Accessible Species


Area (SqMi):290,585
# Species:766
# Excl Vagrants:732
# Endemics:1
# Near Endemics:3
Species/1000 SqMi:2.5




NENear Endemic0
RRRestricted Range55


NTNear Threatened14
CRCritically Endangered4

Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.

List of all specialty birds in the country occurring in locales typically visited by birding tours. Specialties include endemics and globally threatened, vulnerable or endangered. Table indicates whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. See sidebar for meaning of location codes and symbols associated with common names.*

color codes

1(Common Quail)Coturnix coturnixLC 
2Hildebrandt's SpurfowlPternistis hildebrandtiRR 
3Eastern Bronze-naped PigeonColumba delegorgueiRR 
4Kori BustardArdeotis koriRRNT
5Denham's BustardNeotis denhami NT
6Red-crested BustardLophotis ruficristaRR 
7Green MalkohaCeuthmochares australisRR 
8Olive Long-tailed CuckooCercococcyx olivinusRR 
9Barred Long-tailed CuckooCercococcyx montanusRR 
10Mottled SwiftTachymarptis aequatorialisRR 
11African SwiftApus barbatusRR 
12Striped FlufftailSarothrura affinisRR 
13Gray Crowned-CraneBalearica regulorum EN
14Wattled CraneBugeranus carunculatus V
15/Eurasian Curlew/Numenius arquata NT
16/Black-tailed Godwit/Limosa limosa NT
17/Great Snipe/Gallinago media NT
18/Curlew Sandpiper/Calidris ferruginea NT
19Black-winged PratincoleGlareola nordmanni NT
20Gull-billed TernGelochelidon niloticaLC 
21/Lesser Flamingo/Phoenicoparrus minor V
22African Woolly-necked StorkCiconia microscelis NT
23Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carboLC 
24Slaty EgretEgretta vinaceigula V
25\Malagasy Pond-Heron\Ardeola idae EN
26ShoebillBalaeniceps rexRRV
27SecretarybirdSagittarius serpentarius EN
28White-headed VultureTrigonoceps occipitalis CR
29Lappet-faced VultureTorgos tracheliotos EN
30Hooded VultureNecrosyrtes monachus CR
31White-backed VultureGyps africanus CR
32#Cape Griffon#Gyps coprotheres V
33BateleurTerathopius ecaudatus EN
34Crowned EagleStephanoaetus coronatus NT
35Martial EaglePolemaetus bellicosus EN
36Tawny EagleAquila rapax V
37/Steppe Eagle/Aquila nipalensis EN
38Verreaux's EagleAquila verreauxiiRR 
39/Pallid Harrier/Circus macrourus NT
40Southern Ground-HornbillBucorvus leadbeateri V
41Bradfield's HornbillLophoceros bradfieldiRR 
42White-bellied KingfisherCorythornis leucogasterRR 
43Whyte's BarbetStactolaema whytiiRR 
44Anchieta's BarbetStactolaema anchietaeLC 
45Chaplin's BarbetLybius chapliniEV
46Least HoneyguideIndicator exilisRR 
47Red-throated WryneckJynx ruficollisRR 
48Brown-eared WoodpeckerPardipicus caroliRR 
49Red-necked FalconFalco chicquera NT
50/Red-footed Falcon/Falco vespertinus V
51|Sooty Falcon|Falco concolor V
52Taita FalconFalco fasciinuchaLCV
53Lilian's LovebirdAgapornis lilianaeRRNT
54Black-cheeked LovebirdAgapornis nigrigenis V
55White-tailed Crested FlycatcherElminia albonotataRR 
56Angola LarkAmirafra angolensisRR 
57Pink-billed LarkSpizocorys conirostrisRR 
58Eastern NicatorNicator gularisRR 
59White-chinned PriniaSchistolais leucopogonRR 
60Bar-throated ApalisApalis thoracicaLC 
61Buff-throated ApalisApalis rufogularisRR 
62Chapin's ApalisApalis chapiniRR 
63Red-winged PriniaPrinia erythropteraRR 
64Black-lored CisticolaCisticola nigrilorisRR 
65Stout CisticolaCisticola robustusRR 
66Dambo CisticolaCisticola damboRR 
67Wing-snapping CisticolaCisticola ayresiiRR 
68(White-headed Sawwing)Psalidoprocne albicepsRR 
69Montane Blue SwallowHirundo atrocaerulea V
70Black-and-rufous SwallowHirundo nigrorufaRR 
71Angola SwallowHirundo angolensisRR 
72Black-collared BulbulNeolestes torquatusRR 
73Honeyguide GreenbulBaeopogon indicatorRR 
74Yellow-streaked GreenbulPhyllastrephus flavostriatusRR 
75\Black-fronted Bulbul\Pycnonotus nigricansRR 
76Livingstone's FlycatcherErythrocercus livingstoneiRR 
77African Hill BabblerSylvia abyssinicaRR 
78Chestnut-vented WarblerCurruca subcaeruleaRR 
79Cape StarlingLamprotornis nitensRR 
80Rufous Flycatcher-ThrushStizorhina fraseriRR 
81Orange Ground-ThrushGeokichla gurneyiRR 
82Sooty FlycatcherArtomyias infuscataRR 
83Gray Tit-FlycatcherFraseria plumbeusLC 
84Gray-winged Robin-ChatSheppardia poliopteraRR 
85Green-headed SunbirdCyanomitra verticalisRR 
86Orange-tufted SunbirdCinnyris bouvieriLC 
87Scaly WeaverSporopipes squamifronsRR 
88Bertram's WeaverPloceus bertrandiRR 
89Baglafecht WeaverPloceus baglafechtLC 
90Bocage's WeaverPloceus temporalisLC 
91&Cardinal QuelealQuelea cardinalisRR 
92Swee WaxbillCoccopygia melanotisLC 
93Green-backed TwinspotMandingoa nitidulaRR 
94Red-cheeked CordonbleuUraeginthus bengalusRR 
95Gray WagtailMotacilla cinereaLC 
96Yellow-throated LongclawMacronyx croceusRR 
97Grimwood's LongclawMacronyx grimwoodiRR 
98Black-eared SeedeaterCrithagra mennelliLC 
99Yellow-crowned CanarySerinus flavivertexRR 


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.