# Species: | 165 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 165 |
# Endemics: | 12 |
# Near Endemics: | 1 |
The table below lists species recorded at this locale but does not indicate frequency of occurrence there. It does indicate whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. The list is based on available data and may be incomplete.*
| ||
1 | Black-bellied Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna autumnalis |
2 | West Indian Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna arborea |
3 | Garganey | Spatula querquedula |
4 | /Blue-winged Teal/ | Spatula discors |
5 | /Northern Shoveler/ | Spatula clypeata |
6 | /American Wigeon/ | Mareca americana |
7 | /Mallard/ | Anas platyrhynchos |
8 | White-cheeked Pintail | Anas bahamensis |
9 | /Northern Pintail/ | Anas acuta |
10 | Green-winged Teal | Anas crecca |
11 | /Ring-necked Duck/ | Aythya collaris |
12 | /Lesser Scaup/ | Aythya affinis |
13 | /Hooded Merganser/ | Lophodytes cucullatus |
14 | Masked Duck | Nomonyx dominicus |
15 | Ruddy Duck | Oxyura jamaicensis |
| ||
16 | Rock Pigeon | Columba livia |
17 | Scaly-naped Pigeon | Patagioenas squamosa |
18 | White-crowned Pigeon | Patagioenas leucocephala |
19 | Eurasian Collared-Dove | Streptopelia decaocto |
20 | Common Ground Dove | Columbina passerina |
21 | Ruddy Quail-Dove | Geotrygon montana |
22 | Bridled Quail-Dove | Geotrygon mystacea |
23 | White-winged Dove | Zenaida asiatica |
24 | Zenaida Dove | Zenaida aurita |
| ||
25 | (Yellow-billed Cuckoo) | Coccyzus americanus |
26 | Mangrove Cuckoo | Coccyzus minor |
| ||
27 | Antillean Nighthawk | Chordeiles gundlachii |
| ||
28 | Purple-throated Carib | Eulampis jugularis |
29 | Green-throated Carib | Eulampis holosericeus |
30 | Antillean Crested Hummingbird | Orthorhyncus cristatus |
| ||
31 | Clapper Rail | Rallus crepitans |
32 | /Sora/ | Porzana carolina |
33 | Common Gallinule | Gallinula galeata |
34 | American Coot | Fulica americana |
35 | Purple Gallinule | Porphyrio martinica |
| ||
36 | Black-necked Stilt | Himantopus mexicanus |
| ||
37 | American Oystercatcher | Haematopus palliatus |
| ||
38 | /Black-bellied Plover/ | Pluvialis squatarola |
39 | |American Golden-Plover| | Pluvialis dominica |
40 | Killdeer | Charadrius vociferus |
41 | /Semipalmated Plover/ | Charadrius semipalmatus |
42 | Northern Lapwing | Vanellus vanellus |
43 | Wilson's Plover | Anarhynchus wilsonia |
44 | Snowy Plover | Anarhynchus nivosus |
| ||
45 | Wattled Jacana | Jacana jacana |
| ||
46 | |Whimbrel| | Numenius phaeopus |
47 | /Short-billed Dowitcher/ | Limnodromus griseus |
48 | /Long-billed Dowitcher/ | Limnodromus scolopaceus |
49 | /Wilson's Snipe/ | Gallinago delicata |
50 | /Spotted Sandpiper/ | Actitis macularius |
51 | /Solitary Sandpiper/ | Tringa solitaria |
52 | /Lesser Yellowlegs/ | Tringa flavipes |
53 | /Willet/ | Tringa semipalmata |
54 | /Greater Yellowlegs/ | Tringa melanoleuca |
55 | /Ruddy Turnstone/ | Arenaria interpres |
56 | |Red Knot| | Calidris canutus |
57 | /Stilt Sandpiper/ | Calidris himantopus |
58 | |Buff-breasted Sandpiper| | Calidris subruficollis |
59 | /Sanderling/ | Calidris alba |
60 | |White-rumped Sandpiper| | Calidris fuscicollis |
61 | /Least Sandpiper/ | Calidris minutilla |
62 | |Pectoral Sandpiper| | Calidris melanotos |
63 | /Western Sandpiper/ | Calidris mauri |
64 | /Semipalmated Sandpiper/ | Calidris pusilla |
| ||
65 | Pomarine Jaeger | Stercorarius pomarinus |
| ||
66 | /Bonaparte's Gull/ | Chroicocephalus philadelphia |
67 | Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
68 | Laughing Gull | Leucophaeus atricilla |
69 | Common Gull | Larus canus |
70 | /Ring-billed Gull/ | Larus delawarensis |
71 | /American Herring Gull/ | Larus smithsonianus |
72 | Great Black-backed Gull | Larus marinus |
73 | Lesser Black-backed Gull | Larus fuscus |
74 | Brown Noddy | Anous stolidus |
75 | Sooty Tern | Onychoprion fuscatus |
76 | Bridled Tern | Onychoprion anaethetus |
77 | Least Tern | Sternula antillarum |
78 | Gull-billed Tern | Gelochelidon nilotica |
79 | |Black Tern| | Chlidonias niger |
80 | (Roseate Tern) | Sterna dougallii |
81 | Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |
82 | Sandwich Tern | Thalasseus sandvicensis |
83 | Royal Tern | Thalasseus maximus |
| ||
84 | Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus podiceps |
| ||
85 | #White-tailed Tropicbird# | Phaethon lepturus |
86 | #Red-billed Tropicbird# | Phaethon aethereus |
