Area (SqMi):224,962
# Species:1128
# Excl Vagrants:1073
# Endemics:10
# Near Endemics:40
Species/1000 SqMi:4.8

List of target birds found in the country broken down by locations. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Only countries for which we have data are used to determine if the species is best seen in this country. Hence, species listed as best seen in this country may also be seen in other countries for which we don't have any data. If no locale code is given, the species is only present in remote areas not included in our list of locales but is only in remote locales of other countries as well. A separate target list can be viewed for each location by clicking its sidebar link.*

color codes

1Maccoa DuckOxyura maccoaManyEN
2Eastern Crested GuineafowlGuttera pucheraniANP,MMNE
3Elgon FrancolinScleroptera elgonensisANP,MGNE
4Jackson's SpurfowlPternistis jacksoniANP,GF,MKNE
5Forbes-Watson's SwiftApus berliozi BC
6Gray Crowned-CraneBalearica regulorumManyEN
7\Malagasy Pond-Heron\Ardeola idaeManyEN
8SecretarybirdSagittarius serpentariusManyEN
9White-headed VultureTrigonoceps occipitalisManyCR
10Lappet-faced VultureTorgos tracheliotosManyEN
11Hooded VultureNecrosyrtes monachusManyCR
12BateleurTerathopius ecaudatusManyEN
13Martial EaglePolemaetus bellicosusManyEN
14/Grasshopper Buzzard/Butastur rufipennisManyBC
15Sokoke Scops-OwlOtus ireneae BC
16Blue-headed Bee-eaterMerops muelleriKFRBC
17Usambiro Barbet**Trachyphonus usambiroMMNE
18Gray ParrotPsittacus erithacusKFR,SBNPEN
19Short-tailed BatisBatis mixta BC
20Gray-crested HelmetshrikePrionops poliolophusLNAI,LNK,MPNE
21Chestnut-fronted HelmetshrikePrionops scopifrons BC
22Red-naped BushshrikeLaniarius ruficeps BC
23Zanzibar BoubouLaniarius sublacteus BC
24Four-colored BushshrikeTelophorus viridis BC
25Red-throated TitMelaniparus fringillinusManyNE
26Gillett's LarkCalendulauda gilletti BC
27Williams's LarkMirafra williamsiBS,SBNP,SBRE
28Collared LarkAmirafra collaris BC
29Sentinel LarkCorypha athiManyNE
30Masked LarkSpizocorys personataSBRNE
31Turner's EremomelaEremomela turneriKFRBC
32Black-collared ApalisOreolais pulcherManyBC
33Taita ApalisApalis fuscigularis BC
34Brown-tailed Apalis**Apalis viridicepsLBBC
35Black-capped Rufous-WarblerBathmocercus cerviniventrisKFRBC
36Lyne's CisticolaCisticola distinctusManyNE
37Tana River CisticolaCisticola restrictus BC
38Aberdare CisticolaCisticola aberdareANP,KP,MGE
39/Basra Reed Warbler/Acrocephalus griseldisLB,LNAI,NNP
40Black-headed Mountain GreenbulArizelocichla nigriceps BC
41Placid Greenbul**Phyllastrephus placidus BC
42Mbulu White-eyeZosterops mbuluensis BC
43Kafa White-eyeZosterops kaffensisLNKNE
44Kikuyu White-eyeZosterops kikuyuensisManyE
45Taita White-eyeZosterops silvarnus BC
46Tanzanian IlladopsisIlladopsis distans BC
47Hinde's Pied-BabblerTurdoides hindeiANPE
48Scaly BabblerTurdoides squamulata BC
49Northern Pied-BabblerTurdoides hypoleucaManyNE
50Abbott's StarlingPoeoptera femoralisANP,GF,KV,MKNE
51Kenrick's StarlingPoeoptera kenrickiMKNE
52Hildebrandt's StarlingLamprotornis hildebrandtiManyNE
53Ashy StarlingLamprotornis unicolor BC
54Spotted Ground-ThrushGeokichla guttata BC
55Taita ThrushTurdus helleri BC
56Chapin's FlycatcherFraseria lenduKFRNE
57Amani SunbirdHedydipna pallidigaster BC
58Eastern Double-collared SunbirdCinnyris mediocrisManyNE
59Usambara Double-collared SunbirdCinnyris usambaricus BC
60Gorgeous SunbirdCinnyris melanogastrusManyNE
61Tsavo SunbirdCinnyris tsavoensis BC
62Violet-breasted SunbirdCinnyris chalcomelas BC
63Donaldson Smith's Sparrow-WeaverPlocepasser donaldsoniBS,SBNP,SBRBC
64Red WeaverAnaplectes jubaensis BC
65Golden Palm WeaverPloceus bojeriBS,SBNP,SBRBC
66Taveta Golden-WeaverPloceus castaneiceps BC
67Kilifi WeaverPloceus golandi BC
68Juba WeaverPloceus dichrocephalus BC
69&Fire-fronted BishoplEuplectes diadematusManyBC
70Jackson's WidowbirdEuplectes jacksoniManyNE
71Kenya Rufous SparrowPasser rufocinctusManyNE
72Swahili SparrowPasser suahelicusManyNE
73Malindi PipitAnthus melindae BC
74Sokoke PipitAnthus sokokensis BC
75Sharpe's LongclawMacronyx sharpeiManyE
76Southern Grosbeak-CanaryCrithagra buchananiLNAI,MM,OLONE
77West African SeedeaterCrithagra canicapillaKEBC


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.