# Species: | 1047 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 1013 |
# Endemics: | 2 |
# Near Endemics: | 12 |
List of target birds found in the country broken down by locations. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Only countries for which we have data are used to determine if the species is best seen in this country. Hence, species listed as best seen in this country may also be seen in other countries for which we don't have any data. If no locale code is given, the species is only present in remote areas not included in our list of locales but is only in remote locales of other countries as well. A separate target list can be viewed for each location by clicking its sidebar link.*
1 | Hartlaub's Duck | Pteronetta hartlaubii | BC | |
2 | Nahan's Partridge | Ptilopachus nahani | Many | NE |
3 | Latham Francolin | Peliperdix lathami | BFR,MF | BC |
4 | Elgon Francolin | Scleroptera elgonensis | BC | |
5 | Heuglin's Spurfowl | Pternistis icterorhynchus | Many | BC |
6 | Afep Pigeon | Columba unicincta | Many | BC |
7 | Western Bronze-naped Pigeon | Columba iriditorques | Many | BC |
8 | White-naped Pigeon | Columba albinucha | BB,BR,KFNP TSWR | BC |
9 | Rwenzori Turaco | Gallirex johnstoni | Many | NE |
10 | Black-throated Coucal | Centropus leucogaster | BFR,MS,TSWR | BC |
11 | Yellow-throated Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx flavigularis | Many | BC |
12 | Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo | Cercococcyx mechowi | Many | BC |
13 | Bates's Nightjar | Caprimulgus batesi | BC | |
14 | Cassin's Spinetail | Neafrapus cassini | Many | BC |
15 | Gray-throated Rail | Gallirallus oculeus | BR | BC |
16 | Nkulengu Rail | Himantornis haematopus | BC | |
17 | Gray Crowned-Crane | Balearica regulorum | Many | EN |
18 | Spot-breasted Ibis | Bostrychia rara | BC | |
19 | /Malagasy Pond-Heron/ | Ardeola idae | LMNP | EN |
20 | Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius | KVNP,MFNP | EN |
21 | White-headed Vulture | Trigonoceps occipitalis | Many | CR |
22 | Lappet-faced Vulture | Torgos tracheliotos | Many | EN |
23 | Hooded Vulture | Necrosyrtes monachus | Many | CR |
24 | Bateleur | Terathopius ecaudatus | Many | EN |
25 | Congo Snake-Eagle | Circaetus spectabilis | BB,BTN,TSWR | BC |
26 | Beaudouin's Snake-Eagle | Circaetus beaudouini | Many | BC |
27 | Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | Many | EN |
28 | Long-tailed Hawk | Urotriorchis macrourus | TSWR | BC |
29 | Red-thighed Sparrowhawk | Tachyspiza erythropus | BRM | BC |
30 | /Grasshopper Buzzard/ | Butastur rufipennis | Many | BC |
31 | Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill | Lophoceros camurus | KFNP,TSWR | BC |
32 | Congo Pied Hornbill | Lophoceros fasciatus | Many | BC |
33 | Eastern Long-tailed Hornbill | Horizocerus cassini | BTN,KFNP,QENP TSWR | BC |
34 | Eastern Dwarf Hornbill | Horizocerus granti | KFNP,TSWR | BC |
35 | Black-casqued Hornbill | Ceratogymna atrata | Many | BC |
36 | White-thighed Hornbill | Bycanistes albotibialis | Many | BC |
37 | Piping Hornbill | Bycanistes fistulator | Many | BC |
38 | Black Bee-eater | Merops gularis | Many | BC |
39 | Shining-blue Kingfisher | Alcedo quadribrachys | Many | BC |
40 | African Dwarf Kingfisher | Ispidina lecontei | Many | BC |
41 | Chocolate-backed Kingfisher | Halcyon badia | Many | BC |
42 | Blue-throated Roller | Eurystomus gularis | Many | BC |
