# Species: | 707 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 693 |
# Endemics: | 1 |
# Near Endemics: | 6 |
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 79 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 4 |
|| | Transient | 11 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 7 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 2 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 1 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 6 |
[] | Accidental | 8 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 17 |
V | Vulnerable | 12 |
EN | Endangered | 10 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 4 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.
List of all species known to occur in the country. Table indicates whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. See sidebar for meaning of location codes and symbols associated with common names.*
| |||
1 | White-faced Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna viduata | ANP,NR |
2 | Fulvous Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna bicolor | ANP,NR |
3 | White-backed Duck | Thalassornis leuconotus | ANP |
4 | Knob-billed Duck | Sarkidiornis melanotos | ANP,NR |
5 | Egyptian Goose | Alopochen aegyptiaca | ANP,NR |
6 | Spur-winged Goose | Plectropterus gambensis | ANP,NR |
7 | African Pygmy-Goose | Nettapus auritus | ANP |
8 | /Garganey/ | Spatula querquedula | |
9 | Blue-billed Teal | Spatula hottentota | ANP,NR |
10 | /Northern Shoveler/ | Spatula clypeata | |
11 | African Black Duck | Anas sparsa | NFNP |
12 | Yellow-billed Duck | Anas undulata | ANP,NR |
13 | Red-billed Duck | Anas erythrorhyncha | ANP |
14 | /Northern Pintail/ | Anas acuta | |
15 | {Green-winged Teal} | Anas crecca | |
16 | Southern Pochard | Netta erythrophthalma | |
17 | Maccoa Duck | Oxyura maccoa | |
| |||
18 | Helmeted Guineafowl | Numida meleagris | ANP |
| |||
19 | {Crested Francolin} | Ortygornis sephaena | ANP |
20 | Coqui Francolin | Campocolinus coqui | ANP |
21 | Red-winged Francolin | Scleroptera levaillantii | ANP |
22 | Ring-necked Francolin | Scleroptera streptophorus | ANP |
23 | Shelley's Francolin | Scleroptera shelleyi | ANP |
24 | Blue Quail | Synoicus adansonii | ANP |
25 | (Common Quail) | Coturnix coturnix | |
26 | Harlequin Quail | Coturnix delegorguei | ANP |
27 | Handsome Spurfowl | Pternistis nobilis | NFNP |
28 | Scaly Spurfowl | Pternistis squamatus | ANP |
29 | Hildebrandt's Spurfowl | Pternistis hildebrandti | ANP |
30 | Red-necked Spurfowl | Pternistis afer | ANP,NR |
| |||
31 | Rock Pigeon | Columba livia | ANP,NR |
32 | Speckled Pigeon | Columba guinea | ANP,NFNP,NR |
33 | Afep Pigeon | Columba unicincta | |
34 | Rameron Pigeon | Columba arquatrix | NFNP |
35 | Western Bronze-naped Pigeon | Columba iriditorques | |
36 | Lemon Dove | Aplopelia larvata | NFNP |
37 | Dusky Turtle-Dove | Streptopelia lugens | NFNP |
38 | Mourning Collared-Dove | Streptopelia decipiens | ANP |
39 | Red-eyed Dove | Streptopelia semitorquata | ANP,NFNP,NR |
40 | Ring-necked Dove | Streptopelia capicola | ANP,NFNP,NR |
41 | Laughing Dove | Spilopelia senegalensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
42 | Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove | Turtur chalcospilos | ANP,NR |
43 | Blue-spotted Wood-Dove | Turtur afer | ANP,NR |
44 | Tambourine Dove | Turtur tympanistria | ANP,NFNP,NR |
45 | #Namaqua Dove# | Oena capensis | |
46 | African Green-Pigeon | Treron calvus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
47 | Denham's Bustard | Neotis denhami | ANP |
48 | Black-bellied Bustard | Lissotis melanogaster | ANP |
| |||
49 | Great Blue Turaco | Corythaeola cristata | NFNP |
50 | Bare-faced Go-away-bird | Crinifer personatus | ANP |
51 | Eastern Plantain-eater | Crinifer zonurus | ANP,NR |
52 | Purple-crested Turaco | Gallirex porphyreolophus | ANP |
53 | Rwenzori Turaco | Gallirex johnstoni | NFNP |
54 | Ross's Turaco | Tauraco rossae | ANP,NFNP,NR |
55 | White-crested Turaco | Tauraco leucolophus | ANP |
56 | Black-billed Turaco | Tauraco schuettii | NFNP |
| |||
57 | Red-chested Cuckoo | Cuculus solitarius | ANP,NFNP,NR |
58 | Black Cuckoo | Cuculus clamosus | ANP,NFNP |
59 | /Common Cuckoo/ | Cuculus canorus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
60 | African Cuckoo | Cuculus gularis | ANP |
61 | \Madagascar Cuckoo\ | Cuculus rochii | ANP |
62 | Black Coucal | Centropus grillii | ANP |
63 | Blue-headed Coucal | Centropus monachus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
64 | White-browed Coucal | Centropus superciliosus | ANP,NR |
65 | Blue Malkoha | Ceuthmochares aereus | ANP,NFNP |
66 | Pied Cuckoo | Clamator jacobinus | ANP |
67 | Levaillant's Cuckoo | Clamator levaillantii | ANP,NR |
68 | Great Spotted Cuckoo | Clamator glandarius | ANP |
69 | Thick-billed Cuckoo | Pachycoccyx audeberti | ANP |
70 | Klaas's Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx klaas | ANP,NFNP,NR |
71 | African Emerald Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx cupreus | ANP,NFNP |
72 | Dideric Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx caprius | ANP,NFNP,NR |
73 | Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo | Cercococcyx montanus | NFNP |
| |||
74 | Pennant-winged Nightjar | Caprimulgus vexillarius | ANP |
75 | /Eurasian Nightjar/ | Caprimulgus europaeus | ANP |
76 | Fiery-necked Nightjar | Caprimulgus pectoralis | ANP |
77 | Montane Nightjar | Caprimulgus poliocephalus | NFNP |
78 | Swamp Nightjar | Caprimulgus natalensis | ANP |
79 | Freckled Nightjar | Caprimulgus tristigma | ANP |
80 | Bates's Nightjar | Caprimulgus batesi | |
