | E | | NG |
469 | Papuan Black Myzomela | Myzomela nigrita | E | | NG |
470 | Elfin Myzomela | Myzomela adolphinae | E | | NG |
471 | Scarlet Myzomela | Myzomela sanguinolenta | E | | AU |
472 | Scarlet-naped Myzomela | Myzomela lafargei | E | | MEL |
473 | Yellow-vented Myzomela | Myzomela eichhorni | E | | MEL |
474 | Red-bellied Myzomela | Myzomela malaitae | E | NT | MEL |
475 | Black-headed Myzomela | Myzomela melanocephala | E | | MEL |
476 | Sooty Myzomela | Myzomela tristrami | NE | | MEL,MIC |
477 | Red-collared Myzomela | Myzomela rosenbergii | E | | NG |
478 | Long-billed Myzomela | Myzomela longirostris | E | | NG |
479 | Tawny-crowned Honeyeater | Gliciphila melanops | E | | AU |
480 | Green-backed Honeyeater | Glycichaera fallax | NE | | AU,NG |
481 | Leaden Honeyeater | Ptiloprora plumbea | E | | NG |
482 | Yellow-streaked Honeyeater | Ptiloprora meekiana | E | | NG |
483 | Rufous-sided Honeyeater | Ptiloprora erythropleura | E | | NG |
484 | Mayr's Honeyeater | Ptiloprora mayri | E | | NG |
485 | Rufous-backed Honeyeater | Ptiloprora guisei | E | | NG |
486 | Gray-streaked Honeyeater | Ptiloprora perstriata | E | | NG |
487 | Banded Honeyeater | Cissomela pectoralis | E | | AU |
488 | Olive Honeyeater | Lichmera argentauris | E | | NG |
489 | Silver-eared Honeyeater | Lichmera alboauricularis | E | | NG |
490 | Crescent Honeyeater | Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus | E | | AU |
491 | New Holland Honeyeater | Phylidonyris novaehollandiae | E | | AU |
492 | White-cheeked Honeyeater | Phylidonyris niger | E | | AU |
493 | White-streaked Honeyeater | Trichodere cockerelli | E | | AU |
494 | Yellow-throated Honeyeater | Nesoptilotis flavicollis | E | | AU |
495 | Blue-faced Honeyeater | Entomyzon cyanotis | NE | | AU,NG |
496 | Western White-naped Honeyeater | Melithreptus chloropsis | E | | AU |
497 | White-naped Honeyeater | Melithreptus lunatus | E | | AU |
498 | Black-headed Honeyeater | Melithreptus affinis | E | | AU |
499 | White-throated Honeyeater | Melithreptus albogularis | NE | | AU,NG |
500 | Strong-billed Honeyeater | Melithreptus validirostris | E | V | AU |
501 | Brown-headed Honeyeater | Melithreptus brevirostris | E | | AU |
502 | Makira Honeyeater | Meliarchus sclateri | E | | MEL |
503 | Guadalcanal Honeyeater | Guadalcanaria inexpectata | E | | MEL |
504 | Tawny-breasted Honeyeater | Xanthotis flaviventer | NE | | AU,NG |
505 | Spotted Honeyeater | Xanthotis polygrammus | E | | NG |
506 | Macleay's Honeyeater | Xanthotis macleayanus | E | | AU |
507 | Striped Honeyeater | Plectorhyncha lanceolata | E | | AU |
508 | Painted Honeyeater | Grantiella picta | E | | AU |
509 | Meyer's Friarbird | Philemon meyeri | E | | NG |
510 | Brass's Friarbird | Philemon brassi | E | | NG |
511 | Little Friarbird | Philemon citreogularis | NE | | AU,NG |
512 | New Guinea Friarbird** | Philemon novaeguineae | E | | NG |
513 | Silver-crowned Friarbird | Philemon argenticeps | E | | AU |
514 | Noisy Friarbird | Philemon corniculatus | NE | | AU,NG |
515 | Western Bristlebird | Dasyornis longirostris | E | EN | AU |
516 | Eastern Bristlebird | Dasyornis brachypterus | E | V | AU |
517 | Rufous Bristlebird | Dasyornis broadbenti | E | | AU |
518 | Spotted Pardalote | Pardalotus punctatus | E | | AU |
519 | Forty-spotted Pardalote | Pardalotus quadragintus | E | EN | AU |
520 | Red-browed Pardalote | Pardalotus rubricatus | E | | AU |
521 | Goldenface | Pachycare flavogriseum | E | | NG |
522 | Fernwren | Oreoscopus gutturalis | E | EN | AU |
523 | Pilotbird | Pycnoptilus floccosus | E | V | AU |
524 | Redthroat | Pyrrholaemus brunneus | E | | AU |
525 | Speckled Warbler | Pyrrholaemus sagittatus | E | | AU |
