Possible Specialty Birds for Tour

Duration: | 20 days, 19 nights |
Group Size: | 2-6 |
Anytime Price: | $7850 |
Group Price: | $7300 |
Single Suppl: | $600 |
Est #Species: | 475-525 |
Pace: | Easy/Moderate |
Difficulty: | Easy/Moderate |
* This tour is available for any dates of your choosing provided guide services and accommodations are available. |
List of species possible on this tour that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*
1 | Gray Tinamou | Tinamus tao | V | |
2 | Brown Tinamou | Crypturellus obsoletus | LC | |
3 | Pale-browed Tinamou | Crypturellus transfasciatus | NE | NT |
4 | Andean Tinamou | Nothoprocta pentlandii | RR | |
5 | Curve-billed Tinamou | Nothoprocta curvirostris | NE | |
6 | Horned Screamer | Anhima cornuta | LC | |
7 | Comb Duck | Sarkidiornis sylvicola | LC | |
8 | White-cheeked Pintail | Anas bahamensis | LC | |
9 | Andean Duck | Oxyura ferruginea | LC | |
10 | Rufous-headed Chachalaca | Ortalis erythroptera | NE | V |
11 | Bearded Guan | Penelope barbata | NE | NT |
12 | Crested Guan | Penelope purpurascens | NT | |
13 | Wattled Guan | Aburria aburri | NT | |
14 | Rufous-fronted Wood-Quail | Odontophorus erythrops | NE | |
15 | Dark-backed Wood-Quail | Odontophorus melanonotus | E | V |
16 | Plain-breasted Ground Dove | Columbina minuta | LC | |
17 | Ecuadorian Ground Dove | Columbina buckleyi | NE | |
18 | &Maroon-chested Ground Dovel | Paraclaravis mondetoura | RR | |
19 | Ochre-bellied Dove | Leptotila ochraceiventris | NE | V |
20 | Short-tailed Nighthawk | Lurocalis semitorquatus | LC | |
21 | Scrub Nightjar | Nyctidromus anthonyi | NE | |
22 | Swallow-tailed Nightjar | Uropsalis segmentata | LC | |
23 | Lyre-tailed Nightjar | Uropsalis lyra | LC | |
24 | Andean Potoo | Nyctibius maculosus | LC | |
25 | Oilbird | Steatornis caripensis | LC | |
26 | /Chimney Swift/ | Chaetura pelagica | V | |
27 | White-tipped Swift | Aeronautes montivagus | LC | |
28 | White-whiskered Hermit | Phaethornis yaruqui | NE | |
29 | Baron's Hermit** | Phaethornis baroni | NE | |
30 | Gray-chinned Hermit | Phaethornis griseogularis | LC | |
31 | White-throated Daggerbill | Schistes albogularis | NE | |
32 | Green-breasted Mango | Anthracothorax prevostii | RR | |
33 | Amethyst-throated Sunangel | Heliangelus amethysticollis | RR | |
34 | Gorgeted Sunangel | Heliangelus strophianus | NE | |
35 | Tourmaline Sunangel | Heliangelus exortis | NE | |
36 | Little Sunangel | Heliangelus micraster | NE | |
37 | Purple-throated Sunangel | Heliangelus viola | NE | |
38 | Royal Sunangel | Heliangelus regalis | NE | NT |
39 | Black-bellied Thorntail | Discosura langsdorffi | LC | |
40 | Spangled Coquette | Lophornis stictolophus | LC | |
41 | Violet-tailed Sylph | Aglaiocercus coelestis | NE | |
42 | Ecuadorian Hillstar | Oreotrochilus chimborazo | NE | |
43 | Mountain Avocetbill | Opisthoprora euryptera | LC | |
44 | Rufous-capped Thornbill | Chalcostigma ruficeps | RR | |
45 | Rainbow-bearded Thornbill | Chalcostigma herrani | LC | |
46 | Viridian Metaltail | Metallura williami | NE | |
47 | Violet-throated Metaltail | Metallura baroni | E | EN |
48 | Neblina Metaltail | Metallura odomae | NE | |
49 | Greenish Puffleg | Haplophaedia aureliae | LC | |
50 | Hoary Puffleg | Haplophaedia lugens | NE | NT |
51 | Brown Inca | Coeligena wilsoni | NE | |
52 | Rainbow Starfrontlet | Coeligena iris | NE | |
