# Species: | 156 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 156 |
# Endemics: | 25 |
# Near Endemics: | 1 |
The table below lists species recorded at this locale but does not indicate frequency of occurrence there. It does indicate whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. The list is based on available data and may be incomplete.*
| ||
1 | Spotted Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna guttata |
2 | Green Pygmy-Goose | Nettapus pulchellus |
3 | Gray Teal | Anas gracilis |
| ||
4 | Moluccan Megapode | Eulipoa wallacei |
5 | Dusky Megapode | Megapodius freycinet |
| ||
6 | Blue-breasted Quail | Synoicus chinensis |
| ||
7 | Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis |
8 | Amboyna Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia amboinensis |
9 | Great Cuckoo-Dove | Reinwardtoena reinwardti |
10 | Asian Emerald Dove | Chalcophaps indica |
11 | Superb Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus superbus |
12 | White-breasted Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus rivoli |
13 | Claret-breasted Fruit-Dove | Ptilinopus viridis |
14 | Spectacled Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula perspicillata |
15 | Pied Imperial-Pigeon | Ducula bicolor |
| ||
16 | Himalayan Cuckoo | Cuculus saturatus |
17 | Lesser Coucal | Centropus bengalensis |
18 | \Pacific Koel\ | Eudynamys orientalis |
19 | Little Bronze-Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx minutillus |
20 | Sahul Brush Cuckoo | Cacomantis variolosus |
| ||
21 | Large-tailed Nightjar | Caprimulgus macrurus |
| ||
22 | Glossy Swiftlet | Collocalia esculenta |
23 | Moluccan Swiftlet | Aerodramus infuscatus |
24 | Uniform Swiftlet | Aerodramus vanikorensis |
| ||
25 | Moustached Treeswift | Hemiprocne mystacea |
| ||
26 | Buff-banded Rail | Gallirallus philippensis |
27 | Dusky Moorhen | Gallinula tenebrosa |
28 | White-browed Crake | Poliolimnas cinerea |
29 | White-breasted Waterhen | Amaurornis phoenicurus |
30 | Red-necked Crake | Rallina tricolor |
31 | Red-legged Crake | Rallina fasciata |
| ||
32 | Beach Thick-knee | Esacus magnirostris |
| ||
33 | /Black-winged Stilt/ | Himantopus himantopus |
| ||
34 | Black-bellied Plover | Pluvialis squatarola |
35 | Pacific Golden-Plover | Pluvialis fulva |
36 | Masked Lapwing | Vanellus miles |
37 | Oriental Plover | Anarhynchus veredus |
38 | Greater Sand-Plover | Anarhynchus leschenaultii |
| ||
39 | Comb-crested Jacana | Irediparra gallinacea |
| ||
40 | Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus |
41 | Little Curlew | Numenius minutus |
42 | Far Eastern Curlew | Numenius madagascariensis |
43 | Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica |
44 | /Swinhoe's Snipe/ | Gallinago megala |
45 | Red-necked Phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus |
46 | Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos |
47 | /Gray-tailed Tattler/ | Tringa brevipes |
48 | Marsh Sandpiper | Tringa stagnatilis |
49 | Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola |
50 | Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia |
51 | Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres |
52 | Great Knot | Calidris tenuirostris |
53 | Red Knot | Calidris canutus |
54 | Broad-billed Sandpiper | Calidris falcinellus |
55 | Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Calidris acuminata |
56 | Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea |
57 | Red-necked Stint | Calidris ruficollis |
58 | Sanderling | Calidris alba |
| ||
59 | Australian Pratincole | Glareola isabella |
60 | Oriental Pratincole | Glareola maldivarum |
| ||
61 | Pomarine Jaeger | Stercorarius pomarinus |
| ||
62 | Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
63 | Bridled Tern | Onychoprion anaethetus |
64 | Little Tern | Sternula albifrons |
65 | Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica |
66 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida |
67 | White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus |
68 | Black-naped Tern | Sterna sumatrana |
69 | Great Crested Tern | Thalasseus bergii |
| ||
70 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
| ||
71 | Red-tailed Tropicbird | Phaethon rubricauda |
| ||
72 | #Wilson's Storm-Petrel# | Oceanites oceanicus |
| ||
73 | Matsudaira's Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates matsudairae |
| ||
74 | #Streaked Shearwater# | Calonectris leucomelas |
| ||
75 | Lesser Frigatebird | Fregata ariel |
76 | Great Frigatebird | Fregata minor |
| ||
77 | Brown Booby | Sula leucogaster |
| ||
78 | Little Pied Cormorant | Microcarbo melanoleucos |
