Area (SqMi): | 365,755 |
# Species: | 1125 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 1092 |
# Endemics: | 31 |
# Near Endemics: | 36 |
Species/1000 SqMi: | 3.0 |
List of species that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*
1 | Cape Teal | Anas capensis | RR | |
2 | Maccoa Duck | Oxyura maccoa | RR | EN |
3 | Vulturine Guineafowl | Acryllium vulturinum | RR | |
4 | Eastern Crested Guineafowl | Guttera pucherani | NE | |
5 | Udzungwa Partridge | Xenoperdix udzungwensis | E | EN |
6 | Red-winged Francolin | Scleroptera levaillantii | RR | |
7 | Ring-necked Francolin | Scleroptera streptophorus | LC | NT |
8 | Shelley's Francolin | Scleroptera shelleyi | RR | |
9 | Gray-breasted Spurfowl | Pternistis rufopictus | E | |
10 | Red-necked Spurfowl | Pternistis afer | LC | |
11 | Dusky Turtle-Dove | Streptopelia lugens | RR | |
12 | Blue-spotted Wood-Dove | Turtur afer | RR | |
13 | Pemba Green-Pigeon | Treron pembaensis | E | V |
14 | Kori Bustard | Ardeotis kori | NT | |
15 | Denham's Bustard | Neotis denhami | NT | |
16 | Great Blue Turaco | Corythaeola cristata | RR | |
17 | Gray Go-away-bird | Crinifer concolor | RR | |
18 | Eastern Plantain-eater | Crinifer zonurus | RR | |
19 | Ross's Turaco | Tauraco rossae | RR | |
20 | Black-billed Turaco | Tauraco schuettii | RR | |
21 | Schalow's Turaco | Tauraco schalowi | RR | |
22 | Hartlaub's Turaco | Tauraco hartlaubi | RR | |
23 | Fischer's Turaco | Tauraco fischeri | RR | NT |
24 | Livingstone's Turaco | Tauraco livingstonii | RR | |
25 | Black Coucal | Centropus grillii | LC | |
26 | Blue-headed Coucal | Centropus monachus | RR | |
27 | Senegal Coucal | Centropus senegalensis | RR | |
28 | Blue Malkoha | Ceuthmochares aereus | RR | |
29 | Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo | Cercococcyx mechowi | RR | |
30 | Montane Nightjar | Caprimulgus poliocephalus | RR | |
31 | Swamp Nightjar | Caprimulgus natalensis | RR | |
32 | Mottled Spinetail | Telacanthura ussheri | LC | |
33 | Bat-like Spinetail | Neafrapus boehmi | LC | |
34 | Scarce Swift | Schoutedenapus myoptilus | RR | |
35 | African Swift | Apus barbatus | RR | |
36 | /Forbes-Watson's Swift/ | Apus berliozi | RR | |
37 | (Horus Swift) | Apus horus | RR | |
38 | (African Crake) | Crecopsis egregia | LC | |
39 | White-spotted Flufftail | Sarothrura pulchra | RR | |
40 | Chestnut-headed Flufftail | Sarothrura lugens | RR | |
41 | \Streaky-breasted Flufftail\ | Sarothrura boehmi | RR | |
42 | Striped Flufftail | Sarothrura affinis | RR | |
43 | Gray Crowned-Crane | Balearica regulorum | EN | |
44 | Wattled Crane | Bugeranus carunculatus | RR | V |
45 | Pied Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta | LC | |
46 | /Eurasian Oystercatcher/ | Haematopus ostralegus | NT | |
47 | White-crowned Lapwing | Vanellus albiceps | RR | |
48 | Black-winged Lapwing | Vanellus melanopterus | RR | |
49 | Lesser Jacana | Microparra capensis | LC | |
50 | /Eurasian Curlew/ | Numenius arquata | NT | |
51 | /Bar-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa lapponica | NT | |
52 | /Black-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa limosa | NT | |
53 | /Great Snipe/ | Gallinago media | NT | |