81 | #Square-tailed Nightjar# | Caprimulgus fossii | ANP |
| |||
82 | Cassin's Spinetail | Neafrapus cassini | |
83 | Scarce Swift | Schoutedenapus myoptilus | NFNP |
84 | /Alpine Swift/ | Tachymarptis melba | |
85 | /Mottled Swift/ | Tachymarptis aequatorialis | ANP |
86 | Common Swift | Apus apus | ANP,NR |
87 | African Swift | Apus barbatus | ANP,NFNP |
88 | Little Swift | Apus affinis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
89 | Horus Swift | Apus horus | NFNP |
90 | White-rumped Swift | Apus caffer | ANP,NFNP,NR |
91 | African Palm Swift | Cypsiurus parvus | ANP,NR |
| |||
92 | African Rail | Rallus caerulescens | |
93 | |Corn Crake| | Crex crex | ANP |
94 | African Crake | Crecopsis egregia | ANP |
95 | /Spotted Crake/ | Porzana porzana | |
96 | Lesser Moorhen | Gallinula angulata | |
97 | Eurasian Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus | ANP,NR |
98 | Red-knobbed Coot | Fulica cristata | ANP,NR |
99 | Allen's Gallinule | Porphyrio alleni | |
100 | African Swamphen | Porphyrio madagascariensis | NR |
101 | \Striped Crake\ | Aenigmatolimnas marginalis | ANP |
102 | Black Crake | Zapornia flavirostra | ANP,NR |
103 | Baillon's Crake | Zapornia pusilla | ANP |
| |||
104 | White-spotted Flufftail | Sarothrura pulchra | |
105 | Buff-spotted Flufftail | Sarothrura elegans | |
106 | Red-chested Flufftail | Sarothrura rufa | NFNP |
107 | \Streaky-breasted Flufftail\ | Sarothrura boehmi | |
| |||
108 | African Finfoot | Podica senegalensis | ANP |
| |||
109 | Gray Crowned-Crane | Balearica regulorum | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
110 | Spotted Thick-knee | Burhinus capensis | |
111 | Water Thick-knee | Burhinus vermiculatus | ANP,NR |
| |||
112 | Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus | ANP |
113 | Pied Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta | |
| |||
114 | {Black-bellied Plover} | Pluvialis squatarola | ANP |
115 | [Pacific Golden-Plover] | Pluvialis fulva | |
116 | /Common Ringed Plover/ | Charadrius hiaticula | ANP |
117 | Forbes's Plover | Thinornis forbesi | |
118 | Three-banded Plover | Thinornis tricollaris | ANP,NR |
119 | /Little Ringed Plover/ | Thinornis dubius | |
120 | Long-toed Lapwing | Vanellus crassirostris | ANP,NR |
121 | Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanellus spinosus | ANP,NR |
122 | White-crowned Lapwing | Vanellus albiceps | |
123 | Senegal Lapwing | Vanellus lugubris | ANP |
124 | Crowned Lapwing | Vanellus coronatus | ANP |
125 | Wattled Lapwing | Vanellus senegallus | ANP,NR |
126 | #Brown-chested Lapwing# | Vanellus superciliosus | ANP |
127 | /Caspian Plover/ | Anarhynchus asiaticus | |
128 | Tibetan Sand-Plover | Anarhynchus atrifrons | |
129 | [Greater Sand-Plover] | Anarhynchus leschenaultii | |
130 | Kittlitz's Plover | Anarhynchus pecuarius | ANP |
131 | White-fronted Plover | Anarhynchus marginatus | |
| |||
132 | Greater Painted-Snipe | Rostratula benghalensis | ANP |
| |||
133 | Lesser Jacana | Microparra capensis | ANP,NR |
134 | African Jacana | Actophilornis africanus | ANP,NR |
| |||
135 | /Whimbrel/ | Numenius phaeopus | |
136 | /Eurasian Curlew/ | Numenius arquata | |
137 | /Black-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa limosa | |
138 | /Great Snipe/ | Gallinago media | |
139 | African Snipe | Gallinago nigripennis | |
140 | /Common Snipe/ | Gallinago gallinago | ANP,NR |
141 | [Terek Sandpiper] | Xenus cinereus | |
142 | /Common Sandpiper/ | Actitis hypoleucos | ANP,NR |
143 | /Green Sandpiper/ | Tringa ochropus | ANP,NR |
144 | /Marsh Sandpiper/ | Tringa stagnatilis | ANP,NR |
145 | /Wood Sandpiper/ | Tringa glareola | ANP,NR |
146 | /Common Redshank/ | Tringa totanus | |
147 | /Spotted Redshank/ | Tringa erythropus | |
148 | /Common Greenshank/ | Tringa nebularia | ANP |
149 | /Ruddy Turnstone/ | Arenaria interpres | |
150 | /Ruff/ | Calidris pugnax | ANP |
151 | [Broad-billed Sandpiper] | Calidris falcinellus | |
152 | /Curlew Sandpiper/ | Calidris ferruginea | ANP,NR |
153 | /Temminck's Stint/ | Calidris temminckii | |
154 | /Sanderling/ | Calidris alba | |
155 | /Little Stint/ | Calidris minuta | |
| |||
156 | Small Buttonquail | Turnix sylvaticus | ANP |
157 | Black-rumped Buttonquail | Turnix nanus | |
| |||
158 | Bronze-winged Courser | Rhinoptilus chalcopterus | ANP |
159 | Three-banded Courser | Rhinoptilus cinctus | |
160 | Temminck's Courser | Cursorius temminckii | ANP |
161 | [Rock Pratincole] | Glareola nuchalis | |
162 | |Black-winged Pratincole| | Glareola nordmanni | |
163 | /Collared Pratincole/ | Glareola pratincola | ANP |
| |||
164 | /Black-headed Gull/ | Chroicocephalus ridibundus | |
165 | Gray-hooded Gull | Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus | |
166 | /Lesser Black-backed Gull/ | Larus fuscus | |
167 | #African Skimmer# | Rynchops flavirostris | |
168 | /Gull-billed Tern/ | Gelochelidon nilotica | |
169 | Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia | |
170 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida | |
171 | {Black Tern} | Chlidonias niger | |
172 | /White-winged Tern/ | Chlidonias leucopterus | |
173 | [Lesser Crested Tern] | Thalasseus bengalensis | |
| |||
174 | Lesser Flamingo | Phoenicoparrus minor | |
| |||
175 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
176 | Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus | |
| |||
177 | African Openbill | Anastomus lamelligerus | ANP,NR |
178 | /Black Stork/ | Ciconia nigra | |
179 | /Abdim's Stork/ | Ciconia abdimii | ANP,NR |
180 | African Woolly-necked Stork | Ciconia microscelis | ANP |
181 | /White Stork/ | Ciconia ciconia | ANP |
