Area (SqMi): | 2,969,907 |
# Species: | 880 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 741 |
# Endemics: | 280 |
# Near Endemics: | 73 |
Species/1000 SqMi: | 0.2 |
List of species that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*
1 | Southern Cassowary | Casuarius casuarius | RR | |
2 | Magpie Goose | Anseranas semipalmata | NE | |
3 | Cape Barren Goose | Cereopsis novaehollandiae | E | |
4 | Radjah Shelduck | Rajah radjah | RR | |
5 | Australian Shelduck | Tadorna tadornoides | NE | |
6 | Green Pygmy-Goose | Nettapus pulchellus | RR | |
7 | Cotton Pygmy-Goose | Nettapus coromandelianus | RR | |
8 | Blue-billed Duck | Oxyura australis | E | |
9 | Musk Duck | Biziura lobata | E | |
10 | Australian Brushturkey | Alectura lathami | E | |
11 | Malleefowl | Leipoa ocellata | E | V |
12 | Orange-footed Megapode | Megapodius reinwardt | RR | |
13 | White-headed Pigeon | Columba leucomela | E | |
14 | Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia amboinensis | RR | |
15 | Brush Bronzewing | Phaps elegans | E | |
16 | &Flock Bronzewingl | Phaps histrionica | E | |
17 | Spinifex Pigeon | Geophaps plumifera | E | |
18 | Squatter Pigeon | Geophaps scripta | E | |
19 | Partridge Pigeon | Geophaps smithii | E | |
20 | Chestnut-quilled Rock-Pigeon | Petrophassa rufipennis | E | |
21 | White-quilled Rock-Pigeon | Petrophassa albipennis | E | |
22 | Wonga Pigeon | Leucosarcia melanoleuca | E | |
23 | Black-banded Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus alligator | E | |
24 | Wompoo Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus magnificus | NE | |
25 | Superb Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus superbus | RR | |
26 | &Rose-crowned Fruit-Dovel | Ptilinopus regina | RR | |
27 | Torresian Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula spilorrhoa | NE | |
28 | Topknot Pigeon | Lopholaimus antarcticus | E | |
29 | (Channel-billed Cuckoo) | Scythrops novaehollandiae | RR | |
30 | Little Bronze-Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx minutillus | RR | |
31 | Shining Bronze-Cuckoo | Chalcites lucidus | RR | |
32 | Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo | Cacomantis castaneiventris | NE | |
33 | White-throated Nightjar | Eurostopodus mystacalis | RR | |
34 | Large-tailed Nightjar | Caprimulgus macrurus | RR | |
35 | Marbled Frogmouth | Podargus ocellatus | NE | |
36 | Papuan Frogmouth | Podargus papuensis | NE | |
37 | Australian Swiftlet | Aerodramus terraereginae | E | |
38 | &Lewin's Raill | Lewinia pectoralis | RR | |
39 | Chestnut Rail | Gallirallus castaneoventris | NE | |
40 | Tasmanian Nativehen | Tribonyx mortierii | E | |
41 | White-browed Crake | Poliolimnas cinerea | RR | |
42 | Rufous-tailed Bush-hen | Amaurornis moluccana | RR | |
43 | Red-necked Crake | Rallina tricolor | RR | |
44 | Sarus Crane | Antigone antigone | RR | V |
45 | Beach Thick-knee | Esacus magnirostris | NT | |
46 | Bush Thick-knee | Burhinus grallarius | RR | |
47 | &Banded Stiltl | Cladorhynchus leucocephalus | E | |
48 | Red-necked Avocet | Recurvirostra novaehollandiae | NE | |
49 | Hooded Plover | Thinornis cucullatus | E | V |
50 | &Inland Dotterell | Peltohyas australis | E | |
51 | /Double-banded Plover/ | Anarhynchus bicinctus | NE | NT |
52 | Plains-wanderer | Pedionomus torquatus | E | EN |
53 | &Australian Painted-Snipel | Rostratula australis | EN | |
54 | Comb-crested Jacana | Irediparra gallinacea | RR | |