54 | /Broad-billed Sandpiper/ | Calidris falcinellus | RR | |
55 | /Curlew Sandpiper/ | Calidris ferruginea | NT | |
56 | Black-rumped Buttonquail | Turnix nanus | LC | |
57 | Double-banded Courser | Smutsornis africanus | LC | |
58 | Bronze-winged Courser | Rhinoptilus chalcopterus | LC | |
59 | Rock Pratincole | Glareola nuchalis | RR | |
60 | |Black-winged Pratincole| | Glareola nordmanni | RR | NT |
61 | \Madagascar Pratincole\ | Glareola ocularis | NT | |
62 | &Lesser Flamingol | Phoenicoparrus minor | V | |
63 | African Woolly-necked Stork | Ciconia microscelis | NT | |
64 | Olive Ibis | Bostrychia olivacea | RR | |
65 | Spot-breasted Ibis | Bostrychia rara | LC | |
66 | Eurasian Bittern | Botaurus stellaris | LC | |
67 | Rufous-bellied Heron | Ardeola rufiventris | LC | |
68 | \Malagasy Pond-Heron\ | Ardeola idae | EN | |
69 | Shoebill | Balaeniceps rex | RR | V |
70 | Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius | EN | |
71 | Scissor-tailed Kite | Chelictinia riocourii | V | |
72 | Bearded Vulture | Gypaetus barbatus | RR | NT |
73 | Egyptian Vulture | Neophron percnopterus | EN | |
74 | White-headed Vulture | Trigonoceps occipitalis | CR | |
75 | Lappet-faced Vulture | Torgos tracheliotos | EN | |
76 | Hooded Vulture | Necrosyrtes monachus | CR | |
77 | White-backed Vulture | Gyps africanus | CR | |
78 | Rueppell's Griffon | Gyps rueppelli | CR | |
79 | Bateleur | Terathopius ecaudatus | EN | |
80 | Western Banded Snake-Eagle | Circaetus cinerascens | RR | |
81 | Southern Banded Snake-Eagle | Circaetus fasciolatus | NT | |
82 | Beaudouin's Snake-Eagle | Circaetus beaudouini | V | |
83 | Crowned Eagle | Stephanoaetus coronatus | NT | |
84 | Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | EN | |
85 | Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax | V | |
86 | /Steppe Eagle/ | Aquila nipalensis | EN | |
87 | /Imperial Eagle/ | Aquila heliaca | RR | V |
88 | Little Sparrowhawk | Tachyspiza minullus | LC | |
89 | Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk | Accipiter rufiventris | RR | |
90 | /Pallid Harrier/ | Circus macrourus | NT | |
91 | Mountain Buzzard | Buteo oreophilus | NT | |
92 | /Long-legged Buzzard/ | Buteo rufinus | RR | |
93 | African Grass-Owl | Tyto capensis | LC | |
94 | Sokoke Scops-Owl | Otus ireneae | NE | EN |
95 | Pemba Scops-Owl | Otus pembaensis | E | V |
96 | Cape Eagle-Owl | Bubo capensis | RR | |
97 | Fraser's Eagle-Owl | Ketupa poensis | RR | |
98 | Pel's Fishing-Owl | Scotopelia peli | RR | |
99 | White-headed Mousebird | Colius leucocephalus | RR | |
100 | Red-faced Mousebird | Urocolius indicus | RR | |
101 | Violet Woodhoopoe | Phoeniculus damarensis | RR | |
102 | White-headed Woodhoopoe | Phoeniculus bollei | RR | |
103 | Forest Scimitarbill | Rhinopomastus castaneiceps | RR | |
104 | Southern Ground-Hornbill | Bucorvus leadbeateri | LC | V |
105 | Tanzanian Red-billed Hornbill | Tockus ruahae | E | |
106 | Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill | Bycanistes subcylindrica | RR | |
107 | Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater | Merops oreobates | RR | |
108 | /Northern Carmine Bee-eater/ | Merops nubicus | RR | |