43 | Speckled Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus scolopaceus | Many | BC |
44 | Red-rumped Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus atroflavus | Many | BC |
45 | Yellow-throated Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus subsulphureus | Many | BC |
46 | Black-breasted Barbet | Pogonornis rolleti | KVNP | BC |
47 | Zenker's Honeyguide | Melignomon zenkeri | KFNP | BC |
48 | Dwarf Honeyguide | Indicator pumilio | Many | NE |
49 | Willcocks's Honeyguide | Indicator willcocksi | Many | BC |
50 | Spotted Honeyguide | Indicator maculatus | BC | |
51 | Lyre-tailed Honeyguide | Melichneutes robustus | BC | |
52 | African Piculet | Verreauxia africana | TSWR | BC |
53 | Gabon Woodpecker | Dendropicos gabonensis | BB,BE,TSWR | BC |
54 | Black-collared Lovebird | Agapornis swindernianus | BC | |
55 | Gray Parrot | Psittacus erithacus | Many | EN |
56 | Rufous-sided Broadbill | Smithornis rufolateralis | BB,BFR,BRM TSWR | BC |
57 | Grauer's Broadbill | Pseudocalyptomena graueri | BB,BMS,BR,BTN | BC |
58 | Green-breasted Pitta | Pitta reichenowi | BFR,KFNP | BC |
59 | Grauer's Cuckooshrike | Coracina graueri | BC | |
60 | Blue Cuckooshrike | Cyanograucalus azureus | BC | |
61 | Black-winged Oriole | Oriolus nigripennis | Many | BC |
62 | Ituri Batis | Batis ituriensis | Many | BC |
63 | Yellow-crested Helmetshrike | Prionops alberti | BC | |
64 | Rufous-bellied Helmetshrike | Prionops rufiventris | BRM | BC |
65 | Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher | Bias musicus | Many | BC |
66 | Red-eyed Puffback | Dryoscopus senegalensis | BC | |
67 | Lowland Sooty Boubou | Laniarius leucorhynchus | Many | BC |
68 | Fiery-breasted Bushshrike | Malaconotus cruentus | BC | |
69 | Blue-headed Crested Flycatcher | Trochocercus nitens | KFNP,MF,QENP | BC |
70 | Emin's Shrike | Lanius gubernator | BC | |
71 | Yellow Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus parvulus | BC | |
72 | Rufous-rumped Lark | Pinarocorys erythropygia | BC | |
73 | Kidepo Lark | Corypha kidepoensis | KVNP | BC |
74 | Sun Lark | Galerida modesta | BC | |
75 | Western Nicator | Nicator chloris | Many | BC |
76 | Yellow-throated Nicator | Nicator vireo | Many | BC |
77 | Lemon-bellied Crombec | Sylvietta denti | Many | BC |
78 | Yellow Longbill | Macrosphenus flavicans | Many | BC |
79 | Gray Longbill | Macrosphenus concolor | Many | BC |
80 | Rufous-crowned Eremomela | Eremomela badiceps | Many | BC |
81 | Red-winged Gray Warbler | Drymocichla incana | Many | BC |
82 | Yellow-browed Camaroptera | Camaroptera superciliaris | Many | BC |
83 | Black-capped Apalis | Apalis nigriceps | Many | BC |
84 | Masked Apalis | Apalis binotata | Many | BC |
85 | Karamoja Apalis | Apalis karamojae | KVNP | E |
86 | Red-pate Cisticola | Cisticola ruficeps | KVNP | BC |
87 | Lyne's Cisticola | Cisticola distinctus | BC | |
88 | Bamboo Warbler | Locustella alfredi | BR,BTN,KR MGNP | BC |
89 | White-throated Blue Swallow | Hirundo nigrita | LMNP | BC |
90 | Yellow-eyed Bristlebill | Bleda ugandae | BRM,KFNP,MF TSWR | BC |
91 | Spotted Greenbul | Ixonotus guttatus | BFR,BRM,MMRD QENP | BC |
92 | Swamp Greenbul | Thescelocichla leucopleura | KFNP,TSWR | BC |
93 | Simple Greenbul | Chlorocichla simplex | BB,TSWR | BC |
94 | Eastern Bearded-Greenbul | Criniger chloronotus | MGNP | BC |
95 | Red-tailed Greenbul | Criniger calurus | Many | BC |
96 | White-throated Greenbul | Phyllastrephus albigularis | Many | BC |
