# Species: | 789 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 628 |
# Endemics: | 181 |
# Near Endemics: | 3 |
List of target birds found in the country broken down by locations. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Only countries for which we have data are used to determine if the species is best seen in this country. Hence, species listed as best seen in this country may also be seen in other countries for which we don't have any data. If no locale code is given, the species is only present in remote areas not included in our list of locales but is only in remote locales of other countries as well. A separate target list can be viewed for each location by clicking its sidebar link.*
1 | West Indian Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna arborea | Many | NE |
2 | Scaly-naped Pigeon | Patagioenas squamosa | Many | E |
3 | Plain Pigeon | Patagioenas inornata | Many | E |
4 | Ring-tailed Pigeon | Patagioenas caribaea | JA | E |
5 | Blue-headed Quail-Dove | Starnoenas cyanocephala | CBA | E |
6 | Crested Quail-Dove | Geotrygon versicolor | JA | E |
7 | Gray-fronted Quail-Dove | Geotrygon caniceps | CBA | E |
8 | White-fronted Quail-Dove | Geotrygon leucometopia | DR,GA | E |
9 | Bridled Quail-Dove | Geotrygon mystacea | Many | E |
10 | Grenada Dove | Leptotila wellsi | GR,LA | E |
11 | Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo | Coccyzus pluvialis | JA | E |
12 | Bay-breasted Cuckoo | Coccyzus rufigularis | DR,GA | E |
13 | Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo | Coccyzus vetula | JA | E |
14 | Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo | Coccyzus vieilloti | PR | E |
15 | Great Lizard-Cuckoo | Coccyzus merlini | BHS,CBA | E |
16 | Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo | Coccyzus longirostris | DR,GA,HI | E |
17 | Least Pauraque | Siphonorhis brewsteri | DR,GA | E |
18 | Cuban Nightjar | Antrostomus cubanensis | CBA | E |
19 | Puerto Rican Nightjar | Antrostomus noctitherus | PR | E |
20 | Lesser Antillean Swift | Chaetura martinica | Many | E |
21 | Antillean Palm Swift | Tachornis phoenicobia | Many | E |
22 | Hispaniolan Mango | Anthracothorax dominicus | DR,GA,HI | E |
23 | Puerto Rican Mango | Anthracothorax aurulentus | PR,VI | E |
24 | Green Mango | Anthracothorax viridis | PR | E |
25 | Jamaican Mango | Anthracothorax mango | JA | E |
26 | Purple-throated Carib | Eulampis jugularis | Many | E |
27 | Green-throated Carib | Eulampis holosericeus | Many | E |
28 | Bahama Woodstar | Nesophlox evelynae | BHS,TC | E |
29 | Inagua Woodstar | Nesophlox lyrura | BHS | E |
30 | Vervain Hummingbird | Mellisuga minima | Many | E |
31 | Bee Hummingbird | Mellisuga helenae | CBA | E |
32 | Cuban Emerald | Riccordia ricordii | BHS,CBA | E |
33 | Hispaniolan Emerald | Riccordia swainsonii | DR,GA,HI | E |
34 | Puerto Rican Emerald | Riccordia maugaeus | PR | E |
35 | Blue-headed Hummingbird | Riccordia bicolor | DI,LA,MI | E |
36 | Antillean Crested Hummingbird | Orthorhyncus cristatus | Many | E |
37 | Red-billed Streamertail | Trochilus polytmus | JA | E |