109 | Shining-blue Kingfisher | Alcedo quadribrachys | RR | |
110 | Blue-breasted Kingfisher | Halcyon malimbica | RR | |
111 | Giant Kingfisher | Megaceryle maxima | LC | |
112 | Purple Roller | Coracias naevius | LC | |
113 | Usambiro Barbet** | Trachyphonus usambiro | NE | |
114 | Gray-throated Barbet | Gymnobucco bonapartei | RR | |
115 | White-eared Barbet | Stactolaema leucotis | RR | |
116 | Whyte's Barbet | Stactolaema whytii | LC | |
117 | Yellow-spotted Barbet | Buccanodon duchaillui | RR | |
118 | Hairy-breasted Barbet | Tricholaema hirsuta | RR | |
119 | Miombo Barbet | Tricholaema frontata | RR | |
120 | Red-faced Barbet | Lybius rubrifacies | RR | NT |
121 | Black-billed Barbet | Lybius guifsobalito | RR | |
122 | Black-collared Barbet | Lybius torquatus | LC | |
123 | Black-backed Barbet | Pogonornis minor | RR | |
124 | Double-toothed Barbet | Pogonornis bidentatus | RR | |
125 | Green-backed Honeybird | Prodotiscus zambesiae | LC | |
126 | Brown-backed Honeybird | Prodotiscus regulus | LC | |
127 | Least Honeyguide | Indicator exilis | RR | |
128 | Red-throated Wryneck | Jynx ruficollis | RR | |
129 | Stierling's Woodpecker | Dendropicos stierlingi | LC | NT |
130 | African Gray Woodpecker | Dendropicos goertae | RR | |
131 | Mountain Gray Woodpecker | Dendropicos spodocephalus | RR | |
132 | Golden-crowned Woodpecker | Chloropicus xantholophus | RR | |
133 | Bearded Woodpecker | Chloropicus namaquus | LC | |
134 | Brown-eared Woodpecker | Pardipicus caroli | RR | |
135 | Buff-spotted Woodpecker | Pardipicus nivosa | RR | |
136 | Fine-banded Woodpecker | Campethera taeniolaema | RR | |
137 | Bennett's Woodpecker | Campethera bennettii | LC | |
138 | Mombasa Woodpecker | Campethera mombassica | RR | |
139 | Fox Kestrel | Falco alopex | RR | |
140 | Red-necked Falcon | Falco chicquera | NT | |
141 | |Red-footed Falcon| | Falco vespertinus | V | |
142 | |Sooty Falcon| | Falco concolor | V | |
143 | Taita Falcon | Falco fasciinucha | V | |
144 | Red-headed Lovebird | Agapornis pullarius | RR | |
145 | Fischer's Lovebird | Agapornis fischeri | NT | |
146 | Yellow-collared Lovebird | Agapornis personatus | E | |
147 | Lilian's Lovebird | Agapornis lilianae | RR | NT |
148 | Gray Parrot | Psittacus erithacus | RR | EN |
149 | Red-fronted Parrot | Poicephalus gulielmi | RR | |
150 | African Broadbill | Smithornis capensis | LC | |
151 | Purple-throated Cuckooshrike | Campephaga quiscalina | RR | |
152 | Western Black-headed Oriole | Oriolus brachyrhynchus | RR | |
153 | Black-tailed Oriole | Oriolus percivali | RR | |
154 | Chestnut Wattle-eye | Dyaphorophyia castanea | RR | |
155 | Brown-throated Wattle-eye | Platysteira cyanea | RR | |
156 | Jameson's Wattle-eye | Platysteira jamesoni | RR | |
157 | Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye | Platysteira concreta | RR | |
158 | Short-tailed Batis | Batis mixta | NE | |
159 | Dark Batis | Batis crypta | NE | |
160 | Rwenzori Batis | Batis diops | RR | |
161 | Pale Batis | Batis soror | LC | |
162 | Western Black-headed Batis | Batis erlangeri | RR | |
163 | Pygmy Batis | Batis perkeo | RR | |
164 | Gray-crested Helmetshrike | Prionops poliolophus | NE | NT |
165 | African Shrike-flycatcher | Megabyas flammulatus | RR | |