182 | Saddle-billed Stork | Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis | ANP |
183 | Marabou Stork | Leptoptilos crumenifer | ANP,NFNP,NR |
184 | Yellow-billed Stork | Mycteria ibis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
185 | African Darter | Anhinga rufa | ANP |
| |||
186 | Reed Cormorant | Microcarbo africanus | ANP,NR |
187 | Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo | ANP |
| |||
188 | Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
189 | African Sacred Ibis | Threskiornis aethiopicus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
190 | Spot-breasted Ibis | Bostrychia rara | |
191 | Hadada Ibis | Bostrychia hagedash | ANP,NFNP,NR |
192 | African Spoonbill | Platalea alba | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
193 | Dwarf Bittern | Botaurus sturmii | |
194 | Little Bittern | Botaurus minutus | ANP,NR |
195 | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax | ANP,NR |
196 | Black Heron | Egretta ardesiaca | ANP |
197 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta | ANP,NR |
198 | Western Reef-Heron | Egretta gularis | |
199 | White-backed Night Heron | Calherodius leuconotus | |
200 | Striated Heron | Butorides striata | ANP,NR |
201 | Rufous-bellied Heron | Ardeola rufiventris | ANP,NR |
202 | Squacco Heron | Ardeola ralloides | ANP,NFNP,NR |
203 | /Malagasy Pond-Heron/ | Ardeola idae | ANP,NR |
204 | Western Cattle-Egret | Bubulcus ibis | ANP,NR |
205 | Great Egret | Ardea alba | ANP,NFNP,NR |
206 | Yellow-billed Egret | Ardea brachyrhyncha | ANP,NR |
207 | Gray Heron | Ardea cinerea | ANP,NR |
208 | Purple Heron | Ardea purpurea | ANP,NFNP,NR |
209 | Black-headed Heron | Ardea melanocephala | ANP,NFNP,NR |
210 | Goliath Heron | Ardea goliath | ANP |
| |||
211 | Hamerkop | Scopus umbretta | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
212 | Shoebill | Balaeniceps rex | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
213 | #Great White Pelican# | Pelecanus onocrotalus | ANP |
214 | Pink-backed Pelican | Pelecanus rufescens | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
215 | Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius | |
| |||
216 | /Osprey/ | Pandion haliaetus | ANP |
| |||
217 | Scissor-tailed Kite | Chelictinia riocourii | |
218 | Black-winged Kite | Elanus caeruleus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
219 | African Harrier-Hawk | Polyboroides typus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
220 | Palm-nut Vulture | Gypohierax angolensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
221 | African Cuckoo-Hawk | Aviceda cuculoides | ANP |
222 | /European Honey-buzzard/ | Pernis apivorus | ANP,NFNP |
223 | White-headed Vulture | Trigonoceps occipitalis | ANP |
224 | Lappet-faced Vulture | Torgos tracheliotos | ANP |
225 | Hooded Vulture | Necrosyrtes monachus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
226 | White-backed Vulture | Gyps africanus | ANP |
227 | Rueppell's Griffon | Gyps rueppelli | ANP |
228 | Bateleur | Terathopius ecaudatus | ANP |
229 | Western Banded Snake-Eagle | Circaetus cinerascens | ANP,NR |
230 | Congo Snake-Eagle | Circaetus spectabilis | |
231 | Beaudouin's Snake-Eagle | Circaetus beaudouini | |
232 | Black-chested Snake-Eagle | Circaetus pectoralis | ANP |
233 | Brown Snake-Eagle | Circaetus cinereus | ANP |
234 | Crowned Eagle | Stephanoaetus coronatus | ANP,NFNP |
235 | Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | ANP |
236 | Long-crested Eagle | Lophaetus occipitalis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
237 | /Lesser Spotted Eagle/ | Clanga pomarina | ANP |
238 | Wahlberg's Eagle | Hieraaetus wahlbergi | ANP,NFNP,NR |
239 | /Booted Eagle/ | Hieraaetus pennatus | |
240 | Ayres's Hawk-Eagle | Hieraaetus ayresii | |
241 | Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax | ANP |
242 | /Steppe Eagle/ | Aquila nipalensis | ANP |
243 | Cassin's Hawk-Eagle | Aquila africana | NFNP |
244 | Verreaux's Eagle | Aquila verreauxii | |
245 | African Hawk-Eagle | Aquila spilogaster | ANP |
246 | Bat Hawk | Macheiramphus alcinus | ANP,NR |
247 | Gabar Goshawk | Micronisus gabar | ANP,NR |
248 | {Dark Chanting-Goshawk} | Melierax metabates | ANP |
249 | Lizard Buzzard | Kaupifalco monogrammicus | ANP |
250 | African Goshawk | Aerospiza toussenelii | ANP,NFNP |
251 | Little Sparrowhawk | Tachyspiza minullus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
252 | Shikra | Tachyspiza badius | ANP |
253 | Ovambo Sparrowhawk | Accipiter ovampensis | ANP |
254 | Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk | Accipiter rufiventris | NFNP |
255 | Black Goshawk | Astur melanoleucus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
256 | /Western Marsh Harrier/ | Circus aeruginosus | ANP |
257 | African Marsh Harrier | Circus ranivorus | ANP,NR |
258 | /Pallid Harrier/ | Circus macrourus | ANP |
259 | /Montagu's Harrier/ | Circus pygargus | ANP |
260 | /Black Kite/ | Milvus migrans | ANP,NFNP,NR |
261 | African Fish-Eagle | Icthyophaga vocifer | ANP,NR |
262 | {Grasshopper Buzzard} | Butastur rufipennis | |
263 | /Common Buzzard/ | Buteo buteo | ANP,NFNP,NR |
264 | Mountain Buzzard | Buteo oreophilus | NFNP |
265 | Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
266 | African Grass-Owl | Tyto capensis | NFNP |
267 | Western Barn Owl | Tyto alba | |
| |||
268 | African Scops-Owl | Otus senegalensis | ANP |
269 | Southern White-faced Owl | Ptilopsis granti | ANP |
270 | Spotted Eagle-Owl | Bubo africanus | ANP |
271 | Fraser's Eagle-Owl | Ketupa poensis | |
272 | Verreaux's Eagle-Owl | Ketupa lactea | ANP,NFNP |
273 | Pel's Fishing-Owl | Scotopelia peli | |
274 | Pearl-spotted Owlet | Glaucidium perlatum | ANP |
