Area (ha):2,100
# Species:454
# Excl Vagrants:454
# Endemics:1
# Near Endemics:54
Species/100 ha:21.6
Habitat: Lowland tropical forest


List of target species for the country that could possibly be seen at this location. Target birds are those that are endemic, near endemic, critically endangered or endangered according to the IUCN, best seen in this country, or always considered by us to be a target. Accidentals, vagrants, and very rare species are excluded from this list.

color codes

1Berlepsch's TinamouCrypturellus berlepschiNE
2Rufous-headed ChachalacaOrtalis erythropteraNE
3Baudo GuanPenelope ortoniNE
4Rufous-fronted Wood-QuailOdontophorus erythropsNE
5Dusky PigeonPatagioenas goodsoniNE
6Ecuadorian Ground DoveColumbina buckleyiNE
7Purple Quail-DoveGeotrygon purpurataNE
8Banded Ground-CuckooNeomorphus radiolosusNE
9Choco PoorwillNyctiphrynus rosenbergiNE
10White-whiskered HermitPhaethornis yaruquiNE
11Violet-tailed SylphAglaiocercus coelestisNE
12Velvet-purple CoronetBoissonneaua jardiniNE
13Esmeraldas WoodstarChaetocercus berlepschiE
14Purple-throated WoodstarPhilodice mitchelliiNE
15Amazilia HummingbirdAmazilis amaziliaNE
16Purple-chested HummingbirdPolyerata rosenbergiNE
17Colombian CrakeMustelirallus colombianaBC
18Brown Wood-RailAramides wolfiNE
19Gray-backed HawkPseudastur occidentalisNE
20Cloud-forest Pygmy-OwlGlaucidium nubicolaNE
21Blue-tailed TrogonTrogon comptusNE
22Choco Black-throated TrogonTrogon cupreicaudaNE
23Orange-fronted BarbetCapito squamatusNE
24Five-colored BarbetCapito quinticolorNE
25Choco WoodpeckerDryobates chocoensisNE
26Lita WoodpeckerPiculus litaeNE
27Plumbeous Forest-FalconMicrastur plumbeusNE
28Rose-faced ParrotPyrilia pulchraNE
29Pacific ParrotletForpus coelestisNE
30Great Green MacawAra ambiguusCR
31Esmeraldas AntbirdSipia nigricaudaNE
32Stub-tailed AntbirdSipia berlepschiNE
33Rufous-crowned AntpittaPittasoma rufopileatumNE
34Choco TapaculoScytalopus chocoensisNE
35Pacific HorneroFurnarius cinnamomeusNE
36Uniform TreehunterThripadectes ignobilisNE
37Long-wattled UmbrellabirdCephalopterus penduligerNE
38Slaty BecardPachyramphus spodiurusNE
39Pacific FlatbillRhynchocyclus pacificusNE
40Choco TyrannuletZimmerius albigularisNE
41Ochraceous AttilaAttila torridusBC
42Sooty-crowned FlycatcherMyiarchus phaeocephalusNE
43Black-billed PeppershrikeCyclarhis nigrirostrisNE
44Rufous-brown SolitaireCichlopsis leucogenysEN
45Ecuadorian ThrushTurdus maculirostrisNE
46Dusky ChlorospingusChlorospingus semifuscusNE
47Black-lored YellowthroatGeothlypis auricularisNE
48Choco WarblerMyiothlypis chlorophrysNE
49Gray-and-gold WarblerMyiothlypis fraseriNE
50Ochre-breasted TanagerChlorothraupis stolzmanniNE
51Golden-chested TanagerBangsia rothschildiNE
52Yellow-green TanagerBangsia flavovirensNE
53Blue-whiskered TanagerTangara johannaeNE
54Yellow-tufted Dacnis**Dacnis egregiaNE
55Scarlet-breasted DacnisDacnis berlepschiNE
56Scarlet-and-white TanagerChrysothlypis salmoniNE
57#Crimson-breasted Finch#Rhodospingus cruentusNE
58Black-winged SaltatorSaltator atripennisNE


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.