Accessible Species
Area (SqMi): | 439,733 |
# Species: | 1907 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 1829 |
# Endemics: | 94 |
# Near Endemics: | 187 |
Species/1000 SqMi: | 4.2 |
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 83 |
LC | Local | 62 |
NE | Near Endemic | 140 |
RR | Restricted Range | 142 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 76 |
V | Vulnerable | 51 |
EN | Endangered | 22 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 5 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.
List of all specialty birds in the country occurring in locales typically visited by birding tours. Specialties include endemics and globally threatened, vulnerable or endangered. Table indicates whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. See sidebar for meaning of location codes and symbols associated with common names.*
1 | Gray Tinamou | Tinamus tao | RR | V |
2 | Berlepsch's Tinamou | Crypturellus berlepschi | NE | |
3 | Choco Tinamou | Crypturellus kerriae | NE | V |
4 | Northern Screamer | Chauna chavaria | NE | NT |
5 | Comb Duck | Sarkidiornis sylvicola | LC | |
6 | Orinoco Goose | Oressochen jubata | LC | NT |
7 | Muscovy Duck | Cairina moschata | LC | |
8 | White-cheeked Pintail | Anas bahamensis | RR | |
9 | (Yellow-billed Pintail) | Anas georgica | RR | |
10 | Chestnut-winged Chachalaca | Ortalis garrula | E | |
11 | Rufous-headed Chachalaca | Ortalis erythroptera | NE | V |
12 | Colombian Chachalaca | Ortalis columbiana | E | |
13 | Band-tailed Guan | Penelope argyrotis | NE | |
14 | Baudo Guan | Penelope ortoni | NE | EN |
15 | Crested Guan | Penelope purpurascens | NT | |
16 | Cauca Guan | Penelope perspicax | E | V |
17 | Wattled Guan | Aburria aburri | RR | NT |
18 | Great Curassow | Crax rubra | V | |
19 | Blue-billed Curassow | Crax alberti | E | CR |
20 | Tawny-faced Quail | Rhynchortyx cinctus | LC | NT |
21 | Black-fronted Wood-Quail | Odontophorus atrifrons | NE | V |
22 | Rufous-fronted Wood-Quail | Odontophorus erythrops | NE | |
23 | Chestnut Wood-Quail | Odontophorus hyperythrus | E | |
24 | Gorgeted Wood-Quail | Odontophorus strophium | E | V |
25 | Bare-eyed Pigeon | Patagioenas corensis | NE | |
26 | Dusky Pigeon | Patagioenas goodsoni | NE | |
27 | Purple Quail-Dove | Geotrygon purpurata | NE | EN |
28 | Violaceous Quail-Dove | Geotrygon violacea | LC | |
29 | Gray-chested Dove | Leptotila cassinii | RR | |
30 | Tolima Dove | Leptotila conoveri | E | NT |
31 | Pallid Dove | Leptotila pallida | ||
32 | Lined Quail-Dove | Zentrygon linearis | RR | |
33 | Short-tailed Nighthawk | Lurocalis semitorquatus | LC | |
34 | Swallow-tailed Nightjar | Uropsalis segmentata | LC | |
35 | Lyre-tailed Nightjar | Uropsalis lyra | LC | |
36 | White-tailed Nightjar | Hydropsalis cayennensis | RR | |
37 | Choco Poorwill | Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi | NE | |
38 | /Chuck-will's-widow/ | Antrostomus carolinensis | NT | |
39 | Oilbird | Steatornis caripensis | LC | |
40 | White-chinned Swift | Cypseloides cryptus | LC | |
41 | |Chimney Swift| | Chaetura pelagica | V | |
42 | White-tipped Swift | Aeronautes montivagus | LC | |
43 | White-whiskered Hermit | Phaethornis yaruqui | NE | |
44 | Sooty-capped Hermit | Phaethornis augusti | LC | |
45 | White-throated Daggerbill | Schistes albogularis | NE | |