| ||
87 | #Leach's Storm-Petrel# | Hydrobates leucorhoa |
| ||
88 | Cory's Shearwater | Calonectris borealis |
89 | #Great Shearwater# | Ardenna gravis |
90 | Manx Shearwater | Puffinus puffinus |
91 | Sargasso Shearwater | Puffinus lherminieri |
| ||
92 | White Stork | Ciconia ciconia |
| ||
93 | /Magnificent Frigatebird/ | Fregata magnificens |
| ||
94 | Red-footed Booby | Sula sula |
95 | Brown Booby | Sula leucogaster |
96 | Masked Booby | Sula dactylatra |
| ||
97 | Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
| ||
98 | /American Bittern/ | Botaurus lentiginosus |
99 | Least Bittern | Botaurus exilis |
100 | Yellow-crowned Night Heron | Nyctanassa violacea |
101 | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax |
102 | Little Blue Heron | Egretta caerulea |
103 | Tricolored Heron | Egretta tricolor |
104 | Reddish Egret | Egretta rufescens |
105 | Snowy Egret | Egretta thula |
106 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
107 | Green Heron | Butorides virescens |
108 | Western Cattle-Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
109 | Great Egret | Ardea alba |
110 | Gray Heron | Ardea cinerea |
111 | Great Blue Heron | Ardea herodias |
| ||
112 | American White Pelican | Pelecanus erythrorhynchos |
113 | Brown Pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis |
| ||
114 | Osprey | Pandion haliaetus |
| ||
115 | Broad-winged Hawk | Buteo platypterus |
116 | Red-tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis |
| ||
117 | Belted Kingfisher | Megaceryle alcyon |
| ||
118 | American Kestrel | Falco sparverius |
119 | /Merlin/ | Falco columbarius |
120 | Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus |
| ||
121 | Monk Parakeet | Myiopsitta monachus |
122 | Blue-and-yellow Macaw | Ara ararauna |
123 | Scarlet Macaw | Ara macao |
| ||
124 | Caribbean Elaenia | Elaenia martinica |
125 | Lesser Antillean Flycatcher | Myiarchus oberi |
126 | Gray Kingbird | Tyrannus dominicensis |
127 | Fork-tailed Flycatcher | Tyrannus savana |
| ||
128 | /White-eyed Vireo/ | Vireo griseus |
129 | Black-whiskered Vireo | Vireo altiloquus |
| ||
130 | Caribbean Martin | Progne dominicensis |
131 | |Barn Swallow| | Hirundo rustica |
132 | |Cliff Swallow| | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota |
| ||
133 | Scaly-breasted Thrasher | Allenia fusca |
134 | Pearly-eyed Thrasher | Margarops fuscatus |
135 | Brown Trembler | Cinclocerthia ruficauda |
136 | Tropical Mockingbird | Mimus gilvus |
| ||
137 | |Wood Thrush| | Hylocichla mustelina |
| ||
138 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
| ||
139 | Lesser Antillean Euphonia | Chlorophonia flavifrons |
| ||
140 | |Bobolink| | Dolichonyx oryzivorus |
141 | Shiny Cowbird | Molothrus bonariensis |
142 | Carib Grackle | Quiscalus lugubris |
| ||
143 | /Ovenbird/ | Seiurus aurocapilla |
144 | /Northern Waterthrush/ | Parkesia noveboracensis |
145 | /Black-and-white Warbler/ | Mniotilta varia |
146 | /Prothonotary Warbler/ | Protonotaria citrea |
147 | /Common Yellowthroat/ | Geothlypis trichas |
148 | /Hooded Warbler/ | Setophaga citrina |
149 | /American Redstart/ | Setophaga ruticilla |
150 | /Cape May Warbler/ | Setophaga tigrina |
151 | /Northern Parula/ | Setophaga americana |
152 | |Bay-breasted Warbler| | Setophaga castanea |
153 | /Yellow Warbler/ | Setophaga petechia |
154 | |Blackpoll Warbler| | Setophaga striata |
155 | /Black-throated Blue Warbler/ | Setophaga caerulescens |
156 | /Yellow-rumped Warbler/ | Setophaga coronata |
157 | /Prairie Warbler/ | Setophaga discolor |
158 | Barbuda Warbler | Setophaga subita |
159 | /Black-throated Green Warbler/ | Setophaga virens |
| ||
160 | |Scarlet Tanager| | Piranga olivacea |
161 | /Blue Grosbeak/ | Passerina caerulea |
| ||
162 | Grassland Yellow-Finch | Sicalis luteola |
163 | Bananaquit | Coereba flaveola |
164 | Lesser Antillean Bullfinch | Loxigilla noctis |
165 | Black-faced Grassquit | Melanospiza bicolor |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 47 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 0 |
|| | Transient | 14 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 4 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 0 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 2 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 5 |
[] | Accidental | 5 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 9 |
V | Vulnerable | 2 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.