53 | Buff-winged Starfrontlet | Coeligena lutetiae | RR | |
54 | Sword-billed Hummingbird | Ensifera ensifera | LC | |
55 | Buff-tailed Coronet | Boissonneaua flavescens | RR | |
56 | Velvet-purple Coronet | Boissonneaua jardini | NE | |
57 | Rufous-gaped Hillstar | Urochroa bougueri | NE | |
58 | Purple-bibbed Whitetip | Urosticte benjamini | NE | |
59 | Black-throated Brilliant | Heliodoxa schreibersii | LC | |
60 | Empress Brilliant | Heliodoxa imperatrix | NE | |
61 | Short-tailed Woodstar | Myrmia micrura | NE | |
62 | Purple-collared Woodstar | Myrtis fanny | NE | |
63 | Little Woodstar | Chaetocercus bombus | NT | |
64 | Gorgeted Woodstar | Chaetocercus heliodor | RR | |
65 | Esmeraldas Woodstar | Chaetocercus berlepschi | E | V |
66 | Purple-throated Woodstar | Philodice mitchellii | NE | |
67 | Western Emerald | Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus | NE | |
68 | Napo Sabrewing | Campylopterus villaviscensio | NT | |
69 | White-vented Plumeleteer | Chalybura buffonii | RR | |
70 | Tumbes Hummingbird | Thaumasius baeri | NE | |
71 | Amazilia Hummingbird | Amazilis amazilia | NE | |
72 | Ecuadorian Rail | Rallus aequatorialis | LC | |
73 | Spotted Rail | Pardirallus maculatus | RR | |
74 | Plumbeous Rail | Pardirallus sanguinolentus | LC | |
75 | Brown Wood-Rail | Aramides wolfi | NE | V |
76 | Rufous-necked Wood-Rail | Aramides axillaris | LC | |
77 | Slate-colored Coot | Fulica ardesiaca | RR | |
78 | Peruvian Thick-knee | Hesperoburhinus superciliaris | LC | |
79 | Imperial Snipe | Gallinago imperialis | LC | NT |
80 | Noble Snipe | Gallinago nobilis | NT | |
81 | /Semipalmated Sandpiper/ | Calidris pusilla | NT | |
82 | Kelp Gull | Larus dominicanus | RR | |
83 | \Peruvian Tern\ | Sternula lorata | EN | |
84 | |Elegant Tern| | Thalasseus elegans | NT | |
85 | Chilean Flamingo | Phoenicopterus chilensis | LC | NT |
86 | Silvery Grebe | Podiceps occipitalis | LC | |
87 | White Ibis | Eudocimus albus | RR | |
88 | Peruvian Pelican | Pelecanus thagus | LC | NT |
89 | Andean Condor | Vultur gryphus | LC | V |
90 | Pearl Kite | Gampsonyx swainsonii | LC | |
91 | White-tailed Kite | Elanus leucurus | LC | |
92 | Ornate Hawk-Eagle | Spizaetus ornatus | NT | |
93 | Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle | Spizaetus melanoleucus | LC | |
94 | Black-and-chestnut Eagle | Spizaetus isidori | LC | EN |
95 | Crested Eagle | Morphnus guianensis | NT | |
96 | Semicollared Hawk | Microspizias collaris | LC | |
97 | Barred Hawk | Morphnarchus princeps | LC | |
98 | Common Black Hawk | Buteogallus anthracinus | RR | |
99 | Solitary Eagle | Buteogallus solitarius | LC | NT |
100 | Gray-backed Hawk | Pseudastur occidentalis | NE | EN |
101 | Peruvian Screech-Owl | Megascops roboratus | NE | |
102 | Cloud-forest Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium nubicola | NE | V |
103 | Black-and-white Owl | Strix nigrolineata | LC | |
104 | Stygian Owl | Asio stygius | LC | |
105 | Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus | LC | |
106 | Buff-fronted Owl | Aegolius harrisii | LC | |
107 | Ecuadorian Trogon | Trogon mesurus | NE | |
108 | Black-streaked Puffbird | Malacoptila fulvogularis | RR | |
109 | White-faced Nunbird | Hapaloptila castanea | LC | |
110 | Coppery-chested Jacamar | Galbula pastazae | NE | |
111 | Toucan Barbet | Semnornis ramphastinus | NE | NT |