55 | Bristle-thighed Curlew | Numenius tahitiensis | NT | |
56 | /Far Eastern Curlew/ | Numenius madagascariensis | EN | |
57 | /Bar-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa lapponica | NT | |
58 | /Black-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa limosa | NT | |
59 | /Asian Dowitcher/ | Limnodromus semipalmatus | RR | NT |
60 | /Swinhoe's Snipe/ | Gallinago megala | RR | |
61 | /Latham's Snipe/ | Gallinago hardwickii | RR | NT |
62 | /Gray-tailed Tattler/ | Tringa brevipes | NT | |
63 | /Common Redshank/ | Tringa totanus | RR | |
64 | /Great Knot/ | Calidris tenuirostris | EN | |
65 | /Red Knot/ | Calidris canutus | NT | |
66 | /Sharp-tailed Sandpiper/ | Calidris acuminata | V | |
67 | /Curlew Sandpiper/ | Calidris ferruginea | NT | |
68 | /Red-necked Stint/ | Calidris ruficollis | NT | |
69 | &Red-chested Buttonquaill | Turnix pyrrhothorax | E | |
70 | Chestnut-backed Buttonquail | Turnix castanotus | E | |
71 | &Buff-breasted Buttonquaill | Turnix olivii | E | CR |
72 | Painted Buttonquail | Turnix varius | E | |
73 | Black-breasted Buttonquail | Turnix melanogaster | E | V |
74 | Pacific Gull | Larus pacificus | E | |
75 | Australian Fairy Tern | Sternula nereis | V | |
76 | /White-fronted Tern/ | Sterna striata | NT | |
77 | #Erect-crested Penguin# | Eudyptes sclateri | NE | EN |
78 | #Macaroni Penguin# | Eudyptes chrysolophus | V | |
79 | #Southern Rockhopper Penguin# | Eudyptes chrysocome | V | |
80 | #Northern Royal Albatross# | Diomedea sanfordi | EN | |
81 | #Southern Royal Albatross# | Diomedea epomophora | V | |
82 | #Snowy Albatross# | Diomedea exulans | V | |
83 | #Antipodean Albatross# | Diomedea antipodensis | EN | |
84 | #Amsterdam Albatross# | Diomedea amsterdamensis | EN | |
85 | #Sooty Albatross# | Phoebetria fusca | EN | |
86 | #Light-mantled Albatross# | Phoebetria palpebrata | NT | |
87 | #Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross**# | Thalassarche carteri | EN | |
88 | #Gray-headed Albatross# | Thalassarche chrysostoma | EN | |
89 | #Buller's Albatross# | Thalassarche bulleri | NT | |
90 | White-capped Albatross | Thalassarche cauta | NT | |
91 | #Salvin's Albatross# | Thalassarche salvini | V | |
92 | #Chatham Albatross# | Thalassarche eremita | E | V |
93 | #Campbell Albatross**# | Thalassarche impavida | NE | V |
94 | #Matsudaira's Storm-Petrel# | Hydrobates matsudairae | V | |
95 | #Mottled Petrel# | Pterodroma inexpectata | NT | |
96 | #White-necked Petrel# | Pterodroma cervicalis | V | |
97 | #Cook's Petrel# | Pterodroma cookii | V | |
98 | #Gould's Petrel# | Pterodroma leucoptera | V | |
99 | Pycroft's Petrel | Pterodroma pycrofti | V | |
100 | #Tahiti Petrel# | Pseudobulweria rostrata | NT | |
101 | #Gray Petrel# | Procellaria cinerea | NT | |
102 | #White-chinned Petrel# | Procellaria aequinoctialis | V | |
103 | #Parkinson's Petrel# | Procellaria parkinsoni | V | |
104 | #Westland Petrel# | Procellaria westlandica | EN | |
105 | #Streaked Shearwater# | Calonectris leucomelas | NT | |
106 | (Flesh-footed Shearwater) | Ardenna carneipes | NT | |
107 | #Buller's Shearwater# | Ardenna bulleri | V | |
108 | #Sooty Shearwater# | Ardenna griseus | NT | |
109 | #Hutton's Shearwater# | Puffinus huttoni | NE | EN |
110 | Black-necked Stork | Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus | RR | NT |
111 | #Abbott's Booby# | Papasula abbotti | EN | |
112 | Cape Gannet | Morus capensis | LC | EN |
113 | #Red-footed Booby# | Sula sula | LC | |