526 | Shy Heathwren | Hylacola cauta | E | | AU |
527 | Chestnut-rumped Heathwren | Hylacola pyrrhopygia | E | | AU |
528 | Striated Fieldwren | Calamanthus fuliginosus | E | | AU |
529 | Rufous Fieldwren | Calamanthus campestris | E | | AU |
530 | Western Fieldwren | Calamanthus montanellus | E | | AU |
531 | Yellow-throated Scrubwren | Neosericornis citreogularis | E | | AU |
532 | Mountain Mouse-Warbler | Origma robusta | E | | NG |
533 | Rusty Mouse-Warbler | Origma murina | E | | NG |
534 | Rockwarbler | Origma solitaria | E | | AU |
535 | Tasmanian Scrubwren | Sericornis humilis | E | | AU |
536 | White-browed Scrubwren | Sericornis frontalis | E | | AU |
537 | Spotted Scrubwren | Sericornis maculatus | E | | AU |
538 | Tropical Scrubwren | Sericornis beccarii | NE | | AU,NG |
539 | Large-billed Scrubwren | Sericornis magnirostra | E | | AU |
540 | Large Scrubwren | Sericornis nouhuysi | E | | NG |
541 | Pale-billed Scrubwren | Aethomyias spilodera | E | | NG |
542 | Bicolored Mouse-Warbler | Aethomyias nigrorufa | E | | NG |
543 | Vogelkop Scrubwren | Aethomyias rufescens | E | | NG |
544 | Buff-faced Scrubwren | Aethomyias perspicillatus | E | | NG |
545 | Papuan Scrubwren | Aethomyias papuensis | E | | NG |
546 | Gray-green Scrubwren | Aethomyias arfakianus | E | | NG |
547 | Scrubtit | Acanthornis magna | E | | AU |
548 | Southern Whiteface | Aphelocephala leucopsis | E | V | AU |
549 | Chestnut-breasted Whiteface | Aphelocephala pectoralis | E | NT | AU |
550 | Banded Whiteface | Aphelocephala nigricincta | E | | AU |
551 | Yellow-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza chrysorrhoa | E | | AU |
552 | Gray Thornbill | Acanthiza cinerea | E | | NG |
553 | Papuan Thornbill | Acanthiza murina | E | | NG |
554 | Yellow Thornbill | Acanthiza nana | E | | AU |
555 | Striated Thornbill | Acanthiza lineata | E | | AU |
556 | Inland Thornbill | Acanthiza apicalis | E | | AU |
557 | Tasmanian Thornbill | Acanthiza ewingii | E | | AU |
558 | Mountain Thornbill | Acanthiza katherina | E | V | AU |
559 | Brown Thornbill | Acanthiza pusilla | E | | AU |
560 | Slaty-backed Thornbill | Acanthiza robustirostris | E | | AU |
561 | Slender-billed Thornbill | Acanthiza iredalei | E | | AU |
562 | Chestnut-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza uropygialis | E | | AU |
563 | Western Thornbill | Acanthiza inornata | E | | AU |
564 | Buff-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza reguloides | E | | AU |
565 | Yellow-bellied Gerygone | Gerygone chrysogaster | E | | NG |
566 | Brown Gerygone | Gerygone mouki | E | | AU |
567 | Green-backed Gerygone | Gerygone chloronota | NE | | AU,NG |
568 | Fairy Gerygone | Gerygone palpebrosa | NE | | AU,NG |
569 | Large-billed Gerygone | Gerygone magnirostris | NE | | AU,NG |
570 | Dusky Gerygone | Gerygone tenebrosa | E | | AU |
571 | Mangrove Gerygone | Gerygone levigaster | NE | | AU,NG |
572 | Western Gerygone | Gerygone fusca | E | | AU |
573 | Brown-breasted Gerygone | Gerygone ruficollis | E | | NG |
574 | Gray Gerygone | Gerygone igata | E | | NZ |
575 | Chatham Islands Gerygone | Gerygone albofrontata | E | | NZ |
576 | Gray-crowned Babbler | Pomatostomus temporalis | NE | | AU,NG |
577 | White-browed Babbler | Pomatostomus superciliosus | E | | AU |
578 | Hall's Babbler | Pomatostomus halli | E | | AU |
579 | Chestnut-crowned Babbler | Pomatostomus ruficeps | E | | AU |
580 | Australian Logrunner | Orthonyx temminckii | E | | AU |
581 | Chowchilla | Orthonyx spaldingii | E | | AU |
582 | Spotted Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma punctatum | E | | AU |
