# Species: | 1532 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 1487 |
# Endemics: | 21 |
# Near Endemics: | 130 |
List of target birds found in the country broken down by locations. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Only countries for which we have data are used to determine if the species is best seen in this country. Hence, species listed as best seen in this country may also be seen in other countries for which we don't have any data. If no locale code is given, the species is only present in remote areas not included in our list of locales but is only in remote locales of other countries as well. A separate target list can be viewed for each location by clicking its sidebar link.*
1 | Hooded Tinamou | Nothocercus nigrocapillus | Many | NE |
2 | Huayco Tinamou | Rhynchotus maculicollis | Many | NE |
3 | Taczanowski's Tinamou | Nothoprocta taczanowskii | BC | |
4 | Red-faced Guan | Penelope dabbenei | QS,RLV,TBO | NE |
5 | Yungas Guan | Penelope bridgesi | Many | NE |
6 | Red-throated Piping-Guan | Pipile cujubi | BC | |
7 | Horned Curassow | Pauxi unicornis | BC | |
8 | Stripe-faced Wood-Quail | Odontophorus balliviani | Many | NE |
9 | Long-tailed Ground Dove | Uropelia campestris | BAR | NE |
10 | Large-tailed Dove | Leptotila megalura | Many | NE |
11 | Rothschild's Swift | Cypseloides rothschildi | Many | NE |
12 | Cinnamon-throated Hermit | Phaethornis nattereri | BC | |
13 | White-browed Hermit | Phaethornis stuarti | CHRD,HG,RLV SL | NE |
14 | Buff-bellied Hermit | Phaethornis subochraceus | Many | NE |
15 | Coppery Thorntail | Discosura letitiae | BC | |
16 | Wedge-tailed Hillstar | Oreotrochilus adela | COR,CT,SYF,TM | NE |
17 | Olivaceous Thornbill | Chalcostigma olivaceum | BC | |
18 | Scaled Metaltail | Metallura aeneocauda | Many | NE |
19 | Buff-thighed Puffleg | Haplophaedia assimilis | APA,CRD | NE |
20 | Coppery-naped Puffleg** | Eriocnemis sapphirophygia | BC | |
21 | Blue-capped Puffleg | Eriocnemis glaucopoides | Many | NE |
22 | Black-hooded Sunbeam | Aglaeactis pamela | Many | E |
23 | Gould's Inca | Coeligena inca | Many | NE |
24 | Rufous-booted Racket-tail | Ocreatus addae | Many | NE |
25 | Slender-tailed Woodstar | Microstilbon burmeisteri | Many | NE |
26 | Rufous-faced Crake | Rufirallus xenopterus | BC | |
27 | Dark-winged Trumpeter | Psophia viridis | BC | |
28 | Titicaca Grebe | Rollandia microptera | LT,SR | NE |
29 | Black-and-chestnut Eagle | Spizaetus isidori | Many | EN |
30 | Chaco Eagle | Buteogallus coronatus | BAR,HG,SLP | EN |
31 | Koepcke's Screech-Owl | Megascops koepckeae | BC | |
32 | Cloud-forest Screech-Owl | Megascops marshalli | APA,CRD | NE |
33 | Montane Forest Screech-Owl | Megascops hoyi | BC | |
34 | Eastern Striolated-Puffbird | Nystalus striolatus | BC | |
35 | Rufous-necked Puffbird | Malacoptila rufa | KM632 | BC |
36 | Blue-cheeked Jacamar | Galbula cyanicollis | BC | |
37 | Black-girdled Barbet | Capito dayi | BC | |
38 | Versicolored Barbet | Eubucco steerii | CRD | NE |
39 | Blue-moustached Barbet | Eubucco versicolor | Many | NE |
40 | Blue-banded Toucanet | Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis | Many | NE |
41 | Hooded Mountain-Toucan | Andigena cucullata | CHRD,CRD,SYF TM | NE |
42 | Red-necked Aracari | Pteroglossus bitorquatus | AR,KM632 | NE |
43 | Gould's Toucanet | Selenidera gouldii | BC | |
44 | Rusty-necked Piculet | Picumnus fuscus | BC | |
45 | Dot-fronted Woodpecker | Dryobates frontalis | BG,QS,RLV | NE |
46 | Andean Parakeet | Bolborhynchus orbygnesius | Many | NE |
47 | Cliff Parakeet** | Myiopsitta luchsi | RFMR | E |
48 | Black-winged Parrot | Hapalopsittaca melanotis | Many | NE |
49 | Tucuman Amazon | Amazona tucumana | CRD,QS,RLV TBO | NE |
50 | Crimson-bellied Parakeet | Pyrrhura perlata | BC | |
51 | Santarem Parakeet | Pyrrhura amazonum | BC | |
52 | Blue-throated Macaw | Ara glaucogularis | BAR,HEC,TLS | E |
53 | Red-fronted Macaw | Ara rubrogenys | RFMR,TBO | E |