114 | Black-faced Cormorant | Phalacrocorax fuscescens | E | |
115 | Australasian Bittern | Botaurus poiciloptilus | RR | EN |
116 | Black-backed Bittern | Botaurus dubius | NE | |
117 | Pied Heron | Egretta picata | RR | |
118 | Striated Heron | Butorides striata | RR | |
119 | Great-billed Heron | Ardea sumatrana | RR | |
120 | &Letter-winged Kitel | Elanus scriptus | NT | |
121 | Gray Goshawk | Tachyspiza novaehollandiae | RR | |
122 | Red Goshawk | Erythrotriorchis radiatus | E | EN |
123 | Sooty-Owl | Tyto tenebricosa | NE | |
124 | Australian Masked-Owl | Tyto novaehollandiae | RR | |
125 | Australasian Grass-Owl | Tyto longimembris | RR | |
126 | Rufous Owl | Ninox rufa | NE | |
127 | Powerful Owl | Ninox strenua | E | |
128 | Tasmanian Boobook | Ninox leucopsis | E | |
129 | Christmas Island Boobook | Ninox natalis | V | |
130 | Azure Kingfisher | Ceyx azureus | RR | |
131 | Little Kingfisher | Ceyx pusillus | RR | |
132 | Laughing Kookaburra | Dacelo novaeguineae | E | |
133 | Blue-winged Kookaburra | Dacelo leachii | NE | |
134 | Forest Kingfisher | Todiramphus macleayii | RR | |
135 | Torresian Kingfisher | Todiramphus sordidus | NE | |
136 | Collared Kingfisher | Todiramphus chloris | RR | |
137 | Yellow-billed Kingfisher | Syma torotoro | NE | |
138 | (Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher) | Tanysiptera sylvia | RR | |
139 | &Gray Falconl | Falco hypoleucos | V | |
140 | Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo | Zanda funereus | E | |
141 | Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo | Zanda latirostris | E | EN |
142 | Baudin's Black-Cockatoo | Zanda baudinii | E | CR |
143 | Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo | Calyptorhynchus banksii | E | |
144 | Glossy Black-Cockatoo | Calyptorhynchus lathami | E | V |
145 | Palm Cockatoo | Probosciger aterrimus | NE | |
146 | Gang-gang Cockatoo | Callocephalon fimbriatum | E | V |
147 | Pink Cockatoo | Cacatua leadbeateri | E | |
148 | Western Corella | Cacatua pastinator | E | |
149 | Long-billed Corella | Cacatua tenuirostris | E | |
150 | Superb Parrot | Polytelis swainsonii | E | |
151 | Regent Parrot | Polytelis anthopeplus | E | |
152 | &Princess Parrotl | Polytelis alexandrae | E | NT |
153 | Australian King-Parrot | Alisterus scapularis | E | |
154 | &Red-winged Parrotl | Aprosmictus erythropterus | NE | |
155 | Papuan Eclectus | Eclectus polychloros | LC | |
156 | Red-cheeked Parrot | Geoffroyus geoffroyi | LC | |
157 | Eastern Ground Parrot | Pezoporus wallicus | E | |
158 | Western Ground Parrot** | Pezoporus flaviventris | E | |
159 | Night Parrot | Pezoporus occidentalis | E | CR |
160 | &Bourke's Parrotl | Neopsephotus bourkii | E | |
161 | Blue-winged Parrot | Neophema chrysostoma | E | V |
162 | Elegant Parrot | Neophema elegans | E | |
163 | Rock Parrot | Neophema petrophila | E | |
164 | Orange-bellied Parrot | Neophema chrysogaster | E | CR |
165 | Turquoise Parrot | Neophema pulchella | E | |
166 | &Scarlet-chested Parrotl | Neophema splendida | E | |
167 | #Swift Parrot# | Lathamus discolor | E | CR |
168 | Green Rosella | Platycercus caledonicus | E | |
169 | Crimson Rosella | Platycercus elegans | E | |
170 | Northern Rosella | Platycercus venustus | E | |
171 | Pale-headed Rosella | Platycercus adscitus | E | |
172 | Western Rosella | Platycercus icterotis | E | |
173 | Greater Bluebonnet | Northiella haematogaster | E | |
174 | Naretha Bluebonnet | Northiella narethae | E | |
