Our specialty is organizing custom birding tours to Central America and South America. We also organize tours to selected countries outside the neotropics where we have expert guides and can offer good prices, including recent offerings to Asia. All tours are led by expert birding guides who live in our destination countries and have local knowledge of where targets and specialties are best observed. Thanks to our low overhead, our prices for 2-person custom tours are similar or even better than group prices of other companies for the same or equivalent itineraries. You can choose one of our suggested itineraries below, modify it to suit your preferences, design your own, or let us design a completely custom tour to meet your particular goals. You choose the dates when you wish to travel, we make the arrangements, you enjoy the tour.
Bhutan Birding Tour - March or April, 2025 - group price $7410 (20 days, 20 nights), $5775 (16 days, 15 nights). 2-person price $8075 (19 days, 19 nights), $6375 (16 days, 15 nights). OUR PRICES INCLUDE THE $100/DAY BHUTAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TAX LEVIED BY THE BHUTAN GOVERNMENT.
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Guyana, Panama, Peru
Bhutan, India, Sri Lanka
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Peru Tours
Highlands, Machu Picchu, & Manu Road (13 Days)
Highlands, Machu Picchu, Manu Road, & Tambopata (19 Days)
Tambopata & Manu Road (17 Days)
Northern Peru Tour (16 Days)
Northern Peru Extended Tour (21 Days)
Central Peru Birding Tour (15 Days)
Central Peru Extended Tour (18 Days)
Bolivia Tours
Bolivia Standard Tour (16 Days)
Bolivia Extended Tour (20 Days)
Bolivia Mega Tour (29 Days)
Guyana Tours
Classic Guyana Birding Tour (10 Days)
Classic Tour & the South (15 Days)
Costa Rica Tours
Classic Hotspots Birding Tour (9 Days)
Grand Birding Tour (16 days)
Mega Birding Tour (21 days)
Panama Tours
Canal Zone Birding Tour (10 Days)
Canal Zone & Chiriqui (13 Days)
Brazil Tours
Southern Amazon & Pantanal (16 Days)
SE Atlantic Forest Birding Tour (16 Days)
SE Atlantic Extended Tour (19 Days)
NE Brazil Tour (14 Days)
Brazil Bahia Tour (14 Days)
Bhutan Tours
Bhutan Standard Tour (16 Days)
Bhutan Extended Tour (20 Days)
India Tours
India Birds & Tigers Tour (18 Days)
Western Ghats India Tour (11 Days)
Western Ghats & Andaman Islands (17 Days)
Northwest India Birding Tour (17 Days)
Sri Lanka Tours
Sri Lanka Birding Tour (14 Days)
Sri Lanka Birding & Pelagics (17 Days)
Colombia Tours
Northern Colombia Birding Tour (9 Days)
Central Colombia Birding Tour (15 Days)
Ecuador Tours
Sacha Lodge Amazon Tour (6 Days)
Sacha Lodge Amazon Tour (7 Days)
Northern Andes Birding Tour (12 Days)
Northern Extended Andes Tour (14 Days)
Southern Ecuador Birding Tour (20 Days)
Argentina Tours
Southern Argentina Tour (18 Days)
Northwest Argentina Tour (18 Days)
§ Includes Sarawak, Sabah, & Kalimantan
§§ Includes Wallacea but excludes Kalimantan (Borneo) and West Papua New Guinea & nearby islands
§§§ Excludes Norfolk Island
§§§§ Includes Papua New Guinea and West Papua Indonesia
January 2025 - 2024 Chile Tour - We've added photos from our 24-day tour to Chile in November 2024.
November 2024 - 2024 Clements Update - The latest update to Clements checklist was recently published and our database has been updated accordingly. An overview including new species and species splits can be found here.
April 2024 - Bhutan Birding Tour - We had a very successful 3-week birding tour to Bhutan with over 300 species seen. In addition to seeing the critically endangered White-bellied Heron, we had great success seeing Satyr Tragopan, Ward's Trogon, and many other specials. We also greatly enjoyed the cultural aspects of the tour, and at a better price than virtually all other birding tours to Bhutan. See our trip report from the General->Trip Reports menu for more details.
December 2023 - India and Sri Lanka Birding Tours - We've added tours to India, an exciting destination that we can offer at very good prices. One tour covers the north including several tiger reserves. Another covers the endemic-rich Western Ghats Mountains. A third covers both the Western Ghats and the remote Andaman Islands in the Bay of Bengal. In addition, we've added a tour to Sri Lanka with optional whale watching, which can be combined with our Western Ghats tour.
December 2023 - Bolivia Birding Tours - We've added three birding tours to Bolivia. Our standard tour covers the usual birding sites between Santa Cruz de la Sierra and La Paz. Our extended tour also visits the less traveled area of Apolo north of La Paz. Our month-long mega tour covers Apolo and the pampas and Amazon lowlands of the Beni region as well.
December 2023 - Bhutan Birding Tours - We've added two birding tours to Bhutan to take advantage of the temporary reduction in the sustainable development tax assessed on all visitors to this incredible country. We can offer this tour at a really good price by using an expert Bhutanese birding guide rather than a foreign national to guide the tours.
November 2023 - West Indies - We've added checklist data for the West Indies.
September 2023 - Central Peru Trip Report - We've added two tours to central Peru and also a trip report of our recent birding tour conducted there in August. Central Peru offers many endemics not possible elsewhere in Peru. It's a superb destination but a bit more challenging due to lack of infrastructure devoted to birders. It's necessary to stay in local moderately priced hotels and sometimes rustic lodges.
April 2023 - Argentina Birding Tours - We're now offering birding tours to Argentina. Our Southern Argentina tour covers the pampas south of Buenos Aires and Patagonia all the way south to Tierra del Fuego. Our Northwest Argentina Tour covers the endemic rich cloud forests, highlands, and chaco of northwestern Argentina all the way to the border with Bolivia.
February 2023 - New Birding Locale Maps Update - We have updated our maps of birding locales for both country pages and tour pages using Google maps.
February 2023 - Target Bird Lists Update - We have updated our lists of target birds with a more restrictive definition. For more information see our ABOUT Checklists page. We have also added species counts for presence, status, distribution, and likelihood of targets being seen code tables on our checklist pages.
January 2023 - Checklist Update - We've updated many of our checklists with more complete data. We've also added new lists of species in accessible locations and also species only likely to be seen by visiting remote areas.
January 2023 - Laura Fellows - The memorial website for my late beloved wife's life was on a website that no longer functions, so it has been added to her biography page under our ABOUT menu.
January 2023 - Bhutan and India - We've added information about birding in Bhutan. We'll be birding Bhutan in April 2024 and may add a tour to this fascinating, out-of-the-way destination thereafter. We've also added information about birding in northern India and will be birding there in March 2025 as well. Read more »
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