Area (SqMi): | 290,585 |
# Species: | 766 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 732 |
# Endemics: | 1 |
# Near Endemics: | 3 |
Species/1000 SqMi: | 2.5 |
List of species that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*
1 | White-throated Francolin | Campocolinus albogularis | RR | |
2 | (Common Quail) | Coturnix coturnix | LC | |
3 | Hildebrandt's Spurfowl | Pternistis hildebrandti | RR | |
4 | Afep Pigeon | Columba unicincta | RR | |
5 | Rameron Pigeon | Columba arquatrix | RR | |
6 | Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon | Columba delegorguei | RR | |
7 | Dusky Turtle-Dove | Streptopelia lugens | RR | |
8 | Burchell's Sandgrouse | Pterocles burchelli | RR | |
9 | Kori Bustard | Ardeotis kori | RR | NT |
10 | Denham's Bustard | Neotis denhami | NT | |
11 | Red-crested Bustard | Lophotis ruficrista | RR | |
12 | Bare-faced Go-away-bird | Crinifer personatus | RR | |
13 | /Lesser Cuckoo/ | Cuculus poliocephalus | RR | |
14 | Green Malkoha | Ceuthmochares australis | RR | |
15 | Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo | Cercococcyx olivinus | RR | |
16 | Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo | Cercococcyx montanus | RR | |
17 | Montane Nightjar | Caprimulgus poliocephalus | RR | |
18 | Scarce Swift | Schoutedenapus myoptilus | RR | |
19 | Mottled Swift | Tachymarptis aequatorialis | RR | |
20 | African Swift | Apus barbatus | RR | |
21 | White-spotted Flufftail | Sarothrura pulchra | RR | |
22 | Chestnut-headed Flufftail | Sarothrura lugens | RR | |
23 | Striped Flufftail | Sarothrura affinis | RR | |
24 | Gray Crowned-Crane | Balearica regulorum | EN | |
25 | Wattled Crane | Bugeranus carunculatus | V | |
26 | /Eurasian Curlew/ | Numenius arquata | NT | |
27 | /Black-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa limosa | NT | |
28 | /Great Snipe/ | Gallinago media | NT | |
29 | /Curlew Sandpiper/ | Calidris ferruginea | NT | |
30 | Black-winged Pratincole | Glareola nordmanni | NT | |
31 | Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica | LC | |
32 | /Lesser Flamingo/ | Phoenicoparrus minor | V | |
33 | Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus | RR | |
34 | African Woolly-necked Stork | Ciconia microscelis | NT | |
35 | Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo | LC | |
36 | Slaty Egret | Egretta vinaceigula | V | |
37 | \Malagasy Pond-Heron\ | Ardeola idae | EN | |
38 | Shoebill | Balaeniceps rex | RR | V |
39 | Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius | EN | |
40 | White-headed Vulture | Trigonoceps occipitalis | CR | |
41 | Lappet-faced Vulture | Torgos tracheliotos | EN | |
42 | Hooded Vulture | Necrosyrtes monachus | CR | |
43 | White-backed Vulture | Gyps africanus | CR | |
44 | #Cape Griffon# | Gyps coprotheres | V | |
45 | Bateleur | Terathopius ecaudatus | EN | |
46 | Crowned Eagle | Stephanoaetus coronatus | NT | |
47 | Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | EN | |
48 | Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax | V | |
49 | /Steppe Eagle/ | Aquila nipalensis | EN | |
50 | Verreaux's Eagle | Aquila verreauxii | RR | |
51 | Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk | Accipiter rufiventris | RR | |
52 | /Pallid Harrier/ | Circus macrourus | NT | |
53 | Bar-tailed Trogon | Apaloderma vittatum | RR | |
54 | Southern Ground-Hornbill | Bucorvus leadbeateri | V | |