166 | Northern Puffback | Dryoscopus gambensis | RR | |
167 | Pringle's Puffback | Dryoscopus pringlii | RR | |
168 | Pink-footed Puffback | Dryoscopus angolensis | RR | |
169 | Three-streaked Tchagra | Tchagra jamesi | RR | |
170 | Luehder's Bushshrike | Laniarius luehderi | RR | |
171 | Zanzibar Boubou | Laniarius sublacteus | NE | |
172 | Black-headed Gonolek | Laniarius erythrogaster | RR | |
173 | Papyrus Gonolek | Laniarius mufumbiri | RR | NT |
174 | Rosy-patched Bushshrike | Rhodophoneus cruentus | RR | |
175 | Four-colored Bushshrike | Telophorus viridis | RR | |
176 | Uluguru Bushshrike | Malaconotus alius | E | EN |
177 | Usambara Drongo** | Dicrurus sp. | E | |
178 | Black-headed Paradise-Flycatcher | Terpsiphone rufiventer | RR | |
179 | Mackinnon's Shrike | Lanius mackinnoni | RR | |
180 | Souza's Shrike | Lanius souzae | RR | |
181 | /Woodchat Shrike/ | Lanius senator | NT | |
182 | Cape Crow | Corvus capensis | RR | |
183 | Usambara Hyliota | Hyliota usambara | E | EN |
184 | African Blue Flycatcher | Elminia longicauda | RR | |
185 | White-tailed Blue Flycatcher | Elminia albicauda | RR | |
186 | Dusky Crested Flycatcher | Elminia nigromitrata | RR | |
187 | Southern Black-Tit | Melaniparus niger | RR | |
188 | Red-throated Tit | Melaniparus fringillinus | NE | |
189 | Somali Tit | Melaniparus thruppi | RR | |
190 | Beesley's Lark | Chersomanes beesleyi | E | |
191 | Dusky Lark | Pinarocorys nigricans | RR | |
192 | Pink-breasted Lark | Calendulauda poecilosterna | RR | |
193 | Friedmann's Lark | Mirafra pulpa | RR | |
194 | Angola Lark | Amirafra angolensis | RR | |
195 | Plateau Lark | Corypha nigrescens | NE | |
196 | Sentinel Lark | Corypha athi | NE | |
197 | Red-winged Lark | Corypha hypermetra | RR | |
198 | &Short-tailed Larkl | Pseudalaemon fremantlii | RR | |
199 | Red-capped Lark | Calandrella cinerea | RR | |
200 | Somali Short-toed Lark | Alaudala somalica | RR | |
201 | Western Nicator | Nicator chloris | RR | |
202 | Green Crombec | Sylvietta virens | RR | |
203 | White-browed Crombec | Sylvietta leucophrys | RR | |
204 | Northern Crombec | Sylvietta brachyura | RR | |
205 | Red-capped Crombec | Sylvietta ruficapilla | RR | |
206 | Somali Crombec | Sylvietta isabellina | RR | |
207 | Long-billed Crombec | Sylvietta rufescens | RR | |
208 | Yellow Longbill | Macrosphenus flavicans | RR | |
209 | Gray Longbill | Macrosphenus concolor | RR | |
210 | Kretschmer's Longbill | Macrosphenus kretschmeri | RR | |
211 | White-chinned Prinia | Schistolais leucopogon | RR | |
212 | African Tailorbird | Artisornis metopias | NE | |
213 | Long-billed Tailorbird | Artisornis moreaui | NE | CR |
214 | Olive-green Camaroptera | Camaroptera chloronota | RR | |
215 | Black-throated Apalis | Apalis jacksoni | RR | |
216 | White-winged Apalis | Apalis chariessa | RR | NT |
217 | Masked Apalis | Apalis binotata | RR | |
218 | Buff-throated Apalis | Apalis rufogularis | RR | |
219 | Chestnut-throated Apalis | Apalis porphyrolaema | RR | |
220 | Chapin's Apalis | Apalis chapini | RR | |
221 | Gray Apalis | Apalis cinerea | RR | |
222 | Brown-headed Apalis | Apalis alticola | RR | |
223 | Maasai Apalis | Apalis stronachi | NE | V |