583 | Chestnut Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma castanotum | E | | AU |
584 | Copperback Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma clarum | E | | AU |
585 | Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma castaneothorax | E | | AU |
586 | Cinnamon Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma cinnamomeum | E | | AU |
587 | Painted Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma ajax | E | | NG |
588 | Spotted Jewel-babbler | Ptilorrhoa leucosticta | E | | NG |
589 | Blue Jewel-babbler | Ptilorrhoa caerulescens | E | | NG |
590 | Dimorphic Jewel-babbler | Ptilorrhoa geislerorum | E | | NG |
591 | Chestnut-backed Jewel-babbler | Ptilorrhoa castanonota | E | | NG |
592 | Stout-billed Cuckooshrike | Coracina caeruleogrisea | NE | | NG |
593 | Hooded Cuckooshrike | Coracina longicauda | E | | NG |
594 | Barred Cuckooshrike | Coracina lineata | NE | | AU,NG |
595 | Boyer's Cuckooshrike | Coracina boyeri | E | | NG |
596 | Golden Cuckooshrike | Campochaera sloetii | E | | NG |
597 | Black-browed Triller | Lalage atrovirens | E | | NG |
598 | Biak Triller | Lalage leucoptera | E | NT | NG |
599 | Black-bellied Cicadabird | Edolisoma montanum | E | | NG |
600 | Pohnpei Cicadabird | Edolisoma insperatum | E | | MIC |
601 | Makira Cicadabird | Edolisoma salomonis | E | | MEL |
602 | Solomons Cicadabird | Edolisoma holopolium | E | NT | MEL |
603 | Malaita Cicadabird | Edolisoma tricolor | E | NT | MEL |
604 | Palau Cicadabird | Edolisoma monacha | E | | MIC |
605 | Yap Cicadabird | Edolisoma nesiotis | E | | MIC |
606 | Central Melanesian Cicadabird | Edolisoma erythropygium | E | | MEL |
607 | Geelvink Cicadabird | Edolisoma meyerii | E | | NG |
608 | Papuan Cicadabird | Edolisoma incertum | E | | NG |
609 | Bismarck Cicadabird | Edolisoma remotum | E | | MEL |
610 | Rossel Cicadabird | Edolisoma rostratum | E | | NG |
611 | Gray-headed Cicadabird | Edolisoma schisticeps | E | | NG |
612 | Black Cicadabird | Edolisoma melas | E | | NG |
613 | Whitehead | Mohoua albicilla | E | | NZ |
614 | Yellowhead | Mohoua ochrocephala | E | EN | NZ |
615 | Pipipi | Mohoua novaeseelandiae | E | | NZ |
616 | Black Sittella | Daphoenositta miranda | E | | NG |
617 | Papuan Sittella | Daphoenositta papuensis | NE | | NG |
618 | Varied Sittella | Daphoenositta chrysoptera | E | | AU |
619 | Papuan Whipbird | Androphobus viridis | E | | NG |
620 | Eastern Whipbird | Psophodes olivaceus | E | | AU |
621 | Western Whipbird | Psophodes nigrogularis | E | | AU |
622 | Chiming Wedgebill | Psophodes occidentalis | E | | AU |
623 | Chirruping Wedgebill | Psophodes cristatus | E | | AU |
624 | Wattled Ploughbill | Eulacestoma nigropectus | E | | NG |
625 | Crested Bellbird | Oreoica gutturalis | E | | AU |
626 | Rufous-naped Whistler | Aleadryas rufinucha | E | | NG |
627 | Piping Bellbird | Ornorectes cristatus | E | | NG |
628 | Eastern Shrike-tit | Falcunculus frontatus | E | | AU |
629 | Western Shrike-tit | Falcunculus leucogaster | E | | AU |
630 | Northern Shrike-tit | Falcunculus whitei | E | | AU |
631 | Tit Berrypecker | Oreocharis arfaki | E | | NG |
632 | Western Crested Berrypecker | Paramythia olivacea | E | | NG |
633 | Eastern Crested Berrypecker | Paramythia montium | E | | NG |
634 | Rusty Pitohui | Pseudorectes ferruginea | E | | NG |
635 | White-bellied Pitohui | Pseudorectes incerta | E | NT | NG |
636 | Sandstone Shrikethrush | Colluricincla woodwardi | E | | AU |
637 | Bower's Shrikethrush | Colluricincla boweri | E | V | AU |
638 | Sooty Shrikethrush | Colluricincla tenebrosa | E | | NG |
639 | Variable Shrikethrush | Colluricincla fortis | NE | | NG |
640 | Waigeo Shrikethrush | Colluricincla affinis | E | | NG |