275 | Red-chested Owlet | Glaucidium tephronotum | NFNP |
276 | [African Barred Owlet] | Glaucidium capense | |
277 | Albertine Owlet | Glaucidium albertinum | NFNP |
278 | African Wood-Owl | Strix woodfordii | ANP,NFNP |
279 | Abyssinian Owl | Asio abyssinicus | |
280 | Marsh Owl | Asio capensis | ANP |
| |||
281 | Speckled Mousebird | Colius striatus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
282 | Blue-naped Mousebird | Urocolius macrourus | ANP,NR |
| |||
283 | Narina Trogon | Apaloderma narina | ANP,NFNP |
284 | Bar-tailed Trogon | Apaloderma vittatum | NFNP |
| |||
285 | /Eurasian Hoopoe/ | Upupa epops | ANP |
| |||
286 | Green Woodhoopoe | Phoeniculus purpureus | ANP,NFNP |
287 | White-headed Woodhoopoe | Phoeniculus bollei | NFNP |
288 | Forest Scimitarbill | Rhinopomastus castaneiceps | NFNP |
289 | Common Scimitarbill | Rhinopomastus cyanomelas | ANP |
| |||
290 | Southern Ground-Hornbill | Bucorvus leadbeateri | |
291 | Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill | Lophoceros camurus | |
292 | Crowned Hornbill | Lophoceros alboterminatus | ANP,NFNP |
293 | African Gray Hornbill | Lophoceros nasutus | ANP |
294 | Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill | Bycanistes subcylindrica | NFNP |
| |||
295 | White-fronted Bee-eater | Merops bullockoides | |
296 | Little Bee-eater | Merops pusillus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
297 | Blue-breasted Bee-eater | Merops variegatus | ANP,NR |
298 | Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater | Merops oreobates | ANP,NFNP,NR |
299 | Swallow-tailed Bee-eater | Merops hirundineus | |
300 | /White-throated Bee-eater/ | Merops albicollis | ANP |
301 | /Blue-cheeked Bee-eater/ | Merops persicus | ANP |
302 | Olive Bee-eater | Merops superciliosus | ANP |
303 | /European Bee-eater/ | Merops apiaster | ANP,NFNP,NR |
304 | Southern Carmine Bee-eater | Merops nubicoides | ANP |
| |||
305 | Half-collared Kingfisher | Alcedo semitorquata | ANP |
306 | Shining-blue Kingfisher | Alcedo quadribrachys | |
307 | Malachite Kingfisher | Corythornis cristatus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
308 | African Pygmy Kingfisher | Ispidina picta | ANP,NR |
309 | Chocolate-backed Kingfisher | Halcyon badia | |
310 | Gray-headed Kingfisher | Halcyon leucocephala | ANP,NFNP |
311 | Woodland Kingfisher | Halcyon senegalensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
312 | Blue-breasted Kingfisher | Halcyon malimbica | |
313 | Striped Kingfisher | Halcyon chelicuti | ANP |
314 | Giant Kingfisher | Megaceryle maxima | ANP,NFNP,NR |
315 | Pied Kingfisher | Ceryle rudis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
316 | /European Roller/ | Coracias garrulus | ANP |
317 | Lilac-breasted Roller | Coracias caudatus | ANP,NR |
318 | Purple Roller | Coracias naevius | |
319 | Broad-billed Roller | Eurystomus glaucurus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
320 | Eastern Yellow-billed Barbet | Trachylaemus purpuratus | |
321 | Crested Barbet | Trachyphonus vaillantii | ANP |
322 | Gray-throated Barbet | Gymnobucco bonapartei | NFNP |
323 | Western Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus coryphaea | NFNP |
324 | Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus bilineatus | ANP,NFNP |
325 | Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus chrysoconus | ANP |
326 | Spot-flanked Barbet | Tricholaema lacrymosa | ANP,NR |
327 | White-headed Barbet | Lybius leucocephalus | ANP |
328 | Red-faced Barbet | Lybius rubrifacies | ANP |
329 | Black-collared Barbet | Lybius torquatus | ANP |
330 | Double-toothed Barbet | Pogonornis bidentatus | ANP |
| |||
331 | Brown-backed Honeybird | Prodotiscus regulus | NR |
332 | Dwarf Honeyguide | Indicator pumilio | NFNP |
333 | Willcocks's Honeyguide | Indicator willcocksi | |
334 | Least Honeyguide | Indicator exilis | NFNP |
335 | Lesser Honeyguide | Indicator minor | ANP,NR |
336 | Scaly-throated Honeyguide | Indicator variegatus | ANP |
337 | Greater Honeyguide | Indicator indicator | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
338 | Red-throated Wryneck | Jynx ruficollis | NFNP |
339 | Elliot's Woodpecker | Dendropicos elliotii | NFNP |
340 | Speckle-breasted Woodpecker | Dendropicos poecilolaemus | |
341 | Cardinal Woodpecker | Dendropicos fuscescens | ANP,NFNP,NR |
342 | African Gray Woodpecker | Dendropicos goertae | ANP,NR |
343 | Olive Woodpecker | Dendropicos griseocephalus | NFNP |
344 | Golden-crowned Woodpecker | Chloropicus xantholophus | |
345 | Bearded Woodpecker | Chloropicus namaquus | ANP |
346 | Buff-spotted Woodpecker | Pardipicus nivosa | |
347 | Fine-banded Woodpecker | Campethera taeniolaema | NFNP |
348 | Green-backed Woodpecker | Campethera cailliautii | ANP |
349 | Nubian Woodpecker | Campethera nubica | ANP |
350 | Bennett's Woodpecker | Campethera bennettii | ANP |
351 | Golden-tailed Woodpecker | Campethera abingoni | ANP,NR |
| |||
352 | Pygmy Falcon | Polihierax semitorquatus | |
353 | /Lesser Kestrel/ | Falco naumanni | ANP,NR |
354 | Eurasian Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
355 | Gray Kestrel | Falco ardosiaceus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
356 | Red-necked Falcon | Falco chicquera | ANP,NFNP,NR |
357 | |Red-footed Falcon| | Falco vespertinus | |
358 | |Amur Falcon| | Falco amurensis | ANP |
359 | |Eleonora's Falcon| | Falco eleonorae | |
360 | |Sooty Falcon| | Falco concolor | ANP |
361 | /Eurasian Hobby/ | Falco subbuteo | ANP |
362 | African Hobby | Falco cuvierii | NFNP,NR |
363 | Lanner Falcon | Falco biarmicus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
