# Species: | 517 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 424 |
# Endemics: | 12 |
# Near Endemics: | 65 |
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 32 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 0 |
|| | Transient | 1 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 26 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 1 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 6 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 43 |
[] | Accidental | 50 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 37 |
V | Vulnerable | 24 |
EN | Endangered | 9 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 4 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.
List of all species known to occur in the country. Table indicates whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. See sidebar for meaning of location codes and symbols associated with common names.*
| |||
1 | Lesser Rhea | Rhea pennata | CA,LNP,PU,PV,TDP |
| |||
2 | Ornate Tinamou | Nothoprocta ornata | CA,LNP,PU |
3 | Chilean Tinamou | Nothoprocta perdicaria | FS,LCNP,PY,VC |
4 | Andean Tinamou | Nothoprocta pentlandii | |
5 | Darwin's Nothura | Nothura darwinii | |
6 | Elegant Crested-Tinamou | Eudromia elegans | |
7 | Puna Tinamou | Tinamotis pentlandii | CA,LNP,PU |
8 | Patagonian Tinamou | Tinamotis ingoufi | |
| |||
9 | White-faced Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna viduata | |
10 | {Black-bellied Whistling-Duck} | Dendrocygna autumnalis | |
11 | {Fulvous Whistling-Duck} | Dendrocygna bicolor | |
12 | Black-necked Swan | Cygnus melancoryphus | Many |
13 | Coscoroba Swan | Coscoroba coscoroba | CNP,PV,SDR,TDP,VP |
14 | Andean Goose | Oressochen melanoptera | CA,FS,LNP,PU |
15 | Upland Goose | Chloephaga picta | PV,SDR,TDP,VC |
16 | Kelp Goose | Chloephaga hybrida | CNP,PV,SDR |
17 | Ashy-headed Goose | Chloephaga poliocephala | PV,TDP |
18 | Ruddy-headed Goose | Chloephaga rubidiceps | PV |
19 | Flying Steamer-Duck | Tachyeres patachonicus | PV,PY,TDP |
20 | Flightless Steamer-Duck | Tachyeres pteneres | CNP,PV,SDR |
21 | Chiloe Steamer-Duck** | Tachyeres * | |
22 | Crested Duck | Lophonetta specularioides | CA,LNP,PU,PV,TDP |
23 | Spectacled Duck | Speculanas specularis | CNP,PV,TDP,VC |
24 | Muscovy Duck | Cairina moschata | CNP |
25 | Torrent Duck | Merganetta armata | LNP,PU,PY,TDP,VC |
26 | Silver Teal | Spatula versicolor | CNP,PV,TDP |
27 | Puna Teal | Spatula puna | AA,CA,LNP,PU |
28 | {Blue-winged Teal} | Spatula discors | |
29 | Cinnamon Teal | Spatula cyanoptera | Many |
30 | Red Shoveler | Spatula platalea | PV,TDP |
31 | Chiloe Wigeon | Mareca sibilatrix | Many |
32 | White-cheeked Pintail | Anas bahamensis | AA,CA,CH,TDP |
33 | Yellow-billed Pintail | Anas georgica | Many |
34 | Yellow-billed Teal | Anas flavirostris | Many |
35 | [Southern Pochard] | Netta erythrophthalma | |
36 | Rosy-billed Pochard | Netta peposaca | CA,PV,TDP |
37 | Black-headed Duck | Heteronetta atricapilla | TDP |
38 | Ruddy Duck | Oxyura jamaicensis | |
39 | Andean Duck | Oxyura ferruginea | CA,LNP,PU,TDP |
40 | Lake Duck | Oxyura vittata | CNP,TDP |
| |||
41 | California Quail | Callipepla californica | FS,LCNP,PY,VC |
| |||
42 | Rock Pigeon | Columba livia | Many |
43 | [Spot-winged Pigeon] | Patagioenas maculosa | CA,CH,LNP,PU |
44 | Chilean Pigeon | Patagioenas araucana | Many |
45 | [Ruddy Ground Dove] | Columbina talpacoti | |
46 | Picui Ground Dove | Columbina picui | CNP,FS,LCNP,VC,VP |
47 | Croaking Ground Dove | Columbina cruziana | AA,CA,CH,LNP,PU |
48 | Bare-faced Ground Dove | Metriopelia ceciliae | CA,CH,LNP,PU |
49 | Black-winged Ground Dove | Metriopelia melanoptera | Many |
50 | Golden-spotted Ground Dove | Metriopelia aymara | CA,LNP,PU |
51 | West Peruvian Dove | Zenaida meloda | Many |
52 | White-winged Dove | Zenaida asiatica | |
53 | Eared Dove | Zenaida auriculata | Many |
| |||
54 | Groove-billed Ani | Crotophaga sulcirostris | CH |
55 | Dark-billed Cuckoo | Coccyzus melacoryphus | |