175 | Red-rumped Parrot | Psephotus haematonotus | E | |
176 | Mulga Parrot | Psephotellus varius | E | |
177 | Hooded Parrot | Psephotellus dissimilis | E | |
178 | Golden-shouldered Parrot | Psephotellus chrysopterygius | E | EN |
179 | Red-capped Parrot | Purpureicephalus spurius | E | |
180 | Double-eyed Fig-Parrot | Cyclopsitta diophthalma | NE | |
181 | &Varied Lorikeetl | Psitteuteles versicolor | E | |
182 | &Little Lorikeetl | Psitteuteles pusilla | E | |
183 | &Purple-crowned Lorikeetl | Psitteuteles porphyrocephala | E | |
184 | &Musk Lorikeetl | Trichoglossus concinna | E | |
185 | Scaly-breasted Lorikeet | Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus | E | |
186 | Rainbow Lorikeet | Trichoglossus moluccanus | E | |
187 | Red-collared Lorikeet | Trichoglossus rubritorquis | E | |
188 | (Philippine Pitta) | Erythropitta erythrogaster | RR | |
189 | Papuan Pitta | Erythropitta macklotii | NE | |
190 | Rainbow Pitta | Pitta iris | E | |
191 | Albert's Lyrebird | Menura alberti | E | |
192 | Superb Lyrebird | Menura novaehollandiae | E | |
193 | Rufous Scrub-bird | Atrichornis rufescens | E | EN |
194 | Noisy Scrub-bird | Atrichornis clamosus | E | EN |
195 | Spotted Catbird | Ailuroedus maculosus | NE | |
196 | Black-eared Catbird | Ailuroedus melanotis | NE | |
197 | Green Catbird | Ailuroedus crassirostris | NE | |
198 | Tooth-billed Bowerbird | Scenopoeetes dentirostris | NE | NT |
199 | Golden Bowerbird | Prionodura newtoniana | E | |
200 | Regent Bowerbird | Sericulus chrysocephalus | E | |
201 | Satin Bowerbird | Ptilonorhynchus violaceus | E | |
202 | Western Bowerbird | Chlamydera guttata | E | |
203 | Spotted Bowerbird | Chlamydera maculata | E | |
204 | Great Bowerbird | Chlamydera nuchalis | E | |
205 | Fawn-breasted Bowerbird | Chlamydera cerviniventris | NE | |
206 | White-throated Treecreeper | Cormobates leucophaea | E | |
207 | White-browed Treecreeper | Climacteris affinis | E | |
208 | Red-browed Treecreeper | Climacteris erythrops | E | |
209 | Brown Treecreeper | Climacteris picumnus | E | |
210 | Black-tailed Treecreeper | Climacteris melanurus | E | |
211 | Rufous Treecreeper | Climacteris rufus | E | |
212 | &Gray Grasswrenl | Amytornis barbatus | E | |
213 | Pilbara Grasswren | Amytornis whitei | E | |
214 | Sandhill Grasswren | Amytornis oweni | E | |
215 | Opalton Grasswren | Amytornis rowleyi | E | |
216 | Striated Grasswren | Amytornis striatus | E | |
217 | White-throated Grasswren | Amytornis woodwardi | E | EN |
218 | Carpentarian Grasswren | Amytornis dorotheae | E | V |
219 | Short-tailed Grasswren | Amytornis merrotsyi | E | NT |
220 | Western Grasswren | Amytornis textilis | E | |
221 | Thick-billed Grasswren | Amytornis modestus | E | |
222 | Black Grasswren | Amytornis housei | E | |
223 | Eyrean Grasswren | Amytornis goyderi | E | |
224 | Dusky Grasswren | Amytornis purnelli | E | |
225 | Kalkadoon Grasswren | Amytornis ballarae | E | V |
226 | Southern Emuwren | Stipiturus malachurus | E | |
227 | Rufous-crowned Emuwren | Stipiturus ruficeps | LC | |
228 | Mallee Emuwren | Stipiturus mallee | E | EN |
229 | Purple-crowned Fairywren | Malurus coronatus | E | |
230 | Red-winged Fairywren | Malurus elegans | E | |
231 | Blue-breasted Fairywren | Malurus pulcherrimus | E | |
232 | Lovely Fairywren | Malurus amabilis | E | |
233 | Splendid Fairywren | Malurus splendens | E | |
234 | Superb Fairywren | Malurus cyaneus | E | |