364 | /Peregrine Falcon/ | Falco peregrinus | |
| |||
365 | Red-headed Lovebird | Agapornis pullarius | |
366 | Fischer's Lovebird | Agapornis fischeri | |
| |||
367 | Gray Parrot | Psittacus erithacus | |
368 | Brown-necked Parrot | Poicephalus fuscicollis | |
369 | Meyer's Parrot | Poicephalus meyeri | ANP,NR |
| |||
370 | African Broadbill | Smithornis capensis | NFNP |
| |||
371 | \African Pitta\ | Pitta angolensis | ANP |
| |||
372 | Gray Cuckooshrike | Ceblepyris caesia | NFNP |
373 | White-breasted Cuckooshrike | Ceblepyris pectoralis | |
374 | Black Cuckooshrike | Campephaga flava | ANP,NFNP,NR |
375 | Petit's Cuckooshrike | Campephaga petiti | NFNP |
376 | Red-shouldered Cuckooshrike | Campephaga phoenicea | |
| |||
377 | /Eurasian Golden Oriole/ | Oriolus oriolus | ANP |
378 | #African Golden Oriole# | Oriolus auratus | ANP,NFNP |
379 | African Black-headed Oriole | Oriolus larvatus | ANP,NFNP |
380 | Black-tailed Oriole | Oriolus percivali | NFNP |
| |||
381 | Brown-throated Wattle-eye | Platysteira cyanea | ANP,NFNP |
382 | Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye | Platysteira concreta | NFNP |
383 | Rwenzori Batis | Batis diops | NFNP |
384 | Chinspot Batis | Batis molitor | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
385 | White-crested Helmetshrike | Prionops plumatus | ANP |
386 | African Shrike-flycatcher | Megabyas flammulatus | |
387 | Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher | Bias musicus | |
| |||
388 | Brubru | Nilaus afer | ANP |
389 | Northern Puffback | Dryoscopus gambensis | ANP,NFNP |
390 | Black-backed Puffback | Dryoscopus cubla | ANP |
391 | Red-eyed Puffback | Dryoscopus senegalensis | |
392 | Pink-footed Puffback | Dryoscopus angolensis | NFNP |
393 | Marsh Tchagra | Tchagra minutus | ANP,NR |
394 | Black-crowned Tchagra | Tchagra senegalus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
395 | Brown-crowned Tchagra | Tchagra australis | ANP |
396 | Luehder's Bushshrike | Laniarius luehderi | ANP,NFNP |
397 | Tropical Boubou | Laniarius major | ANP,NFNP,NR |
398 | Black-headed Gonolek | Laniarius erythrogaster | ANP,NR |
399 | Papyrus Gonolek | Laniarius mufumbiri | ANP,NR |
400 | Slate-colored Boubou | Laniarius funebris | ANP |
401 | Willard's Sooty Boubou | Laniarius willardi | NFNP |
402 | Albertine Boubou | Laniarius holomelas | NFNP |
403 | Doherty's Bushshrike | Telophorus dohertyi | NFNP |
404 | Gray-green Bushshrike | Chlorophoneus bocagei | |
405 | Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike | Chlorophoneus sulfureopectus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
406 | Many-colored Bushshrike | Chlorophoneus multicolor | NFNP |
407 | Lagden's Bushshrike | Malaconotus lagdeni | NFNP |
408 | Gray-headed Bushshrike | Malaconotus blanchoti | ANP |
| |||
409 | Fork-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus adsimilis | ANP,NR |
410 | Velvet-mantled Drongo | Dicrurus modestus | NFNP |
| |||
411 | African Crested Flycatcher | Trochocercus cyanomelas | |
412 | African Paradise-Flycatcher | Terpsiphone viridis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
413 | /Red-backed Shrike/ | Lanius collurio | ANP,NR |
414 | /Red-tailed Shrike/ | Lanius phoenicuroides | |
415 | /Isabelline Shrike/ | Lanius isabellinus | |
416 | |Lesser Gray Shrike| | Lanius minor | ANP,NFNP |
417 | Gray-backed Fiscal | Lanius excubitoroides | ANP,NFNP,NR |
418 | Mackinnon's Shrike | Lanius mackinnoni | ANP,NFNP,NR |
419 | Northern Fiscal | Lanius humeralis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
420 | Souza's Shrike | Lanius souzae | ANP |
| |||
421 | Pied Crow | Corvus albus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
422 | White-necked Raven | Corvus albicollis | NFNP |
| |||
423 | Yellow-bellied Hyliota | Hyliota flavigaster | |
424 | Violet-backed Hyliota | Hyliota violacea | NFNP |
| |||
425 | White-tailed Blue Flycatcher | Elminia albicauda | NFNP |
426 | White-bellied Crested Flycatcher | Elminia albiventris | NFNP |
427 | White-tailed Crested Flycatcher | Elminia albonotata | NFNP |
| |||
428 | White-winged Black-Tit | Melaniparus leucomelas | ANP |
429 | Dusky Tit | Melaniparus funereus | NFNP |
430 | Stripe-breasted Tit | Melaniparus fasciiventer | NFNP |
| |||
431 | African Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus caroli | ANP |
| |||
432 | Fischer's Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix leucopareia | |
433 | Flappet Lark | Amirafra rufocinnamomea | ANP |
434 | Rufous-naped Lark | Corypha africana | ANP,NR |
435 | Red-capped Lark | Calandrella cinerea | ANP |
| |||
436 | Green Crombec | Sylvietta virens | |
437 | White-browed Crombec | Sylvietta leucophrys | NFNP |
438 | Red-faced Crombec | Sylvietta whytii | ANP,NFNP,NR |
439 | Moustached Grass-Warbler | Melocichla mentalis | ANP |
440 | Grauer's Warbler | Graueria vittata | NFNP |
| |||
441 | Yellow-bellied Eremomela | Eremomela icteropygialis | |
442 | Green-capped Eremomela | Eremomela scotops | ANP |
443 | White-chinned Prinia | Schistolais leucopogon | ANP,NFNP |
444 | Rwenzori Apalis | Oreolais ruwenzorii | NFNP |
445 | Miombo Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes undosus | ANP |
446 | Green-backed Camaroptera | Camaroptera brachyura | ANP,NFNP,NR |
447 | Olive-green Camaroptera | Camaroptera chloronota | |
448 | Buff-bellied Warbler | Phyllolais pulchella | ANP,NR |
449 | Black-throated Apalis | Apalis jacksoni | NFNP |
450 | Black-faced Apalis | Apalis personata | NFNP |
451 | Yellow-breasted Apalis | Apalis flavida | ANP,NR |
452 | Kungwe Apalis | Apalis argentea | NFNP |
