Area (ha):31,639
Altitude (m):1600
# Species:370
# Excl Vagrants:370
# Endemics:34
# Near Endemics:5
Species/100 ha:1.2
Habitat: Rocky scrub, grass


List of target species for the country that could possibly be seen at this location. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Accidentals, vagrants, and very rare species are excluded from this list.

color codes

1Lesser NothuraNothura minorNE
2Biscutate SwiftStreptoprocne biscutataBC
3Black JacobinFlorisuga fuscaBC
4Hyacinth VisorbearerAugastes scutatusE
5Brazilian RubyHeliodoxa rubricaudaE
6Stripe-breasted StarthroatHeliomaster squamosusE
7Diamantina SabrewingCampylopterus diamantinensisE
8Sombre HummingbirdEupetomena cirrochlorisE
9Chaco EagleButeogallus coronatusEN
10Yellow-eared WoodpeckerDryobates maculifronsE
11Plain ParakeetBrotogeris tiricaE
12Golden-capped ParakeetAratinga auricapillusNE
13Blue-winged MacawPrimolius maracanaBC
14Silvery-cheeked AntshrikeSakesphoroides cristatusE
15Rufous-winged AntshrikeThamnophilus torquatusBC
16Planalto Slaty-AntshrikeThamnophilus pelzelniE
17Large-billed AntwrenHerpsilochmus longirostrisNE
18Collared CrescentchestMelanopareia torquataBC
19White-breasted TapaculoEleoscytalopus indigoticusE
20Marsh TapaculoScytalopus iraiensisE
21Rock TapaculoScytalopus petrophilusE
22Scaled WoodcreeperLepidocolaptes squamatusBC
23Wing-banded HorneroFurnarius figulusE
24Long-tailed CinclodesCinclodes pabstiE
25Chestnut-capped Foliage-gleanerClibanornis rectirostrisNE
26Orange-eyed ThornbirdPhacellodomus erythrophthalmusE
27Cipo CanasteroAsthenes luizaeE
28Serra do Mar Tyrant-ManakinNeopelma chrysolophumE
29Helmeted ManakinChiroxiphia galeataBC
30Pin-tailed ManakinIlicura militarisE
31Cinnamon-vented PihaLipaugus lanioidesE
32Gray-headed Tody-FlycatcherTodirostrum poliocephalumE
33Gray-backed TachuriPolystictus superciliarisE
34Velvety Black-TyrantKnipolegus nigerrimusE
35Crested Black-TyrantKnipolegus lophotesBC
36Gray-eyed GreenletHylophilus amaurocephalusE
37Campo TroupialIcterus jamacaiiE
38White-bellied Warbler**Basileuterus hypoleucusBC
39White-striped WarblerMyiothlypis leucophrysE
40Cinnamon TanagerSchistochlamys ruficapillusBC
41White-banded TanagerNeothraupis fasciataBC
42Golden-chevroned TanagerThraupis ornataE
43Brassy-breasted TanagerTangara desmarestiE
44Gilt-edged TanagerTangara cyanoventrisE
45Rufous-headed TanagerHemithraupis ruficapillaE
46Blue FinchRhopospina caerulescensE
47Cinereous Warbling FinchPoospiza cinereaE
48Pale-throated Pampa-FinchEmbernagra longicaudaE
49Copper SeedeaterSporophila bouvreuilBC
50Black-bellied SeedeaterSporophila melanogasterE
51Dubois's SeedeaterSporophila ardesiacaE
52Thick-billed SaltatorSaltator maxillosusNE


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.