# Species*: | 106 |
# Excl Vagrants*: | 106 |
# Endemics*: | 0 |
# Near Endemics*: | 1 |
*Based on partial or incomplete data. |
The table below lists species recorded at this locale but does not indicate frequency of occurrence there. It does indicate whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. The list is based on available data and may be incomplete.*
| ||
1 | Silver Teal | Spatula versicolor |
2 | Cinnamon Teal | Spatula cyanoptera |
| ||
3 | Chaco Chachalaca | Ortalis canicollis |
| ||
4 | Rock Pigeon | Columba livia |
5 | Picazuro Pigeon | Patagioenas picazuro |
6 | Spot-winged Pigeon | Patagioenas maculosa |
7 | Picui Ground Dove | Columbina picui |
8 | White-tipped Dove | Leptotila verreauxi |
9 | Eared Dove | Zenaida auriculata |
| ||
10 | Guira Cuckoo | Guira guira |
| ||
11 | Little Nightjar | Setopagis parvula |
| ||
12 | Andean Swift | Aeronautes andecolus |
| ||
13 | Glittering-bellied Emerald | Chlorostilbon lucidus |
14 | White-bellied Hummingbird | Elliotomyia chionogaster |
| ||
15 | Common Gallinule | Gallinula galeata |
16 | Red-gartered Coot | Fulica armillata |
17 | White-winged Coot | Fulica leucoptera |
| ||
18 | Black-necked Stilt | Himantopus mexicanus |
| ||
19 | Southern Lapwing | Vanellus chilensis |
| ||
20 | Andean Gull | Chroicocephalus serranus |
21 | Black Skimmer | Rynchops niger |
| ||
22 | White-tufted Grebe | Rollandia rolland |
23 | Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus podiceps |
24 | Great Grebe | Podiceps major |
| ||
25 | Neotropic Cormorant | Nannopterum brasilianus |
| ||
26 | White-faced Ibis | Plegadis chihi |
27 | Bare-faced Ibis | Phimosus infuscatus |
28 | Buff-necked Ibis | Theristicus caudatus |
| ||
29 | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax |
30 | Whistling Heron | Syrigma sibilatrix |
31 | Snowy Egret | Egretta thula |
32 | Striated Heron | Butorides striata |
33 | Western Cattle-Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
34 | Great Egret | Ardea alba |
35 | Cocoi Heron | Ardea cocoi |
| ||
36 | Black Vulture | Coragyps atratus |
37 | Turkey Vulture | Cathartes aura |
| ||
38 | White-tailed Kite | Elanus leucurus |
39 | Cinereous Harrier | Circus cinereus |
40 | Snail Kite | Rostrhamus sociabilis |
41 | Roadside Hawk | Rupornis magnirostris |
| ||
42 | Montane Forest Screech-Owl | Megascops hoyi |
43 | Burrowing Owl | Athene cunicularia |
| ||
44 | Ringed Kingfisher | Megaceryle torquata |
45 | Green Kingfisher | Chloroceryle americana |
| ||
46 | White-barred Piculet | Picumnus cirratus |
47 | White-fronted Woodpecker | Melanerpes cactorum |
48 | Checkered Woodpecker | Dryobates mixtus |
49 | Green-barred Woodpecker | Colaptes melanochloros |
| ||
50 | Black-legged Seriema | Chunga burmeisteri |
| ||
51 | Crested Caracara | Caracara cheriway |
52 | Chimango Caracara | Daptrius chimango |
53 | American Kestrel | Falco sparverius |
| ||
54 | Gray-hooded Parakeet | Psilopsiagon aymara |
55 | Scaly-headed Parrot | Pionus maximiliani |
56 | Burrowing Parakeet | Cyanoliseus patagonus |
57 | Mitred Parakeet | Psittacara mitratus |
| ||
58 | Narrow-billed Woodcreeper | Lepidocolaptes angustirostris |
59 | Chaco Earthcreeper | Tarphonomus certhioides |
60 | Rufous Hornero | Furnarius rufus |
61 | White-winged Cinclodes | Cinclodes atacamensis |
62 | Tufted Tit-Spinetail | Leptasthenura platensis |
63 | Cordilleran Canastero | Asthenes modesta |
64 | Stripe-crowned Spinetail | Cranioleuca pyrrhophia |
65 | Sooty-fronted Spinetail | Synallaxis frontalis |
| ||
66 | White-tipped Plantcutter | Phytotoma rutila |
| ||
67 | Cliff Flycatcher | Hirundinea ferruginea |
68 | White-crested Tyrannulet | Serpophaga subcristata |
69 | Greater Wagtail-Tyrant | Stigmatura budytoides |
70 | Black Phoebe | Sayornis nigricans |
71 | White-winged Black-Tyrant | Knipolegus aterrimus |
72 | Cattle Tyrant | Machetornis rixosa |
73 | Great Kiskadee | Pitangus sulphuratus |
74 | Tropical Kingbird | Tyrannus melancholicus |
75 | Fork-tailed Flycatcher | Tyrannus savana |
| ||
76 | Rufous-browed Peppershrike | Cyclarhis gujanensis |
| ||
77 | Plush-crested Jay | Cyanocorax chrysops |
| ||
78 | White-rumped Swallow | Tachycineta leucorrhoa |
79 | Southern Martin | Progne elegans |
80 | Blue-and-white Swallow | Pygochelidon cyanoleuca |
| ||
81 | Masked Gnatcatcher | Polioptila dumicola |
| ||
82 | Southern House Wren | Troglodytes musculus |
| ||
83 | Patagonian Mockingbird | Mimus patagonicus |
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84 | Chiguanco Thrush | Turdus chiguanco |
| ||
85 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
| ||
86 | Purple-throated Euphonia | Euphonia chlorotica |
87 | Hooded Siskin | Spinus magellanicus |
| ||
88 | Rufous-collared Sparrow | Zonotrichia capensis |
| ||
89 | Variable Oriole | Icterus pyrrhopterus |
90 | Screaming Cowbird | Molothrus rufoaxillaris |
91 | Shiny Cowbird | Molothrus bonariensis |
92 | Grayish Baywing | Agelaioides badius |
93 | Chestnut-capped Blackbird | Chrysomus ruficapillus |
| ||
94 | Tropical Parula | Setophaga pitiayumi |
| ||
95 | Summer Tanager | Piranga rubra |
96 | Ultramarine Grosbeak | Cyanoloxia brissonii |
| ||
97 | Red-crested Cardinal | Paroaria coronata |
98 | Blue-and-yellow Tanager | Rauenia bonariensis |
99 | Sayaca Tanager | Thraupis sayaca |
100 | Black-crested Finch | Lophospingus pusillus |
101 | Ringed Warbling Finch | Poospiza torquata |
102 | Black-capped Warbling Finch | Poospiza melanoleuca |
103 | Saffron Finch | Sicalis flaveola |
104 | Band-tailed Seedeater | Catamenia analis |
105 | Red-crested Finch | Coryphospingus cucullatus |
106 | Golden-billed Saltator | Saltator aurantiirostris |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 0 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 0 |
|| | Transient | 0 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 0 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 0 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 0 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 0 |
[] | Accidental | 0 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 0 |
V | Vulnerable | 0 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 0 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.