Tour Overview


Duration:16 days, 15 nights
Group Size:2-6
Anytime Price:$6450
Group Price:$6000
Single Suppl:$400
Est #Species:450-500
* This tour is available for any dates of your choosing provided guide services and accommodations are available.

Rust-and-yellow Tanager - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCBolivia is a less traveled and to a considerable extent unheralded birding destination. However, it offers some truly superb birding. Habitats range from the rarely visited extremely arid Chaco in the southeast to altitundinal zones of the middle elevation and high Andes, semi-arid plateaus, lakes, lagoons, and rivers. middle elevation plateau savanna, subtropical forests, and Amazonian rainforest. Over 1500 species have been recorded in Bolivia despite its lack of a coastal region, including 21 endemics and 130 near endemics. Our standard Bolivia tour covers the main regions from Santa Cruz to La Paz but does not include the more remote regions in the Beni region of the north. This tour is offered at a very competitive price. As many as 500 species are possible during this tour. Best time for birding Bolivia is dry season from May to September. The tour can also be conducted during early rainy season in October or November when birds are more active with breeding. The weather is good in September, but this month is a bit unpleasant in places because of prevalent smoke in the interior from burning agricultural fields.

White-eared Puffbird - © James F Wittenberger and Exotic Birding LLCOur tour begins with some birding near the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Central Bolivia at the edge of the Chaco. From there the tour proceeds to Bermejo and on to Refugio Los Volcanes for much of two days birding the canyonlands there. A stop at Samaipata to seek out Tucuman Parrot and Dot-winged Woodpecker near Quirusillas follows. Then the tour proceeds to Pereralta, best place to find the critically endangered Red-fronted Macaw along with Cliff Parakeet. A full day transfer to Comarapa with birding enroute is followed by a full day birding nearby Siberia Cloud Forest above the city to seek out the difficult Rufous-faced Antpitta as well as Diamed Tapaculo and others. The transfer to Cochabamba, a heavily agricultural area surrounded by great birding sites, follows. Three full days will be devoted to birding the upper and lower sections of Charpare Road, Cerro Tunari, and Laguna Alalay before flying to La Paz. From La Paz we'll devote much of a day birding the Sorata Road seeking out the very range restricted endemic Berlepsch's Canastero followed by an afternoon stop at Lake Titicaca to view the endemic flightless Titicaca Grebe. Next is a two day birding excursion to Coroico, birding the upper and lower sections of the famed Old Coroico Road. A late afternoon transfer takes us back to La Paz by evening. The tour ends at the airport in the evening or the following morning.