Accessible Species


# Species:667
# Excl Vagrants:614
# Endemics:1
# Near Endemics:31




NENear Endemic21
RRRestricted Range41


NTNear Threatened20
CRCritically Endangered3

Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.

List of all specialty birds in the country occurring in locales typically visited by birding tours. Specialties include endemics and globally threatened, vulnerable or endangered. Table indicates whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. See sidebar for meaning of location codes and symbols associated with common names.*

color codes

1Maccoa DuckOxyura maccoa EN
2Hartlaub's SpurfowlPternistis hartlaubiNE 
3Red-necked SpurfowlPternistis aferRR 
4Kori BustardArdeotis kori NT
5Ludwig's BustardNeotis ludwigii EN
6Denham's BustardNeotis denhamiRRNT
7Karoo BustardHeterotetrax vigorsiiNE 
8Rueppell's BustardHeterotetrax rueppeliiNE 
9Schalow's TuracoTauraco schalowiRR 
10Burchell's CoucalCentropus burchelliiRR 
11Thick-billed CuckooPachycoccyx audebertiRR 
12(African Emerald Cuckoo)Chrysococcyx cupreusRR 
13Swamp NightjarCaprimulgus natalensisRR 
14Bat-like SpinetailNeafrapus boehmiRR 
15Horus SwiftApus horusRR 
16Gray Crowned-CraneBalearica regulorum EN
17Blue CraneAnthropoides paradiseusRRV
18Wattled CraneBugeranus carunculatus V
19/Eurasian Oystercatcher/Haematopus ostralegus NT
20/Bar-tailed Godwit/Limosa lapponica NT
21/Great Snipe/Gallinago media NT
22/Red Knot/Calidris canutus NT
23/Curlew Sandpiper/Calidris ferruginea NT
24/Black-winged Pratincole/Glareola nordmanni NT
25Hartlaub's GullChroicocephalus hartlaubiiNE 
26(Lesser Flamingo)Phoenicoparrus minor V
27African PenguinSpheniscus demersus EN
28#Snowy Albatross#Diomedea exulans V
29#Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross#Thalassarche chlororhynchos EN
30#Gray-headed Albatross#Thalassarche chrysostoma EN
31#White-capped Albatross#Thalassarche cauta NT
32#Leach's Storm-Petrel#Hydrobates leucorhoa V
33#White-chinned Petrel#Procellaria aequinoctialis V
34#Sooty Shearwater#Ardenna griseus NT
35(Cape Gannet)Morus capensis EN
36Bank CormorantPhalacrocorax neglectusNEEN
37Cape CormorantPhalacrocorax capensis EN
38Eurasian BitternBotaurus stellarisRR 
39|Slaty Egret|Egretta vinaceigula V
40SecretarybirdSagittarius serpentarius EN
41Egyptian VultureNeophron percnopterusRREN
42White-headed VultureTrigonoceps occipitalis CR
43Lappet-faced VultureTorgos tracheliotos EN
44Hooded VultureNecrosyrtes monachus CR
45White-backed VultureGyps africanus CR
46Cape GriffonGyps coprotheres V
47BateleurTerathopius ecaudatus EN
48Martial EaglePolemaetus bellicosus EN
49Ayres's Hawk-EagleHieraaetus ayresiiRR 
50Tawny EagleAquila rapax V
51/Steppe Eagle/Aquila nipalensis EN
52Black HarrierCircus maurus EN
53/Pallid Harrier/Circus macrourus NT
54Narina TrogonApaloderma narinaRR 
55Southern Ground-HornbillBucorvus leadbeateri V
56Crowned HornbillLophoceros alboterminatusRR 
57Monteiro's HornbillTockus monteiriNE 
58Damara Red-billed HornbillTockus damarensisE 
59Trumpeter HornbillBycanistes bucinatorRR 
60Half-collared KingfisherAlcedo semitorquataRR 
61(African Pygmy Kingfisher)Ispidina pictaRR 
62Brown-backed HoneybirdProdotiscus regulusRR 
63Red-necked FalconFalco chicquera NT
64/Red-footed Falcon/Falco vespertinus V
65Brown-necked ParrotPoicephalus fuscicollisRR 
66&Rueppell's ParrotlPoicephalus rueppelliiNE 
67African BroadbillSmithornis capensisRR 
68White-tailed ShrikeLanioturdus torquatusNE 
69Retz's HelmetshrikePrionops retziiLC 
70Gray-headed BushshrikeMalaconotus blanchotiRR 
71Carp's TitMelaniparus carpiNE 
72Gray TitMelaniparus aferNE 
73Gray's LarkAmmomanopsis grayiNE 
74Cape LarkCerthilauda curvirostrisNE 
75Karoo Long-billed LarkCerthilauda subcoronataNE 
76Dune LarkCalendulauda erythrochlamysNE 
77&Sclater's LarklSpizocorys sclateriNENT
78Eastern NicatorNicator gularisRR 
79RockrunnerAchaetops pycnopygiusNE 
80Karoo EremomelaEremomela gregalisNE 
81Cinnamon-breasted WarblerEuryptila subcinnamomeaNE 
82Luapula CisticolaCisticola luapulaRR 
83Layard's WarblerCurruca layardiNE 
84Orange River White-eyeZosterops pallidusNE 
85Yellow-billed OxpeckerBuphagus africanusRR 
86Lesser Blue-eared StarlingLamprotornis chloropterusRR 
87Sharp-tailed StarlingLamprotornis acuticaudusRR 
88Herero ChatNamibornis hereroNE 
89Collared Palm-ThrushCichladusa arquataRR 
90Shelley's SunbirdCinnyris shelleyiRR 
91Copper SunbirdCinnyris cupreusRR 
92Spectacled WeaverPloceus ocularisRR 
93Red-headed QueleaQuelea erythropsRR 
94White-winged WidowbirdEuplectes albonotatusRR 
95Grosbeak WeaverAmblyospiza albifronsRR 
96Bronze MannikinSpermestes cucullataRR 
97Magpie MannikinSpermestes fringilloidesRR 
98Zebra WaxbillAmandava subflavaRR 
99Orange-winged PytiliaPytilia afraRR 
100Red-throated TwinspotHypargos niveoguttatusRR 
101Broad-tailed Paradise-WhydahVidua obtusaRR 
102Northern Gray-headed SparrowPasser griseusRR 
103Black-eared SeedeaterCrithagra mennelliLC 


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.