235 | Red-backed Fairywren | Malurus melanocephalus | E | |
236 | Eastern Spinebill | Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris | E | |
237 | &Western Spinebilll | Acanthorhynchus superciliosus | E | |
238 | &Pied Honeyeaterl | Certhionyx variegatus | E | |
239 | Yellow-spotted Honeyeater | Meliphaga notata | NE | |
240 | Lewin's Honeyeater | Meliphaga lewinii | E | |
241 | Kimberley Honeyeater | Meliphaga fordiana | E | |
242 | White-lined Honeyeater | Meliphaga albilineata | E | |
243 | Graceful Honeyeater | Meliphaga gracilis | NE | |
244 | Cryptic Honeyeater | Meliphaga imitatrix | NE | |
245 | Yellow Honeyeater | Stomiopera flavus | E | |
246 | White-gaped Honeyeater | Stomiopera unicolor | E | |
247 | White-fronted Honeyeater | Purnella albifrons | E | |
248 | Yellow-faced Honeyeater | Caligavis chrysops | E | |
249 | White-eared Honeyeater | Lichenostomus leucotis | E | |
250 | &Yellow-tufted Honeyeaterl | Lichenostomus melanops | E | |
251 | Purple-gaped Honeyeater | Lichenostomus cratitius | E | |
252 | Yellow-tinted Honeyeater | Lichenostomus flavescens | NE | |
253 | Bell Miner | Manorina melanophrys | E | |
254 | Noisy Miner | Manorina melanocephala | E | |
255 | Black-eared Miner | Manorina melanotis | EN | |
256 | Bridled Honeyeater | Bolemoreus frenatus | E | |
257 | Eungella Honeyeater | Bolemoreus hindwoodi | E | NT |
258 | &Red Wattlebirdl | Anthochaera carunculata | E | |
259 | Little Wattlebird | Anthochaera chrysoptera | E | |
260 | Western Wattlebird | Anthochaera lunulata | E | |
261 | Yellow Wattlebird | Anthochaera paradoxa | E | |
262 | &Regent Honeyeaterl | Anthochaera phrygia | E | CR |
263 | Varied Honeyeater | Gavicalis versicolor | NE | |
264 | Mangrove Honeyeater | Gavicalis fasciogularis | E | |
265 | Yellow-plumed Honeyeater | Ptilotula ornatus | E | |
266 | White-plumed Honeyeater | Ptilotula penicillatus | E | |
267 | Fuscous Honeyeater | Ptilotula fuscus | E | |
268 | Gray-headed Honeyeater | Ptilotula keartlandi | E | |
269 | Gray-fronted Honeyeater | Ptilotula plumulus | E | |
270 | Brown-backed Honeyeater | Ramsayornis modestus | NE | |
271 | &Bar-breasted Honeyeaterl | Ramsayornis fasciatus | E | |
272 | Rufous-banded Honeyeater | Conopophila albogularis | NE | |
273 | &Rufous-throated Honeyeaterl | Conopophila rufogularis | E | |
274 | &Gray Honeyeaterl | Conopophila whitei | E | |
275 | &Gibberbirdl | Ashbyia lovensis | E | |
276 | &Crimson Chatl | Epthianura tricolor | E | |
277 | Orange Chat | Epthianura aurifrons | E | |
278 | Yellow Chat | Epthianura crocea | E | |
279 | White-fronted Chat | Epthianura albifrons | E | |
280 | &Black Honeyeaterl | Sugomel nigrum | E | |
281 | Dusky Myzomela | Myzomela obscura | RR | |
282 | Red-headed Myzomela | Myzomela erythrocephala | RR | |
283 | Scarlet Myzomela | Myzomela sanguinolenta | E | |
284 | Tawny-crowned Honeyeater | Gliciphila melanops | E | |
285 | Green-backed Honeyeater | Glycichaera fallax | NE | |
286 | &Banded Honeyeaterl | Cissomela pectoralis | E | |
287 | Crescent Honeyeater | Phylidonyris pyrrhopterus | E | |
288 | New Holland Honeyeater | Phylidonyris novaehollandiae | E | |
289 | White-cheeked Honeyeater | Phylidonyris niger | E | |
290 | &White-streaked Honeyeaterl | Trichodere cockerelli | E | |
291 | Yellow-throated Honeyeater | Nesoptilotis flavicollis | E | |
292 | Blue-faced Honeyeater | Entomyzon cyanotis | NE | |
293 | Western White-naped Honeyeater | Melithreptus chloropsis | E | |