46 | Tooth-billed Hummingbird | Androdon aequatorialis | LC | |
47 | Green-breasted Mango | Anthracothorax prevostii | LC | |
48 | Longuemare's Sunangel | Heliangelus clarisse | E | |
49 | Tourmaline Sunangel | Heliangelus exortis | NE | |
50 | Rufous-crested Coquette | Lophornis delattrei | RR | |
51 | Violet-tailed Sylph | Aglaiocercus coelestis | NE | |
52 | Mountain Avocetbill | Opisthoprora euryptera | LC | |
53 | Black-tailed Trainbearer | Lesbia victoriae | RR | |
54 | Green-tailed Trainbearer | Lesbia nuna | RR | |
55 | Black-backed Thornbill | Ramphomicron dorsale | E | EN |
56 | Bronze-tailed Thornbill | Chalcostigma heteropogon | NE | |
57 | Rainbow-bearded Thornbill | Chalcostigma herrani | LC | |
58 | Buffy Helmetcrest | Oxypogon stuebelii | E | V |
59 | Green-bearded Helmetcrest | Oxypogon guerinii | E | |
60 | Perija Metaltail | Metallura iracunda | NE | EN |
61 | Viridian Metaltail | Metallura williami | NE | |
62 | Hoary Puffleg | Haplophaedia lugens | NE | NT |
63 | Glowing Puffleg | Eriocnemis vestita | RR | |
64 | Black-thighed Puffleg | Eriocnemis derbyi | NE | NT |
65 | Coppery-bellied Puffleg | Eriocnemis cupreoventris | NE | NT |
66 | Golden-breasted Puffleg | Eriocnemis mosquera | NE | |
67 | Emerald-bellied Puffleg | Eriocnemis aline | LC | |
68 | Shining Sunbeam | Aglaeactis cupripennis | RR | |
69 | Brown Inca | Coeligena wilsoni | NE | |
70 | Black Inca | Coeligena prunellei | E | V |
71 | White-tailed Starfrontlet | Coeligena phalerata | E | NT |
72 | Dusky Starfrontlet | Coeligena orina | E | EN |
73 | Buff-winged Starfrontlet | Coeligena lutetiae | RR | |
74 | Perija Starfrontlet | Coeligena consita | NE | EN |
75 | Golden-bellied Starfrontlet | Coeligena bonapartei | E | |
76 | Blue-throated Starfrontlet | Coeligena helianthea | NE | |
77 | Sword-billed Hummingbird | Ensifera ensifera | LC | |
78 | Velvet-purple Coronet | Boissonneaua jardini | NE | |
79 | Rufous-gaped Hillstar | Urochroa bougueri | NE | |
80 | Purple-bibbed Whitetip | Urosticte benjamini | NE | |
81 | Empress Brilliant | Heliodoxa imperatrix | NE | |
82 | Santa Marta Woodstar | Chaetocercus astreans | E | |
83 | Rufous-shafted Woodstar | Chaetocercus jourdanii | RR | |
84 | &Purple-throated Woodstarl | Philodice mitchellii | NE | |
85 | Red-billed Emerald | Chlorostilbon gibsoni | NE | |
86 | Short-tailed Emerald | Chlorostilbon poortmani | NE | |
87 | Coppery Emerald | Chlorostilbon russatus | NE | |
88 | Western Emerald | Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus | NE | |
89 | Violet-headed Hummingbird | Klais guimeti | RR | |
90 | Santa Marta Blossomcrown | Anthocephala floriceps | E | V |
91 | Tolima Blossomcrown | Anthocephala berlepschi | E | V |
92 | Lazuline Sabrewing | Campylopterus falcatus | LC | |
93 | Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer | Chalybura urochrysia | RR | |
94 | Scaly-breasted Hummingbird | Phaeochroa cuvierii | RR | |
95 | Buffy Hummingbird | Leucippus fallax | NE | |
96 | Steely-vented Hummingbird | Saucerottia saucerottei | NE | |
97 | Indigo-capped Hummingbird | Saucerottia cyanifrons | E | |
98 | Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird | Saucerottia castaneiventris | E | NT |
99 | Shining-green Hummingbird | Chrysuronia goudoti | NE | |
100 | Sapphire-throated Hummingbird | Chrysuronia coeruleogularis | RR | |
