# Species: | 1047 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 1013 |
# Endemics: | 2 |
# Near Endemics: | 12 |
List of species that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*
1 | /Common Pochard/ | Aythya ferina | V | |
2 | Stone Partridge | Ptilopachus petrosus | RR | |
3 | Nahan's Partridge | Ptilopachus nahani | NE | V |
4 | Coqui Francolin | Campocolinus coqui | RR | |
5 | Ring-necked Francolin | Scleroptera streptophorus | NT | |
6 | Orange River Francolin | Scleroptera levaillantoides | RR | |
7 | Elgon Francolin | Scleroptera elgonensis | NE | NT |
8 | Shelley's Francolin | Scleroptera shelleyi | RR | |
9 | Handsome Spurfowl | Pternistis nobilis | RR | |
10 | Rameron Pigeon | Columba arquatrix | RR | |
11 | Eastern Bronze-naped Pigeon | Columba delegorguei | RR | |
12 | White-naped Pigeon | Columba albinucha | NT | |
13 | Black-faced Sandgrouse | Pterocles decoratus | RR | |
14 | Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse | Pterocles lichtensteinii | RR | |
15 | Kori Bustard | Ardeotis kori | NT | |
16 | Denham's Bustard | Neotis denhami | NT | |
17 | Purple-crested Turaco | Gallirex porphyreolophus | RR | |
18 | Rwenzori Turaco | Gallirex johnstoni | NE | |
19 | Hartlaub's Turaco | Tauraco hartlaubi | RR | |
20 | Black-throated Coucal | Centropus leucogaster | RR | |
21 | Thick-billed Cuckoo | Pachycoccyx audeberti | RR | |
22 | Sombre Nightjar | Caprimulgus fraenatus | RR | |
23 | Nubian Nightjar | Caprimulgus nubicus | RR | |
24 | Star-spotted Nightjar | Caprimulgus stellatus | RR | |
25 | Bates's Nightjar | Caprimulgus batesi | RR | |
26 | Sabine's Spinetail | Rhaphidura sabini | RR | |
27 | Cassin's Spinetail | Neafrapus cassini | RR | |
28 | African Swift | Apus barbatus | RR | |
29 | Gray-throated Rail | Gallirallus oculeus | RR | |
30 | Lesser Moorhen | Gallinula angulata | RR | |
31 | Red-knobbed Coot | Fulica cristata | RR | |
32 | Nkulengu Rail | Himantornis haematopus | RR | |
33 | /Little Crake/ | Zapornia parva | RR | |
34 | \Streaky-breasted Flufftail\ | Sarothrura boehmi | RR | |
35 | Gray Crowned-Crane | Balearica regulorum | EN | |
36 | Black Crowned-Crane | Balearica pavonina | RR | V |
37 | Spotted Thick-knee | Burhinus capensis | RR | |
38 | Senegal Thick-knee | Burhinus senegalensis | RR | |
39 | Eurasian Oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus | NT | |
40 | Forbes's Plover | Thinornis forbesi | RR | |
41 | /Eurasian Curlew/ | Numenius arquata | NT | |
42 | /Black-tailed Godwit/ | Limosa limosa | NT | |
43 | /Great Snipe/ | Gallinago media | NT | |
44 | /Curlew Sandpiper/ | Calidris ferruginea | NT | |
45 | Three-banded Courser | Rhinoptilus cinctus | RR | |
46 | |Black-winged Pratincole| | Glareola nordmanni | NT | |
47 | Lesser Flamingo | Phoenicoparrus minor | V | |
48 | African Woolly-necked Stork | Ciconia microscelis | NT | |
49 | Olive Ibis | Bostrychia olivacea | RR | |
50 | Spot-breasted Ibis | Bostrychia rara | RR | |
51 | /Malagasy Pond-Heron/ | Ardeola idae | EN | |
52 | Shoebill | Balaeniceps rex | V | |
53 | Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius | EN | |
54 | Scissor-tailed Kite | Chelictinia riocourii | RR | V |
55 | Bearded Vulture | Gypaetus barbatus | NT | |
56 | #Egyptian Vulture# | Neophron percnopterus | RR | EN |
57 | White-headed Vulture | Trigonoceps occipitalis | CR | |
58 | Lappet-faced Vulture | Torgos tracheliotos | EN | |
59 | Hooded Vulture | Necrosyrtes monachus | CR | |
60 | White-backed Vulture | Gyps africanus | CR | |
61 | Rueppell's Griffon | Gyps rueppelli | CR | |