641 | Mamberamo Shrikethrush | Colluricincla obscura | E | | NG |
642 | Tagula Shrikethrush | Colluricincla discolor | E | | NG |
643 | Rufous Shrikethrush | Colluricincla rufogaster | NE | | AU,NG |
644 | Black Pitohui | Melanorectes nigrescens | E | | NG |
645 | Olive Whistler | Pachycephala olivacea | E | | AU |
646 | Red-lored Whistler | Pachycephala rufogularis | E | V | AU |
647 | Gilbert's Whistler | Pachycephala inornata | E | | AU |
648 | Regent Whistler | Pachycephala schlegelii | E | | NG |
649 | Vogelkop Whistler | Pachycephala meyeri | E | | NG |
650 | Sclater's Whistler | Pachycephala soror | E | | NG |
651 | Yellow-throated Fiji Whistler | Pachycephala graeffii | E | | MEL |
652 | Nendo Whistler | Pachycephala ornata | E | | MEL |
653 | Utupua Whistler | Pachycephala utupuae | E | | MEL |
654 | Vanikoro Whistler | Pachycephala vanikorensis | E | | MEL |
655 | Baliem Whistler | Pachycephala balim | E | | NG |
656 | Golden Whistler | Pachycephala pectoralis | E | | AU |
657 | Black-tailed Whistler | Pachycephala melanura | NE | | AU,NG |
658 | Brown-backed Whistler | Pachycephala modesta | E | | NG |
659 | Lorentz's Whistler | Pachycephala lorentzi | E | | NG |
660 | Golden-backed Whistler | Pachycephala aurea | E | | NG |
661 | Island Whistler | Pachycephala phaionota | E | | NG |
662 | Biak Whistler | Pachycephala melanorhyncha | E | | NG |
663 | Rusty Whistler | Pachycephala hyperythra | E | | NG |
664 | Black-headed Whistler | Pachycephala monacha | E | | NG |
665 | White-breasted Whistler | Pachycephala lanioides | E | | AU |
666 | Hooded Pitohui | Pitohui dichrous | E | | NG |
667 | Raja Ampat Pitohui | Pitohui cerviniventris | E | | NG |
668 | Northern Variable Pitohui | Pitohui kirhocephalus | E | | NG |
669 | Southern Variable Pitohui | Pitohui uropygialis | NE | | NG |
670 | Brown Oriole | Oriolus szalayi | E | | NG |
671 | Olive-backed Oriole | Oriolus sagittatus | NE | | AU,NG |
672 | Australasian Figbird | Sphecotheres vieilloti | NE | | AU,NG |
673 | Black-breasted Boatbill | Machaerirhynchus nigripectus | E | | NG |
674 | Yellow-breasted Boatbill | Machaerirhynchus flaviventer | NE | | AU,NG |
675 | Great Woodswallow | Artamus maximus | E | | NG |
676 | Dusky Woodswallow | Artamus cyanopterus | E | | AU |
677 | Mountain Peltops | Peltops montanus | E | | NG |
678 | Lowland Peltops | Peltops blainvillii | E | | NG |
679 | Black-backed Butcherbird | Cracticus mentalis | NE | | AU,NG |
680 | Hooded Butcherbird | Cracticus cassicus | E | | NG |
681 | Black Butcherbird | Melloria quoyi | NE | | AU,NG |
682 | Pied Currawong | Strepera graculina | E | | AU |
683 | Black Currawong | Strepera fuliginosa | E | | AU |
684 | Gray Currawong | Strepera versicolor | E | | AU |
685 | Mottled Berryhunter | Rhagologus leucostigma | E | | NG |
686 | Drongo Fantail | Chaetorhynchus papuensis | E | | NG |
687 | Black Fantail | Rhipidura atra | E | | NG |
688 | White-gorgeted Fantail | Rhipidura coultasi | E | | MEL |
689 | Sooty Thicket-Fantail | Rhipidura threnothorax | E | | NG |
690 | Black Thicket-Fantail | Rhipidura maculipectus | E | | NG |
691 | White-bellied Thicket-Fantail | Rhipidura leucothorax | E | | NG |
692 | Rufous-backed Fantail | Rhipidura rufidorsa | E | | NG |
693 | Dimorphic Fantail | Rhipidura brachyrhyncha | E | | NG |
694 | Malaita Fantail | Rhipidura malaitae | E | V | MEL |
695 | Louisiade Fantail | Rhipidura louisiadensis | E | | NG |
696 | Micronesian Rufous Fantail | Rhipidura versicolor | E | | MIC |
697 | Supertramp Fantail | Rhipidura semicollaris | NE | | NG |
698 | Arafura Fantail | Rhipidura dryas | NE | | AU,NG |
699 | Friendly Fantail | Rhipidura albolimbata | E | | NG |