101 | Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird | Chrysuronia lilliae | E | EN |
102 | Blue-headed Sapphire | Chrysuronia grayi | NE | |
103 | Purple-chested Hummingbird | Polyerata rosenbergi | NE | |
104 | Bogota Rail | Rallus semiplumbeus | E | V |
105 | Paint-billed Crake | Mustelirallus erythrops | LC | |
106 | Spotted Rail | Pardirallus maculatus | RR | |
107 | Blackish Rail | Pardirallus nigricans | RR | |
108 | Uniform Crake | Amaurolimnas concolor | RR | |
109 | Brown Wood-Rail | Aramides wolfi | NE | V |
110 | Rufous-necked Wood-Rail | Aramides axillaris | LC | |
111 | Spot-flanked Gallinule | Porphyriops melanops | LC | |
112 | Yellow-breasted Crake | Laterallus flaviventer | LC | |
113 | Andean Lapwing | Vanellus resplendens | RR | |
114 | Giant Snipe | Gallinago undulata | LC | |
115 | Noble Snipe | Gallinago nobilis | NT | |
116 | Red Knot | Calidris canutus | NT | |
117 | Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea | NT | |
118 | Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Calidris subruficollis | NT | |
119 | /Semipalmated Sandpiper/ | Calidris pusilla | NT | |
120 | Elegant Tern | Thalasseus elegans | NT | |
121 | Humboldt Penguin | Spheniscus humboldti | V | |
122 | Galapagos Petrel | Pterodroma phaeopygia | CR | |
123 | Westland Petrel | Procellaria westlandica | EN | |
124 | Sooty Shearwater | Ardenna griseus | NT | |
125 | Agami Heron | Agamia agami | V | |
126 | Pinnated Bittern | Botaurus pinnatus | LC | |
127 | Stripe-backed Bittern | Botaurus involucris | RR | |
128 | Reddish Egret | Egretta rufescens | NT | |
129 | Andean Condor | Vultur gryphus | RR | V |
130 | Ornate Hawk-Eagle | Spizaetus ornatus | NT | |
131 | Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle | Spizaetus melanoleucus | LC | |
132 | Black-and-chestnut Eagle | Spizaetus isidori | LC | EN |
133 | Crested Eagle | Morphnus guianensis | NT | |
134 | Harpy Eagle | Harpia harpyja | LC | V |
135 | Semicollared Hawk | Microspizias collaris | LC | |
136 | Barred Hawk | Morphnarchus princeps | LC | |
137 | Plumbeous Hawk | Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea | NT | |
138 | Solitary Eagle | Buteogallus solitarius | LC | NT |
139 | Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle | Geranoaetus melanoleucus | RR | |
140 | White-throated Hawk | Buteo albigula | RR | |
141 | Rufescent Screech-Owl | Megascops ingens | RR | |
142 | Santa Marta Screech-Owl | Megascops gilesi | E | V |
143 | Cloud-forest Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium nubicola | NE | V |
144 | Black-and-white Owl | Strix nigrolineata | LC | |
145 | Black-banded Owl | Strix huhula | LC | |
146 | Rufous-banded Owl | Strix albitarsis | RR | |
147 | Stygian Owl | Asio stygius | LC | |
148 | White-tipped Quetzal | Pharomachrus fulgidus | NE | |
149 | Blue-tailed Trogon | Trogon comptus | NE | |
150 | Amazonian Trogon | Trogon ramonianus | RR | |
151 | Choco Black-throated Trogon | Trogon cupreicauda | NE | |
152 | Tody Motmot | Hylomanes momotula | LC | |
153 | Andean Motmot | Momotus aequatorialis | RR | |
154 | Russet-throated Puffbird | Hypnelus ruficollis | NE | |
155 | Moustached Puffbird | Malacoptila mystacalis | NE | |
156 | Lanceolated Monklet | Micromonacha lanceolata | RR | |
157 | Gray-cheeked Nunlet | Nonnula frontalis | NE | |
158 | White-faced Nunbird | Hapaloptila castanea | LC | |