62 | Bateleur | Terathopius ecaudatus | EN | |
63 | Congo Snake-Eagle | Circaetus spectabilis | RR | |
64 | Beaudouin's Snake-Eagle | Circaetus beaudouini | V | |
65 | Crowned Eagle | Stephanoaetus coronatus | NT | |
66 | Martial Eagle | Polemaetus bellicosus | EN | |
67 | Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax | V | |
68 | /Steppe Eagle/ | Aquila nipalensis | EN | |
69 | Verreaux's Eagle | Aquila verreauxii | RR | |
70 | Long-tailed Hawk | Urotriorchis macrourus | RR | |
71 | Dark Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax metabates | RR | |
72 | Eastern Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax poliopterus | RR | |
73 | Red-thighed Sparrowhawk | Tachyspiza erythropus | RR | |
74 | Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk | Accipiter rufiventris | RR | |
75 | /Pallid Harrier/ | Circus macrourus | NT | |
76 | Mountain Buzzard | Buteo oreophilus | NT | |
77 | /Long-legged Buzzard/ | Buteo rufinus | RR | |
78 | Cape Eagle-Owl | Bubo capensis | RR | |
79 | Grayish Eagle-Owl | Bubo cinerascens | RR | |
80 | Fraser's Eagle-Owl | Ketupa poensis | RR | |
81 | Pel's Fishing-Owl | Scotopelia peli | RR | |
82 | Red-chested Owlet | Glaucidium tephronotum | RR | |
83 | Abyssinian Owl | Asio abyssinicus | RR | |
84 | Forest Scimitarbill | Rhinopomastus castaneiceps | RR | |
85 | Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill | Bucorvus abyssinicus | RR | V |
86 | Southern Ground-Hornbill | Bucorvus leadbeateri | RR | V |
87 | Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill | Lophoceros camurus | RR | |
88 | Hemprich's Hornbill | Lophoceros hemprichii | RR | |
89 | Jackson's Hornbill | Tockus jacksoni | RR | |
90 | Eastern Long-tailed Hornbill | Horizocerus cassini | RR | |
91 | Eastern Dwarf Hornbill | Horizocerus granti | RR | |
92 | White-thighed Hornbill | Bycanistes albotibialis | RR | |
93 | Black Bee-eater | Merops gularis | RR | |
94 | Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater | Merops oreobates | RR | |
95 | Swallow-tailed Bee-eater | Merops hirundineus | RR | |
96 | African Green Bee-eater | Merops viridissimus | RR | |
97 | /European Bee-eater/ | Merops apiaster | RR | |
98 | /Northern Carmine Bee-eater/ | Merops nubicus | RR | |
99 | Chocolate-backed Kingfisher | Halcyon badia | RR | |
100 | Crested Barbet | Trachyphonus vaillantii | RR | |
101 | Moustached Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus leucomystax | RR | |
102 | Western Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus coryphaea | RR | |
103 | Northern Red-fronted Tinkerbird | Pogoniulus uropygialis | RR | |
104 | Red-faced Barbet | Lybius rubrifacies | NT | |
105 | Brown-backed Honeybird | Prodotiscus regulus | RR | |
106 | Dwarf Honeyguide | Indicator pumilio | NE | |
107 | Willcocks's Honeyguide | Indicator willcocksi | RR | |
108 | Pallid Honeyguide | Indicator meliphilus | RR | |
109 | Lyre-tailed Honeyguide | Melichneutes robustus | RR | |
110 | African Piculet | Verreauxia africana | RR | |
111 | Gabon Woodpecker | Dendropicos gabonensis | RR | |
112 | Elliot's Woodpecker | Dendropicos elliotii | RR | |
113 | Greater Kestrel | Falco rupicoloides | RR | |
114 | Fox Kestrel | Falco alopex | RR | |
115 | Red-necked Falcon | Falco chicquera | NT | |
116 | |Red-footed Falcon| | Falco vespertinus | V | |
117 | |Sooty Falcon| | Falco concolor | V | |
118 | Taita Falcon | Falco fasciinucha | RR | V |
119 | Rose-ringed Parakeet | Psittacula krameri | RR | |
120 | Black-collared Lovebird | Agapornis swindernianus | RR | |
121 | Gray Parrot | Psittacus erithacus | EN | |
