Start: | 12/02/2007 |
End: | 12/18/2007 |
Duration: | 17 days |
#Species: | 561 |
#Endemics: | 36 |
#Heard Only: | 29 |
2007 Northern Ecuador Birding Tour
List of target birds for locations visited on this tour. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Species seen are those with location codes associated with them.*
1 | Berlepsch's Tinamou | Crypturellus berlepschi | NE | |
2 | Curve-billed Tinamou | Nothoprocta curvirostris | NE | |
3 | Rufous-headed Chachalaca | Ortalis erythroptera | NE | |
4 | Baudo Guan | Penelope ortoni | NE | |
5 | Nocturnal Curassow | Nothocrax urumutum | BC | |
6 | Salvin's Curassow | Mitu salvini | BC | |
7 | Rufous-fronted Wood-Quail | Odontophorus erythrops | NE | |
8 | Dark-backed Wood-Quail | Odontophorus melanonotus | FAP | E |
9 | Dusky Pigeon | Patagioenas goodsoni | NE | |
10 | Ecuadorian Ground Dove | Columbina buckleyi | NE | |
11 | Purple Quail-Dove | Geotrygon purpurata | NE | |
12 | Banded Ground-Cuckoo | Neomorphus radiolosus | NE | |
13 | Choco Poorwill | Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi | NE | |
14 | White-whiskered Hermit | Phaethornis yaruqui | MRB,MV,SPM | NE |
15 | White-throated Daggerbill | Schistes albogularis | NE | |
16 | Gorgeted Sunangel | Heliangelus strophianus | BCFR | NE |
17 | Tourmaline Sunangel | Heliangelus exortis | GLR | NE |
18 | Violet-tailed Sylph | Aglaiocercus coelestis | BCFR,FAP,MV SPM | NE |
19 | Ecuadorian Hillstar | Oreotrochilus chimborazo | AN,PP | NE |
20 | Viridian Metaltail | Metallura williami | NE | |
21 | Hoary Puffleg | Haplophaedia lugens | NE | |
22 | (Black-breasted Puffleg) | Eriocnemis nigrivestis | E | |
23 | Golden-breasted Puffleg | Eriocnemis mosquera | NE | |
24 | Brown Inca | Coeligena wilsoni | FAP,MJ,MV,SPM | NE |
25 | Velvet-purple Coronet | Boissonneaua jardini | FAP | NE |
26 | Rufous-gaped Hillstar | Urochroa bougueri | NE | |
27 | Purple-bibbed Whitetip | Urosticte benjamini | FAP,MV,SPM | NE |
28 | Empress Brilliant | Heliodoxa imperatrix | FAP,MV,SPM | NE |
29 | Purple-collared Woodstar | Myrtis fanny | NE | |
30 | Esmeraldas Woodstar | Chaetocercus berlepschi | E | |
31 | Purple-throated Woodstar | Philodice mitchellii | FAP,MV,SPM | NE |
32 | Western Emerald | Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus | NE | |
33 | Olive-spotted Hummingbird | Talaphorus chlorocercus | BC | |
34 | Amazilia Hummingbird | Amazilis amazilia | NE | |
35 | Purple-chested Hummingbird | Polyerata rosenbergi | RS | NE |
36 | Ecuadorian Rail | Rallus aequatorialis | BC | |
37 | Brown Wood-Rail | Aramides wolfi | NE | |
38 | Red-winged Wood-Rail | Aramides calopterus | BC | |
39 | Andean Condor | Vultur gryphus | AT | |
40 | Black-and-chestnut Eagle | Spizaetus isidori | EN | |
41 | Gray-backed Hawk | Pseudastur occidentalis | NE | |
42 | Cloud-forest Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium nubicola | NE | |
43 | Blue-tailed Trogon | Trogon comptus | NE | |
44 | Choco Black-throated Trogon | Trogon cupreicauda | NE | |
45 | White-eared Jacamar | Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis | NWC | BC |
46 | Coppery-chested Jacamar | Galbula pastazae | NE | |
47 | Purplish Jacamar | Galbula chalcothorax | BC | |
48 | Orange-fronted Barbet | Capito squamatus | NE | |
49 | Toucan Barbet | Semnornis ramphastinus | BCFR,FAP,MJ | NE |
50 | Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan | Andigena laminirostris | BCFR | NE |
51 | Choco Woodpecker | Dryobates chocoensis | NE | |
52 | Lita Woodpecker | Piculus litae | NE | |
53 | Plumbeous Forest-Falcon | Micrastur plumbeus | NE | |
54 | Carunculated Caracara | Daptrius carunculatus | AN | NE |
55 | Rose-faced Parrot | Pyrilia pulchra | RS | NE |
56 | Pacific Parrotlet | Forpus coelestis | RS | NE |
57 | White-streaked Antvireo | Dysithamnus leucostictus | BC | |
58 | Rio Suno Antwren | Myrmotherula sunensis | NWC | BC |
59 | Plain-winged Antwren | Myrmotherula behni | BC | |
60 | Yellow-browed Antbird | Hypocnemis hypoxantha | BC | |
61 | Esmeraldas Antbird | Sipia nigricauda | MV | NE |
62 | Stub-tailed Antbird | Sipia berlepschi | NE | |
