Area (SqMi):8,867
# Species:593
# Excl Vagrants:543
# Endemics:2
# Near Endemics:3
Species/1000 SqMi:61.2

List of species that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*

color codes

1Slaty-breasted TinamouCrypturellus boucardi V
2Crested GuanPenelope purpurascensLCNT
3Great CurassowCrax rubraLCV
4Singing QuailDactylortyx thoracicusLC 
5Ocellated TurkeyMeleagris ocellata NT
6Scaled PigeonPatagioenas speciosaLC 
7White-crowned PigeonPatagioenas leucocephalaLCNT
8Common Ground DoveColumbina passerinaRR 
9Caribbean DoveLeptotila jamaicensisRR 
10Pheasant CuckooDromococcyx phasianellusLC 
11Mangrove CuckooCoccyzus minorLC 
12|Chuck-will's-widow|Antrostomus carolinensis NT
13|Eastern Whip-poor-will|Antrostomus vociferus NT
14Chimney SwiftChaetura pelagica V
15Lesser Swallow-tailed SwiftPanyptila cayennensisLC 
16Green-breasted MangoAnthracothorax prevostiiLC 
17Wedge-tailed SabrewingPampa curvipennisLC 
18Crowned WoodnymphThalurania colombicaLC 
19Stripe-tailed HummingbirdEupherusa eximiaRR 
20Cinnamon HummingbirdAmazilia rutilaLC 
21Spotted RailPardirallus maculatusLC 
22Uniform CrakeAmaurolimnas concolorLC 
23Rufous-necked Wood-RailAramides axillarisLC 
24Purple GallinulePorphyrio martinicaLC 
25Gray-breasted CrakeLaterallus exilisLC 
26Black RailLaterallus jamaicensisLCEN
27SungrebeHeliornis fulicaLC 
28LimpkinAramus guaraunaLC 
29|American Golden-Plover|Pluvialis dominicaLC 
30Collared PloverAnarhynchus collarisLC 
31/Snowy Plover/Anarhynchus nivosus NT
32Northern JacanaJacana spinosaLC 
33/Red Knot/Calidris canutus NT
34|Buff-breasted Sandpiper|Calidris subruficollis NT
35|Semipalmated Sandpiper|Calidris pusilla NT
36Least TernSternula antillarumLC 
37Least GrebeTachybaptus dominicusLC 
38JabiruJabiru mycteriaLC 
39Agami HeronAgamia agamiLCV
40Least BitternBotaurus exilisLC 
41Reddish EgretEgretta rufescensLCNT
42Hook-billed KiteChondrohierax uncinatusLC 
43Gray-headed KiteLeptodon cayanensisLC 
44Ornate Hawk-EagleSpizaetus ornatus NT
45Crested EagleMorphnus guianensis NT
46Harpy EagleHarpia harpyjaLCV
47Crane HawkGeranospiza caerulescensLC 
48Black-collared HawkBusarellus nigricollisLC 
49Snail KiteRostrhamus sociabilisLC 
50Solitary EagleButeogallus solitarius NT
51Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensisLC 
52Crested OwlLophostrix cristataRR 
53Spectacled OwlPulsatrix perspicillataLC 
54Great Horned OwlBubo virginianusRR 
55Black-and-white OwlStrix nigrolineataLC 
56Striped OwlAsio clamatorLC 
57Stygian OwlAsio stygiusLC 
58Tody MotmotHylomanes momotulaLC 
59Keel-billed MotmotElectron carinatumLCV
60Keel-billed ToucanRamphastos sulfuratus NT
61Orange-breasted FalconFalco deiroleucusLCNT
62Yellow-headed AmazonAmazona oratrix EN
63Yellow-lored AmazonAmazona xantholoraNE 
64Olive-throated ParakeetEupsittula nana NT
65Scarlet MacawAra macaoLC 
66Slaty AntwrenMyrmotherula schisticolorRR 
67Mayan AntthrushFormicarius moniligerNE 
68Middle American LeaftosserSclerurus mexicanusLC 
69Strong-billed WoodcreeperXiphocolaptes promeropirhynchusLC 
70Spotted WoodcreeperXiphorhynchus erythropygiusRR 
71Scaly-throated Foliage-gleanerAnabacerthia variegaticepsLC 
72Speckled MournerLaniocera rufescensLC 
73Tropical Royal-FlycatcherOnychorhynchus coronatusE 
74Caribbean ElaeniaElaenia martinicaRR 
75/Olive-sided Flycatcher/Contopus cooperi NT
76Greater PeweeContopus pertinaxLC 
77/White-throated Flycatcher/Empidonax albigularisLC 
78Black PhoebeSayornis nigricansLC 
79Yucatan VireoVireo magisterRR 
80Nightingale WrenMicrocerculus philomelaRR 
81Grass WrenCistothorus platensisRR 
82Carolina WrenThryothorus ludovicianusLC 
83Cabanis's WrenCantorchilus modestusLC 
84Black CatbirdMelanoptila glabrirostris NT
85/Eastern Bluebird/Sialia sialisLC 
86Elegant EuphoniaChlorophonia elegantissimaLC 
87White-vented EuphoniaEuphonia minutaLC 
88Red CrossbillLoxia curvirostraLC 
89Lesser GoldfinchSpinus psaltriaRR 
90Botteri's SparrowPeucaea botteriiLC 
91Green-backed SparrowArremonops chloronotusLC 
92Rusty SparrowAimophila rufescensRR 
93Eastern MeadowlarkSturnella magna NT
94Chestnut-headed OropendolaPsarocolius wagleriLC 
95Orange OrioleIcterus auratusNE 
96Spot-breasted OrioleIcterus pectoralisRR 
97/Golden-winged Warbler/Vermivora chrysoptera NT
98|Cerulean Warbler|Setophaga cerulea NT
99Tropical ParulaSetophaga pitiayumiRR 
100|Blackpoll Warbler|Setophaga striata NT
101Golden-cheeked WarblerSetophaga chrysoparia EN
102Flame-colored TanagerPiranga bidentataLC 
103&Blue SeedeaterlAmaurospiza concolorLC 
104Shining HoneycreeperCyanerpes lucidusRR 
105Grassland Yellow-FinchSicalis luteolaLC 
106Yellow-faced GrassquitTiaris olivaceusLC 


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.




NENear Endemic3
RRRestricted Range16


NTNear Threatened4
CRCritically Endangered0

Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.