38 | Black-billed Streamertail | Trochilus scitulus | JA | E |
39 | Zapata Rail | Mustelirallus cerverai | CBA | E |
40 | Cuban Kite | Chondrohierax wilsonii | CBA | E |
41 | Gundlach's Hawk | Astur gundlachi | CBA | E |
42 | Cuban Black Hawk | Buteogallus gundlachii | CBA,CI,GA | E |
43 | Ridgway's Hawk | Buteo ridgwayi | DR,GA,HI | E |
44 | Ashy-faced Owl | Tyto glaucops | DR,GA,HI | E |
45 | Puerto Rican Owl | Gymnasio nudipes | PR | E |
46 | Bare-legged Owl | Margarobyas lawrencii | CBA | E |
47 | Cuban Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium siju | CBA | E |
48 | Jamaican Owl | Asio grammicus | JA | E |
49 | Cuban Trogon | Priotelus temnurus | CBA | E |
50 | Hispaniolan Trogon | Priotelus roseigaster | DR,GA,HI | E |
51 | Cuban Tody | Todus multicolor | CBA | E |
52 | Broad-billed Tody | Todus subulatus | DR,GA,HI | E |
53 | Narrow-billed Tody | Todus angustirostris | DR,GA,HI | E |
54 | Jamaican Tody | Todus todus | JA | E |
55 | Puerto Rican Tody | Todus mexicanus | PR | E |
56 | Antillean Piculet | Nesoctites micromegas | DR,GA,HI | E |
57 | Cuban Green Woodpecker | Xiphidiopicus percussus | CBA | E |
58 | Guadeloupe Woodpecker | Melanerpes herminieri | GI,LA | E |
59 | Puerto Rican Woodpecker | Melanerpes portoricensis | PR | E |
60 | Hispaniolan Woodpecker | Melanerpes striatus | DR,GA,HI | E |
61 | Jamaican Woodpecker | Melanerpes radiolatus | JA | E |
62 | West Indian Woodpecker | Melanerpes superciliaris | BHS,CBA,CI,GA | E |
63 | Ivory-billed Woodpecker | Campephilus principalis | CBA | CR |
64 | Fernandina's Flicker | Colaptes fernandinae | BHS,CBA | E |
65 | Red-necked Amazon | Amazona arausiaca | DI,LA | E |
66 | St. Lucia Amazon | Amazona versicolor | LA,SLI | E |
67 | Yellow-shouldered Amazon | Amazona barbadensis | ARB,BOI,CUR | NE |
68 | Black-billed Amazon | Amazona agilis | JA | E |
69 | Yellow-billed Amazon | Amazona collaria | JA | E |
70 | Cuban Amazon | Amazona leucocephala | BHS,CBA,CI,GA | E |
71 | Hispaniolan Amazon | Amazona ventralis | DR,GA,HI,PR | E |
72 | Puerto Rican Amazon | Amazona vittata | PR | E |
73 | Imperial Amazon | Amazona imperialis | DI,LA | E |
74 | St. Vincent Amazon | Amazona guildingii | LA,SVG | E |
75 | Cuban Parakeet | Psittacara euops | CBA | E |
76 | Hispaniolan Parakeet | Psittacara chloropterus | Many | E |
77 | Jamaican Becard | Pachyramphus niger | JA | E |
78 | Jamaican Elaenia | Myiopagis cotta | JA | E |
79 | Greater Antillean Elaenia | Elaenia fallax | DR,GA,HI,JA | E |
80 | Jamaican Pewee | Contopus pallidus | JA | E |
81 | Cuban Pewee | Contopus caribaeus | BHS,CBA | E |
82 | Hispaniolan Pewee | Contopus hispaniolensis | DR,GA,HI | E |
83 | Lesser Antillean Pewee | Contopus latirostris | Many | E |
84 | Sad Flycatcher | Myiarchus barbirostris | JA | E |
85 | Grenada Flycatcher | Myiarchus nugator | GR,LA,SVG | E |
86 | Rufous-tailed Flycatcher | Myiarchus validus | JA | E |
87 | La Sagra's Flycatcher | Myiarchus sagrae | BHS,CBA,CI,GA | BC |
88 | Stolid Flycatcher | Myiarchus stolidus | DR,GA,HI,JA | E |