700 | Chestnut-bellied Fantail | Rhipidura hyperythra | E | | NG |
701 | Guadalcanal Fantail | Rhipidura ocularis | E | | MEL |
702 | Dusky Fantail | Rhipidura tenebrosa | E | NT | MEL |
703 | Rennell Fantail | Rhipidura rennelliana | E | | MEL |
704 | Mangrove Fantail | Rhipidura phasiana | NE | | AU,NG |
705 | New Zealand Fantail | Rhipidura fuliginosa | E | | NZ |
706 | Crinkle-collared Manucode | Manucodia chalybatus | E | | NG |
707 | Jobi Manucode | Manucodia jobiensis | E | | NG |
708 | Glossy-mantled Manucode | Manucodia ater | E | | NG |
709 | King-of-Saxony Bird-of-Paradise | Pteridophora alberti | E | | NG |
710 | Carola's Parotia | Parotia carolae | E | | NG |
711 | Western Parotia | Parotia sefilata | E | | NG |
712 | Eastern Parotia | Parotia helenae | E | | NG |
713 | Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise | Seleucidis melanoleucus | E | | NG |
714 | Black-billed Sicklebill | Drepanornis albertisi | E | | NG |
715 | Pale-billed Sicklebill | Drepanornis bruijnii | E | NT | NG |
716 | Vogelkop Lophorina | Lophorina superba | E | | NG |
717 | Greater Lophorina | Lophorina latipennis | E | | NG |
718 | Lesser Lophorina | Lophorina minor | E | | NG |
719 | Paradise Riflebird | Ptiloris paradiseus | E | | AU |
720 | Victoria's Riflebird | Ptiloris victoriae | E | | AU |
721 | Magnificent Riflebird | Ptiloris magnificus | NE | | AU,NG |
722 | Growling Riflebird | Ptiloris intercedens | E | | NG |
723 | Black Sicklebill | Epimachus fastosus | E | | NG |
724 | Brown Sicklebill | Epimachus meyeri | E | | NG |
725 | Long-tailed Paradigalla | Paradigalla carunculata | E | NT | NG |
726 | Short-tailed Paradigalla | Paradigalla brevicauda | E | | NG |
727 | Splendid Astrapia | Astrapia splendidissima | E | | NG |
728 | Arfak Astrapia | Astrapia nigra | E | | NG |
729 | King Bird-of-Paradise | Cicinnurus regius | E | | NG |
730 | Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise | Diphyllodes respublica | E | NT | NG |
731 | Magnificent Bird-of-Paradise | Diphyllodes magnificus | E | | NG |
732 | Red Bird-of-Paradise | Paradisaea rubra | E | NT | NG |
733 | Lesser Bird-of-Paradise | Paradisaea minor | E | | NG |
734 | Greater Bird-of-Paradise | Paradisaea apoda | E | | NG |
735 | Blue-capped Ifrita | Ifrita kowaldi | E | | NG |
736 | Tahiti Monarch | Pomarea nigra | E | CR | FP |
737 | Ua Pou Monarch | Pomarea mira | E | CR | FP |
738 | Iphis Monarch | Pomarea iphis | E | CR | FP |
739 | Marquesan Monarch | Pomarea mendozae | E | EN | FP |
740 | Fatu Hiva Monarch | Pomarea whitneyi | E | CR | FP |
741 | Vanikoro Monarch | Mayrornis schistaceus | E | V | MEL |
742 | Rennell Shrikebill | Clytorhynchus hamlini | NE | NT | FP,MEL |
743 | Santa Cruz Shrikebill | Clytorhynchus sanctaecrucis | E | EN | MEL |
744 | White-eared Monarch | Carterornis leucotis | E | | AU |
745 | Yap Monarch | Monarcha godeffroyi | E | NT | MIC |
746 | White-capped Monarch | Monarcha richardsii | E | | MEL |
747 | Black-faced Monarch | Monarcha melanopsis | NE | | AU,NG |
748 | Black-winged Monarch | Monarcha frater | NE | | AU,NG |
749 | Fan-tailed Monarch | Symposiachrus axillaris | E | | NG |
750 | Rufous Monarch | Symposiachrus rubiensis | E | | NG |
751 | Louisiade Spectacled Monarch | Symposiachrus melanopterus | E | | NG |
752 | Kofiau Monarch | Symposiachrus julianae | E | NT | NG |
753 | Biak Monarch | Symposiachrus brehmii | E | EN | NG |
754 | Hooded Monarch | Symposiachrus manadensis | E | | NG |
755 | Solomons Monarch | Symposiachrus barbatus | E | NT | MEL |
756 | Malaita Monarch | Symposiachrus malaitae | E | NT | MEL |
757 | Kolombangara Monarch | Symposiachrus browni | E | NT | MEL |