112 | Chestnut-tipped Toucanet | Aulacorhynchus derbianus | LC | |
113 | Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan | Andigena hypoglauca | RR | NT |
114 | Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan | Andigena laminirostris | NE | NT |
115 | Yellow-throated Toucan | Ramphastos ambiguus | NT | |
116 | Ecuadorian Piculet | Picumnus sclateri | NE | |
117 | Yellow-vented Woodpecker | Dryobates dignus | RR | |
118 | Guayaquil Woodpecker | Campephilus gayaquilensis | RR | |
119 | Carunculated Caracara | Daptrius carunculatus | NE | |
120 | Mountain Caracara | Daptrius megalopterus | RR | |
121 | Blue-fronted Parrotlet | Touit dilectissimus | LC | |
122 | Spot-winged Parrotlet | Touit stictopterus | LC | NT |
123 | Gray-cheeked Parakeet | Brotogeris pyrrhoptera | NE | V |
124 | Red-faced Parrot | Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops | NE | |
125 | Rose-faced Parrot | Pyrilia pulchra | NE | |
126 | Red-lored Amazon | Amazona autumnalis | LC | |
127 | Scaly-naped Amazon | Amazona mercenarius | LC | |
128 | Pacific Parrotlet | Forpus coelestis | NE | |
129 | El Oro Parakeet | Pyrrhura orcesi | E | EN |
130 | White-necked Parakeet | Pyrrhura albipectus | NE | V |
131 | Military Macaw | Ara militaris | LC | V |
132 | &Golden-plumed Parakeetl | Leptosittaca branickii | RR | |
133 | Cordilleran Parakeet | Psittacara frontalus | NE | NT |
134 | Red-masked Parakeet | Psittacara erythrogenys | NE | NT |
135 | Chapman's Antshrike | Thamnophilus zarumae | NE | |
136 | Lined Antshrike | Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus | V | |
137 | Collared Antshrike | Thamnophilus bernardi | NE | |
138 | White-shouldered Antshrike | Thamnophilus aethiops | LC | |
139 | White-streaked Antvireo | Dysithamnus leucostictus | LC | |
140 | Ornate Stipplethroat | Epinecrophylla ornata | LC | |
141 | Yellow-breasted Antwren | Herpsilochmus axillaris | V | |
142 | Jet Antbird | Cercomacra nigricans | LC | |
143 | Gray-headed Antbird | Ampelornis griseiceps | NE | V |
144 | Esmeraldas Antbird | Sipia nigricauda | NE | |
145 | Zimmer's Antbird | Sciaphylax castanea | LC | |
146 | Elegant Crescentchest | Melanopareia elegans | NE | |
147 | Chestnut-crowned Gnateater | Conopophaga castaneiceps | LC | |
148 | Giant Antpitta | Grallaria gigantea | NE | V |
149 | Moustached Antpitta | Grallaria alleni | NE | V |
150 | Plain-backed Antpitta | Grallaria haplonota | LC | |
151 | Watkins's Antpitta | Grallaria watkinsi | NE | NT |
152 | Yellow-breasted Antpitta | Grallaria flavotincta | NE | |
153 | Ochre-breasted Antpitta | Grallaricula flavirostris | NT | |
154 | Crescent-faced Antpitta | Grallaricula lineifrons | NE | |
155 | Loja Tapaculo | Scytalopus androstictus | NE | |
156 | Nariño Tapaculo | Scytalopus vicinior | RR | |
157 | Ecuadorian Tapaculo | Scytalopus robbinsi | E | EN |
158 | Chusquea Tapaculo | Scytalopus parkeri | NE | |
159 | Spillmann's Tapaculo | Scytalopus spillmanni | NE | |
160 | Black-headed Antthrush | Formicarius nigricapillus | RR | |
161 | Gray-throated Leaftosser | Sclerurus albigularis | NT | |
162 | Mournful Woodcreeper | Deconychura pallida | LC | |
163 | Greater Scythebill | Drymotoxeres pucheranii | NT | |
164 | Pacific Hornero | Furnarius cinnamomeus | NE | |
165 | Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper | Lochmias nematura | LC | |