56 | [Yellow-billed Cuckoo] | Coccyzus americanus | CH |
| |||
57 | [Lesser Nighthawk] | Chordeiles acutipennis | |
58 | Tschudi's Nightjar | Quechuavis decussata | CH,PU |
59 | Band-winged Nightjar | Systellura longirostris | Many |
| |||
60 | {Chimney Swift} | Chaetura pelagica | CH |
61 | Andean Swift | Aeronautes andecolus | AA,CH,LNP,PU |
| |||
62 | Sparkling Violetear | Colibri coruscans | CA,PU |
63 | Green-backed Firecrown | Sephanoides sephaniodes | Many |
64 | Red-tailed Comet | Sappho sparganurus | |
65 | Andean Hillstar | Oreotrochilus estella | CA,LNP,PU |
66 | White-sided Hillstar | Oreotrochilus leucopleurus | FS,LCNP |
67 | Mountain Velvetbreast | Lafresnaya lafresnayi | |
68 | Giant Hummingbird | Patagona gigas | CA,FS,LCNP,LNP,PU |
69 | Peruvian Sheartail | Thaumastura cora | AA,CH,PU |
70 | Oasis Hummingbird | Rhodopis vesper | AA,CA,CH,PU |
71 | Chilean Woodstar | Eulidia yarrellii | AA,CH |
| |||
72 | Austral Rail | Rallus antarcticus | TDP |
73 | [Spotted Rail] | Pardirallus maculatus | |
74 | Plumbeous Rail | Pardirallus sanguinolentus | Many |
75 | Spot-flanked Gallinule | Porphyriops melanops | CNP,LCNP,PY |
76 | Common Gallinule | Gallinula galeata | AA,CA,CH,LNP |
77 | Red-fronted Coot | Fulica rufifrons | CNP,VP |
78 | Horned Coot | Fulica cornuta | CA,LNP |
79 | Giant Coot | Fulica gigantea | CA,LNP,PU |
80 | Red-gartered Coot | Fulica armillata | CNP,FS,PV,TDP,VP |
81 | Slate-colored Coot | Fulica ardesiaca | CA,LNP,PU |
82 | White-winged Coot | Fulica leucoptera | CNP,PV,TDP |
83 | {Purple Gallinule} | Porphyrio martinica | AA |
84 | Black Rail | Laterallus jamaicensis | |
85 | {Dot-winged Crake} | Laterallus spiloptera | |
| |||
86 | Magellanic Plover | Pluvianellus socialis | PV |
| |||
87 | Snowy Sheathbill | Chionis albus | |
| |||
88 | Peruvian Thick-knee | Hesperoburhinus superciliaris | AA,CH |
| |||
89 | Black-necked Stilt | Himantopus mexicanus | |
90 | White-backed Stilt** | Himantopus melanurus | |
91 | Andean Avocet | Recurvirostra andina | CA,LNP,PU |
| |||
92 | American Oystercatcher | Haematopus palliatus | AA,CNP,IQ,SDR,VP |
93 | Blackish Oystercatcher | Haematopus ater | Many |
94 | Magellanic Oystercatcher | Haematopus leucopodus | CNP,PV,SDR,TDP |
| |||
95 | /Black-bellied Plover/ | Pluvialis squatarola | |
96 | /American Golden-Plover/ | Pluvialis dominica | AA,CA,LNP,PU |
97 | Tawny-throated Dotterel | Oreopholus ruficollis | CA,PV,TDP |
98 | Diademed Sandpiper-Plover | Phegornis mitchellii | CA,FS,LNP,PU |
99 | Rufous-chested Dotterel | Zonibyx modestus | CNP,PV,SDR,TDP |
100 | Killdeer | Charadrius vociferus | AA |
101 | /Semipalmated Plover/ | Charadrius semipalmatus | AA,LNP |
102 | Southern Lapwing | Vanellus chilensis | Many |
103 | Andean Lapwing | Vanellus resplendens | CA,LNP,PU |
104 | [Wilson's Plover] | Anarhynchus wilsonia | |
105 | Collared Plover | Anarhynchus collaris | |
106 | Puna Plover | Anarhynchus alticola | CA,LNP,PU |
107 | Two-banded Plover | Anarhynchus falklandicus | CNP,PV,TDP |
108 | Snowy Plover | Anarhynchus nivosus | AA,CNP |
| |||
109 | Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe | Attagis gayi | CA,LNP,PU,TDP |
110 | White-bellied Seedsnipe | Attagis malouinus | |
111 | Gray-breasted Seedsnipe | Thinocorus orbignyianus | CA,FS,LNP,PU,TDP |
112 | Least Seedsnipe | Thinocorus rumicivorus | CA,CNP,PV,TDP |
| |||
113 | South American Painted-Snipe | Nycticryphes semicollaris | |
| |||
114 | [Wattled Jacana] | Jacana jacana | |
| |||
115 | |Upland Sandpiper| | Bartramia longicauda | AA,CA |
116 | /Whimbrel/ | Numenius phaeopus | Many |
117 | /Hudsonian Godwit/ | Limosa haemastica | CNP,LNP |
118 | {Marbled Godwit} | Limosa fedoa | |
119 | [Short-billed Dowitcher] | Limnodromus griseus | |
120 | Fuegian Snipe | Gallinago stricklandii | |
121 | Noble Snipe | Gallinago nobilis | |
122 | Puna Snipe | Gallinago andina | CA,LNP,PU |
123 | Magellanic Snipe | Gallinago magellanica | CNP,FS,PV,TDP |
124 | /Wilson's Phalarope/ | Phalaropus tricolor | Many |