159 | Spot-crowned Barbet | Capito maculicoronatus | NE | |
160 | White-mantled Barbet | Capito hypoleucus | E | V |
161 | Five-colored Barbet | Capito quinticolor | NE | NT |
162 | Toucan Barbet | Semnornis ramphastinus | NE | NT |
163 | Groove-billed Toucanet | Aulacorhynchus sulcatus | NE | |
164 | Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan | Andigena hypoglauca | LC | NT |
165 | Yellow-throated Toucan | Ramphastos ambiguus | NT | |
166 | Keel-billed Toucan | Ramphastos sulfuratus | RR | NT |
167 | Scaled Piculet | Picumnus squamulatus | NE | |
168 | Grayish Piculet | Picumnus granadensis | E | |
169 | Chestnut Piculet | Picumnus cinnamomeus | NE | |
170 | Beautiful Woodpecker | Melanerpes pulcher | E | |
171 | Yellow-vented Woodpecker | Dryobates dignus | RR | |
172 | Bar-bellied Woodpecker | Dryobates nigriceps | RR | |
173 | Choco Woodpecker | Dryobates chocoensis | NE | NT |
174 | Lita Woodpecker | Piculus litae | NE | |
175 | Carunculated Caracara | Daptrius carunculatus | NE | |
176 | &Barred Parakeetl | Bolborhynchus lineola | RR | |
177 | Rufous-fronted Parakeet | Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons | E | V |
178 | Rusty-faced Parrot | Hapalopsittaca amazonina | NE | NT |
179 | Indigo-winged Parrot | Hapalopsittaca fuertesi | E | EN |
180 | Rose-faced Parrot | Pyrilia pulchra | NE | |
181 | Saffron-headed Parrot | Pyrilia pyrilia | NT | |
182 | Red-billed Parrot | Pionus sordidus | RR | |
183 | Scaly-naped Amazon | Amazona mercenarius | LC | |
184 | Turquoise-winged Parrotlet | Forpus spengeli | E | |
185 | Green-rumped Parrotlet | Forpus passerinus | RR | |
186 | Santa Marta Parakeet | Pyrrhura viridicata | E | EN |
187 | Brown-breasted Parakeet | Pyrrhura calliptera | E | V |
188 | Military Macaw | Ara militaris | LC | V |
189 | &Golden-plumed Parakeetl | Leptosittaca branickii | RR | |
190 | Yellow-eared Parrot | Ognorhynchus icterotis | NE | V |
191 | Scarlet-fronted Parakeet | Psittacara wagleri | NE | NT |
192 | Bar-crested Antshrike | Thamnophilus multistriatus | NE | |
193 | Black Antshrike | Thamnophilus nigriceps | NE | |
194 | White-shouldered Antshrike | Thamnophilus aethiops | LC | |
195 | Black-backed Antshrike | Thamnophilus melanonotus | NE | |
196 | Recurve-billed Bushbird | Clytoctantes alixii | NE | EN |
197 | Bicolored Antvireo | Dysithamnus occidentalis | RR | V |
198 | Yellow-breasted Antwren | Herpsilochmus axillaris | RR | V |
199 | East Andean Antbird | Drymophila caudata | E | NT |
200 | Klages's Antbird | Drymophila klagesi | NE | |
201 | Santa Marta Antbird | Drymophila hellmayri | E | NT |
202 | Streak-headed Antbird | Drymophila striaticeps | RR | |
203 | Parker's Antbird | Cercomacroides parkeri | E | |
204 | Jet Antbird | Cercomacra nigricans | LC | |
205 | Ash-breasted Antbird | Myrmoborus lugubris | RR | V |
206 | Magdalena Antbird | Sipia palliata | NE | NT |
207 | Esmeraldas Antbird | Sipia nigricauda | NE | |
208 | Stub-tailed Antbird | Sipia berlepschi | NE | |
209 | Blue-lored Antbird | Hafferia immaculata | NE | |
210 | Ocellated Antbird | Phaenostictus mcleannani | RR | |
211 | Rufous-crowned Antpitta | Pittasoma rufopileatum | NE | NT |
212 | Chestnut-crowned Gnateater | Conopophaga castaneiceps | LC | |
213 | Moustached Antpitta | Grallaria alleni | NE | V |
214 | Plain-backed Antpitta | Grallaria haplonota | LC | |