97 | Xavier's Greenbul | Phyllastrephus xavieri | Many | BC |
98 | Icterine Greenbul | Phyllastrephus icterinus | Many | BC |
99 | Leaf-love | Phyllastrephus scandens | Many | BC |
100 | Sassi's Greenbul | Phyllastrephus lorenzi | BC | |
101 | Tit-hylia | Pholidornis rushiae | Many | BC |
102 | Chestnut-capped Flycatcher | Erythrocercus mccallii | Many | BC |
103 | Puvel's Illadopsis | Illadopsis puveli | Many | BC |
104 | Capuchin Babbler | Turdoides atripennis | BC | |
105 | Dusky Babbler | Turdoides tenebrosa | BE,MFNP | BC |
106 | Chestnut-winged Starling | Onychognathus fulgidus | Many | BC |
107 | Narrow-tailed Starling | Poeoptera lugubris | Many | BC |
108 | Purple-headed Starling | Lamprotornis purpureiceps | Many | BC |
109 | Bronze-tailed Starling | Lamprotornis chalcurus | Many | BC |
110 | Red-tailed Ant-Thrush | Neocossyphus rufus | Many | BC |
111 | Black-eared Ground-Thrush | Geokichla camaronensis | BB,KFNP | BC |
112 | Gray Ground-Thrush | Geokichla princei | BC | |
113 | Oberlaender's Ground-Thrush | Geokichla oberlaenderi | BB,MGNP | NE |
114 | Yellow-footed Flycatcher | Muscicapa sethsmithi | BB,BFR | BC |
115 | Cassin's Flycatcher | Muscicapa cassini | Many | BC |
116 | Dusky-blue Flycatcher | Bradornis comitata | Many | BC |
117 | African Forest-Flycatcher | Fraseria ocreata | Many | BC |
118 | Gray-throated Tit-Flycatcher | Fraseria griseigularis | Many | BC |
119 | Chapin's Flycatcher | Fraseria lendu | Many | NE |
120 | Fire-crested Alethe | Alethe castanea | Many | BC |
121 | Forest Scrub-Robin | Tychaedon leucosticta | BC | |
122 | Archer's Robin-Chat | Dessonornis archeri | Many | NE |
123 | Yellow-breasted Forest Robin | Stiphrornis mabirae | MF,MS | BC |
124 | Lowland Akalat | Sheppardia cyornithopsis | BC | |
125 | Heuglin's Wheatear | Oenanthe heuglinii | KVNP | BC |
126 | Gray-headed Sunbird | Deleornis axillaris | Many | BC |
127 | Little Green Sunbird | Anthreptes seimundi | Many | BC |
128 | Blue-headed Sunbird | Cyanomitra alinae | Many | NE |
129 | Tiny Sunbird | Cinnyris minullus | Many | BC |
130 | Red-bellied Malimbe | Malimbus erythrogaster | Many | BC |
131 | Blue-billed Malimbe | Malimbus nitens | TSWR | BC |
132 | Crested Malimbe | Malimbus malimbicus | Many | BC |
133 | Strange Weaver | Ploceus alienus | Many | NE |
134 | Orange Weaver | Ploceus aurantius | EBG,LMNP,MF MS | BC |
135 | Heuglin's Masked-Weaver | Ploceus heuglini | BTN,MHRD,MMRD | BC |
136 | Fox's Weaver | Ploceus spekeoides | BC | |
137 | Weyns's Weaver | Ploceus weynsi | Many | BC |
138 | Yellow-mantled Weaver | Ploceus tricolor | Many | BC |
139 | Maxwell's Black Weaver | Ploceus albinucha | BB,KFNP,TSWR | BC |
140 | Jameson's Antpecker | Parmoptila jamesoni | Many | BC |
141 | Pale-fronted Nigrita | Nigrita luteifrons | BB,KFNP,TSWR | BC |
142 | Chestnut-breasted Nigrita | Nigrita bicolor | BB,KFNP,QENP TSWR | BC |
143 | Gray-headed Oliveback | Delacourella capistrata | Many | BC |
144 | Grant's Bluebill | Spermophaga poliogenys | BE,BRM,TSWR | BC |
145 | Red-winged Pytilia | Pytilia phoenicoptera | Many | BC |
146 | Dybowski's Twinspot | Euschistospiza dybowskii | BC |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 2 |
NE | Near Endemic | 12 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 2 |
EN | Endangered | 7 |
BC | Best Seen in This Country | 123 |
AT | Always a Target | 0 |
Reason codes indicate the reason a species is included on our target birds list.