Area (ha):250
Altitude (m):1200-1220
# Species*:129
# Excl Vagrants*:129
# Endemics*:0
# Near Endemics*:0
Species/100 ha*:51.6
*Based on partial or incomplete data.
Habitat: Grassland


The table below lists species recorded at this locale but does not indicate frequency of occurrence there. It does indicate whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. The list is based on available data and may be incomplete.*

color codes

Pigeons and Doves: Columbidae

1Blue-spotted Wood-DoveTurtur afer

Turacos: Musophagidae

2White-crested TuracoTauraco leucolophus

Cuckoos: Cuculidae

3Blue-headed CoucalCentropus monachus
4Senegal CoucalCentropus senegalensis
5White-browed CoucalCentropus superciliosus
6/Great Spotted Cuckoo/Clamator glandarius

Nightjars and Allies: Caprimulgidae

7/Eurasian Nightjar/Caprimulgus europaeus
8Fiery-necked NightjarCaprimulgus pectoralis

Swifts: Apodidae

9Mottled SwiftTachymarptis aequatorialis
10African Palm SwiftCypsiurus parvus

Rails, Gallinules, and Coots: Rallidae

11|Corn Crake|Crex crex

Flufftails: Sarothruridae

12White-spotted FlufftailSarothrura pulchra
13Buff-spotted FlufftailSarothrura elegans

Thick-knees: Burhinidae

14/Eurasian Thick-knee/Burhinus oedicnemus

Sandpipers and Allies: Scolopacidae

15/Great Snipe/Gallinago media
16/Common Sandpiper/Actitis hypoleucos
17/Green Sandpiper/Tringa ochropus

Pratincoles and Coursers: Glareolidae

18Rock PratincoleGlareola nuchalis

Storks: Ciconiidae

19African OpenbillAnastomus lamelligerus
20/Abdim's Stork/Ciconia abdimii
21Yellow-billed StorkMycteria ibis

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns: Ardeidae

22Striated HeronButorides striata
23Western Cattle-EgretBubulcus ibis
24Gray HeronArdea cinerea
25Black-headed HeronArdea melanocephala

Hamerkop: Scopidae

26HamerkopScopus umbretta

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites: Accipitridae

27/European Honey-buzzard/Pernis apivorus
28Western Banded Snake-EagleCircaetus cinerascens
29Long-crested EagleLophaetus occipitalis
30/Lesser Spotted Eagle/Clanga pomarina
31/Booted Eagle/Hieraaetus pennatus
32/Pallid Harrier/Circus macrourus
33/Black Kite/Milvus migrans

Mousebirds: Coliidae

34Speckled MousebirdColius striatus

Bee-eaters: Meropidae

35Little Bee-eaterMerops pusillus
36Blue-breasted Bee-eaterMerops variegatus
37/White-throated Bee-eater/Merops albicollis

Kingfishers: Alcedinidae

38Malachite KingfisherCorythornis cristatus
39African Pygmy KingfisherIspidina picta
40Woodland KingfisherHalcyon senegalensis
41Striped KingfisherHalcyon chelicuti

Rollers: Coraciidae

42Broad-billed RollerEurystomus glaucurus

African Barbets: Lybiidae

43Yellow-fronted TinkerbirdPogoniulus chrysoconus

Woodpeckers: Picidae

44Speckle-breasted WoodpeckerDendropicos poecilolaemus

Falcons and Caracaras: Falconidae

45/Lesser Kestrel/Falco naumanni
46/Eurasian Kestrel/Falco tinnunculus
47|Amur Falcon|Falco amurensis
48|Eleonora's Falcon|Falco eleonorae
49|Sooty Falcon|Falco concolor
50/Eurasian Hobby/Falco subbuteo

Parrots: Psittaculidae

51Red-headed LovebirdAgapornis pullarius

Cuckooshrikes: Campephagidae

52White-breasted CuckooshrikeCeblepyris pectoralis
53Red-shouldered CuckooshrikeCampephaga phoenicea

Wattle-eyes and Batises: Platysteiridae

54Brown-throated Wattle-eyePlatysteira cyanea

Bushshrikes: Malaconotidae

55Northern PuffbackDryoscopus gambensis
56Marsh TchagraTchagra minutus
57Black-headed GonolekLaniarius erythrogaster

Shrikes: Laniidae

58/Red-backed Shrike/Lanius collurio
59/Isabelline Shrike/Lanius isabellinus
60|Lesser Gray Shrike|Lanius minor
61Northern FiscalLanius humeralis
62/Woodchat Shrike/Lanius senator