294 | White-naped Honeyeater | Melithreptus lunatus | E | |
295 | Black-headed Honeyeater | Melithreptus affinis | E | |
296 | White-throated Honeyeater | Melithreptus albogularis | NE | |
297 | Strong-billed Honeyeater | Melithreptus validirostris | E | V |
298 | Brown-headed Honeyeater | Melithreptus brevirostris | E | |
299 | Tawny-breasted Honeyeater | Xanthotis flaviventer | NE | |
300 | Macleay's Honeyeater | Xanthotis macleayanus | E | |
301 | Striped Honeyeater | Plectorhyncha lanceolata | E | |
302 | &Painted Honeyeaterl | Grantiella picta | E | |
303 | Little Friarbird | Philemon citreogularis | NE | |
304 | Helmeted Friarbird | Philemon buceroides | RR | |
305 | &Silver-crowned Friarbirdl | Philemon argenticeps | E | |
306 | Noisy Friarbird | Philemon corniculatus | NE | |
307 | Western Bristlebird | Dasyornis longirostris | E | EN |
308 | Eastern Bristlebird | Dasyornis brachypterus | E | V |
309 | Rufous Bristlebird | Dasyornis broadbenti | E | |
310 | Spotted Pardalote | Pardalotus punctatus | E | |
311 | Forty-spotted Pardalote | Pardalotus quadragintus | E | EN |
312 | &Red-browed Pardalotel | Pardalotus rubricatus | E | |
313 | Fernwren | Oreoscopus gutturalis | E | EN |
314 | Pilotbird | Pycnoptilus floccosus | E | V |
315 | Redthroat | Pyrrholaemus brunneus | E | |
316 | Speckled Warbler | Pyrrholaemus sagittatus | E | |
317 | Shy Heathwren | Hylacola cauta | E | |
318 | Chestnut-rumped Heathwren | Hylacola pyrrhopygia | E | |
319 | Striated Fieldwren | Calamanthus fuliginosus | E | |
320 | Rufous Fieldwren | Calamanthus campestris | E | |
321 | Western Fieldwren | Calamanthus montanellus | E | |
322 | Yellow-throated Scrubwren | Neosericornis citreogularis | E | |
323 | Rockwarbler | Origma solitaria | E | |
324 | Tasmanian Scrubwren | Sericornis humilis | E | |
325 | White-browed Scrubwren | Sericornis frontalis | E | |
326 | Spotted Scrubwren | Sericornis maculatus | E | |
327 | Atherton Scrubwren | Sericornis keri | V | |
328 | Tropical Scrubwren | Sericornis beccarii | NE | |
329 | Large-billed Scrubwren | Sericornis magnirostra | E | |
330 | Scrubtit | Acanthornis magna | E | |
331 | Southern Whiteface | Aphelocephala leucopsis | E | V |
332 | Chestnut-breasted Whiteface | Aphelocephala pectoralis | E | NT |
333 | Banded Whiteface | Aphelocephala nigricincta | E | |
334 | Yellow-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza chrysorrhoa | E | |
335 | Yellow Thornbill | Acanthiza nana | E | |
336 | Striated Thornbill | Acanthiza lineata | E | |
337 | Inland Thornbill | Acanthiza apicalis | E | |
338 | Tasmanian Thornbill | Acanthiza ewingii | E | |
339 | Mountain Thornbill | Acanthiza katherina | E | V |
340 | Brown Thornbill | Acanthiza pusilla | E | |
341 | Slaty-backed Thornbill | Acanthiza robustirostris | E | |
342 | Slender-billed Thornbill | Acanthiza iredalei | E | |
343 | Chestnut-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza uropygialis | E | |
344 | Western Thornbill | Acanthiza inornata | E | |
345 | Buff-rumped Thornbill | Acanthiza reguloides | E | |
346 | Brown Gerygone | Gerygone mouki | E | |
347 | Green-backed Gerygone | Gerygone chloronota | NE | |
348 | Fairy Gerygone | Gerygone palpebrosa | NE | |
349 | Large-billed Gerygone | Gerygone magnirostris | NE | |
350 | Dusky Gerygone | Gerygone tenebrosa | E | |
351 | Mangrove Gerygone | Gerygone levigaster | NE | |
352 | Western Gerygone | Gerygone fusca | E | |