79 | Little Black Cormorant | Phalacrocorax sulcirostris |
| ||
80 | Black Bittern | Botaurus flavicollis |
81 | Yellow Bittern | Botaurus sinensis |
82 | Nankeen Night Heron | Nycticorax caledonicus |
83 | Pacific Reef-Heron | Egretta sacra |
84 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
85 | Pied Heron | Egretta picata |
86 | White-faced Heron | Egretta novaehollandiae |
87 | Striated Heron | Butorides striata |
88 | Eastern Cattle-Egret | Bubulcus coromandus |
89 | Great Egret | Ardea alba |
| ||
90 | Australian Pelican | Pelecanus conspicillatus |
| ||
91 | Osprey | Pandion haliaetus |
| ||
92 | Pacific Baza | Aviceda subcristata |
93 | Gurney's Eagle | Aquila gurneyi |
94 | Rufous-necked Sparrowhawk | Tachyspiza erythrauchen |
95 | Variable Goshawk | Tachyspiza hiogaster |
96 | Meyer's Goshawk | Astur meyerianus |
97 | Brahminy Kite | Haliastur indus |
98 | White-bellied Sea-Eagle | Icthyophaga leucogaster |
| ||
99 | Moluccan Scops-Owl | Otus magicus |
| ||
100 | Blyth's Hornbill | Rhyticeros plicatus |
| ||
101 | Rainbow Bee-eater | Merops ornatus |
| ||
102 | Common Kingfisher | Alcedo atthis |
103 | Moluccan Dwarf-Kingfisher | Ceyx lepidus |
104 | Lazuli Kingfisher | Todiramphus lazuli |
105 | Sacred Kingfisher | Todiramphus sanctus |
106 | Collared Kingfisher | Todiramphus chloris |
107 | Common Paradise-Kingfisher | Tanysiptera galatea |
| ||
108 | Oriental Dollarbird | Eurystomus orientalis |
| ||
109 | Spotted Kestrel | Falco moluccensis |
110 | Oriental Hobby | Falco severus |
111 | Australian Hobby | Falco longipennis |
| ||
112 | Salmon-crested Cockatoo | Cacatua moluccensis |
113 | Sulphur-crested Cockatoo | Cacatua galerita |
| ||
114 | Red-breasted Pygmy-Parrot | Micropsitta bruijnii |
115 | Moluccan King-Parrot | Alisterus amboinensis |
116 | Moluccan Eclectus | Eclectus roratus |
117 | Red-cheeked Parrot | Geoffroyus geoffroyi |
118 | Great-billed Parrot | Tanygnathus megalorynchos |
119 | Red-flanked Lorikeet | Hypocharmosyna placentis |
120 | Purple-naped Lory | Lorius domicella |
121 | Red Lory | Trichoglossus bornea |
122 | Coconut Lorikeet | Trichoglossus haematodus |
| ||
123 | South Moluccan Pitta | Erythropitta rubrinucha |
| ||
124 | Seram Myzomela | Myzomela blasii |
| ||
125 | Black-faced Cuckooshrike | Coracina novaehollandiae |
126 | South Moluccan Cicadabird | Edolisoma amboinense |
| ||
127 | Moluccan Whistler | Pachycephala macrorhyncha |
| ||
128 | White-breasted Woodswallow | Artamus leucorynchus |
| ||
129 | Northern Fantail | Rhipidura rufiventris |
130 | Willie-wagtail | Rhipidura leucophrys |
| ||
131 | Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus |
| ||
132 | Island Monarch | Monarcha cinerascens |
133 | Moluccan Monarch | Symposiachrus bimaculatus |
134 | Moluccan Flycatcher | Myiagra galeata |
| ||
135 | Violet Crow | Corvus violaceus |
| ||
136 | Golden-headed Cisticola | Cisticola exilis |
| ||
137 | Oriental Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus orientalis |
| ||
138 | Gray's Grasshopper Warbler | Helopsaltes fasciolata |
139 | Tawny Grassbird | Cincloramphus timoriensis |
| ||
140 | Pacific Swallow | Hirundo javanica |
141 | Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
| ||
142 | Seram Golden-Bulbul | Hypsipetes affinis |
| ||
143 | Arctic Warbler | Phylloscopus borealis |
144 | Island Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus poliocephalus |
| ||
145 | Ambon White-eye | Zosterops kuehni |
| ||
146 | Metallic Starling | Aplonis metallica |
147 | Moluccan Starling | Aplonis mysolensis |
| ||
148 | Gray-streaked Flycatcher | Muscicapa griseisticta |
149 | /Blue Rock-Thrush/ | Monticola solitarius |
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150 | Ashy Flowerpecker | Dicaeum vulneratum |
| ||
151 | Black Sunbird | Leptocoma aspasia |
152 | South Moluccan Sunbird | Cinnyris clementiae |
| ||
153 | Black-faced Munia | Lonchura molucca |
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154 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus |
| ||
155 | Gray Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea |
156 | /Western Yellow Wagtail/ | Motacilla flava |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 5 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 1 |
|| | Transient | 0 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 2 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 0 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 0 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 0 |
[] | Accidental | 0 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 11 |
V | Vulnerable | 4 |
EN | Endangered | 3 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.