# Species: | 236 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 236 |
# Endemics: | 24 |
# Near Endemics: | 15 |
List of target species for the country that could possibly be seen at this location. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Accidentals, vagrants, and very rare species are excluded from this list.
1 | Magpie Goose | Anseranas semipalmata | NE |
2 | &Pink-eared Duckl | Malacorhynchus membranaceus | BC |
3 | &Flock Bronzewingl | Phaps histrionica | E |
4 | Crested Pigeon | Ocyphaps lophotes | BC |
5 | Tawny Frogmouth | Podargus strigoides | BC |
6 | &Black-tailed Nativehenl | Tribonyx ventralis | BC |
7 | &Australian Crakel | Porzana fluminea | BC |
8 | Red-necked Avocet | Recurvirostra novaehollandiae | NE |
9 | Sooty Oystercatcher | Haematopus fuliginosus | BC |
10 | &Little Buttonquaill | Turnix velox | BC |
11 | &Red-chested Buttonquaill | Turnix pyrrhothorax | E |
12 | Yellow-billed Spoonbill | Platalea flavipes | BC |
13 | &Black-shouldered Kitel | Elanus axillaris | BC |
14 | Black-breasted Kite | Hamirostra melanosternon | BC |
15 | Square-tailed Kite | Lophoictinia isura | BC |
16 | Little Eagle | Hieraaetus morphnoides | BC |
17 | Blue-winged Kookaburra | Dacelo leachii | NE |
18 | &Red-backed Kingfisherl | Todiramphus pyrrhopygius | BC |
19 | &Black Falconl | Falco subniger | BC |
20 | Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo | Calyptorhynchus banksii | E |
21 | Galah | Eolophus roseicapilla | BC |
22 | &Red-winged Parrotl | Aprosmictus erythropterus | NE |
23 | Australian Ringneck | Barnardius zonarius | BC |
24 | &Varied Lorikeetl | Psitteuteles versicolor | E |
25 | Red-collared Lorikeet | Trichoglossus rubritorquis | E |
26 | Great Bowerbird | Chlamydera nuchalis | E |
27 | Black-tailed Treecreeper | Climacteris melanurus | E |
28 | Purple-backed Fairywren | Malurus assimilis | BC |
29 | Red-backed Fairywren | Malurus melanocephalus | E |
30 | &Pied Honeyeaterl | Certhionyx variegatus | E |
31 | White-gaped Honeyeater | Stomiopera unicolor | E |
32 | White-fronted Honeyeater | Purnella albifrons | E |
33 | Yellow-tinted Honeyeater | Lichenostomus flavescens | NE |
34 | Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater | Acanthagenys rufogularis | BC |
35 | Singing Honeyeater | Gavicalis virescens | BC |
36 | Gray-headed Honeyeater | Ptilotula keartlandi | E |
37 | &Rufous-throated Honeyeaterl | Conopophila rufogularis | E |
38 | &Crimson Chatl | Epthianura tricolor | E |
39 | Yellow Chat | Epthianura crocea | E |
40 | &Black Honeyeaterl | Sugomel nigrum | E |
41 | &Banded Honeyeaterl | Cissomela pectoralis | E |
42 | White-throated Honeyeater | Melithreptus albogularis | NE |
43 | &Black-chinned Honeyeaterl | Melithreptus gularis | BC |
44 | Little Friarbird | Philemon citreogularis | NE |
45 | Striated Pardalote | Pardalotus striatus | BC |
46 | Weebill | Smicrornis brevirostris | BC |
47 | Dusky Gerygone | Gerygone tenebrosa | E |
48 | Mangrove Gerygone | Gerygone levigaster | NE |
49 | Gray-crowned Babbler | Pomatostomus temporalis | NE |
50 | Varied Sittella | Daphoenositta chrysoptera | E |
51 | Black-tailed Whistler | Pachycephala melanura | NE |
52 | White-breasted Whistler | Pachycephala lanioides | E |
53 | Olive-backed Oriole | Oriolus sagittatus | NE |
54 | Masked Woodswallow | Artamus personatus | BC |
55 | &White-browed Woodswallowl | Artamus superciliosus | BC |
56 | Little Woodswallow | Artamus minor | BC |
57 | Pied Butcherbird | Cracticus nigrogularis | BC |
58 | Gray Fantail | Rhipidura albiscapa | BC |
59 | Mangrove Fantail | Rhipidura phasiana | NE |
60 | Leaden Flycatcher | Myiagra rubecula | NE |
61 | Paperbark Flycatcher | Myiagra nana | NE |
62 | Red-capped Robin | Petroica goodenovii | BC |
63 | Jacky-winter | Microeca fascinans | BC |
64 | Lemon-bellied Flyrobin | Microeca flavigaster | NE |
65 | Hooded Robin | Melanodryas cucullata | BC |
66 | &Brown Songlarkl | Cincloramphus cruralis | BC |
67 | Rufous Songlark | Cincloramphus mathewsi | BC |
68 | Pictorella Munia | Heteromunia pectoralis | E |
69 | &Painted Firetaill | Emblema pictum | E |
70 | &Double-barred Finchl | Stizoptera bichenovii | E |
71 | Long-tailed Finch | Poephila acuticauda | E |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 24 |
NE | Near Endemic | 15 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
BC | Best Seen in This Country | 32 |
AT | Always a Target | 0 |