353 | Gray-crowned Babbler | Pomatostomus temporalis | NE | |
354 | White-browed Babbler | Pomatostomus superciliosus | E | |
355 | Hall's Babbler | Pomatostomus halli | E | |
356 | Chestnut-crowned Babbler | Pomatostomus ruficeps | E | |
357 | Australian Logrunner | Orthonyx temminckii | E | |
358 | Chowchilla | Orthonyx spaldingii | E | |
359 | Spotted Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma punctatum | E | |
360 | Chestnut Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma castanotum | E | |
361 | Copperback Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma clarum | E | |
362 | Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma castaneothorax | E | |
363 | Cinnamon Quail-thrush | Cinclosoma cinnamomeum | E | |
364 | &Barred Cuckooshrikel | Coracina lineata | NE | |
365 | Varied Sittella | Daphoenositta chrysoptera | E | |
366 | Eastern Whipbird | Psophodes olivaceus | E | |
367 | Western Whipbird | Psophodes nigrogularis | E | |
368 | Chiming Wedgebill | Psophodes occidentalis | E | |
369 | Chirruping Wedgebill | Psophodes cristatus | E | |
370 | Crested Bellbird | Oreoica gutturalis | E | |
371 | Eastern Shrike-tit | Falcunculus frontatus | E | |
372 | Western Shrike-tit | Falcunculus leucogaster | E | |
373 | Northern Shrike-tit | Falcunculus whitei | E | |
374 | Sandstone Shrikethrush | Colluricincla woodwardi | E | |
375 | Bower's Shrikethrush | Colluricincla boweri | E | V |
376 | Arafura Shrikethrush | Colluricincla megarhyncha | RR | |
377 | Rufous Shrikethrush | Colluricincla rufogaster | NE | |
378 | Olive Whistler | Pachycephala olivacea | E | |
379 | Red-lored Whistler | Pachycephala rufogularis | E | V |
380 | Gilbert's Whistler | Pachycephala inornata | E | |
381 | Golden Whistler | Pachycephala pectoralis | E | |
382 | Black-tailed Whistler | Pachycephala melanura | NE | |
383 | White-breasted Whistler | Pachycephala lanioides | E | |
384 | Olive-backed Oriole | Oriolus sagittatus | NE | |
385 | Green Oriole | Oriolus flavocinctus | RR | |
386 | Australasian Figbird | Sphecotheres vieilloti | NE | |
387 | Yellow-breasted Boatbill | Machaerirhynchus flaviventer | NE | |
388 | Dusky Woodswallow | Artamus cyanopterus | E | |
389 | Black-backed Butcherbird | Cracticus mentalis | NE | |
390 | Silver-backed Butcherbird | Cracticus argenteus | RR | |
391 | Black Butcherbird | Melloria quoyi | NE | |
392 | Pied Currawong | Strepera graculina | E | |
393 | Black Currawong | Strepera fuliginosa | E | |
394 | Gray Currawong | Strepera versicolor | E | |
395 | Northern Fantail | Rhipidura rufiventris | RR | |
396 | Australian Rufous Fantail | Rhipidura rufifrons | RR | |
397 | Arafura Fantail | Rhipidura dryas | NE | |
398 | Mangrove Fantail | Rhipidura phasiana | NE | |
399 | Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus | RR | |
400 | Trumpet Manucode | Phonygammus keraudrenii | RR | |
401 | Paradise Riflebird | Ptiloris paradiseus | E | |
402 | Victoria's Riflebird | Ptiloris victoriae | E | |
403 | Magnificent Riflebird | Ptiloris magnificus | NE | |
404 | White-eared Monarch | Carterornis leucotis | E | |
405 | Black-faced Monarch | Monarcha melanopsis | NE | |
406 | (Black-winged Monarch) | Monarcha frater | NE | |
407 | Australian Monarch | Symposiachrus trivirgatus | RR | |
408 | Frill-necked Monarch | Arses lorealis | E | |
409 | Pied Monarch | Arses kaupi | E | |
410 | Leaden Flycatcher | Myiagra rubecula | NE | |
411 | Broad-billed Flycatcher | Myiagra ruficollis | RR | |
