# Species: | 333 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 333 |
# Endemics: | 2 |
# Near Endemics: | 49 |
List of target species for the country that could possibly be seen at this location. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Accidentals, vagrants, and very rare species are excluded from this list.
1 | Black Guan | Chamaepetes unicolor | NE |
2 | Chiriqui Quail-Dove | Zentrygon chiriquensis | NE |
3 | &White-crested Coquettel | Lophornis adorabilis | NE |
4 | Talamanca Hummingbird | Eugenes spectabilis | NE |
5 | White-bellied Mountain-gem | Lampornis hemileucus | NE |
6 | White-throated Mountain-gem | Lampornis castaneoventris | E |
7 | Scintillant Hummingbird | Selasphorus scintilla | NE |
8 | Garden Emerald | Chlorostilbon assimilis | NE |
9 | White-tailed Emerald | Microchera chionura | NE |
10 | Snowy-bellied Hummingbird | Saucerottia edward | NE |
11 | Charming Hummingbird | Polyerata decora | NE |
12 | Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium costaricanum | NE |
13 | Prong-billed Barbet | Semnornis frantzii | NE |
14 | Fiery-billed Aracari | Pteroglossus frantzii | NE |
15 | Golden-naped Woodpecker | Melanerpes chrysauchen | NE |
16 | Red-fronted Parrotlet | Touit costaricensis | NE |
17 | Sulphur-winged Parakeet | Pyrrhura hoffmanni | NE |
18 | Black-hooded Antshrike | Thamnophilus bridgesi | NE |
19 | Buffy Tuftedcheek | Pseudocolaptes lawrencii | NE |
20 | Streak-breasted Treehunter | Thripadectes rufobrunneus | NE |
21 | Chiriqui Foliage-gleaner | Automolus exsertus | NE |
22 | Beautiful Treerunner | Margarornis bellulus | E |
23 | Ruddy Treerunner | Margarornis rubiginosus | NE |
24 | Turquoise Cotinga | Cotinga ridgwayi | NE |
25 | (Three-wattled Bellbird) | Procnias tricarunculatus | AT |
26 | Olive-streaked Flycatcher | Mionectes olivaceus | NE |
27 | Dark Pewee | Contopus lugubris | NE |
28 | Black-capped Flycatcher | Empidonax atriceps | NE |
29 | Yellow-winged Vireo | Vireo carmioli | NE |
30 | Ochraceous Wren | Troglodytes ochraceus | NE |
31 | Isthmian Wren | Cantorchilus elutus | NE |
32 | Riverside Wren | Cantorchilus semibadius | NE |
33 | Black-faced Solitaire | Myadestes melanops | NE |
34 | Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher | Phainoptila melanoxantha | NE |
35 | Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher | Ptiliogonys caudatus | NE |
36 | Golden-browed Chlorophonia | Chlorophonia callophrys | NE |
37 | Spot-crowned Euphonia | Euphonia imitans | NE |
38 | Yellow-thighed Brushfinch | Atlapetes tibialis | NE |
39 | Flame-throated Warbler | Oreothlypis gutturalis | NE |
40 | Chiriqui Yellowthroat** | Geothlypis chiriquensis | NE |
41 | Black-cheeked Warbler | Basileuterus melanogenys | NE |
42 | Costa Rican Warbler | Basileuterus melanotis | NE |
43 | Collared Redstart | Myioborus torquatus | NE |
44 | Wrenthrush | Zeledonia coronata | NE |
45 | Black-thighed Grosbeak | Pheucticus tibialis | NE |
46 | Spangle-cheeked Tanager | Tangara dowii | NE |
47 | Black-and-yellow Tanager | Chrysothlypis chrysomelas | NE |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 2 |
NE | Near Endemic | 44 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
BC | Best Seen in This Country | 0 |
AT | Always a Target | 1 |