63 | Lunulated Antbird | Oneillornis lunulatus | NE | |
64 | Elegant Crescentchest | Melanopareia elegans | NE | |
65 | Chestnut-belted Gnateater | Conopophaga aurita | BC | |
66 | Giant Antpitta | Grallaria gigantea | FAP | NE |
67 | Moustached Antpitta | Grallaria alleni | NE | |
68 | Ochre-striped Antpitta | Grallaria dignissima | BC | |
69 | Yellow-breasted Antpitta | Grallaria flavotincta | FAP | NE |
70 | White-lored Antpitta | Myrmothera fulviventris | BC | |
71 | Peruvian Antpitta | Grallaricula peruviana | NE | |
72 | Spillmann's Tapaculo | Scytalopus spillmanni | NMR | NE |
73 | Spot-throated Woodcreeper | Certhiasomus stictolaemus | NWC | BC |
74 | Pacific Hornero | Furnarius cinnamomeus | MV,RS | NE |
75 | Stout-billed Cinclodes | Cinclodes excelsior | AN | NE |
76 | Uniform Treehunter | Thripadectes ignobilis | NE | |
77 | Equatorial Graytail | Xenerpestes singularis | NE | |
78 | Orange-crowned Manakin | Heterocercus aurantiivertex | NWC | NE |
79 | Wire-tailed Manakin | Pipra filicauda | NWC | BC |
80 | Club-winged Manakin | Machaeropterus deliciosus | RS | NE |
81 | Orange-breasted Fruiteater | Pipreola jucunda | NE | |
82 | Black-chested Fruiteater | Pipreola lubomirskii | BC | |
83 | Amazonian Umbrellabird | Cephalopterus ornatus | AT | |
84 | Long-wattled Umbrellabird | Cephalopterus penduliger | NE | |
85 | Foothill Schiffornis | Schiffornis aenea | NE | |
86 | Slaty Becard | Pachyramphus spodiurus | NE | |
87 | Pacific Flatbill | Rhynchocyclus pacificus | NE | |
88 | Rufous-winged Tyrannulet | Mecocerculus calopterus | FAP | NE |
89 | Coopmans's Elaenia | Elaenia brachyptera | NE | |
90 | Choco Tyrannulet | Zimmerius albigularis | MV | NE |
91 | Olive-chested Flycatcher | Myiophobus cryptoxanthus | BRR | NE |
92 | Gray-breasted Flycatcher | Lathrotriccus griseipectus | NE | |
93 | Tumbes Pewee | Contopus punensis | NE | |
94 | Riverside Tyrant | Knipolegus orenocensis | BC | |
95 | Citron-bellied Attila | Attila citriniventris | BC | |
96 | Black-billed Peppershrike | Cyclarhis nigrirostris | SI | NE |
97 | Beautiful Jay | Cyanolyca pulchra | NE | |
98 | Turquoise Jay | Cyanolyca turcosa | BCFR,GLR,GR | BC |
99 | Black Solitaire | Entomodestes coracinus | NE | |
100 | Rufous-brown Solitaire | Cichlopsis leucogenys | EN | |
101 | Ecuadorian Thrush | Turdus maculirostris | FAP,SPM | NE |
102 | Tanager Finch | Oreothraupis arremonops | NE | |
103 | Dusky Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus semifuscus | BCFR | NE |
104 | White-rimmed Brushfinch | Atlapetes leucopis | NE | |
105 | White-winged Brushfinch | Atlapetes leucopterus | BCFR | NE |
106 | Ecuadorian Cacique | Cacicus sclateri | BC | |
107 | Choco Warbler | Myiothlypis chlorophrys | NE | |
108 | Ochre-breasted Tanager | Chlorothraupis stolzmanni | NE | |
109 | Ecuadorian Seedeater | Amaurospiza aequatorialis | NE | |
110 | Western Hemispingus** | Sphenopsis ochraceus | E | |
111 | Moss-backed Tanager | Bangsia edwardsi | NE | |
112 | Yellow-green Tanager | Bangsia flavovirens | NE | |
113 | Black-chinned Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus notabilis | NE | |
114 | Glistening-green Tanager | Chlorochrysa phoenicotis | NE | |
115 | Rufous-throated Tanager | Ixothraupis rufigula | MBS | NE |
116 | Scrub Tanager | Stilpnia vitriolina | NE | |
117 | Blue-whiskered Tanager | Tangara johannae | RS | NE |
118 | Yellow-tufted Dacnis** | Dacnis egregia | MRB,RS | NE |
119 | Scarlet-breasted Dacnis | Dacnis berlepschi | NE | |
120 | Scarlet-and-white Tanager | Chrysothlypis salmoni | NE | |
121 | Indigo Flowerpiercer | Diglossa indigotica | NE | |
122 | Black-backed Bush Tanager | Urothraupis stolzmanni | NE | |
123 | #Crimson-breasted Finch# | Rhodospingus cruentus | NE | |
124 | Black-winged Saltator | Saltator atripennis | MV | NE |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 4 |
NE | Near Endemic | 95 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
EN | Endangered | 2 |
BC | Best Seen in This Country | 21 |
AT | Always a Target | 2 |
Reason codes indicate the reason a species is included on our target birds list.