453 | Chestnut-throated Apalis | Apalis porphyrolaema | NFNP |
454 | Gray Apalis | Apalis cinerea | ANP,NFNP,NR |
455 | Tawny-flanked Prinia | Prinia subflava | ANP,NFNP,NR |
456 | Banded Prinia | Prinia bairdii | NFNP |
457 | Black-faced Rufous-Warbler | Bathmocercus rufus | NFNP |
458 | Gray-capped Warbler | Eminia lepida | ANP,NFNP,NR |
459 | Red-faced Cisticola | Cisticola erythrops | ANP,NFNP,NR |
460 | Singing Cisticola | Cisticola cantans | ANP,NFNP,NR |
461 | Trilling Cisticola | Cisticola woosnami | ANP,NR |
462 | Chubb's Cisticola | Cisticola chubbi | ANP,NFNP,NR |
463 | Rock-loving Cisticola | Cisticola aberrans | |
464 | Rattling Cisticola | Cisticola chiniana | |
465 | Winding Cisticola | Cisticola marginatus | ANP,NR |
466 | Carruthers's Cisticola | Cisticola carruthersi | ANP,NR |
467 | Stout Cisticola | Cisticola robustus | ANP |
468 | Croaking Cisticola | Cisticola natalensis | ANP |
469 | Tabora Cisticola | Cisticola angusticauda | ANP |
470 | Siffling Cisticola | Cisticola brachypterus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
471 | Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis | ANP |
472 | Wing-snapping Cisticola | Cisticola ayresii | ANP,NFNP |
| |||
473 | Papyrus Yellow-Warbler | Calamonastides gracilirostris | NR |
474 | /Eastern Olivaceous Warbler/ | Iduna pallida | |
475 | African Yellow-Warbler | Iduna natalensis | NR |
476 | Mountain Yellow-Warbler | Iduna similis | NFNP |
477 | /Icterine Warbler/ | Hippolais icterina | ANP,NFNP |
478 | /Sedge Warbler/ | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus | ANP,NR |
479 | |Marsh Warbler| | Acrocephalus palustris | |
480 | Common Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | ANP,NR |
481 | Lesser Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus gracilirostris | ANP,NFNP,NR |
482 | Greater Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus rufescens | ANP,NR |
483 | /Great Reed Warbler/ | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | ANP,NR |
| |||
484 | Bamboo Warbler | Locustella alfredi | |
485 | |River Warbler| | Locustella fluviatilis | |
486 | Fan-tailed Grassbird | Catriscus brevirostris | ANP |
487 | Evergreen-forest Warbler | Bradypterus lopezi | NFNP |
488 | Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler | Bradypterus cinnamomeus | NFNP |
489 | White-winged Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus carpalis | ANP,NR |
490 | Grauer's Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus graueri | NFNP |
491 | Highland Rush Warbler | Bradypterus centralis | NFNP,NR |
| |||
492 | White-headed Sawwing | Psalidoprocne albiceps | ANP,NFNP,NR |
493 | Black Sawwing | Psalidoprocne pristoptera | NFNP |
494 | Gray-rumped Swallow | Pseudhirundo griseopyga | ANP |
495 | Banded Martin | Neophedina cincta | ANP,NR |
496 | Plain Martin | Riparia paludicola | NFNP |
497 | /Bank Swallow/ | Riparia riparia | ANP |
498 | Southern Crag-Martin | Ptyonoprogne fuligula | ANP,NFNP,NR |
499 | |Montane Blue Swallow| | Hirundo atrocaerulea | |
500 | /Barn Swallow/ | Hirundo rustica | ANP,NFNP,NR |
501 | Angola Swallow | Hirundo angolensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
502 | Wire-tailed Swallow | Hirundo smithii | ANP,NR |
503 | /Western House-Martin/ | Delichon urbicum | NFNP |
504 | African Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis melanocrissus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
505 | Lesser Striped Swallow | Cecropis abyssinica | ANP,NFNP,NR |
506 | Rufous-chested Swallow | Cecropis semirufa | ANP |
507 | Mosque Swallow | Cecropis senegalensis | ANP,NFNP |
| |||
508 | Slender-billed Greenbul | Stelgidillas gracilirostris | NFNP |
509 | Black-collared Bulbul | Neolestes torquatus | |
510 | Red-tailed Bristlebill | Bleda syndactylus | |
511 | Pale-throated Greenbul | Atimastillas flavigula | ANP,NFNP,NR |
512 | Shelley's Greenbul | Arizelocichla masukuensis | NFNP |
513 | Kikuyu Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla kikuyuensis | NFNP |
514 | Little Greenbul | Eurillas virens | |
515 | Yellow-whiskered Greenbul | Eurillas latirostris | NFNP,NR |
516 | Plain Greenbul | Eurillas curvirostris | NFNP |
517 | Yellow-streaked Greenbul | Phyllastrephus flavostriatus | NFNP |
518 | Cabanis's Greenbul | Phyllastrephus cabanisi | NFNP |
519 | Leaf-love | Phyllastrephus scandens | |
520 | Common Bulbul | Pycnonotus barbatus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
521 | /Wood Warbler/ | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | |
522 | /Willow Warbler/ | Phylloscopus trochilus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
523 | Common Chiffchaff | Phylloscopus collybita | |
524 | Brown Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus umbrovirens | NFNP |
525 | Red-faced Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus laetus | NFNP |
| |||
526 | Neumann's Warbler | Hemitesia neumanni | NFNP |
| |||
527 | /Eurasian Blackcap/ | Sylvia atricapilla | NFNP |
528 | /Garden Warbler/ | Sylvia borin | ANP |
529 | African Hill Babbler | Sylvia abyssinica | |
530 | Rwenzori Hill Babbler | Sylvia atriceps | NFNP |
531 | Greater Whitethroat | Curruca communis | |
| |||
532 | Green White-eye | Zosterops stuhlmanni | ANP,NFNP,NR |
533 | Northern Yellow White-eye | Zosterops senegalensis | |
| |||
534 | Brown Illadopsis | Illadopsis fulvescens | |
535 | Mountain Illadopsis | Illadopsis pyrrhoptera | NFNP |
| |||
536 | Red-collared Mountain-Babbler | Turdoides rufocinctus | NFNP |
537 | Arrow-marked Babbler | Turdoides jardineii | ANP,NFNP,NR |
538 | Hartlaub's Babbler | Turdoides hartlaubii | |
539 | Black-lored Babbler | Turdoides sharpei | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