166 | Stout-billed Cinclodes | Cinclodes excelsior | NE | |
167 | Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleaner | Anabazenops dorsalis | LC | |
168 | Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner | Neophilydor fuscipenne | LC | |
169 | Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner | Anabacerthia variegaticeps | RR | |
170 | Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner | Syndactyla rufosuperciliata | RR | |
171 | Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner | Syndactyla ruficollis | NE | V |
172 | Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner | Clibanornis erythrocephalus | NE | NT |
173 | Ruddy Foliage-gleaner | Clibanornis rubiginosus | LC | |
174 | Uniform Treehunter | Thripadectes ignobilis | NE | |
175 | Streak-capped Treehunter | Thripadectes virgaticeps | RR | |
176 | Streak-backed Canastero | Asthenes wyatti | LC | |
177 | Mouse-colored Thistletail | Asthenes griseomurina | NE | |
178 | Equatorial Graytail | Xenerpestes singularis | NE | NT |
179 | Spectacled Prickletail | Siptornis striaticollis | LC | |
180 | Line-cheeked Spinetail | Cranioleuca antisiensis | NE | |
181 | Blackish-headed Spinetail | Synallaxis tithys | NE | V |
182 | Dusky Spinetail | Synallaxis moesta | LC | |
183 | Necklaced Spinetail | Synallaxis stictothorax | NE | |
184 | Jet Manakin | Chloropipo unicolor | NE | |
185 | Club-winged Manakin | Machaeropterus deliciosus | NE | |
186 | Orange-breasted Fruiteater | Pipreola jucunda | NE | |
187 | Chestnut-bellied Cotinga | Doliornis remseni | NE | V |
188 | Chestnut-crested Cotinga | Ampelion rufaxilla | RR | |
189 | Gray-tailed Piha | Snowornis subalaris | LC | |
190 | Olivaceous Piha | Snowornis cryptolophus | LC | |
191 | Amazonian Umbrellabird | Cephalopterus ornatus | LC | |
192 | Long-wattled Umbrellabird | Cephalopterus penduliger | NE | V |
193 | Dusky Piha | Lipaugus fuscocinereus | LC | |
194 | Foothill Schiffornis | Schiffornis aenea | NE | |
195 | Andean Laniisoma | Laniisoma buckleyi | LC | NT |
196 | Green-backed Becard | Pachyramphus viridis | RR | |
197 | Yellow-cheeked Becard** | Pachyramphus xanthogenys | NE | |
198 | Slaty Becard | Pachyramphus spodiurus | NE | V |
199 | Sharpbill | Oxyruncus cristatus | RR | |
200 | Rufous-breasted Flycatcher | Leptopogon rufipectus | LC | |
201 | Ecuadorian Tyrannulet | Phylloscartes gualaquizae | NT | |
202 | Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant | Myiornis atricapillus | RR | |
203 | Black-throated Tody-Tyrant | Hemitriccus granadensis | LC | |
204 | Cliff Flycatcher | Hirundinea ferruginea | LC | |
205 | Handsome Flycatcher | Nephelomyias pulcher | RR | |
206 | Orange-banded Flycatcher | Nephelomyias lintoni | NE | NT |
207 | Rufous-winged Tyrannulet | Mecocerculus calopterus | NE | |
208 | Black-crested Tit-Tyrant | Anairetes nigrocristatus | NE | |
209 | Tumbesian Tyrannulet | Nesotriccus tumbezanus | NE | |
210 | Maranon Tyrannulet | Nesotriccus maranonicus | NE | |
211 | Subtropical Doradito | Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis | LC | |
212 | Pacific Elaenia | Myiopagis subplacens | NE | |
213 | Coopmans's Elaenia | Elaenia brachyptera | NE | |
214 | Highland Elaenia | Elaenia obscura | LC | |
215 | Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet | Phyllomyias plumbeiceps | LC | |