125 | /Red Phalarope/ | Phalaropus fulicarius | IQ,SDR,VP |
126 | /Red-necked Phalarope/ | Phalaropus lobatus | IQ |
127 | /Spotted Sandpiper/ | Actitis macularius | AA,IQ |
128 | {Solitary Sandpiper} | Tringa solitaria | CA |
129 | {Wandering Tattler} | Tringa incana | |
130 | /Lesser Yellowlegs/ | Tringa flavipes | Many |
131 | /Willet/ | Tringa semipalmata | AA |
132 | /Greater Yellowlegs/ | Tringa melanoleuca | Many |
133 | /Ruddy Turnstone/ | Arenaria interpres | AA,IQ,VP |
134 | Red Knot | Calidris canutus | AA |
135 | /Surfbird/ | Calidris virgata | AA,VP |
136 | /Stilt Sandpiper/ | Calidris himantopus | |
137 | {Buff-breasted Sandpiper} | Calidris subruficollis | |
138 | /Sanderling/ | Calidris alba | AA,CNP,VP |
139 | [Dunlin] | Calidris alpina | |
140 | /Baird's Sandpiper/ | Calidris bairdii | Many |
141 | /White-rumped Sandpiper/ | Calidris fuscicollis | LNP,PV,TDP |
142 | /Least Sandpiper/ | Calidris minutilla | AA,CA |
143 | /Pectoral Sandpiper/ | Calidris melanotos | CA,LNP |
144 | {Western Sandpiper} | Calidris mauri | AA |
145 | /Semipalmated Sandpiper/ | Calidris pusilla | AA |
| |||
146 | #Long-tailed Jaeger# | Stercorarius longicaudus | IQ,VP |
147 | #Parasitic Jaeger# | Stercorarius parasiticus | IQ,SDR,VP |
148 | #Pomarine Jaeger# | Stercorarius pomarinus | IQ,VP |
149 | Great Skua | Stercorarius skua | |
150 | Chilean Skua | Stercorarius chilensis | Many |
151 | Brown Skua | Stercorarius antarcticus | |
152 | South Polar Skua | Stercorarius maccormicki | VP |
| |||
153 | {Swallow-tailed Gull} | Creagrus furcatus | IQ,VP |
154 | {Sabine's Gull} | Xema sabini | IQ,VP |
155 | Andean Gull | Chroicocephalus serranus | AA,CA,CH,LNP,PU |
156 | Brown-hooded Gull | Chroicocephalus maculipennis | Many |
157 | {Gray-hooded Gull} | Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus | AA |
158 | Gray Gull | Leucophaeus modestus | AA,CH,IQ,VP |
159 | Dolphin Gull | Leucophaeus scoresbii | PV,SDR,TDP |
160 | {Laughing Gull} | Leucophaeus atricilla | |
161 | /Franklin's Gull/ | Leucophaeus pipixcan | Many |
162 | Belcher's Gull | Larus belcheri | AA,CH,IQ |
163 | Kelp Gull | Larus dominicanus | Many |
164 | /Black Skimmer/ | Rynchops niger | AA,VP |
165 | #White Tern# | Gygis alba | |
166 | Brown Noddy | Anous stolidus | |
167 | [Black Noddy] | Anous minutus | |
168 | Sooty Tern | Onychoprion fuscatus | IQ |
169 | [Bridled Tern] | Onychoprion anaethetus | |
170 | [Least Tern] | Sternula antillarum | |
171 | Peruvian Tern | Sternula lorata | IQ |
172 | Inca Tern | Larosterna inca | AA,IQ,VP |
173 | [Black Tern] | Chlidonias niger | IQ |
174 | Snowy-crowned Tern | Sterna trudeaui | CNP,SDR,VP |
175 | /Arctic Tern/ | Sterna paradisaea | IQ,VP |
176 | South American Tern | Sterna hirundinacea | Many |
177 | #Antarctic Tern# | Sterna vittata | |
178 | /Common Tern/ | Sterna hirundo | AA,IQ,VP |
179 | /Elegant Tern/ | Thalasseus elegans | AA,CNP,SDR,VP |
180 | {Sandwich Tern} | Thalasseus sandvicensis | |
181 | [Royal Tern] | Thalasseus maximus | |
| |||
182 | Chilean Flamingo | Phoenicopterus chilensis | CA,LNP,PU,PV,TDP |
183 | Andean Flamingo | Phoenicoparrus andinus | CA,LNP,PU |
184 | James's Flamingo | Phoenicoparrus jamesi | CA,LNP,PU |
| |||
185 | White-tufted Grebe | Rollandia rolland | Many |
186 | Pied-billed Grebe | Podilymbus podiceps | CNP,PY,VP |
187 | Great Grebe | Podiceps major | Many |
188 | Silvery Grebe | Podiceps occipitalis | Many |
189 | Hooded Grebe | Podiceps gallardoi | TDP |
| |||
190 | #White-tailed Tropicbird# | Phaethon lepturus | |
191 | Red-billed Tropicbird | Phaethon aethereus | VP |
192 | Red-tailed Tropicbird | Phaethon rubricauda | |
| |||
193 | King Penguin | Aptenodytes patagonicus | PV |
194 | [Emperor Penguin] | Aptenodytes forsteri | |
195 | Gentoo Penguin | Pygoscelis papua | |
196 | Chinstrap Penguin | Pygoscelis antarcticus | |
197 | {Little Penguin} | Eudyptula minor | |
198 | Humboldt Penguin | Spheniscus humboldti | IQ,SDR,VP |
199 | Magellanic Penguin | Spheniscus magellanicus | CNP,PV,SDR,VP |