540 | Red-billed Oxpecker | Buphagus erythroryncha | ANP |
541 | Yellow-billed Oxpecker | Buphagus africanus | ANP |
| |||
542 | Wattled Starling | Creatophora cinerea | ANP |
543 | #Violet-backed Starling# | Cinnyricinclus leucogaster | ANP,NFNP,NR |
544 | Slender-billed Starling | Onychognathus tenuirostris | NFNP |
545 | Waller's Starling | Onychognathus walleri | NFNP |
546 | Sharpe's Starling | Pholia sharpii | NFNP |
547 | Stuhlmann's Starling | Poeoptera stuhlmanni | NFNP |
548 | Rueppell's Starling | Lamprotornis purpuroptera | ANP,NR |
549 | Splendid Starling | Lamprotornis splendidus | ANP |
550 | Greater Blue-eared Starling | Lamprotornis chalybaeus | ANP |
| |||
551 | White-tailed Ant-Thrush | Neocossyphus poensis | NFNP |
552 | Abyssinian Ground-Thrush | Geokichla piaggiae | NFNP |
553 | Abyssinian Thrush | Turdus abyssinicus | NFNP |
554 | African Thrush | Turdus pelios | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
555 | African Dusky Flycatcher | Muscicapa adusta | ANP,NFNP |
556 | /Spotted Flycatcher/ | Muscicapa striata | ANP,NFNP |
557 | Swamp Flycatcher | Muscicapa aquatica | ANP,NR |
558 | Cassin's Flycatcher | Muscicapa cassini | |
559 | Pale Flycatcher | Agricola pallidus | ANP,NFNP |
560 | Gray Tit-Flycatcher | Fraseria plumbeus | |
561 | Ashy Flycatcher | Fraseria caerulescens | NFNP |
562 | Yellow-eyed Black-Flycatcher | Melaenornis ardesiacus | NFNP |
563 | Southern Black-Flycatcher | Melaenornis pammelaina | ANP,NFNP,NR |
564 | White-eyed Slaty-Flycatcher | Melaenornis fischeri | ANP,NFNP,NR |
565 | Brown-backed Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas hartlaubi | ANP,NR |
566 | White-browed Scrub Robin | Cercotrichas leucophrys | ANP,NR |
567 | White-bellied Robin-Chat | Cossyphicula roberti | NFNP |
568 | Archer's Robin-Chat | Dessonornis archeri | NFNP |
569 | Cape Robin-Chat | Dessonornis caffra | NFNP |
570 | White-browed Robin-Chat | Cossypha heuglini | ANP,NFNP,NR |
571 | Red-capped Robin-Chat | Cossypha natalensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
572 | Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat | Cossypha niveicapilla | ANP,NFNP |
573 | Collared Palm-Thrush | Cichladusa arquata | |
574 | White-starred Robin | Pogonocichla stellata | NFNP |
575 | Brown-chested Alethe | Chamaetylas poliocephala | |
576 | Red-throated Alethe | Chamaetylas poliophrys | NFNP |
577 | Yellow-breasted Forest Robin | Stiphrornis mabirae | |
578 | Gray-winged Robin-Chat | Sheppardia polioptera | ANP |
579 | Equatorial Akalat | Sheppardia aequatorialis | NFNP |
580 | /Semicollared Flycatcher/ | Ficedula semitorquata | ANP |
581 | |Collared Flycatcher| | Ficedula albicollis | ANP |
582 | /Common Redstart/ | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | |
583 | Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush | Monticola saxatilis | |
584 | Miombo Rock-Thrush | Monticola angolensis | NFNP |
585 | /Whinchat/ | Saxicola rubetra | ANP,NR |
586 | African Stonechat | Saxicola torquatus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
587 | Mocking Cliff-Chat | Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris | ANP |
588 | Sooty Chat | Myrmecocichla nigra | ANP,NFNP,NR |
589 | Arnot's Chat | Myrmecocichla arnotti | ANP,NFNP,NR |
590 | /Northern Wheatear/ | Oenanthe oenanthe | ANP |
591 | Capped Wheatear | Oenanthe pileata | ANP |
592 | Isabelline Wheatear | Oenanthe isabellina | ANP |
593 | Familiar Chat | Oenanthe familiaris | ANP,NFNP |
| |||
594 | Western Violet-backed Sunbird | Anthreptes longuemarei | |
595 | Little Green Sunbird | Anthreptes seimundi | |
596 | Collared Sunbird | Hedydipna collaris | ANP,NFNP,NR |
597 | Green-headed Sunbird | Cyanomitra verticalis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
598 | Blue-throated Brown Sunbird | Cyanomitra cyanolaema | NFNP |
599 | Blue-headed Sunbird | Cyanomitra alinae | NFNP |
600 | Olive Sunbird | Cyanomitra olivacea | NFNP |
601 | Green-throated Sunbird | Chalcomitra rubescens | |
602 | Scarlet-chested Sunbird | Chalcomitra senegalensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
603 | Purple-breasted Sunbird | Nectarinia purpureiventris | NFNP |
604 | Bronze Sunbird | Nectarinia kilimensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
605 | Malachite Sunbird | Nectarinia famosa | NFNP |
606 | Red-tufted Sunbird | Nectarinia johnstoni | |
607 | Olive-bellied Sunbird | Cinnyris chloropygius | ANP,NFNP |
608 | Stuhlmann's Sunbird | Cinnyris stuhlmanni | NFNP |
609 | Northern Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris reichenowi | NFNP |
610 | Regal Sunbird | Cinnyris regius | NFNP |
611 | [Rockefeller's Sunbird] | Cinnyris rockefelleri | NFNP |
612 | Gorgeous Sunbird | Cinnyris melanogastrus | |
613 | Marico Sunbird | Cinnyris mariquensis | ANP,NR |
614 | Red-chested Sunbird | Cinnyris erythrocercus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
615 | Purple-banded Sunbird | Cinnyris bifasciatus | ANP,NFNP |
616 | Variable Sunbird | Cinnyris venustus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
617 | Copper Sunbird | Cinnyris cupreus | ANP,NR |
| |||
618 | Red-headed Weaver | Anaplectes rubriceps | ANP,NFNP,NR |
619 | Baglafecht Weaver | Ploceus baglafecht | ANP,NFNP,NR |
620 | Slender-billed Weaver | Ploceus pelzelni | ANP,NR |
621 | Black-necked Weaver | Ploceus nigricollis | ANP,NR |
622 | Spectacled Weaver | Ploceus ocularis | ANP,NR |
623 | Black-billed Weaver | Ploceus melanogaster | ANP,NFNP |
624 | Strange Weaver | Ploceus alienus | NFNP |
625 | Holub's Golden-Weaver | Ploceus xanthops | ANP,NFNP,NR |