216 | White-fronted Tyrannulet | Acrochordopus zeledoni | LC | |
217 | Red-billed Tyrannulet | Zimmerius cinereicapilla | RR | V |
218 | Choco Tyrannulet | Zimmerius albigularis | NE | |
219 | Loja Tyrannulet** | Zimmerius flavidifrons | NE | |
220 | Peruvian Tyrannulet | Zimmerius viridiflavus | NE | |
221 | Fulvous-faced Scrub-Tyrant | Euscarthmus fulviceps | NE | |
222 | Gray-and-white Tyrannulet | Pseudelaenia leucospodia | NE | |
223 | Orange-crested Flycatcher | Myiophobus phoenicomitra | LC | |
224 | Roraiman Flycatcher | Myiophobus roraimae | LC | |
225 | Olive-chested Flycatcher | Myiophobus cryptoxanthus | NE | |
226 | Gray-breasted Flycatcher | Lathrotriccus griseipectus | NE | V |
227 | /Olive-sided Flycatcher/ | Contopus cooperi | NT | |
228 | Tumbes Pewee | Contopus punensis | NE | |
229 | Blackish Pewee | Contopus nigrescens | LC | |
230 | Rufous-tailed Tyrant | Knipolegus poecilurus | LC | |
231 | Amazonian Black-Tyrant | Knipolegus poecilocercus | LC | |
232 | Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola maculirostris | RR | |
233 | White-tailed Shrike-Tyrant | Agriornis albicauda | LC | V |
234 | Jelski's Chat-Tyrant | Silvicultrix jelskii | NE | |
235 | White-browed Chat-Tyrant | Ochthoeca leucophrys | LC | |
236 | Short-tailed Field Tyrant | Muscigralla brevicauda | RR | |
237 | Ochraceous Attila | Attila torridus | V | |
238 | Sooty-crowned Flycatcher | Myiarchus phaeocephalus | NE | |
239 | Lemon-browed Flycatcher | Conopias cinchoneti | V | |
240 | Baird's Flycatcher | Myiodynastes bairdii | NE | |
241 | Black-billed Peppershrike | Cyclarhis nigrirostris | NE | |
242 | Beautiful Jay | Cyanolyca pulchra | NE | NT |
243 | White-tailed Jay | Cyanocorax mystacalis | NE | |
244 | White-thighed Swallow | Atticora tibialis | LC | |
245 | Chestnut-collared Swallow | Petrochelidon rufocollaris | NE | |
246 | Fasciated Wren | Campylorhynchus fasciatus | NE | |
247 | Superciliated Wren | Cantorchilus superciliaris | NE | |
248 | Long-tailed Mockingbird | Mimus longicaudatus | NE | |
249 | Black Solitaire | Entomodestes coracinus | NE | |
250 | Pale-vented Thrush | Turdus obsoletus | LC | |
251 | Ecuadorian Thrush | Turdus maculirostris | NE | |
252 | Plumbeous-backed Thrush | Turdus reevei | NE | |
253 | Marañon Thrush | Turdus maranonicus | NE | |
254 | Chestnut-bellied Thrush | Turdus fulviventris | LC | |
255 | (Andean Slaty-Thrush) | Turdus nigriceps | RR | |
256 | Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia | Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys | RR | |
257 | &Yellow-collared Chlorophonial | Chlorophonia flavirostris | RR | |
258 | Lesser Goldfinch | Spinus psaltria | LC | |
259 | &Yellow-bellied Siskinl | Spinus xanthogastrus | RR | |
260 | Saffron Siskin | Spinus siemiradzkii | NE | |
261 | Tanager Finch | Oreothraupis arremonops | NE | |
262 | Dusky Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus semifuscus | NE | |
263 | Tumbes Sparrow | Rhynchospiza stolzmanni | NE | |
264 | Black-capped Sparrow | Arremon abeillei | NE | |
265 | Marañon Sparrow | Arremon nigriceps | NE | |
266 | Olive Finch | Arremon castaneiceps | NT | |
267 | White-rimmed Brushfinch | Atlapetes leucopis | NE | |
268 | White-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes albiceps | NE | |
269 | Tricolored Brushfinch | Atlapetes tricolor | RR | |