200 | Macaroni Penguin | Eudyptes chrysolophus | |
201 | Southern Rockhopper Penguin | Eudyptes chrysocome | |
| |||
202 | #Northern Royal Albatross# | Diomedea sanfordi | VP |
203 | #Southern Royal Albatross# | Diomedea epomophora | VP |
204 | #Snowy Albatross# | Diomedea exulans | CNP |
205 | #Antipodean Albatross# | Diomedea antipodensis | VP |
206 | {Waved Albatross} | Phoebastria irrorata | IQ,VP |
207 | [Sooty Albatross] | Phoebetria fusca | |
208 | #Light-mantled Albatross# | Phoebetria palpebrata | |
209 | {Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross} | Thalassarche chlororhynchos | |
210 | Gray-headed Albatross | Thalassarche chrysostoma | VP |
211 | #Buller's Albatross# | Thalassarche bulleri | IQ,VP |
212 | {White-capped Albatross} | Thalassarche cauta | VP |
213 | #Salvin's Albatross# | Thalassarche salvini | CNP,IQ,VP |
214 | #Chatham Albatross# | Thalassarche eremita | IQ,VP |
215 | Black-browed Albatross | Thalassarche melanophris | CNP,IQ,PV,SDR,VP |
| |||
216 | Wilson's Storm-Petrel | Oceanites oceanicus | CNP,IQ,PV,SDR,VP |
217 | Pincoya Storm-Petrel | Oceanites pincoyae | SDR |
218 | #Elliot's Storm-Petrel# | Oceanites gracilis | AA,IQ,VP |
219 | #Gray-backed Storm-Petrel# | Garrodia nereis | VP |
220 | #White-faced Storm-Petrel# | Pelagodroma marina | |
221 | White-bellied Storm-Petrel | Fregetta grallaria | |
222 | #Black-bellied Storm-Petrel# | Fregetta tropica | |
223 | Polynesian Storm-Petrel | Nesofregetta fuliginosa | |
| |||
224 | Ringed Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates hornbyi | IQ |
225 | Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates tethys | IQ |
226 | Markham's Storm-Petrel | Hydrobates markhami | AA,CH,IQ |
| |||
227 | Southern Giant-Petrel | Macronectes giganteus | CNP,IQ,PV,SDR,VP |
228 | #Northern Giant-Petrel# | Macronectes halli | IQ,SDR,VP |
229 | Southern Fulmar | Fulmarus glacialoides | CNP,IQ,PV,SDR,VP |
230 | [Antarctic Petrel] | Thalassoica antarctica | |
231 | Pintado Petrel | Daption capense | IQ,PV,VP |
232 | {Kerguelen Petrel} | Aphrodroma brevirostris | |
233 | Great-winged Petrel | Pterodroma macroptera | |
234 | Kermadec Petrel | Pterodroma neglecta | |
235 | Trindade Petrel | Pterodroma arminjoniana | |
236 | #White-headed Petrel# | Pterodroma lessonii | |
237 | {Mottled Petrel} | Pterodroma inexpectata | |
238 | Juan Fernandez Petrel | Pterodroma externa | SDR,VP |
239 | #Cook's Petrel# | Pterodroma cookii | |
240 | Masatierra Petrel | Pterodroma defilippiana | IQ,VP |
241 | Gould's Petrel | Pterodroma leucoptera | |
242 | Stejneger's Petrel | Pterodroma longirostris | |
243 | Blue Petrel | Halobaena caerulea | |
244 | [Fairy Prion] | Pachyptila turtur | |
245 | Broad-billed Prion | Pachyptila vittata | |
246 | Antarctic Prion | Pachyptila desolata | |
247 | Slender-billed Prion | Pachyptila belcheri | CNP,VP |
248 | #Gray Petrel# | Procellaria cinerea | |
249 | #White-chinned Petrel# | Procellaria aequinoctialis | CNP,IQ,PV,SDR,VP |
250 | {Parkinson's Petrel} | Procellaria parkinsoni | |
251 | #Westland Petrel# | Procellaria westlandica | CNP,IQ,VP |
252 | Pink-footed Shearwater | Ardenna creatopus | CNP,IQ,SDR,VP |
253 | [Flesh-footed Shearwater] | Ardenna carneipes | |
254 | #Great Shearwater# | Ardenna gravis | VP |
255 | #Buller's Shearwater# | Ardenna bulleri | VP |
256 | Sooty Shearwater | Ardenna griseus | Many |
257 | {Manx Shearwater} | Puffinus puffinus | IQ,SDR,VP |
258 | {Subantarctic Shearwater} | Puffinus elegans | VP |
259 | Peruvian Diving-Petrel | Pelecanoides garnotii | AA,IQ,VP |
260 | Common Diving-Petrel | Pelecanoides urinatrix | |
261 | Magellanic Diving-Petrel | Pelecanoides magellani | PV,SDR |
| |||
262 | [Maguari Stork] | Ciconia maguari | |
263 | [Wood Stork] | Mycteria americana | |
| |||
264 | Magnificent Frigatebird | Fregata magnificens | |
265 | Great Frigatebird | Fregata minor | |
| |||
266 | {Red-footed Booby} | Sula sula | |
267 | {Brown Booby} | Sula leucogaster | IQ |
268 | Masked Booby | Sula dactylatra | VP |