55 | Bradfield's Hornbill | Lophoceros bradfieldi | RR | |
56 | Silvery-cheeked Hornbill | Bycanistes brevis | RR | |
57 | Shining-blue Kingfisher | Alcedo quadribrachys | LC | |
58 | White-bellied Kingfisher | Corythornis leucogaster | RR | |
59 | Blue-breasted Kingfisher | Halcyon malimbica | RR | |
60 | Whyte's Barbet | Stactolaema whytii | RR | |
61 | Anchieta's Barbet | Stactolaema anchietae | LC | |
62 | Moustached Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus leucomystax | RR | |
63 | Pied Barbet | Tricholaema leucomelas | RR | |
64 | Spot-flanked Barbet | Tricholaema lacrymosa | RR | |
65 | Chaplin's Barbet | Lybius chaplini | E | V |
66 | Least Honeyguide | Indicator exilis | RR | |
67 | Red-throated Wryneck | Jynx ruficollis | RR | |
68 | Stierling's Woodpecker | Dendropicos stierlingi | NT | |
69 | Brown-eared Woodpecker | Pardipicus caroli | RR | |
70 | Red-necked Falcon | Falco chicquera | NT | |
71 | /Red-footed Falcon/ | Falco vespertinus | V | |
72 | |Sooty Falcon| | Falco concolor | V | |
73 | Taita Falcon | Falco fasciinucha | LC | V |
74 | Lilian's Lovebird | Agapornis lilianae | RR | NT |
75 | Black-cheeked Lovebird | Agapornis nigrigenis | V | |
76 | Chestnut Wattle-eye | Dyaphorophyia castanea | RR | |
77 | Boulton's Batis | Batis margaritae | RR | |
78 | Malawi Batis | Batis dimorpha | NE | |
79 | Fuelleborn's Boubou | Laniarius fuelleborni | RR | |
80 | Four-colored Bushshrike | Telophorus viridis | RR | |
81 | Black-headed Paradise-Flycatcher | Terpsiphone rufiventer | RR | |
82 | White-tailed Crested Flycatcher | Elminia albonotata | RR | |
83 | Fischer's Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix leucopareia | RR | |
84 | Angola Lark | Amirafra angolensis | RR | |
85 | Plateau Lark | Corypha nigrescens | NE | |
86 | Pink-billed Lark | Spizocorys conirostris | RR | |
87 | Eastern Nicator | Nicator gularis | RR | |
88 | White-chinned Prinia | Schistolais leucopogon | RR | |
89 | Bar-throated Apalis | Apalis thoracica | LC | |
90 | Buff-throated Apalis | Apalis rufogularis | RR | |
91 | Chapin's Apalis | Apalis chapini | RR | |
92 | Red-winged Prinia | Prinia erythroptera | RR | |
93 | Singing Cisticola | Cisticola cantans | RR | |
94 | Whistling Cisticola | Cisticola lateralis | RR | |
95 | Black-lored Cisticola | Cisticola nigriloris | RR | |
96 | Wailing Cisticola | Cisticola lais | RR | |
97 | Churring Cisticola | Cisticola njombe | RR | |
98 | Stout Cisticola | Cisticola robustus | RR | |
99 | Dambo Cisticola | Cisticola dambo | RR | |
100 | Wing-snapping Cisticola | Cisticola ayresii | RR | |
101 | Papyrus Yellow-Warbler | Calamonastides gracilirostris | V | |
102 | Mountain Yellow-Warbler | Iduna similis | RR | |
103 | Bamboo Warbler | Locustella alfredi | RR | |
104 | Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler | Bradypterus cinnamomeus | RR | |
105 | White-winged Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus carpalis | RR | |
106 | (White-headed Sawwing) | Psalidoprocne albiceps | RR | |
107 | Montane Blue Swallow | Hirundo atrocaerulea | V | |
108 | Black-and-rufous Swallow | Hirundo nigrorufa | RR | |
109 | Angola Swallow | Hirundo angolensis | RR | |
110 | African Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis melanocrissus | RR | |
111 | (Red-throated Swallow) | Petrochelidon rufigula | RR | |
112 | Black-collared Bulbul | Neolestes torquatus | RR | |