89 | Puerto Rican Flycatcher | Myiarchus antillarum | PR,VI | E |
90 | Lesser Antillean Flycatcher | Myiarchus oberi | Many | E |
91 | Loggerhead Kingbird | Tyrannus caudifasciatus | Many | E |
92 | Giant Kingbird | Tyrannus cubensis | CBA | E |
93 | San Andres Vireo | Vireo caribaeus | BC | |
94 | Jamaican Vireo | Vireo modestus | JA | E |
95 | Cuban Vireo | Vireo gundlachii | CBA | E |
96 | Puerto Rican Vireo | Vireo latimeri | PR | E |
97 | Flat-billed Vireo | Vireo nanus | DR,GA,HI | E |
98 | Blue Mountain Vireo | Vireo osburni | JA | E |
99 | Cuban Palm-Crow | Corvus minutus | CBA | E |
100 | Hispaniolan Palm-Crow | Corvus palmarum | DR,GA,HI | E |
101 | Cuban Crow | Corvus nasicus | CBA,TC | E |
102 | White-necked Crow | Corvus leucognaphalus | DR,GA,HI | E |
103 | Jamaican Crow | Corvus jamaicensis | JA | E |
104 | Golden Swallow | Tachycineta euchrysea | DR,GA,HI,JA | E |
105 | Cuban Martin | Progne cryptoleuca | Many | E |
106 | Caribbean Martin | Progne dominicensis | Many | BC |
107 | Bahama Nuthatch | Sitta insularis | BHS | E |
108 | Cuban Gnatcatcher | Polioptila lembeyei | CBA | E |
109 | Zapata Wren | Ferminia cerverai | CBA | E |
110 | Kalinago Wren | Troglodytes martinicensis | DI,LA | E |
111 | St. Lucia Wren | Troglodytes mesoleucus | LA,SLI | E |
112 | St. Vincent Wren | Troglodytes musicus | LA,SVG | E |
113 | Grenada Wren | Troglodytes grenadensis | GR,LA | E |
114 | Martinique Thrasher | Ramphocinclus brachyurus | LA,MI | E |
115 | St. Lucia Thrasher | Ramphocinclus sanctaeluciae | LA,SLI | E |
116 | Scaly-breasted Thrasher | Allenia fusca | Many | E |
117 | Pearly-eyed Thrasher | Margarops fuscatus | Many | E |
118 | Brown Trembler | Cinclocerthia ruficauda | Many | E |
119 | Gray Trembler | Cinclocerthia gutturalis | LA,MI,SLI | E |
120 | Cuban Solitaire | Myadestes elisabeth | CBA | E |
121 | Rufous-throated Solitaire | Myadestes genibarbis | Many | E |
122 | Forest Thrush | Turdus lherminieri | Many | E |
123 | White-chinned Thrush | Turdus aurantius | JA | E |
124 | Red-legged Thrush | Turdus plumbeus | Many | E |
125 | La Selle Thrush | Turdus swalesi | DR,GA,HI | E |
126 | White-eyed Thrush | Turdus jamaicensis | JA | E |
127 | Palmchat | Dulus dominicus | DR,GA,HI | E |
128 | Hispaniolan Euphonia | Chlorophonia musica | DR,GA,HI | E |
129 | Puerto Rican Euphonia | Chlorophonia sclateri | PR | E |
130 | Lesser Antillean Euphonia | Chlorophonia flavifrons | Many | E |
131 | Jamaican Euphonia | Euphonia jamaica | JA | E |
132 | Hispaniolan Crossbill | Loxia megaplaga | DR,GA,HI | E |
133 | Antillean Siskin | Spinus dominicensis | DR,GA,HI | E |
134 | Zapata Sparrow | Torreornis inexpectata | CBA | E |
135 | Black-crowned Palm-Tanager | Phaenicophilus palmarum | DR,GA,HI | E |
136 | Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager | Phaenicophilus poliocephalus | GA,HI | E |
137 | Puerto Rican Tanager | Nesospingus speculiferus | PR | E |
138 | Jamaican Spindalis | Spindalis nigricephala | JA | E |
139 | Hispaniolan Spindalis | Spindalis dominicensis | DR,GA,HI | E |