224 | Mrs. Moreau's Warbler | Scepomycter winifredae | E | NT |
225 | Black-faced Rufous-Warbler | Bathmocercus rufus | RR | |
226 | Gray-capped Warbler | Eminia lepida | RR | |
227 | Chubb's Cisticola | Cisticola chubbi | RR | |
228 | Black-lored Cisticola | Cisticola nigriloris | RR | |
229 | Kilombero Cisticola | Cisticola baerorum | E | |
230 | Rock-loving Cisticola | Cisticola aberrans | RR | |
231 | Ashy Cisticola | Cisticola cinereolus | RR | |
232 | Wailing Cisticola | Cisticola lais | RR | |
233 | Churring Cisticola | Cisticola njombe | RR | |
234 | White-tailed Cisticola | Cisticola anderseni | E | |
235 | Chirping Cisticola | Cisticola pipiens | RR | |
236 | Carruthers's Cisticola | Cisticola carruthersi | RR | |
237 | Levaillant's Cisticola | Cisticola tinniens | RR | |
238 | Stout Cisticola | Cisticola robustus | RR | |
239 | Black-backed Cisticola | Cisticola eximius | RR | |
240 | Pale-crowned Cisticola | Cisticola cinnamomeus | RR | |
241 | Wing-snapping Cisticola | Cisticola ayresii | RR | |
242 | Aquatic Warbler | Acrocephalus paludicola | V | |
243 | /Basra Reed Warbler/ | Acrocephalus griseldis | EN | |
244 | Greater Swamp Warbler | Acrocephalus rufescens | RR | |
245 | Bamboo Warbler | Locustella alfredi | RR | |
246 | White-winged Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus carpalis | RR | |
247 | Gray-rumped Swallow | Pseudhirundo griseopyga | LC | |
248 | (Montane Blue Swallow) | Hirundo atrocaerulea | V | |
249 | Pearl-breasted Swallow | Hirundo dimidiata | RR | |
250 | Ethiopian Swallow | Hirundo aethiopica | RR | |
251 | Rufous-chested Swallow | Cecropis semirufa | RR | |
252 | Slender-billed Greenbul | Stelgidillas gracilirostris | RR | |
253 | Red-tailed Bristlebill | Bleda syndactylus | RR | |
254 | Pale-throated Greenbul | Atimastillas flavigula | RR | |
255 | Honeyguide Greenbul | Baeopogon indicator | RR | |
256 | Black-headed Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla nigriceps | NE | |
257 | Uluguru Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla neumanni | E | |
258 | Olive-headed Greenbul | Arizelocichla striifacies | NT | |
259 | Yellow-throated Mountain Greenbul | Arizelocichla chlorigula | E | |
260 | Yellow-whiskered Greenbul | Eurillas latirostris | RR | |
261 | Plain Greenbul | Eurillas curvirostris | RR | |
262 | Gray Greenbul | Eurillas gracilis | RR | |
263 | Usambara Greenbul | Phyllastrephus albigula | NT | |
264 | Xavier's Greenbul | Phyllastrephus xavieri | RR | |
265 | Northern Brownbul | Phyllastrephus strepitans | RR | |
266 | Leaf-love | Phyllastrephus scandens | RR | |
267 | Toro Olive-Greenbul | Phyllastrephus hypochloris | RR | |
268 | /Wood Warbler/ | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | RR | |
269 | Brown Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus umbrovirens | RR | |
270 | Laura's Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus laurae | RR | |
271 | Uganda Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus budongoensis | RR | |
272 | Green Hylia | Hylia prasina | RR | |
273 | Yellow Flycatcher | Erythrocercus holochlorus | RR | |
274 | Livingstone's Flycatcher | Erythrocercus livingstonei | LC | |