626 | Northern Brown-throated Weaver | Ploceus castanops | ANP,NR |
627 | Lesser Masked-Weaver | Ploceus intermedius | ANP |
628 | Vieillot's Black Weaver | Ploceus nigerrimus | ANP,NR |
629 | Village Weaver | Ploceus cucullatus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
630 | Black-headed Weaver | Ploceus melanocephalus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
631 | Dark-backed Weaver | Ploceus bicolor | NFNP |
632 | Brown-capped Weaver | Ploceus insignis | NFNP |
633 | Compact Weaver | Pachyphantes superciliosus | ANP |
634 | &Cardinal Queleal | Quelea cardinalis | ANP,NR |
635 | Red-headed Quelea | Quelea erythrops | |
636 | &Red-billed Queleal | Quelea quelea | ANP,NR |
637 | Southern Red Bishop | Euplectes orix | ANP,NFNP,NR |
638 | Black-winged Bishop | Euplectes hordeaceus | ANP |
639 | Yellow Bishop | Euplectes capensis | |
640 | White-winged Widowbird | Euplectes albonotatus | ANP |
641 | Red-collared Widowbird | Euplectes ardens | ANP,NR |
642 | Fan-tailed Widowbird | Euplectes axillaris | ANP,NR |
643 | Grosbeak Weaver | Amblyospiza albifrons | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
644 | Bronze Mannikin | Spermestes cucullata | ANP,NFNP,NR |
645 | Black-and-white Mannikin | Spermestes bicolor | ANP,NFNP,NR |
646 | Magpie Mannikin | Spermestes fringilloides | |
647 | White-collared Oliveback | Nesocharis ansorgei | NFNP,NR |
648 | Yellow-bellied Waxbill | Coccopygia quartinia | NFNP |
649 | Green-backed Twinspot | Mandingoa nitidula | |
650 | Shelley's Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza shelleyi | |
651 | Dusky Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza jacksoni | NFNP |
652 | Zebra Waxbill | Amandava subflava | |
653 | Abyssinian Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza salvadorii | NFNP |
654 | Red-faced Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza reichenovii | NFNP |
655 | Gray-headed Nigrita | Nigrita canicapillus | NFNP |
656 | Chestnut-breasted Nigrita | Nigrita bicolor | |
657 | White-breasted Nigrita | Nigrita fusconotus | NFNP |
658 | Black-faced Waxbill | Brunhilda erythronotos | ANP,NR |
659 | Black-crowned Waxbill | Estrilda nonnula | ANP,NFNP,NR |
660 | Black-headed Waxbill | Estrilda atricapilla | |
661 | Kandt's Waxbill | Estrilda kandti | NFNP |
662 | Orange-cheeked Waxbill | Estrilda melpoda | |
663 | Fawn-breasted Waxbill | Estrilda paludicola | ANP,NFNP,NR |
664 | Common Waxbill | Estrilda astrild | ANP,NFNP,NR |
665 | Crimson-rumped Waxbill | Estrilda rhodopyga | ANP,NFNP,NR |
666 | Quailfinch | Ortygospiza atricollis | |
667 | Red-cheeked Cordonbleu | Uraeginthus bengalus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
668 | Red-headed Bluebill | Spermophaga ruficapilla | NFNP |
669 | Green-winged Pytilia | Pytilia melba | ANP,NR |
670 | Orange-winged Pytilia | Pytilia afra | ANP |
671 | Dusky Twinspot | Euschistospiza cinereovinacea | NFNP |
672 | Red-throated Twinspot | Hypargos niveoguttatus | |
673 | Red-billed Firefinch | Lagonosticta senegala | ANP,NFNP,NR |
674 | African Firefinch | Lagonosticta rubricata | ANP,NFNP |
| |||
675 | Pin-tailed Whydah | Vidua macroura | ANP,NFNP,NR |
676 | Broad-tailed Paradise-Whydah | Vidua obtusa | ANP |
677 | Village Indigobird | Vidua chalybeata | ANP,NR |
678 | Parasitic Weaver | Anomalospiza imberbis | |
| |||
679 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
680 | Northern Gray-headed Sparrow | Passer griseus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
| |||
681 | Cape Wagtail | Motacilla capensis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
682 | Mountain Wagtail | Motacilla clara | NFNP |
683 | Gray Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | NFNP |
684 | /Western Yellow Wagtail/ | Motacilla flava | ANP,NR |
685 | African Pied Wagtail | Motacilla aguimp | ANP,NFNP,NR |
686 | White Wagtail | Motacilla alba | |
687 | African Pipit | Anthus cinnamomeus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
688 | Long-billed Pipit | Anthus similis | ANP |
689 | Plain-backed Pipit | Anthus leucophrys | ANP,NR |
690 | Striped Pipit | Anthus lineiventris | |
691 | /Tree Pipit/ | Anthus trivialis | ANP,NFNP |
692 | /Red-throated Pipit/ | Anthus cervinus | ANP |
693 | Short-tailed Pipit | Anthus brachyurus | |
694 | Yellow-throated Longclaw | Macronyx croceus | ANP,NR |
| |||
695 | Oriole Finch | Linurgus olivaceus | NFNP |
696 | Yellow-fronted Canary | Crithagra mozambicus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
697 | Western Citril | Crithagra frontalis | ANP,NFNP,NR |
698 | Papyrus Canary | Crithagra koliensis | NR |
699 | Black-throated Canary | Crithagra atrogularis | ANP,NR |
700 | Brimstone Canary | Crithagra sulphuratus | ANP,NR |
701 | Streaky Seedeater | Crithagra striolatus | ANP,NFNP,NR |
702 | Thick-billed Seedeater | Crithagra burtoni | NFNP,NR |
703 | Yellow-crowned Canary | Serinus flavivertex | NFNP |
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704 | Gray-chested Babbler | Kakamega poliothorax | NFNP |
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705 | Cinnamon-breasted Bunting | Emberiza tahapisi | |
706 | Golden-breasted Bunting | Emberiza flaviventris | ANP,NR |
707 | Cabanis's Bunting | Emberiza cabanisi |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Locale | # Species |
Akagera National Park | 416 |
Nyabarongo River | 238 |
Nyungwa Forest National Park | 287 |
Total Species | 707 |
Number of species in each locale may be based on incomplete data. Also, some locales are important for specific target species rather than overall bird diversity. Hence, it does not provide an indication of which locales are the best birding sites.