758 | Vella Lavella Monarch | Symposiachrus nigrotectus | E | NT | MEL |
759 | Spot-winged Monarch | Symposiachrus guttula | E | | NG |
760 | Frilled Monarch | Arses telescopthalmus | E | | NG |
761 | Frill-necked Monarch | Arses lorealis | E | | AU |
762 | Ochre-collared Monarch | Arses insularis | E | | NG |
763 | Pied Monarch | Arses kaupi | E | | AU |
764 | Torrent-lark | Grallina bruijnii | E | | NG |
765 | Chuuk Flycatcher | Myiagra oceanica | E | | MIC |
766 | Biak Flycatcher | Myiagra atra | E | NT | NG |
767 | Leaden Flycatcher | Myiagra rubecula | NE | | AU,NG |
768 | Steel-blue Flycatcher | Myiagra ferrocyanea | E | | MEL |
769 | Ochre-headed Flycatcher | Myiagra cervinicauda | E | NT | MEL |
770 | Satin Flycatcher | Myiagra cyanoleuca | NE | | AU,NG |
771 | Restless Flycatcher | Myiagra inquieta | NE | | AU,NG |
772 | Paperbark Flycatcher | Myiagra nana | NE | | AU,NG |
773 | Velvet Flycatcher | Myiagra eichhorni | E | V | MEL |
774 | White-winged Chough | Corcorax melanorhamphos | E | | AU |
775 | Apostlebird | Struthidea cinerea | E | | AU |
776 | Lesser Melampitta | Melampitta lugubris | E | | NG |
777 | Greater Melampitta | Megalampitta gigantea | E | | NG |
778 | Guadalcanal Crow | Corvus woodfordi | E | | MEL |
779 | Brown-headed Crow | Corvus fuscicapillus | E | NT | NG |
780 | Gray Crow | Corvus tristis | E | | NG |
781 | Little Raven | Corvus mellori | E | | AU |
782 | Forest Raven | Corvus tasmanicus | E | | AU |
783 | Loria's Satinbird | Cnemophilus loriae | E | | NG |
784 | Crested Satinbird | Cnemophilus macgregorii | E | | NG |
785 | Obscure Berrypecker | Melanocharis arfakiana | E | | NG |
786 | Black Berrypecker | Melanocharis nigra | E | | NG |
787 | Mid-mountain Berrypecker | Melanocharis longicauda | E | | NG |
788 | Fan-tailed Berrypecker | Melanocharis versteri | E | | NG |
789 | Satin Berrypecker | Melanocharis citreola | E | | NG |
790 | Streaked Berrypecker | Melanocharis striativentris | E | | NG |
791 | Spotted Berrypecker | Melanocharis piperata | E | | NG |
792 | Thick-billed Berrypecker | Melanocharis crassirostris | E | | NG |
793 | Yellow-bellied Longbill | Toxorhamphus novaeguineae | E | | NG |
794 | Slaty-chinned Longbill | Toxorhamphus poliopterus | E | | NG |
795 | Spectacled Longbill | Oedistoma iliolophus | E | | NG |
796 | Pygmy Longbill | Oedistoma pygmaeum | E | | NG |
797 | North Island Kokako | Callaeas wilsoni | E | NT | NZ |
798 | North Island Saddleback | Philesturnus rufusater | E | NT | NZ |
799 | South Island Saddleback | Philesturnus carunculatus | E | NT | NZ |
800 | Stitchbird | Notiomystis cincta | E | V | NZ |
801 | Greater Ground-Robin | Amalocichla sclateriana | E | | NG |
802 | Lesser Ground-Robin | Amalocichla incerta | E | | NG |
803 | White-eyed Robin | Pachycephalopsis poliosoma | E | | NG |
804 | Subalpine Robin | Petroica bivittata | E | | NG |
805 | Snow Mountain Robin | Petroica archboldi | E | | NG |
806 | Solomons Robin | Petroica polymorpha | E | | MEL |
807 | Scarlet Robin | Petroica boodang | E | | AU |
808 | Pacific Robin | Petroica pusilla | E | | MEL |
809 | Flame Robin | Petroica phoenicea | E | | AU |
810 | Rose Robin | Petroica rosea | E | | AU |
811 | Pink Robin | Petroica rodinogaster | E | | AU |
812 | South Island Robin | Petroica australis | E | | NZ |
813 | North Island Robin | Petroica longipes | E | | NZ |
814 | Black Robin | Petroica traversi | E | V | NZ |
815 | Canary Flyrobin | Devioeca papuana | E | | NG |
816 | Olive Flyrobin | Kempiella flavovirescens | E | | NG |
817 | Yellow-legged Flycatcher | Kempiella griseoceps | NE | | AU,NG |
818 | Lemon-bellied Flyrobin | Microeca flavigaster | NE | | AU,NG |