140 | Puerto Rican Spindalis | Spindalis portoricensis | PR | E |
141 | Hispaniolan Oriole | Icterus dominicensis | DR,GA,HI | E |
142 | Cuban Oriole | Icterus melanopsis | CBA | E |
143 | Bahama Oriole | Icterus northropi | BHS | E |
144 | Puerto Rican Oriole | Icterus portoricensis | PR | E |
145 | St. Lucia Oriole | Icterus laudabilis | LA,SLI | E |
146 | Montserrat Oriole | Icterus oberi | LA,MT | E |
147 | Martinique Oriole | Icterus bonana | LA,MI | E |
148 | Jamaican Oriole | Icterus leucopteryx | JA | E |
149 | Jamaican Blackbird | Nesopsar nigerrimus | JA | E |
150 | Red-shouldered Blackbird | Agelaius assimilis | CBA | E |
151 | Yellow-shouldered Blackbird | Agelaius xanthomus | PR | E |
152 | Cuban Blackbird | Ptiloxena atroviolaceus | CBA | E |
153 | Greater Antillean Grackle | Quiscalus niger | Many | E |
154 | Semper's Warbler | Leucopeza semperi | LA,SLI | E |
155 | Bahama Yellowthroat | Geothlypis rostrata | BHS | E |
156 | Whistling Warbler | Catharopeza bishopi | LA,SVG | E |
157 | Plumbeous Warbler | Setophaga plumbea | DI,GI,LA | E |
158 | Elfin-woods Warbler | Setophaga angelae | PR | E |
159 | Arrowhead Warbler | Setophaga pharetra | JA | E |
160 | Olive-capped Warbler | Setophaga pityophila | BHS,CBA | E |
161 | Bahama Warbler | Setophaga flavescens | BHS | E |
162 | Vitelline Warbler | Setophaga vitellina | CI,GA | BC |
163 | Adelaide's Warbler | Setophaga adelaidae | PR,VI | E |
164 | Barbuda Warbler | Setophaga subita | ABI,LA | E |
165 | St. Lucia Warbler | Setophaga delicata | LA,SLI | E |
166 | White-winged Warbler | Xenoligea montana | DR,GA,HI | E |
167 | Green-tailed Warbler | Microligea palustris | DR,GA,HI | E |
168 | Yellow-headed Warbler | Teretistris fernandinae | CBA | E |
169 | Oriente Warbler | Teretistris fornsi | CBA | E |
170 | Lesser Antillean Tanager | Stilpnia cucullata | GR,LA,SVG | E |
171 | Orangequit | Euneornis campestris | JA | E |
172 | Puerto Rican Bullfinch | Melopyrrha portoricensis | PR | E |
173 | St. Kitts Bullfinch | Melopyrrha grandis | LA,SKN | E |
174 | Cuban Bullfinch | Melopyrrha nigra | CBA | E |
175 | Grand Cayman Bullfinch | Melopyrrha taylon | CI,GA | E |
176 | Greater Antillean Bullfinch | Melopyrrha violacea | Many | E |
177 | Yellow-shouldered Grassquit | Loxipasser anoxanthus | JA | E |
178 | Cuban Grassquit | Phonipara canorus | BHS,CBA | E |
179 | Lesser Antillean Bullfinch | Loxigilla noctis | Many | E |
180 | Barbados Bullfinch | Loxigilla barbadensis | BI,LA | E |
181 | St. Lucia Black Finch | Melanospiza richardsoni | LA,SLI | E |
182 | Lesser Antillean Saltator | Saltator albicollis | Many | E |
183 | Western Chat-Tanager | Calyptophilus tertius | DR,GA,HI | E |
184 | Eastern Chat-Tanager | Calyptophilus frugivorus | DR,GA | E |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 178 |
NE | Near Endemic | 2 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 1 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
BC | Best Seen in This Country | 3 |
AT | Always a Target | 0 |
Reason codes indicate the reason a species is included on our target birds list.