412 | Satin Flycatcher | Myiagra cyanoleuca | NE | |
413 | Restless Flycatcher | Myiagra inquieta | NE | |
414 | Paperbark Flycatcher | Myiagra nana | NE | |
415 | White-winged Chough | Corcorax melanorhamphos | E | |
416 | Apostlebird | Struthidea cinerea | E | |
417 | &Little Ravenl | Corvus mellori | E | |
418 | Forest Raven | Corvus tasmanicus | E | |
419 | Scarlet Robin | Petroica boodang | E | |
420 | Flame Robin | Petroica phoenicea | E | |
421 | Rose Robin | Petroica rosea | E | |
422 | Pink Robin | Petroica rodinogaster | E | |
423 | Yellow-legged Flycatcher | Kempiella griseoceps | NE | |
424 | Lemon-bellied Flyrobin | Microeca flavigaster | NE | |
425 | Northern Scrub-Robin | Drymodes superciliaris | E | |
426 | Southern Scrub-Robin | Drymodes brunneopygia | E | |
427 | Gray-headed Robin | Heteromyias cinereifrons | NT | |
428 | White-browed Robin | Poecilodryas superciliosa | E | |
429 | Buff-sided Robin | Poecilodryas cerviniventris | E | |
430 | Dusky Robin | Melanodryas vittata | V | |
431 | Mangrove Robin | Melanodryas pulverulenta | NE | |
432 | Eastern Yellow Robin | Eopsaltria australis | E | |
433 | Western Yellow Robin | Eopsaltria griseogularis | E | |
434 | White-breasted Robin | Eopsaltria georgiana | E | |
435 | Pale-yellow Robin | Eopsaltria capito | E | |
436 | White-faced Robin | Eopsaltria leucops | NE | |
437 | Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis | RR | |
438 | /Oriental Reed Warbler/ | Acrocephalus orientalis | RR | |
439 | Spinifex-bird | Poodytes carteri | E | |
440 | Little Grassbird | Poodytes gramineus | NE | |
441 | Tawny Grassbird | Cincloramphus timoriensis | RR | |
442 | /Eastern Red-rumped Swallow/ | Cecropis daurica | RR | |
443 | Ashy-bellied White-eye | Zosterops citrinella | NE | |
444 | Australian Yellow White-eye | Zosterops luteus | E | |
445 | Metallic Starling | Aplonis metallica | RR | |
446 | Bassian Thrush | Zoothera lunulata | E | |
447 | Pictorella Munia | Heteromunia pectoralis | E | |
448 | Beautiful Firetail | Stagonopleura bella | E | |
449 | Red-eared Firetail | Stagonopleura oculata | E | |
450 | Diamond Firetail | Stagonopleura guttata | E | V |
451 | Red-browed Firetail | Neochmia temporalis | E | |
452 | Crimson Finch | Neochmia phaeton | NE | |
453 | &Painted Firetaill | Emblema pictum | E | |
454 | Star Finch | Emblema ruficauda | E | |
455 | &Plum-headed Finchl | Emblema modesta | E | |
456 | &Double-barred Finchl | Stizoptera bichenovii | E | |
457 | Masked Finch | Poephila personata | E | |
458 | Long-tailed Finch | Poephila acuticauda | E | |
459 | Black-throated Finch | Poephila cincta | E | |
460 | Java Sparrow | Padda oryzivora | EN | |
461 | &Yellow-rumped Munial | Lonchura flaviprymna | E | |
462 | Gouldian Finch | Chloebia gouldiae | E | |
463 | Blue-faced Parrotfinch | Erythrura trichroa | RR |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
§ Includes Fiji, New Britain, New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands, and Vauatu only.
§§ Includes Papua New Guinea and West Papua Indonesia
§§§ Includes Auckland and Chatham Islands
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 280 |
LC | Local | 5 |
NE | Near Endemic | 73 |
RR | Restricted Range | 57 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 10 |
V | Vulnerable | 20 |
EN | Endangered | 15 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 6 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.