275 | Brown Parisoma | Curruca lugens | RR | |
276 | Mbulu White-eye | Zosterops mbuluensis | NE | |
277 | Kilimanjaro White-eye | Zosterops eurycricotus | E | |
278 | South Pare White-eye | Zosterops winifredae | E | NT |
279 | Pemba White-eye | Zosterops vaughani | E | |
280 | Brown Illadopsis | Illadopsis fulvescens | RR | |
281 | Pale-breasted Illadopsis | Illadopsis rufipennis | RR | |
282 | Tanzanian Illadopsis | Illadopsis distans | NE | |
283 | Mountain Illadopsis | Illadopsis pyrrhoptera | RR | |
284 | Scaly-breasted Illadopsis | Illadopsis albipectus | RR | |
285 | Brown Babbler | Turdoides plebejus | RR | |
286 | Hartlaub's Babbler | Turdoides hartlaubii | RR | |
287 | Northern Pied-Babbler | Turdoides hypoleuca | NE | |
288 | African Spotted Creeper | Salpornis salvadori | RR | |
289 | Slender-billed Starling | Onychognathus tenuirostris | RR | |
290 | Chestnut-winged Starling | Onychognathus fulgidus | RR | |
291 | Magpie Starling | Speculipastor bicolor | RR | |
292 | Sharpe's Starling | Pholia sharpii | RR | |
293 | Abbott's Starling | Poeoptera femoralis | NE | EN |
294 | Stuhlmann's Starling | Poeoptera stuhlmanni | RR | |
295 | Kenrick's Starling | Poeoptera kenricki | NE | |
296 | Hildebrandt's Starling | Lamprotornis hildebrandti | NE | |
297 | &Shelley's Starlingl | Lamprotornis shelleyi | RR | |
298 | Ashy Starling | Lamprotornis unicolor | NE | |
299 | Splendid Starling | Lamprotornis splendidus | RR | |
300 | Golden-breasted Starling | Lamprotornis regius | RR | |
301 | Fischer's Starling | Lamprotornis fischeri | RR | |
302 | Sharp-tailed Starling | Lamprotornis acuticaudus | RR | |
303 | Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush | Stizorhina fraseri | RR | |
304 | White-tailed Ant-Thrush | Neocossyphus poensis | RR | |
305 | \Spotted Ground-Thrush\ | Geokichla guttata | RR | V |
306 | Abyssinian Ground-Thrush | Geokichla piaggiae | RR | |
307 | Groundscraper Thrush | Turdus litsitsirupa | RR | |
308 | Usambara Thrush | Turdus roehli | E | NT |
309 | African Thrush | Turdus pelios | RR | |
310 | Swamp Flycatcher | Muscicapa aquatica | RR | |
311 | Sooty Flycatcher | Artomyias infuscata | RR | |
312 | Boehm's Flycatcher | Bradornis boehmi | RR | |
313 | Northern Black-Flycatcher | Melaenornis edolioides | RR | |
314 | Miombo Scrub-Robin | Tychaedon barbata | RR | |
315 | /Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin/ | Cercotrichas galactotes | RR | |
316 | Brown-backed Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas hartlaubi | RR | |
317 | Olive-flanked Robin-Chat | Dessonornis anomala | RR | NT |
318 | Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat | Cossypha cyanocampter | RR | |
319 | Rueppell's Robin-Chat | Cossypha semirufa | RR | |
320 | Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat | Cossypha niveicapilla | RR | |
321 | Swynnerton's Robin | Swynnertonia swynnertoni | RR | V |
322 | Brown-chested Alethe | Chamaetylas poliocephala | RR | |
323 | Gray-winged Robin-Chat | Sheppardia polioptera | LC | |
324 | Bocage's Akalat | Sheppardia bocagei | RR | |
325 | Lowland Akalat | Sheppardia cyornithopsis | RR | |
326 | East Coast Akalat | Sheppardia gunningi | LC | NT |
