# Species*: | 162 |
# Excl Vagrants*: | 162 |
# Endemics*: | 2 |
# Near Endemics*: | 7 |
*Based on partial or incomplete data. | |
Habitat: Montane forest |
The table below lists species recorded at this locale but does not indicate frequency of occurrence there. It does indicate whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. The list is based on available data and may be incomplete.*
| ||
1 | Maccoa Duck | Oxyura maccoa |
| ||
2 | Rock Pigeon | Columba livia |
3 | Red-eyed Dove | Streptopelia semitorquata |
4 | Laughing Dove | Spilopelia senegalensis |
5 | Tambourine Dove | Turtur tympanistria |
| ||
6 | Buff-crested Bustard | Lophotis gindiana |
| ||
7 | White-bellied Go-away-bird | Crinifer leucogaster |
8 | Hartlaub's Turaco | Tauraco hartlaubi |
| ||
9 | Red-chested Cuckoo | Cuculus solitarius |
| ||
10 | Little Swift | Apus affinis |
| ||
11 | Black Crake | Zapornia flavirostra |
| ||
12 | Water Thick-knee | Burhinus vermiculatus |
| ||
13 | Long-toed Lapwing | Vanellus crassirostris |
14 | Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanellus spinosus |
| ||
15 | /Common Sandpiper/ | Actitis hypoleucos |
| ||
16 | African Skimmer | Rynchops flavirostris |
17 | /Gull-billed Tern/ | Gelochelidon nilotica |
18 | /White-winged Tern/ | Chlidonias leucopterus |
| ||
19 | African Woolly-necked Stork | Ciconia microscelis |
20 | Yellow-billed Stork | Mycteria ibis |
| ||
21 | Reed Cormorant | Microcarbo africanus |
| ||
22 | African Sacred Ibis | Threskiornis aethiopicus |
23 | Hadada Ibis | Bostrychia hagedash |
| ||
24 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
25 | Striated Heron | Butorides striata |
26 | Western Cattle-Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
27 | Yellow-billed Egret | Ardea brachyrhyncha |
28 | Gray Heron | Ardea cinerea |
29 | Black-headed Heron | Ardea melanocephala |
| ||
30 | Hamerkop | Scopus umbretta |
| ||
31 | African Harrier-Hawk | Polyboroides typus |
32 | Crowned Eagle | Stephanoaetus coronatus |
33 | Long-crested Eagle | Lophaetus occipitalis |
34 | Wahlberg's Eagle | Hieraaetus wahlbergi |
35 | Eastern Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax poliopterus |
36 | Black Goshawk | Astur melanoleucus |
37 | Mountain Buzzard | Buteo oreophilus |
38 | Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur |
| ||
39 | White-headed Mousebird | Colius leucocephalus |
40 | Blue-naped Mousebird | Urocolius macrourus |
| ||
41 | Crowned Hornbill | Lophoceros alboterminatus |
42 | African Gray Hornbill | Lophoceros nasutus |
43 | Von der Decken's Hornbill | Tockus deckeni |
44 | Silvery-cheeked Hornbill | Bycanistes brevis |
45 | Trumpeter Hornbill | Bycanistes bucinator |
| ||
46 | Little Bee-eater | Merops pusillus |
47 | Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater | Merops oreobates |
| ||
48 | Pied Kingfisher | Ceryle rudis |
| ||
49 | /European Roller/ | Coracias garrulus |
50 | Lilac-breasted Roller | Coracias caudatus |
51 | Purple Roller | Coracias naevius |
| ||
52 | D'Arnaud's Barbet | Trachyphonus darnaudii |
53 | White-eared Barbet | Stactolaema leucotis |
54 | Moustached Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus leucomystax |
55 | Black-throated Barbet | Tricholaema melanocephala |
| ||
56 | Pallid Honeyguide | Indicator meliphilus |
57 | Lesser Honeyguide | Indicator minor |
| ||
58 | Cardinal Woodpecker | Dendropicos fuscescens |
59 | Olive Woodpecker | Dendropicos griseocephalus |
60 | Nubian Woodpecker | Campethera nubica |
| ||
61 | |Sooty Falcon| | Falco concolor |
| ||
62 | Red-bellied Parrot | Poicephalus rufiventris |
| ||
63 | Black Cuckooshrike | Campephaga flava |
| ||
64 | Short-tailed Batis | Batis mixta |
65 | Pygmy Batis | Batis perkeo |
| ||
66 | Pringle's Puffback | Dryoscopus pringlii |
67 | Black-backed Puffback | Dryoscopus cubla |
68 | Brown-crowned Tchagra | Tchagra australis |
69 | Three-streaked Tchagra | Tchagra jamesi |
70 | Tropical Boubou | Laniarius major |
71 | Rosy-patched Bushshrike | Rhodophoneus cruentus |
72 | Black-fronted Bushshrike | Chlorophoneus nigrifrons |
| ||
73 | African Paradise-Flycatcher | Terpsiphone viridis |
| ||
74 | Long-tailed Fiscal | Lanius cabanisi |
75 | Taita Fiscal | Lanius dorsalis |
76 | Northern Fiscal | Lanius humeralis |
77 | White-rumped Shrike | Eurocephalus ruppelli |
| ||
78 | Pied Crow | Corvus albus |
| ||
79 | White-tailed Crested Flycatcher | Elminia albonotata |
| ||
80 | Mouse-colored Penduline-Tit | Anthoscopus musculus |
| ||
81 | Pink-breasted Lark | Calendulauda poecilosterna |
| ||
82 | Eastern Nicator | Nicator gularis |
| ||
83 | Green-backed Camaroptera | Camaroptera brachyura |
84 | Bar-throated Apalis | Apalis thoracica |
85 | Black-headed Apalis | Apalis melanocephala |