113 | Honeyguide Greenbul | Baeopogon indicator | RR | |
114 | Yellow-streaked Greenbul | Phyllastrephus flavostriatus | RR | |
115 | \Black-fronted Bulbul\ | Pycnonotus nigricans | RR | |
116 | Livingstone's Flycatcher | Erythrocercus livingstonei | RR | |
117 | African Hill Babbler | Sylvia abyssinica | RR | |
118 | Chestnut-vented Warbler | Curruca subcaerulea | RR | |
119 | Brown Parisoma | Curruca lugens | RR | |
120 | Thrush Babbler | Illadopsis turdina | RR | |
121 | Slender-billed Starling | Onychognathus tenuirostris | RR | |
122 | Cape Starling | Lamprotornis nitens | RR | |
123 | Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush | Stizorhina fraseri | RR | |
124 | Orange Ground-Thrush | Geokichla gurneyi | RR | |
125 | Cassin's Flycatcher | Muscicapa cassini | RR | |
126 | Sooty Flycatcher | Artomyias infuscata | RR | |
127 | Gray Tit-Flycatcher | Fraseria plumbeus | LC | |
128 | Olive-flanked Robin-Chat | Dessonornis anomala | RR | NT |
129 | Cape Robin-Chat | Dessonornis caffra | RR | |
130 | White-starred Robin | Pogonocichla stellata | RR | |
131 | White-chested Alethe | Chamaetylas fuelleborni | RR | |
132 | Gray-winged Robin-Chat | Sheppardia polioptera | RR | |
133 | Green-headed Sunbird | Cyanomitra verticalis | RR | |
134 | Bannerman's Sunbird | Cyanomitra bannermani | RR | |
135 | Green-throated Sunbird | Chalcomitra rubescens | RR | |
136 | Bronze Sunbird | Nectarinia kilimensis | RR | |
137 | Malachite Sunbird | Nectarinia famosa | RR | |
138 | Red-tufted Sunbird | Nectarinia johnstoni | LC | |
139 | Orange-tufted Sunbird | Cinnyris bouvieri | LC | |
140 | Oustalet's Sunbird | Cinnyris oustaleti | RR | |
141 | Bates's Sunbird | Cinnyris batesi | RR | |
142 | Scaly Weaver | Sporopipes squamifrons | RR | |
143 | Bertram's Weaver | Ploceus bertrandi | RR | |
144 | Baglafecht Weaver | Ploceus baglafecht | LC | |
145 | Slender-billed Weaver | Ploceus pelzelni | RR | |
146 | Bocage's Weaver | Ploceus temporalis | LC | |
147 | Tanganyika Masked-Weaver | Ploceus reichardi | NE | |
148 | Black-headed Weaver | Ploceus melanocephalus | RR | |
149 | Olive-headed Weaver | Ploceus olivaceiceps | RR | NT |
150 | Compact Weaver | Pachyphantes superciliosus | RR | |
151 | &Cardinal Queleal | Quelea cardinalis | RR | |
152 | Buff-shouldered Widowbird | Euplectes psammacromius | RR | |
153 | Swee Waxbill | Coccopygia melanotis | LC | |
154 | Green-backed Twinspot | Mandingoa nitidula | RR | |
155 | Red-faced Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza reichenovii | RR | |
156 | Orange-cheeked Waxbill | Estrilda melpoda | RR | |
157 | Red-cheeked Cordonbleu | Uraeginthus bengalus | RR | |
158 | Gray Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | LC | |
159 | Yellow-throated Longclaw | Macronyx croceus | RR | |
160 | Grimwood's Longclaw | Macronyx grimwoodi | RR | |
161 | Western Citril | Crithagra frontalis | RR | |
162 | Streaky Seedeater | Crithagra striolatus | RR | |
163 | Black-eared Seedeater | Crithagra mennelli | LC | |
164 | Yellow-crowned Canary | Serinus flavivertex | RR | |
165 | Cape Bunting | Emberiza capensis | RR |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 1 |
LC | Local | 15 |
NE | Near Endemic | 3 |
RR | Restricted Range | 114 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 4 |
V | Vulnerable | 3 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.