269 | Blue-footed Booby | Sula nebouxii | |
270 | Peruvian Booby | Sula variegata | Many |
| |||
271 | Red-legged Cormorant | Poikilocarbo gaimardi | AA,CNP,IQ,SDR,VP |
272 | Neotropic Cormorant | Nannopterum brasilianus | Many |
273 | Magellanic Cormorant | Leucocarbo magellanicus | CNP,PV,SDR,TDP |
274 | Guanay Cormorant | Leucocarbo bougainvilliorum | AA,IQ,VP |
275 | Imperial Cormorant | Leucocarbo atriceps | CNP,PV,SDR,TDP |
| |||
276 | White-faced Ibis | Plegadis chihi | CNP,PY |
277 | Puna Ibis | Plegadis ridgwayi | CA,CH,LNP,PU |
278 | Plumbeous Ibis | Theristicus caerulescens | |
279 | Buff-necked Ibis | Theristicus caudatus | |
280 | Black-faced Ibis | Theristicus melanopis | Many |
281 | /Andean Ibis/ | Theristicus branickii | CH,PU |
282 | {Roseate Spoonbill} | Platalea ajaja | AA |
| |||
283 | Stripe-backed Bittern | Botaurus involucris | |
284 | Least Bittern | Botaurus exilis | |
285 | {Yellow-crowned Night Heron} | Nyctanassa violacea | |
286 | Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax | Many |
287 | Little Blue Heron | Egretta caerulea | AA,CA,CH,LNP,PU |
288 | /Tricolored Heron/ | Egretta tricolor | |
289 | Snowy Egret | Egretta thula | Many |
290 | {Striated Heron} | Butorides striata | |
291 | Western Cattle-Egret | Bubulcus ibis | Many |
292 | Great Egret | Ardea alba | Many |
293 | Cocoi Heron | Ardea cocoi | LCNP,VC |
| |||
294 | {Brown Pelican} | Pelecanus occidentalis | |
295 | Peruvian Pelican | Pelecanus thagus | AA,CNP,IQ,SDR,VP |
| |||
296 | Andean Condor | Vultur gryphus | Many |
297 | Black Vulture | Coragyps atratus | Many |
298 | Turkey Vulture | Cathartes aura | Many |
299 | Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture | Cathartes burrovianus | |
| |||
300 | /Osprey/ | Pandion haliaetus | |
| |||
301 | White-tailed Kite | Elanus leucurus | Many |
302 | Chilean Hawk | Astur chilensis | Many |
303 | {Long-winged Harrier} | Circus buffoni | |
304 | Cinereous Harrier | Circus cinereus | Many |
305 | [Roadside Hawk] | Rupornis magnirostris | CA |
306 | Harris's Hawk | Parabuteo unicinctus | Many |
307 | Variable Hawk | Geranoaetus polyosoma | Many |
308 | Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle | Geranoaetus melanoleucus | Many |
309 | White-throated Hawk | Buteo albigula | Many |
310 | {Swainson's Hawk} | Buteo swainsoni | |
311 | Rufous-tailed Hawk | Buteo ventralis | PY,TDP |
| |||
312 | American Barn Owl | Tyto furcata | Many |
| |||
313 | Lesser Horned Owl | Bubo magellanicus | Many |
314 | Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium brasilianum | |
315 | Austral Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium nana | Many |
316 | Peruvian Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium peruanum | CH,PU |
317 | Burrowing Owl | Athene cunicularia | AA,CA,CH,LCNP,PU |
318 | Rufous-legged Owl | Strix rufipes | CNP,LCNP,PY,TDP,VC |
319 | Short-eared Owl | Asio flammeus | CNP,PV,PY,TDP |
| |||
320 | Ringed Kingfisher | Megaceryle torquata | CNP,PY,SDR,TDP |
321 | [Green Kingfisher] | Chloroceryle americana | |
| |||
322 | Striped Woodpecker | Veniliornis lignarius | Many |
323 | Magellanic Woodpecker | Campephilus magellanicus | CNP,PY,TDP,VC |
324 | Chilean Flicker | Colaptes pitius | Many |
325 | Andean Flicker | Colaptes rupicola | CA,LNP,PU |
| |||
326 | [Laughing Falcon] | Herpetotheres cachinnans | |
327 | Crested Caracara | Caracara cheriway | Many |
328 | Chimango Caracara | Daptrius chimango | Many |
329 | Mountain Caracara | Daptrius megalopterus | Many |
330 | White-throated Caracara | Daptrius albogularis | TDP |
331 | Striated Caracara | Daptrius australis | |
332 | American Kestrel | Falco sparverius | Many |
333 | Aplomado Falcon | Falco femoralis | Many |
334 | [Orange-breasted Falcon] | Falco deiroleucus | CA |
335 | Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | Many |
| |||
336 | Gray-hooded Parakeet | Psilopsiagon aymara | |
337 | Mountain Parakeet | Psilopsiagon aurifrons | CA,FS,LNP,PU |