122 | Brown-necked Parrot | Poicephalus fuscicollis | RR | |
123 | Grauer's Broadbill | Pseudocalyptomena graueri | V | |
124 | Grauer's Cuckooshrike | Coracina graueri | NE | |
125 | Petit's Cuckooshrike | Campephaga petiti | RR | |
126 | Blue Cuckooshrike | Cyanograucalus azureus | RR | |
127 | Black-winged Oriole | Oriolus nigripennis | RR | |
128 | Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye | Platysteira concreta | RR | |
129 | Rwenzori Batis | Batis diops | RR | |
130 | Gray-headed Batis | Batis orientalis | RR | |
131 | Pygmy Batis | Batis perkeo | RR | |
132 | Ituri Batis | Batis ituriensis | RR | |
133 | Yellow-crested Helmetshrike | Prionops alberti | NE | V |
134 | Rufous-bellied Helmetshrike | Prionops rufiventris | RR | |
135 | Red-eyed Puffback | Dryoscopus senegalensis | RR | |
136 | Three-streaked Tchagra | Tchagra jamesi | RR | |
137 | Papyrus Gonolek | Laniarius mufumbiri | NT | |
138 | Slate-colored Boubou | Laniarius funebris | RR | |
139 | Lowland Sooty Boubou | Laniarius leucorhynchus | RR | |
140 | Willard's Sooty Boubou | Laniarius willardi | RR | |
141 | Albertine Boubou | Laniarius holomelas | RR | |
142 | Doherty's Bushshrike | Telophorus dohertyi | RR | |
143 | Many-colored Bushshrike | Chlorophoneus multicolor | RR | |
144 | Fiery-breasted Bushshrike | Malaconotus cruentus | RR | |
145 | Lagden's Bushshrike | Malaconotus lagdeni | RR | NT |
146 | African Crested Flycatcher | Trochocercus cyanomelas | RR | |
147 | Emin's Shrike | Lanius gubernator | RR | |
148 | Souza's Shrike | Lanius souzae | LC | |
149 | /Woodchat Shrike/ | Lanius senator | NT | |
150 | White-rumped Shrike | Eurocephalus ruppelli | RR | |
151 | Cape Crow | Corvus capensis | RR | |
152 | White-tailed Blue Flycatcher | Elminia albicauda | RR | |
153 | White-tailed Crested Flycatcher | Elminia albonotata | RR | |
154 | White-bellied Tit | Melaniparus albiventris | RR | |
155 | Stripe-breasted Tit | Melaniparus fasciiventer | RR | |
156 | Somali Tit | Melaniparus thruppi | RR | |
157 | &Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Larkl | Eremopterix leucotis | RR | |
158 | Fischer's Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix leucopareia | RR | |
159 | Fawn-colored Lark | Calendulauda africanoides | RR | |
160 | Kidepo Lark | Corypha kidepoensis | RR | |
161 | Yellow-throated Nicator | Nicator vireo | RR | |
162 | Lemon-bellied Crombec | Sylvietta denti | RR | |
163 | White-browed Crombec | Sylvietta leucophrys | RR | |
164 | Yellow Longbill | Macrosphenus flavicans | RR | |
165 | Gray Longbill | Macrosphenus concolor | RR | |
166 | Grauer's Warbler | Graueria vittata | RR | |
167 | Turner's Eremomela | Eremomela turneri | RR | NT |
168 | Black-collared Apalis | Oreolais pulcher | RR | |
169 | Rwenzori Apalis | Oreolais ruwenzorii | RR | |
170 | Miombo Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes undosus | RR | |
171 | Gray Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes simplex | RR | |
172 | Masked Apalis | Apalis binotata | RR | |
173 | Black-faced Apalis | Apalis personata | RR | |
174 | Chestnut-throated Apalis | Apalis porphyrolaema | RR | |
175 | Karamoja Apalis | Apalis karamojae | E | V |
176 | Pale Prinia | Prinia somalica | RR | |
177 | Red-fronted Warbler | Prinia rufifrons | RR | |
178 | Hunter's Cisticola | Cisticola hunteri | RR | |
179 | Rock-loving Cisticola | Cisticola aberrans | RR | |
180 | Boran Cisticola | Cisticola bodessa | LC | |
181 | Red-pate Cisticola | Cisticola ruficeps | RR | |
182 | Lyne's Cisticola | Cisticola distinctus | NE | |