819 | Papuan Scrub-Robin | Drymodes beccarii | E | | NG |
820 | Northern Scrub-Robin | Drymodes superciliaris | E | | AU |
821 | Southern Scrub-Robin | Drymodes brunneopygia | E | | AU |
822 | Black-capped Robin | Heteromyias armiti | E | | NG |
823 | Arfak Robin | Heteromyias albispecularis | E | | NG |
824 | Black-chinned Robin | Leucophantes brachyura | E | | NG |
825 | Black-throated Robin | Plesiodryas albonotata | E | | NG |
826 | Black-sided Robin | Poecilodryas hypoleuca | E | | NG |
827 | White-browed Robin | Poecilodryas superciliosa | E | | AU |
828 | Buff-sided Robin | Poecilodryas cerviniventris | E | | AU |
829 | Olive-yellow Robin | Poecilodryas placens | E | | NG |
830 | White-rumped Robin | Melanodryas bimaculata | E | | NG |
831 | Mangrove Robin | Melanodryas pulverulenta | NE | | AU,NG |
832 | White-winged Robin | Melanodryas sigillata | E | | NG |
833 | Blue-gray Robin | Melanodryas cyanus | E | | NG |
834 | Smoky Robin | Melanodryas cryptoleuca | E | | NG |
835 | Banded Yellow Robin | Eopsaltria placens | NE | | NG |
836 | Eastern Yellow Robin | Eopsaltria australis | E | | AU |
837 | Western Yellow Robin | Eopsaltria griseogularis | E | | AU |
838 | White-breasted Robin | Eopsaltria georgiana | E | | AU |
839 | Pale-yellow Robin | Eopsaltria capito | E | | AU |
840 | White-faced Robin | Eopsaltria leucops | NE | | AU,NG |
841 | Caroline Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus syrinx | E | | MIC |
842 | Southern Marquesan Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus mendanae | E | | FP |
843 | Rimatara Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus rimitarae | E | CR | FP |
844 | Tahiti Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus caffer | E | V | FP |
845 | Moorea Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus longirostris | E | CR | FP |
846 | Northern Marquesan Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus percernis | E | | FP |
847 | Tuamotu Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus atyphus | E | | FP |
848 | Fly River Grassbird | Poodytes albolimbatus | E | V | NG |
849 | Spinifex-bird | Poodytes carteri | E | | AU |
850 | Little Grassbird | Poodytes gramineus | NE | | AU,NG |
851 | New Zealand Fernbird | Poodytes punctatus | E | | NZ |
852 | Guadalcanal Thicketbird | Cincloramphus turipavae | E | NT | MEL |
853 | Papuan Grassbird | Cincloramphus macrurus | E | | NG |
854 | Makira Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus makirensis | E | | MEL |
855 | Numfor Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus maforensis | E | NT | NG |
856 | Biak Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus misoriensis | E | NT | NG |
857 | Kolombangara Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus amoenus | E | V | MEL |
858 | Shade Warbler | Horornis parens | E | | MEL |
859 | Teardrop White-eye | Rukia ruki | E | EN | MIC |
860 | Black-crowned White-eye | Zosterops atrifrons | E | | NG |
861 | Black-fronted White-eye | Zosterops minor | E | | NG |
862 | Ashy-bellied White-eye | Zosterops citrinella | NE | | AU,NG |
863 | Australian Yellow White-eye | Zosterops luteus | E | | AU |
864 | Banded White-eye | Zosterops vellalavella | E | NT | MEL |
865 | Santa Cruz White-eye | Zosterops sanctaecrucis | E | | MEL |
866 | Capped White-eye | Zosterops fuscicapilla | E | | NG |
867 | Bare-eyed White-eye | Zosterops superciliosa | E | | MEL |
868 | Sanford's White-eye | Zosterops lacertosa | E | NT | MEL |
869 | Vanikoro White-eye | Zosterops gibbsi | E | | MEL |
870 | Biak White-eye | Zosterops mysorensis | E | NT | NG |
871 | Bougainville White-eye | Zosterops hamlini | E | | MEL |
872 | Yap White-eye | Zosterops oleagineus | E | NT | MIC |