Crows, Jays, and Magpies: Corvidae

63PiapiacPtilostomus afer
64Pied CrowCorvus albus

Fairy Flycatchers: Stenostiridae

65African Blue FlycatcherElminia longicauda

African Warblers: Macrosphenidae

66Green CrombecSylvietta virens
67Moustached Grass-WarblerMelocichla mentalis

Cisticolas and Allies: Cisticolidae

68White-chinned PriniaSchistolais leucopogon
69Tawny-flanked PriniaPrinia subflava
70Whistling CisticolaCisticola lateralis

Reed Warblers and Allies: Acrocephalidae

71African Yellow-WarblerIduna natalensis
72/Icterine Warbler/Hippolais icterina
73/Marsh Warbler/Acrocephalus palustris
74/Common Reed Warbler/Acrocephalus scirpaceus
75Greater Swamp WarblerAcrocephalus rufescens

Grassbirds and Allies: Locustellidae

76Fan-tailed GrassbirdCatriscus brevirostris

Swallows: Hirundinidae

77/Bank Swallow/Riparia riparia
78/Montane Blue Swallow/Hirundo atrocaerulea
79/Barn Swallow/Hirundo rustica
80Angola SwallowHirundo angolensis
81/Western House-Martin/Delichon urbicum
82Lesser Striped SwallowCecropis abyssinica

Bulbuls: Pycnonotidae

83Pale-throated GreenbulAtimastillas flavigula
84Little GreenbulEurillas virens
85Gray GreenbulEurillas gracilis
86Common BulbulPycnonotus barbatus

White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies: Zosteropidae

87Northern Yellow White-eyeZosterops senegalensis

Laughingthrushes and Allies: Leiothrichidae

88Black-lored BabblerTurdoides sharpei

Starlings: Sturnidae

89Violet-backed StarlingCinnyricinclus leucogaster
90Rueppell's StarlingLamprotornis purpuroptera
91Purple StarlingLamprotornis purpureus

Old World Flycatchers: Muscicapidae

92|Spotted Flycatcher|Muscicapa striata
93White-browed Robin-ChatCossypha heuglini
94Gray-winged Robin-ChatSheppardia polioptera
95/Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush/Monticola saxatilis
96/Whinchat/Saxicola rubetra
97/Northern Wheatear/Oenanthe oenanthe
98/Isabelline Wheatear/Oenanthe isabellina

Sunbirds and Spiderhunters: Nectariniidae

99Olive-bellied SunbirdCinnyris chloropygius
100Red-chested SunbirdCinnyris erythrocercus
101Superb SunbirdCinnyris superbus
102Variable SunbirdCinnyris venustus
103Copper SunbirdCinnyris cupreus

Weavers and Allies: Ploceidae

104Baglafecht WeaverPloceus baglafecht
105Slender-billed WeaverPloceus pelzelni
106Spectacled WeaverPloceus ocularis
107Village WeaverPloceus cucullatus
108Black-headed WeaverPloceus melanocephalus
109Compact WeaverPachyphantes superciliosus
110Black-winged BishopEuplectes hordeaceus
111Black BishopEuplectes gierowii
112Yellow-mantled WidowbirdEuplectes macroura
113Fan-tailed WidowbirdEuplectes axillaris
114Marsh WidowbirdEuplectes hartlaubi

Waxbills and Allies: Estrildidae

115Bronze MannikinSpermestes cucullata
116Black-and-white MannikinSpermestes bicolor
117Zebra WaxbillAmandava subflava
118Black-crowned WaxbillEstrilda nonnula
119Fawn-breasted WaxbillEstrilda paludicola
120Black-rumped WaxbillEstrilda troglodytes
121QuailfinchOrtygospiza atricollis
122Brown TwinspotClytospiza monteiri
123Black-bellied FirefinchLagonosticta rara
124Bar-breasted FirefinchLagonosticta rufopicta

Old World Sparrows: Passeridae

125Northern Gray-headed SparrowPasser griseus

Wagtails and Pipits: Motacillidae

126/Western Yellow Wagtail/Motacilla flava
127African Pied WagtailMotacilla aguimp

Finches, Euphonias, and Allies: Fringillidae

128Yellow-fronted CanaryCrithagra mozambicus
129African CitrilCrithagra citrinelloides


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.



//Boreal Visitor30
\\Austral Visitor0
##Non-breeding Dispersal1
()Breeding Season Only0


NTNear Threatened3
CRCritically Endangered0

Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.