86 | Brown-headed Apalis | Apalis alticola |
87 | Red-fronted Warbler | Prinia rufifrons |
88 | Singing Cisticola | Cisticola cantans |
89 | Hunter's Cisticola | Cisticola hunteri |
90 | Rattling Cisticola | Cisticola chiniana |
91 | Tiny Cisticola | Cisticola nana |
| ||
92 | African Yellow-Warbler | Iduna natalensis |
93 | Lesser Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus gracilirostris |
| ||
94 | Evergreen-forest Warbler | Bradypterus lopezi |
95 | Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler | Bradypterus cinnamomeus |
| ||
96 | Black Sawwing | Psalidoprocne pristoptera |
97 | Southern Crag-Martin | Ptyonoprogne fuligula |
98 | /Western House-Martin/ | Delichon urbicum |
99 | African Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis melanocrissus |
100 | Lesser Striped Swallow | Cecropis abyssinica |
101 | Mosque Swallow | Cecropis senegalensis |
| ||
102 | Sombre Greenbul | Andropadus importunus |
103 | Black-headed Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla nigriceps |
104 | Olive-headed Greenbul | Arizelocichla striifacies |
105 | Cabanis's Greenbul | Phyllastrephus cabanisi |
106 | Common Bulbul | Pycnonotus barbatus |
| ||
107 | /Willow Warbler/ | Phylloscopus trochilus |
| ||
108 | African Hill Babbler | Sylvia abyssinica |
109 | Banded Parisoma | Curruca boehmi |
| ||
110 | Pale White-eye | Zosterops flavilateralis |
111 | South Pare White-eye | Zosterops winifredae |
112 | Southern Yellow White-eye | Zosterops anderssoni |
| ||
113 | Red-winged Starling | Onychognathus morio |
114 | Waller's Starling | Onychognathus walleri |
115 | Hildebrandt's Starling | Lamprotornis hildebrandti |
116 | Superb Starling | Lamprotornis superbus |
| ||
117 | African Bare-eyed Thrush | Turdus tephronotus |
118 | Usambara Thrush | Turdus roehli |
| ||
119 | African Dusky Flycatcher | Muscicapa adusta |
120 | African Gray Flycatcher | Bradornis microrhynchus |
121 | White-browed Scrub Robin | Cercotrichas leucophrys |
122 | Cape Robin-Chat | Dessonornis caffra |
123 | Rueppell's Robin-Chat | Cossypha semirufa |
124 | White-browed Robin-Chat | Cossypha heuglini |
125 | Spotted Morning-Thrush | Cichladusa guttata |
126 | White-starred Robin | Pogonocichla stellata |
127 | |Thrush Nightingale| | Luscinia luscinia |
128 | African Stonechat | Saxicola torquatus |
| ||
129 | Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird | Anthreptes orientalis |
130 | Collared Sunbird | Hedydipna collaris |
131 | Olive Sunbird | Cyanomitra olivacea |
132 | Amethyst Sunbird | Chalcomitra amethystina |
133 | Hunter's Sunbird | Chalcomitra hunteri |
134 | Eastern Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris mediocris |
135 | Usambara Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris usambaricus |
136 | Tsavo Sunbird | Cinnyris tsavoensis |
137 | Variable Sunbird | Cinnyris venustus |
| ||
138 | Baglafecht Weaver | Ploceus baglafecht |
139 | Taveta Golden-Weaver | Ploceus castaneiceps |
140 | Lesser Masked-Weaver | Ploceus intermedius |
141 | Village Weaver | Ploceus cucullatus |
142 | &Red-billed Queleal | Quelea quelea |
143 | White-winged Widowbird | Euplectes albonotatus |
| ||
144 | Black-and-white Mannikin | Spermestes bicolor |
145 | Yellow-bellied Waxbill | Coccopygia quartinia |
146 | Red-faced Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza reichenovii |
147 | Common Waxbill | Estrilda astrild |
148 | Purple Grenadier | Granatina ianthinogaster |
149 | Red-cheeked Cordonbleu | Uraeginthus bengalus |
150 | Green-winged Pytilia | Pytilia melba |
151 | Red-billed Firefinch | Lagonosticta senegala |
152 | Jameson's Firefinch | Lagonosticta rhodopareia |
| ||
153 | Pin-tailed Whydah | Vidua macroura |
154 | Eastern Paradise-Whydah | Vidua paradisaea |
| ||
155 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
156 | Northern Gray-headed Sparrow | Passer griseus |
| ||
157 | African Pied Wagtail | Motacilla aguimp |
158 | African Pipit | Anthus cinnamomeus |
159 | Striped Pipit | Anthus lineiventris |
| ||
160 | Southern Citril | Crithagra hypostictus |
161 | Reichenow's Seedeater | Crithagra reichenowi |
162 | Brimstone Canary | Crithagra sulphuratus |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 6 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 0 |
|| | Transient | 2 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 0 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 1 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 0 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 0 |
[] | Accidental | 0 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 7 |
V | Vulnerable | 1 |
EN | Endangered | 1 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.