327 | Usambara Akalat | Sheppardia montana | E | EN |
328 | Iringa Akalat | Sheppardia lowei | E | V |
329 | Rubeho Akalat | Sheppardia aurantiithorax | E | EN |
330 | /Common Redstart/ | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | RR | |
331 | Little Rock-Thrush | Monticola rufocinereus | RR | |
332 | Miombo Rock-Thrush | Monticola angolensis | LC | |
333 | Moorland Chat | Pinarochroa sordida | RR | |
334 | Northern Anteater-Chat | Myrmecocichla aethiops | RR | |
335 | Familiar Chat | Oenanthe familiaris | LC | |
336 | Plain-backed Sunbird | Anthreptes reichenowi | RR | NT |
337 | Anchieta's Sunbird | Anthreptes anchietae | RR | |
338 | Little Green Sunbird | Anthreptes seimundi | RR | |
339 | Gray-chinned Sunbird | Anthreptes rectirostris | RR | |
340 | Banded Sunbird | Anthreptes rubritorques | E | V |
341 | Amani Sunbird | Hedydipna pallidigaster | NE | EN |
342 | Blue-throated Brown Sunbird | Cyanomitra cyanolaema | RR | |
343 | Mouse-colored Sunbird | Cyanomitra veroxii | RR | |
344 | Green-throated Sunbird | Chalcomitra rubescens | RR | |
345 | Hunter's Sunbird | Chalcomitra hunteri | RR | |
346 | Tacazze Sunbird | Nectarinia tacazze | RR | |
347 | Red-tufted Sunbird | Nectarinia johnstoni | RR | |
348 | Golden-winged Sunbird | Drepanorhynchus reichenowi | RR | |
349 | Olive-bellied Sunbird | Cinnyris chloropygius | RR | |
350 | Regal Sunbird | Cinnyris regius | RR | |
351 | Eastern Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris mediocris | NE | |
352 | Usambara Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris usambaricus | NE | NT |
353 | Moreau's Sunbird | Cinnyris moreaui | E | NT |
354 | Loveridge's Sunbird | Cinnyris loveridgei | E | EN |
355 | Gorgeous Sunbird | Cinnyris melanogastrus | NE | |
356 | Shelley's Sunbird | Cinnyris shelleyi | RR | |
357 | Red-chested Sunbird | Cinnyris erythrocercus | RR | |
358 | Black-bellied Sunbird | Cinnyris nectarinioides | RR | |
359 | Tsavo Sunbird | Cinnyris tsavoensis | NE | |
360 | Pemba Sunbird | Cinnyris pembae | E | |
361 | Superb Sunbird | Cinnyris superbus | RR | |
362 | Rufous-winged Sunbird | Cinnyris rufipennis | E | V |
363 | White-bellied Sunbird | Cinnyris talatala | RR | |
364 | Copper Sunbird | Cinnyris cupreus | RR | |
365 | Speckle-fronted Weaver | Sporopipes frontalis | LC | |
366 | Rufous-tailed Weaver | Histurgops ruficauda | NE | |
367 | Black-capped Social-Weaver | Pseudonigrita cabanisi | RR | |
368 | Red-headed Malimbe | Malimbus rubricollis | RR | |
369 | Little Weaver | Ploceus luteolus | LC | |
370 | Slender-billed Weaver | Ploceus pelzelni | RR | |
371 | Black-billed Weaver | Ploceus melanogaster | RR | |
372 | Ruvu Weaver | Ploceus holoxanthus | E | |
373 | Orange Weaver | Ploceus aurantius | RR | |
374 | Golden Palm Weaver | Ploceus bojeri | RR | |
375 | Taveta Golden-Weaver | Ploceus castaneiceps | NE | |
376 | Southern Brown-throated Weaver | Ploceus xanthopterus | LC | |
377 | Northern Brown-throated Weaver | Ploceus castanops | RR | |
378 | Kilombero Weaver | Ploceus burnieri | E | V |
379 | Tanganyika Masked-Weaver | Ploceus reichardi | NE | |
380 | Vieillot's Black Weaver | Ploceus nigerrimus | RR | |