54 | Yellow-rumped Antwren | Euchrepomis sharpei | CHRD,CRD | NE |
55 | Natterer's Slaty-Antshrike | Thamnophilus stictocephalus | HG,KM632,SLP | NE |
56 | Upland Antshrike | Thamnophilus aroyae | Many | NE |
57 | Rufescent Antshrike | Thamnistes rufescens | BC | |
58 | Saturnine Antshrike | Thamnomanes saturninus | BC | |
59 | Rio Madeira Stipplethroat | Epinecrophylla amazonica | SL | NE |
60 | Ashy Antwren | Myrmotherula grisea | AMV,CHRD,RLV SL | NE |
61 | Leaden Antwren | Myrmotherula assimilis | AR,HG | BC |
62 | Large-billed Antwren | Herpsilochmus longirostris | AR,BAR,TLS | NE |
63 | Rondonia Warbling-Antbird | Hypocnemis ochrogyna | BC | |
64 | Slate-colored Antbird | Myrmelastes schistacea | BC | |
65 | Brownish-headed Antbird | Myrmelastes brunneiceps | SL | NE |
66 | Slaty Gnateater | Conopophaga ardesiaca | Many | NE |
67 | Stripe-headed Antpitta | Grallaria andicolus | SR | NE |
68 | Puno Antpitta | Grallaria sinaensis | SR | NE |
69 | Bolivian Antpitta | Grallaria cochabambae | Many | E |
70 | Rufous-faced Antpitta | Grallaria erythrotis | Many | NE |
71 | Masked Antpitta | Hylopezus auricularis | AR,HG | E |
72 | Zimmer's Tapaculo | Scytalopus zimmeri | BC | |
73 | Puna Tapaculo | Scytalopus simonsi | Many | NE |
74 | Diademed Tapaculo | Scytalopus schulenbergi | CHRD,CRD,SYF TM | NE |
75 | Trilling Tapaculo | Scytalopus parvirostris | Many | NE |
76 | Bolivian Tapaculo | Scytalopus bolivianus | Many | NE |
77 | Rufous-fronted Antthrush | Formicarius rufifrons | BC | |
78 | Campo Miner | Geositta poeciloptera | BC | |
79 | Dusky-capped Woodcreeper | Lepidocolaptes fuscicapillus | HG,KM632 | NE |
80 | Bolivian Earthcreeper | Tarphonomus harterti | Many | NE |
81 | Royal Cinclodes | Cinclodes aricomae | BC | |
82 | Bolivian Recurvebill | Syndactyla striata | CHRD,RLV,SL | NE |
83 | Rufous-backed Treehunter | Thripadectes scrutator | APA,CRD | NE |
84 | Brown-capped Tit-Spinetail | Leptasthenura fuliginiceps | Many | NE |
85 | Spot-breasted Thornbird | Phacellodomus maculipectus | QS,SYF,TBO | NE |
86 | Dark-winged Canastero** | Asthenes arequipae | BC | |
87 | Berlepsch's Canastero | Asthenes berlepschi | SR | E |
88 | Line-fronted Canastero | Asthenes urubambensis | LT | NE |
89 | Streak-throated Canastero | Asthenes humilis | CRD,CT | NE |
90 | Black-throated Thistletail | Asthenes harterti | Many | E |
91 | Puna Thistletail | Asthenes helleri | BC | |
92 | Maquis Canastero | Asthenes heterura | COR,CT | NE |
93 | Beni Softtail | Thripophaga dimorpha | AMV,TLS | E |
94 | Light-crowned Spinetail | Cranioleuca albiceps | Many | NE |
95 | Bolivian Spinetail | Cranioleuca henricae | BC | |
96 | Red-and-white Spinetail | Certhiaxis mustelinus | BC | |
97 | Yungas Manakin | Chiroxiphia boliviana | Many | NE |
98 | Snow-capped Manakin | Lepidothrix nattereri | BC | |
99 | Flame-crowned Manakin | Heterocercus linteatus | BC | |
100 | Band-tailed Fruiteater | Pipreola intermedia | Many | NE |
101 | Palkachupa Cotinga** | Phibalura boliviana | AMV | E |
102 | Scimitar-winged Piha | Lipaugus uropygialis | AMV,APA,CRD | NE |
103 | Rufous-lored Tyrannulet | Phylloscartes flaviventris | BC | |
104 | Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet | Phylloscartes parkeri | SL | NE |
105 | Hazel-fronted Pygmy-Tyrant | Pseudotriccus simplex | APA,CHRD | NE |
106 | Snethlage's Tody-Tyrant | Hemitriccus minor | BC | |
107 | Yungas Tody-Tyrant | Hemitriccus spodiops | CHRD,CRD,TM | NE |
108 | Acre Tody-Tyrant | Hemitriccus cohnhafti | BC | |
109 | Zimmer's Tody-Tyrant | Hemitriccus minimus | BC | |
110 | Ochraceous-breasted Flycatcher | Nephelomyias ochraceiventris | CRD | NE |
111 | Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant | Anairetes alpinus | BC | |
112 | Brownish Elaenia | Elaenia pelzelni | HG | BC |
113 | Yungas Tyrannulet | Phyllomyias weedeni | APA,SL | NE |
114 | Bolivian Tyrannulet | Zimmerius bolivianus | Many | NE |
115 | Unadorned Flycatcher | Myiophobus inornatus | AMV,APA,CHRD | NE |