183 | Tabora Cisticola | Cisticola angusticauda | RR | |
184 | Black-backed Cisticola | Cisticola eximius | RR | |
185 | Papyrus Yellow-Warbler | Calamonastides gracilirostris | RR | V |
186 | African Yellow-Warbler | Iduna natalensis | RR | |
187 | Mountain Yellow-Warbler | Iduna similis | RR | |
188 | |Basra Reed Warbler| | Acrocephalus griseldis | EN | |
189 | Bamboo Warbler | Locustella alfredi | RR | |
190 | Evergreen-forest Warbler | Bradypterus lopezi | RR | |
191 | Cinnamon Bracken-Warbler | Bradypterus cinnamomeus | RR | |
192 | Grauer's Swamp Warbler | Bradypterus graueri | RR | V |
193 | Highland Rush Warbler | Bradypterus centralis | RR | |
194 | \Montane Blue Swallow\ | Hirundo atrocaerulea | V | |
195 | Ethiopian Swallow | Hirundo aethiopica | RR | |
196 | White-throated Blue Swallow | Hirundo nigrita | RR | |
197 | Swamp Greenbul | Thescelocichla leucopleura | RR | |
198 | Simple Greenbul | Chlorocichla simplex | RR | |
199 | Shelley's Greenbul | Arizelocichla masukuensis | RR | |
200 | Eastern Bearded-Greenbul | Criniger chloronotus | RR | |
201 | Ansorge's Greenbul | Eurillas ansorgei | RR | |
202 | Yellow-streaked Greenbul | Phyllastrephus flavostriatus | RR | |
203 | Icterine Greenbul | Phyllastrephus icterinus | RR | |
204 | Cabanis's Greenbul | Phyllastrephus cabanisi | RR | |
205 | Sassi's Greenbul | Phyllastrephus lorenzi | RR | |
206 | /Common Chiffchaff/ | Phylloscopus collybita | RR | |
207 | Brown Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus umbrovirens | RR | |
208 | Red-faced Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus laetus | RR | |
209 | Uganda Woodland-Warbler | Phylloscopus budongoensis | RR | |
210 | Tit-hylia | Pholidornis rushiae | RR | |
211 | Chestnut-capped Flycatcher | Erythrocercus mccallii | RR | |
212 | Neumann's Warbler | Hemitesia neumanni | RR | |
213 | African Hill Babbler | Sylvia abyssinica | RR | |
214 | Rwenzori Hill Babbler | Sylvia atriceps | RR | |
215 | Brown Parisoma | Curruca lugens | RR | |
216 | Puvel's Illadopsis | Illadopsis puveli | RR | |
217 | Red-collared Mountain-Babbler | Turdoides rufocinctus | RR | |
218 | Red-billed Oxpecker | Buphagus erythroryncha | RR | |
219 | Yellow-billed Oxpecker | Buphagus africanus | RR | |
220 | Slender-billed Starling | Onychognathus tenuirostris | RR | |
221 | Bristle-crowned Starling | Onychognathus salvadorii | RR | |
222 | Red-tailed Ant-Thrush | Neocossyphus rufus | RR | |
223 | Black-eared Ground-Thrush | Geokichla camaronensis | RR | |
224 | Gray Ground-Thrush | Geokichla princei | RR | |
225 | Oberlaender's Ground-Thrush | Geokichla oberlaenderi | NE | NT |
226 | Abyssinian Ground-Thrush | Geokichla piaggiae | RR | |
227 | Yellow-footed Flycatcher | Muscicapa sethsmithi | RR | |
228 | Gambaga Flycatcher | Muscicapa gambagae | RR | |
229 | Chapin's Flycatcher | Fraseria lendu | NE | V |
230 | Yellow-eyed Black-Flycatcher | Melaenornis ardesiacus | RR | |
231 | Southern Black-Flycatcher | Melaenornis pammelaina | RR | |
232 | Forest Scrub-Robin | Tychaedon leucosticta | RR | |
233 | /Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin/ | Cercotrichas galactotes | RR | |
234 | White-bellied Robin-Chat | Cossyphicula roberti | RR | |
235 | Archer's Robin-Chat | Dessonornis archeri | NE | |
236 | Cape Robin-Chat | Dessonornis caffra | RR | |
237 | Collared Palm-Thrush | Cichladusa arquata | RR | |
238 | Red-throated Alethe | Chamaetylas poliophrys | RR | |
239 | Moorland Chat | Pinarochroa sordida | RR | |
240 | Arnot's Chat | Myrmecocichla arnotti | RR | |
241 | Familiar Chat | Oenanthe familiaris | RR | |