338 | Monk Parakeet | Myiopsitta monachus | CA,FS,LCNP |
339 | Austral Parakeet | Enicognathus ferrugineus | CNP,PY,TDP,VC |
340 | Slender-billed Parakeet | Enicognathus leptorhynchus | CNP,PY |
341 | Burrowing Parakeet | Cyanoliseus patagonus | VC |
| |||
342 | Chestnut-throated Huet-huet | Pteroptochos castaneus | VC |
343 | Black-throated Huet-huet | Pteroptochos tarnii | CNP,PY |
344 | Moustached Turca | Pteroptochos megapodius | FS,LCNP |
345 | White-throated Tapaculo | Scelorchilus albicollis | FS,LCNP |
346 | Chucao Tapaculo | Scelorchilus rubecula | CNP,PY,VC |
347 | Ochre-flanked Tapaculo | Eugralla paradoxa | CNP,PY |
348 | Dusky Tapaculo | Scytalopus fuscus | FS,LCNP,VC |
349 | Magellanic Tapaculo | Scytalopus magellanicus | CNP,FS,PY,TDP,VC |
| |||
350 | Slender-billed Miner | Geositta tenuirostris | |
351 | Common Miner | Geositta cunicularia | LNP,PU,PV,PY,TDP |
352 | Puna Miner | Geositta punensis | CA,LNP,PU |
353 | Rufous-banded Miner | Geositta rufipennis | CA,FS,LCNP,TDP |
354 | Grayish Miner | Geositta maritima | AA,CA,CH,LNP,PU |
355 | Short-billed Miner | Geositta antarctica | PV,TDP |
356 | Creamy-rumped Miner | Geositta isabellina | CA,FS |
357 | White-throated Treerunner | Pygarrhichas albogularis | CNP,LCNP,PY,TDP,VC |
358 | [Rock Earthcreeper] | Ochetorhynchus andaecola | |
359 | Straight-billed Earthcreeper | Ochetorhynchus ruficaudus | CA,LNP,PU |
360 | Band-tailed Earthcreeper | Ochetorhynchus phoenicurus | TDP |
361 | Crag Chilia | Ochetorhynchus melanurus | FS,LCNP |
362 | Wren-like Rushbird | Phleocryptes melanops | CA,CNP,TDP |
363 | Patagonian Forest Earthcreeper | Upucerthia saturatior | CNP,LCNP |
364 | Scale-throated Earthcreeper | Upucerthia dumetaria | Many |
365 | White-throated Earthcreeper | Upucerthia albigula | LNP,PU |
366 | Buff-breasted Earthcreeper | Upucerthia validirostris | LNP,PU |
367 | Buff-winged Cinclodes | Cinclodes fuscus | Many |
368 | Blackish Cinclodes | Cinclodes antarcticus | |
369 | Cream-winged Cinclodes | Cinclodes albiventris | CA,LNP,PU |
370 | Gray-flanked Cinclodes | Cinclodes oustaleti | Many |
371 | White-winged Cinclodes | Cinclodes atacamensis | CA,LNP,PU |
372 | Dark-bellied Cinclodes | Cinclodes patagonicus | Many |
373 | Seaside Cinclodes | Cinclodes nigrofumosus | AA,VP |
374 | Thorn-tailed Rayadito | Aphrastura spinicauda | Many |
375 | Masafuera Rayadito | Aphrastura masafuerae | |
376 | Des Murs's Wiretail | Sylviorthorhynchus desmursii | CNP,LCNP,PY,VC |
377 | Plain-mantled Tit-Spinetail | Leptasthenura aegithaloides | Many |
378 | Streaked Tit-Spinetail | Leptasthenura striata | CA,LNP,PU |
379 | Andean Tit-Spinetail | Leptasthenura andicola | |
380 | Creamy-breasted Canastero | Asthenes dorbignyi | LNP,PU |
381 | Dark-winged Canastero** | Asthenes arequipae | |
382 | Austral Canastero | Asthenes anthoides | PV,TDP |
383 | Cordilleran Canastero | Asthenes modesta | Many |
384 | Sharp-billed Canastero | Asthenes pyrrholeuca | FS,LCNP,TDP |
385 | Canyon Canastero | Asthenes pudibunda | LNP,PU |
386 | Dusky-tailed Canastero | Pseudasthenes humicola | FS,LCNP |
| |||
387 | Rufous-tailed Plantcutter | Phytotoma rara | Many |
| |||
388 | Many-colored Rush Tyrant | Tachuris rubrigastra | CA,CNP,TDP |
389 | Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant | Anairetes reguloides | CH,PU |
390 | Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant | Anairetes flavirostris | CH,LNP,PU |
391 | Tufted Tit-Tyrant | Anairetes parulus | Many |
392 | Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant | Anairetes fernandezianus | |
393 | Ticking Doradito | Pseudocolopteryx citreola | |
394 | Yellow-bellied Elaenia | Elaenia flavogaster | |
395 | White-crested Elaenia | Elaenia albiceps | Many |
396 | Chilean Elaenia** | Elaenia chilensis | |
397 | Rufescent Flycatcher | Myiophobus rufescens | AA,CH,PU |
398 | [Western Wood-Pewee] | Contopus sordidulus | CH |
399 | Vermilion Flycatcher | Pyrocephalus rubinus | AA,CA,CH,PU |
400 | Austral Negrito | Lessonia rufa | CNP,LCNP,PV,PY,TDP |