270 | White-winged Brushfinch | Atlapetes leucopterus | NE | |
271 | Bay-crowned Brushfinch | Atlapetes seebohmi | NE | |
272 | Chestnut-headed Oropendola | Psarocolius wagleri | RR | |
273 | White-edged Oriole | Icterus graceannae | NE | |
274 | Black-lored Yellowthroat | Geothlypis auricularis | NE | |
275 | /Cerulean Warbler/ | Setophaga cerulea | NT | |
276 | /Blackpoll Warbler/ | Setophaga striata | NT | |
277 | Three-banded Warbler | Basileuterus trifasciatus | NE | |
278 | Choco Warbler | Myiothlypis chlorophrys | NE | |
279 | Gray-and-gold Warbler | Myiothlypis fraseri | NE | |
280 | Ochre-breasted Tanager | Chlorothraupis stolzmanni | NE | |
281 | Black-backed Grosbeak | Pheucticus aureoventris | LC | |
282 | Ecuadorian Seedeater | Amaurospiza aequatorialis | NE | |
283 | Black-faced Tanager | Schistochlamys melanopis | RR | |
284 | Black-and-white Tanager | Conothraupis speculigera | RR | |
285 | White-capped Tanager | Sericossypha albocristata | V | |
286 | Black-eared Hemispingus | Sphenopsis melanotis | LC | |
287 | Piura Hemispingus** | Sphenopsis piurae | NE | |
288 | Moss-backed Tanager | Bangsia edwardsi | NE | |
289 | Orange-throated Tanager | Wetmorethraupis sterrhopteron | NE | V |
290 | Masked Mountain Tanager | Tephrophilus wetmorei | LC | V |
291 | Black-chinned Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus notabilis | NE | |
292 | Yellow-throated Tanager | Iridosornis analis | LC | |
293 | Glistening-green Tanager | Chlorochrysa phoenicotis | NE | |
294 | Rufous-throated Tanager | Ixothraupis rufigula | NE | |
295 | Gray-and-gold Tanager | Poecilostreptus palmeri | RR | |
296 | Silvery Tanager | Stilpnia viridicollis | RR | |
297 | Black-capped Tanager | Stilpnia heinei | RR | |
298 | Golden-hooded Tanager | Stilpnia larvata | RR | |
299 | Metallic-green Tanager | Tangara labradorides | RR | |
300 | Yellow-tufted Dacnis** | Dacnis egregia | NE | |
301 | Chestnut-vented Conebill | Conirostrum speciosum | LC | |
302 | Giant Conebill | Conirostrum binghami | LC | NT |
303 | Indigo Flowerpiercer | Diglossa indigotica | NE | |
304 | Rusty Flowerpiercer | Diglossa sittoides | LC | |
305 | Black-backed Bush Tanager | Urothraupis stolzmanni | NE | |
306 | Tit-like Dacnis | Xenodacnis parina | NE | |
307 | Collared Warbling Finch | Poospiza hispaniolensis | NE | |
308 | Saffron Finch | Sicalis flaveola | RR | |
309 | Parrot-billed Seedeater | Sporophila peruviana | NE | |
310 | Drab Seedeater | Sporophila simplex | NE | |
311 | Large-billed Seed-Finch | Sporophila crassirostris | LC | |
312 | Black-billed Seed-Finch | Sporophila atrirostris | LC | |
313 | Paramo Seedeater | Catamenia homochroa | NT | |
314 | Red-crested Finch | Coryphospingus cucullatus | RR | |
315 | Crimson-breasted Finch | Rhodospingus cruentus | NE | |
316 | Yellow-faced Grassquit | Tiaris olivaceus | RR | |
317 | Black-winged Saltator | Saltator atripennis | NE | |
318 | Black-cowled Saltator | Saltator nigriceps | NE | |
319 | Masked Saltator | Saltator cinctus | LC |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
(Not on Menu Above)
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 43 |
LC | Local | 162 |
NE | Near Endemic | 194 |
RR | Restricted Range | 117 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 40 |
V | Vulnerable | 30 |
EN | Endangered | 6 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.