873 | Kosrae White-eye | Zosterops cinereus | E | | MIC |
874 | Yellow-throated White-eye | Zosterops metcalfii | E | | MEL |
875 | Malaita White-eye | Zosterops stresemanni | E | | MEL |
876 | New Guinea White-eye | Zosterops novaeguineae | E | | NG |
877 | Splendid White-eye | Zosterops luteirostris | E | V | MEL |
878 | Solomons White-eye | Zosterops kulambangrae | E | | MEL |
879 | Dark-eyed White-eye | Zosterops tetiparius | E | | MEL |
880 | Caroline Islands White-eye | Zosterops semperi | E | | MIC |
881 | Kolombangara White-eye | Zosterops murphyi | E | | MEL |
882 | Rennell White-eye | Zosterops rennellianus | E | | MEL |
883 | Yellow-eyed Starling | Aplonis mystacea | E | NT | NG |
884 | Rennell Starling | Aplonis insularis | E | | MEL |
885 | Long-tailed Starling | Aplonis magna | E | | NG |
886 | White-eyed Starling | Aplonis brunneicapillus | E | V | MEL |
887 | Brown-winged Starling | Aplonis grandis | E | | MEL |
888 | Makira Starling | Aplonis dichroa | E | | MEL |
889 | Moluccan Starling | Aplonis mysolensis | E | | NG |
890 | Golden Myna | Mino anais | E | | NG |
891 | Makira Thrush | Zoothera margaretae | E | NT | MEL |
892 | Guadalcanal Thrush | Zoothera turipavae | E | V | MEL |
893 | Bassian Thrush | Zoothera lunulata | E | | AU |
894 | Bismarck Island-Thrush | Turdus heinrothi | E | | MEL |
895 | Bougainville Island-Thrush | Turdus bougainvillei | E | | MEL |
896 | Solomons Island-Thrush | Turdus kulambangrae | E | | MEL |
897 | Vanikoro Island-Thrush | Turdus vanikkarensis | E | | MEL |
898 | White-headed Island-Thrush | Turdus pritzbueri | E | | MEL |
899 | New Caledonian Island-Thrush | Turdus xanthopus | E | | MEL |
900 | Olive-crowned Flowerpecker | Dicaeum pectorale | E | | NG |
901 | Red-capped Flowerpecker | Dicaeum geelvinkianum | NE | | NG |
902 | Midget Flowerpecker | Dicaeum aeneum | E | | MEL |
903 | Mottled Flowerpecker | Dicaeum tristrami | E | | MEL |
904 | Mamberamo Sunbird | Cinnyris buettikofen | NE | | NG |
905 | Pictorella Munia | Heteromunia pectoralis | E | | AU |
906 | Mountain Firetail | Oreostruthus fuliginosus | E | | NG |
907 | Beautiful Firetail | Stagonopleura bella | E | | AU |
908 | Red-eared Firetail | Stagonopleura oculata | E | | AU |
909 | Diamond Firetail | Stagonopleura guttata | E | V | AU |
910 | Red-browed Firetail | Neochmia temporalis | E | | AU |
911 | Crimson Finch | Neochmia phaeton | NE | | AU,NG |
912 | Painted Firetail | Emblema pictum | E | | AU |
913 | Star Finch | Emblema ruficauda | E | | AU |
914 | Plum-headed Finch | Emblema modesta | E | | AU |
915 | Double-barred Finch | Stizoptera bichenovii | E | | AU |
916 | Masked Finch | Poephila personata | E | | AU |
917 | Long-tailed Finch | Poephila acuticauda | E | | AU |
918 | Black-throated Finch | Poephila cincta | E | | AU |
919 | Streak-headed Munia | Mayrimunia tristissima | E | | NG |
920 | White-spotted Munia | Mayrimunia leucosticta | E | | NG |
921 | Grand Munia | Lonchura grandis | E | | NG |
922 | Gray-banded Munia | Lonchura vana | E | V | NG |
923 | Gray-crowned Munia | Lonchura nevermanni | E | | NG |
924 | Mottled Munia | Lonchura hunsteini | NE | | MEL,MIC |
925 | Yellow-rumped Munia | Lonchura flaviprymna | E | | AU |
926 | Black Munia | Lonchura stygia | E | NT | NG |
927 | Black-breasted Munia | Lonchura teerinki | E | | NG |
928 | Snow Mountain Munia | Lonchura montana | E | | NG |
929 | Gouldian Finch | Chloebia gouldiae | E | | AU |
930 | Papuan Parrotfinch | Erythrura papuana | E | | NG |
931 | New Zealand Pipit | Anthus novaeseelandiae | E | | NZ |
932 | Alpine Pipit | Anthus gutturalis | E | | NG |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.