401 | Andean Negrito | Lessonia oreas | CA,LNP,PU |
402 | Spectacled Tyrant | Hymenops perspicillatus | CA,CNP,TDP,VC |
403 | Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola maculirostris | Many |
404 | Puna Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola juninensis | CA,LNP,PU |
405 | Cinereous Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola cinereus | CA,FS,LNP |
406 | White-fronted Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola albifrons | LNP,PU |
407 | Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola flavinucha | Many |
408 | Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola rufivertex | CA,FS,LNP,PU |
409 | Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola maclovianus | Many |
410 | White-browed Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola albilora | CA,FS,PY,TDP |
411 | Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola alpinus | |
412 | Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola capistratus | CA,FS,PU,PV,TDP |
413 | Black-fronted Ground-Tyrant | Muscisaxicola frontalis | CA,FS,PU |
414 | [Rufous-webbed Bush-Tyrant] | Cnemarchus rufipennis | |
415 | Fire-eyed Diucon | Pyrope pyrope | Many |
416 | Chocolate-vented Tyrant | Neoxolmis rufiventris | PV,TDP |
417 | Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant | Agriornis montanus | Many |
418 | White-tailed Shrike-Tyrant | Agriornis albicauda | CA,LNP,PU |
419 | Great Shrike-Tyrant | Agriornis lividus | FS,LCNP,PY,TDP |
420 | Gray-bellied Shrike-Tyrant | Agriornis micropterus | CA,CH,LNP,PU,TDP |
421 | Patagonian Tyrant | Colorhamphus parvirostris | Many |
422 | d'Orbigny's Chat-Tyrant | Ochthoeca oenanthoides | LNP,PU |
423 | White-browed Chat-Tyrant | Ochthoeca leucophrys | LNP,PU |
424 | {Short-tailed Field Tyrant} | Muscigralla brevicauda | |
425 | [Rufous Casiornis] | Casiornis rufus | PU |
426 | [Great Kiskadee] | Pitangus sulphuratus | CA |
427 | [Streaked Flycatcher] | Myiodynastes maculatus | |
428 | {Tropical Kingbird} | Tyrannus melancholicus | CA,PU |
429 | {Eastern Kingbird} | Tyrannus tyrannus | CA,CH |
430 | [Fork-tailed Flycatcher] | Tyrannus savana | CA |
| |||
431 | Rufous-browed Peppershrike | Cyclarhis gujanensis | |
432 | Red-eyed Vireo | Vireo olivaceus | |
| |||
433 | /Bank Swallow/ | Riparia riparia | CA,CH,LNP,PU,TDP |
434 | (Chilean Swallow) | Tachycineta leucopyga | Many |
435 | {Gray-breasted Martin} | Progne chalybea | |
436 | [Southern Martin] | Progne elegans | CA |
437 | {Peruvian Martin} | Progne murphyi | |
438 | {Brown-chested Martin} | Progne tapera | CH |
439 | (Blue-and-white Swallow) | Pygochelidon cyanoleuca | Many |
440 | [Tawny-headed Swallow] | Alopochelidon fucata | |
441 | Andean Swallow | Orochelidon andecola | AA,CA,LNP,PU |
442 | /Barn Swallow/ | Hirundo rustica | Many |
443 | /Cliff Swallow/ | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | CA,CH,LNP,PU |
| |||
444 | Southern House Wren | Troglodytes musculus | Many |
445 | Grass Wren | Cistothorus platensis | CNP,LNP,PV,PY,TDP |
| |||
446 | Chilean Mockingbird | Mimus thenca | CNP,FS,LCNP,PY,VC |
447 | Patagonian Mockingbird | Mimus patagonicus | TDP |
448 | Chalk-browed Mockingbird | Mimus saturninus | |
449 | [White-banded Mockingbird] | Mimus triurus | CA |
450 | Brown-backed Mockingbird | Mimus dorsalis | |
| |||
451 | [Veery] | Catharus fuscescens | |
452 | {Swainson's Thrush} | Catharus ustulatus | CA,PU |
453 | Austral Thrush | Turdus falcklandii | Many |
454 | [Creamy-bellied Thrush] | Turdus amaurochalinus | CA,CH,PU |
455 | Chiguanco Thrush | Turdus chiguanco | AA,CA,CH,LNP,PU |
| |||
456 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | Many |
| |||
457 | {Yellowish Pipit} | Anthus chii | |
458 | Peruvian Pipit | Anthus peruvianus | |
459 | Correndera Pipit | Anthus correndera | Many |
460 | Hellmayr's Pipit | Anthus hellmayri | |
| |||
461 | (Thick-billed Siskin) | Spinus crassirostris | FS,PU |
462 | Hooded Siskin | Spinus magellanicus | AA,CH,LNP,PU |