242 | Blue-headed Sunbird | Cyanomitra alinae | NE | |
243 | Amethyst Sunbird | Chalcomitra amethystina | RR | |
244 | Hunter's Sunbird | Chalcomitra hunteri | RR | |
245 | Purple-breasted Sunbird | Nectarinia purpureiventris | RR | |
246 | Tacazze Sunbird | Nectarinia tacazze | RR | |
247 | Malachite Sunbird | Nectarinia famosa | RR | |
248 | Red-tufted Sunbird | Nectarinia johnstoni | RR | |
249 | Golden-winged Sunbird | Drepanorhynchus reichenowi | RR | |
250 | Tiny Sunbird | Cinnyris minullus | RR | |
251 | Stuhlmann's Sunbird | Cinnyris stuhlmanni | RR | |
252 | Northern Double-collared Sunbird | Cinnyris reichenowi | RR | |
253 | Regal Sunbird | Cinnyris regius | RR | |
254 | Palestine Sunbird | Cinnyris osea | RR | |
255 | Superb Sunbird | Cinnyris superbus | RR | |
256 | Gray-capped Social-Weaver | Pseudonigrita arnaudi | RR | |
257 | Red-bellied Malimbe | Malimbus erythrogaster | RR | |
258 | Blue-billed Malimbe | Malimbus nitens | RR | |
259 | Crested Malimbe | Malimbus malimbicus | RR | |
260 | Strange Weaver | Ploceus alienus | NE | |
261 | Orange Weaver | Ploceus aurantius | RR | |
262 | Fox's Weaver | Ploceus spekeoides | E | NT |
263 | Chestnut Weaver | Ploceus rubiginosus | RR | |
264 | Maxwell's Black Weaver | Ploceus albinucha | RR | |
265 | Yellow-crowned Bishop | Euplectes afer | RR | |
266 | Marsh Widowbird | Euplectes hartlaubi | RR | |
267 | Magpie Mannikin | Spermestes fringilloides | RR | |
268 | African Silverbill | Euodice cantans | RR | |
269 | Shelley's Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza shelleyi | RR | EN |
270 | Dusky Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza jacksoni | RR | |
271 | Abyssinian Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza salvadorii | RR | |
272 | Red-faced Crimsonwing | Cryptospiza reichenovii | RR | |
273 | Jameson's Antpecker | Parmoptila jamesoni | RR | |
274 | Pale-fronted Nigrita | Nigrita luteifrons | RR | |
275 | Chestnut-breasted Nigrita | Nigrita bicolor | RR | |
276 | Black-headed Waxbill | Estrilda atricapilla | RR | |
277 | Kandt's Waxbill | Estrilda kandti | RR | |
278 | Quailfinch | Ortygospiza atricollis | RR | |
279 | Cut-throat | Amadina fasciata | RR | |
280 | Gray-headed Silverbill | Odontospiza griseicapilla | RR | |
281 | Grant's Bluebill | Spermophaga poliogenys | RR | |
282 | Orange-winged Pytilia | Pytilia afra | RR | |
283 | Dusky Twinspot | Euschistospiza cinereovinacea | RR | |
284 | Steel-blue Whydah | Vidua hypocherina | RR | |
285 | Straw-tailed Whydah | Vidua fischeri | RR | |
286 | Parasitic Weaver | Anomalospiza imberbis | RR | |
287 | Yellow-spotted Bush Sparrow | Gymnornis pyrgita | RR | |
288 | Sahel Bush Sparrow | Gymnornis dentata | RR | |
289 | Golden Pipit | Tmetothylacus tenellus | RR | |
290 | Oriole Finch | Linurgus olivaceus | RR | |
291 | White-rumped Seedeater | Crithagra leucopygius | RR | |
292 | Papyrus Canary | Crithagra koliensis | RR | |
293 | Reichenow's Seedeater | Crithagra reichenowi | RR | |
294 | White-bellied Canary | Crithagra dorsostriatus | RR | |
295 | Reichard's Seedeater | Crithagra reichardi | RR | |
296 | Yellow-crowned Canary | Serinus flavivertex | RR | |
297 | Gray-chested Babbler | Kakamega poliothorax | RR | |
298 | Somali Bunting | Emberiza poliopleura | RR |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 2 |
LC | Local | 2 |
NE | Near Endemic | 12 |
RR | Restricted Range | 242 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 5 |
V | Vulnerable | 11 |
EN | Endangered | 2 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.