381 | &Weyns's Weaverl | Ploceus weynsi | RR | |
382 | Brown-capped Weaver | Ploceus insignis | RR | |
383 | Olive-headed Weaver | Ploceus olivaceiceps | RR | NT |
384 | Usambara Weaver | Ploceus nicolli | E | NT |
385 | Compact Weaver | Pachyphantes superciliosus | RR | |
386 | Black Bishop | Euplectes gierowii | LC | |
387 | &Fire-fronted Bishopl | Euplectes diadematus | RR | |
388 | Marsh Widowbird | Euplectes hartlaubi | RR | |
389 | Buff-shouldered Widowbird | Euplectes psammacromius | RR | |
390 | Jackson's Widowbird | Euplectes jacksoni | NE | NT |
391 | Magpie Mannikin | Spermestes fringilloides | LC | |
392 | Java Sparrow | Padda oryzivora | EN | |
393 | White-collared Oliveback | Nesocharis ansorgei | RR | |
394 | Green-backed Twinspot | Mandingoa nitidula | LC | |
395 | Abyssinian Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza salvadorii | RR | |
396 | Jameson's Antpecker | Parmoptila jamesoni | RR | |
397 | Gray-headed Nigrita | Nigrita canicapillus | RR | |
398 | White-breasted Nigrita | Nigrita fusconotus | RR | |
399 | Black-tailed Waxbill | Glaucestrilda perreini | RR | |
400 | Black-crowned Waxbill | Estrilda nonnula | RR | |
401 | Fawn-breasted Waxbill | Estrilda paludicola | RR | |
402 | Black-rumped Waxbill | Estrilda troglodytes | RR | |
403 | Locustfinch | Paludipasser locustella | RR | |
404 | Red-headed Bluebill | Spermophaga ruficapilla | RR | |
405 | Lesser Seedcracker | Pyrenestes minor | LC | |
406 | Black-bellied Seedcracker | Pyrenestes ostrinus | RR | |
407 | Orange-winged Pytilia | Pytilia afra | LC | |
408 | Red-throated Twinspot | Hypargos niveoguttatus | LC | |
409 | Jameson's Firefinch | Lagonosticta rhodopareia | LC | |
410 | Brown Firefinch | Lagonosticta nitidula | RR | |
411 | Purple Indigobird | Vidua purpurascens | RR | |
412 | Green Indigobird | Vidua codringtoni | RR | |
413 | Kenya Rufous Sparrow | Passer rufocinctus | NE | |
414 | Parrot-billed Sparrow | Passer gongonensis | RR | |
415 | Swahili Sparrow | Passer suahelicus | NE | |
416 | Cape Wagtail | Motacilla capensis | RR | |
417 | /White Wagtail/ | Motacilla alba | RR | |
418 | Woodland Pipit | Anthus nyassae | RR | |
419 | Bush Pipit | Anthus caffer | LC | |
420 | Sokoke Pipit | Anthus sokokensis | NE | EN |
421 | Fuelleborn's Longclaw | Macronyx fuelleborni | RR | |
422 | Rosy-throated Longclaw | Macronyx ameliae | RR | |
423 | Oriole Finch | Linurgus olivaceus | LC | |
424 | Papyrus Canary | Crithagra koliensis | RR | |
425 | Black-throated Canary | Crithagra atrogularis | RR | |
426 | Southern Grosbeak-Canary | Crithagra buchanani | NE | |
427 | Yellow-browed Seedeater | Crithagra whytii | RR | |
428 | Kipengere Seedeater | Crithagra melanochrous | E | |
429 | Black-eared Seedeater | Crithagra mennelli | LC | |
430 | Spot-throat | Modulatrix stictigula | NE | |
431 | Dapple-throat | Arcanator orostruthus | NE | NT |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 31 |
LC | Local | 47 |
NE | Near Endemic | 36 |
RR | Restricted Range | 276 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 22 |
V | Vulnerable | 13 |
EN | Endangered | 12 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 1 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.