463 | Black Siskin | Spinus atratus | CA,LNP,PU |
464 | (Yellow-rumped Siskin) | Spinus uropygialis | CA,FS,LNP,PU |
465 | Black-chinned Siskin | Spinus barbatus | Many |
| |||
466 | Rufous-collared Sparrow | Zonotrichia capensis | Many |
| |||
467 | {Bobolink} | Dolichonyx oryzivorus | |
468 | [White-browed Meadowlark] | Leistes superciliaris | |
469 | Peruvian Meadowlark | Leistes bellicosa | AA,CH,LNP,PU |
470 | Long-tailed Meadowlark | Leistes loyca | Many |
471 | [Baltimore Oriole] | Icterus galbula | |
472 | Screaming Cowbird | Molothrus rufoaxillaris | |
473 | Shiny Cowbird | Molothrus bonariensis | Many |
474 | Austral Blackbird | Curaeus curaeus | Many |
475 | [Grayish Baywing] | Agelaioides badius | |
476 | Yellow-winged Blackbird | Agelasticus thilius | CNP,LCNP,TDP,VC |
477 | [Chestnut-capped Blackbird] | Chrysomus ruficapillus | |
| |||
478 | [Northern Waterthrush] | Parkesia noveboracensis | |
479 | [Tennessee Warbler] | Leiothlypis peregrina | PU |
480 | {American Redstart} | Setophaga ruticilla | PU |
481 | [Blackburnian Warbler] | Setophaga fusca | CA |
482 | [Blackpoll Warbler] | Setophaga striata | |
483 | [Black-throated Green Warbler] | Setophaga virens | PU |
| |||
484 | [Summer Tanager] | Piranga rubra | |
485 | [Black-backed Grosbeak] | Pheucticus aureoventris | AA |
| |||
486 | [Red-crested Cardinal] | Paroaria coronata | |
487 | Blue-and-yellow Tanager | Rauenia bonariensis | CA,CH,LNP,PU |
488 | Giant Conebill | Conirostrum binghami | |
489 | Tamarugo Conebill | Conirostrum tamarugense | CA,CH,PU |
490 | Cinereous Conebill | Conirostrum cinereum | AA,CH,LNP,PU |
491 | Black-throated Flowerpiercer | Diglossa brunneiventris | LNP,PU |
492 | Black-hooded Sierra Finch | Phrygilus atriceps | CA,LNP,PU |
493 | Gray-hooded Sierra Finch | Phrygilus gayi | FS,LCNP,PV,TDP,VC |
494 | Patagonian Sierra Finch | Phrygilus patagonicus | Many |
495 | Red-backed Sierra Finch | Idiopsar dorsalis | CA |
496 | White-throated Sierra Finch | Idiopsar erythronotus | LNP,PU |
497 | Glacier Finch | Idiopsar speculifera | LNP,PU |
498 | Common Diuca-Finch | Diuca diuca | Many |
499 | (White-bridled Finch) | Melanodera melanodera | PV |
500 | (Yellow-bridled Finch) | Melanodera xanthogramma | FS,PY,TDP |
501 | Plumbeous Sierra Finch | Geospizopsis unicolor | CA,FS,LNP,PU,TDP |
502 | Ash-breasted Sierra Finch | Geospizopsis plebejus | CA,LNP,PU |
503 | Slender-billed Finch | Xenospingus concolor | AA,CA,CH,PU |
504 | Band-tailed Sierra Finch | Porphyrospiza alaudinus | FS,LCNP,PU,VC |
505 | Mourning Sierra Finch | Rhopospina fruticeti | Many |
506 | Puna Yellow-Finch | Sicalis lutea | |
507 | Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch | Sicalis uropygialis | CA,LNP,PU |
508 | Greater Yellow-Finch | Sicalis auriventris | CA,FS |
509 | Greenish Yellow-Finch | Sicalis olivascens | CA,CH,LNP,PU |
510 | Patagonian Yellow-Finch | Sicalis lebruni | PV,TDP |
511 | Grassland Yellow-Finch | Sicalis luteola | Many |
512 | &Raimondi's Yellow-Finchl | Sicalis raimondii | CH |
513 | Blue-black Grassquit | Volatinia jacarina | AA,CH,PU |
514 | Chestnut-throated Seedeater | Sporophila telasco | AA,CH,PU |
515 | Band-tailed Seedeater | Catamenia analis | CH,LNP,PU |
516 | Plain-colored Seedeater | Catamenia inornata | |
517 | Golden-billed Saltator | Saltator aurantiirostris | PU |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Locale | # Species |
Arica Area | 90 |
Calama Area | 147 |
Chaca Area | 80 |
Chiloe National Park | 135 |
Farellones | 94 |
Iquique Pelagics | 60 |
La Campana National Park | 91 |
Lauca National Park | 116 |
Porvenir | 99 |
Putre | 139 |
Puyehve | 95 |
Seno de Reloncavi | 62 |
Torres del Paine National Park | 140 |
Valparaiso Pelagics | 102 |
Vilches | 80 |
Total Species | 517 |
Number of species in each locale may be based on incomplete data. Also, some locales are important for specific target species rather than overall bird diversity. Hence, it does not provide an indication of which locales are the best birding sites.