116 | Olive Flycatcher | Mitrephanes olivaceus | APA,CRD,RLV | NE |
117 | Chapada Flycatcher | Guyramemua affine | BC | |
118 | Taczanowski's Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola griseus | COR,CT,LT,SR | NE |
119 | Rufous-bellied Bush-Tyrant | Myiotheretes fuscorufus | Many | NE |
120 | Peruvian Chat-Tyrant** | Silvicultrix spodionota | BC | |
121 | Golden-browed Chat-Tyrant | Silvicultrix pulchella | CRD,SYF,TM | NE |
122 | Maroon-belted Chat-Tyrant | Ochthoeca thoracica | CHRD,CRD,SYF TM | NE |
123 | \Gray-eyed Greenlet\ | Hylophilus amaurocephalus | TLS | E |
124 | Gray-chested Greenlet | Hylophilus semicinereus | BC | |
125 | Brown-headed Greenlet | Hylophilus brunneiceps | BC | |
126 | White-collared Jay | Cyanolyca viridicyanus | CHRD,CRD,TM | NE |
127 | Chattering Gnatwren | Ramphocaenus sticturus | BC | |
128 | Tooth-billed Wren | Odontorchilus cinereus | BC | |
129 | Fulvous Wren | Cinnycerthia fulva | CHRD,CRD,RFMR TM | NE |
130 | Rufous-throated Dipper | Cinclus schulzii | BC | |
131 | White-eared Solitaire | Entomodestes leucotis | Many | NE |
132 | Unicolored Thrush | Turdus haplochrous | TLS | E |
133 | Yungas Sparrow | Rhynchospiza dabbenei | BC | |
134 | Moss-backed Sparrow | Arremon doribnii | Many | NE |
135 | Black-faced Brushfinch | Atlapetes melanolaemus | APA,CRD | NE |
136 | Bolivian Brushfinch | Atlapetes rufinucha | Many | E |
137 | Fulvous-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes fulviceps | CHRD,CT,SYF TM | NE |
138 | Dusky-green Oropendola | Psarocolius atrovirens | Many | NE |
139 | Southern Mountain Cacique | Cacicus chrysonotus | Many | NE |
140 | Beni Grackle** | Lampropsar boliviensis | Many | E |
141 | Bolivian Blackbird | Oreopsar bolivianus | Many | E |
142 | Yungas Warbler | Basileuterus punctipectus | Many | NE |
143 | Cuzco Warbler | Myiothlypis chrysogaster | SL | NE |
144 | Brown-capped Redstart | Myioborus brunniceps | Many | NE |
145 | Slaty Tanager | Creurgops dentatus | Many | NE |
146 | Orange-browed Hemispingus | Kleinothraupis calophrys | CHRD,CRD,TM | NE |
147 | Inti Tanager | Heliothraupis oneilli | AMV | NE |
148 | Chestnut-bellied Mountain Tanager | Dubusia castaneoventris | CHRD,CRD,SYF TM | NE |
149 | Rufous-bellied Mountain Tanager | Pseudosaltator rufiventris | CHRD,COR,CT SYF | NE |
150 | Golden-collared Tanager | Iridosornis jelskii | CHRD,CRD,SYF TM | NE |
151 | Green-capped Tanager | Stilpnia meyerdeschauenseei | AMV | NE |
152 | Pearly-breasted Conebill | Conirostrum margaritae | HG | BC |
153 | White-browed Conebill | Conirostrum ferrugineiventre | Many | NE |
154 | Moustached Flowerpiercer | Diglossa mystacalis | CHRD,CRD,TM | NE |
155 | Gray-bellied Flowerpiercer | Diglossa carbonaria | Many | E |
156 | Peruvian Sierra Finch | Phrygilus punensis | CRD,LT,SR | NE |
157 | Gray-crested Finch | Lophospingus griseocristatus | Many | NE |
158 | Blue Finch | Rhopospina caerulescens | BC | |
159 | Drab Hemispingus | Pseudospingus xanthophthalmus | CRD | NE |
160 | Bolivian Warbling Finch | Poospiza boliviana | Many | NE |
161 | Rusty-browed Warbling Finch | Poospiza erythrophrys | Many | NE |
162 | Black-and-chestnut Warbling Finch | Poospiza whitii | Many | NE |
163 | Cochabamba Mountain-Finch | Poospiza garleppi | COR,CT,LA,TM | E |
164 | Three-striped Hemispingus | Poospiza trifasciatus | CHRD,CRD,LT TM | NE |
165 | Rufous-sided Warbling Finch | Poospizopsis hypochondria | Many | NE |
166 | Citron-headed Yellow-Finch | Sicalis luteocephala | Many | NE |
167 | Black-and-tawny Seedeater | Sporophila nigrorufa | AR,BAR,LDA | NE |
168 | Ibera Seedeater | Sporophila iberaensis | BC |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 20 |
NE | Near Endemic | 129 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
EN | Endangered | 2 |
BC | Best Seen in This Country | 17 |
AT | Always a Target | 0 |
Reason codes indicate the reason a species is included on our target birds list.