215 | Santa Marta Antpitta | Grallaria bangsi | E | V |
216 | Chestnut-naped Antpitta | Grallaria nuchalis | RR | |
217 | Yellow-breasted Antpitta | Grallaria flavotincta | NE | |
218 | Sierra Nevada Antpitta | Grallaria spatiator | E | |
219 | Perija Antpitta | Grallaria saltuensis | NE | EN |
220 | Muisca Antpitta | Grallaria rufula | NE | |
221 | Bicolored Antpitta | Grallaria rufocinerea | NE | V |
222 | Chami Antpitta | Grallaria alvarezi | E | |
223 | Boyaca Antpitta | Grallaria alticola | E | |
224 | Urrao Antpitta | Grallaria urraoensis | E | CR |
225 | Brown-banded Antpitta | Grallaria milleri | E | V |
226 | Ochre-breasted Antpitta | Grallaricula flavirostris | NT | |
227 | Hooded Antpitta | Grallaricula cucullata | NE | V |
228 | Rusty-breasted Antpitta | Grallaricula ferrugineipectus | NE | |
229 | Crescent-faced Antpitta | Grallaricula lineifrons | NE | |
230 | Rusty-belted Tapaculo | Liosceles thoracicus | RR | |
231 | Paramillo Tapaculo | Scytalopus canus | E | NT |
232 | Paramo Tapaculo | Scytalopus opacus | RR | |
233 | Santa Marta Tapaculo | Scytalopus sanctaemartae | E | NT |
234 | Long-tailed Tapaculo | Scytalopus micropterus | RR | |
235 | Nariño Tapaculo | Scytalopus vicinior | RR | |
236 | Choco Tapaculo | Scytalopus chocoensis | NE | |
237 | Magdalena Tapaculo | Scytalopus rodriguezi | E | EN |
238 | Stiles's Tapaculo | Scytalopus stilesi | E | |
239 | Tatama Tapaculo | Scytalopus alvarezlopezi | E | NT |
240 | Pale-bellied Tapaculo | Scytalopus griseicollis | E | |
241 | Brown-rumped Tapaculo | Scytalopus latebricola | E | NT |
242 | Perija Tapaculo | Scytalopus priganus | E | NT |
243 | Spillmann's Tapaculo | Scytalopus spillmanni | NE | |
244 | Black-headed Antthrush | Formicarius nigricapillus | RR | |
245 | Rufous-breasted Antthrush | Formicarius rufipectus | RR | |
246 | Barred Antthrush | Chamaeza mollissima | RR | |
247 | Gray-throated Leaftosser | Sclerurus albigularis | NT | |
248 | Piping Woodcreeper | Deconychura typica | RR | |
249 | Ruddy Woodcreeper | Dendrocincla homochroa | RR | |
250 | Curve-billed Scythebill | Campylorhamphus procurvoides | RR | |
251 | Brown-billed Scythebill | Campylorhamphus pusillus | RR | |
252 | Greater Scythebill | Drymotoxeres pucheranii | RR | NT |
253 | Slender-billed Xenops | Xenops tenuirostris | RR | |
254 | Caribbean Hornero | Furnarius longirostris | NE | |
255 | Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper | Lochmias nematura | LC | |
256 | Stout-billed Cinclodes | Cinclodes excelsior | NE | |
257 | Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner | Neophilydor fuscipenne | RR | |
258 | Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner | Anabacerthia variegaticeps | RR | |
259 | Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner | Clibanornis rufipectus | E | V |
260 | Uniform Treehunter | Thripadectes ignobilis | NE | |
261 | Flammulated Treehunter | Thripadectes flammulatus | RR | |
262 | Striped Treehunter | Thripadectes holostictus | RR | |
263 | Streak-capped Treehunter | Thripadectes virgaticeps | RR | |
264 | Fulvous-dotted Treerunner | Margarornis stellatus | NE | NT |
265 | Streak-backed Canastero | Asthenes wyatti | RR | |
266 | Perija Thistletail | Asthenes perijana | NE | EN |
267 | White-chinned Thistletail | Asthenes fuliginosa | RR | |
268 | Double-banded Graytail | Xenerpestes minlosi | RR | |
269 | Spectacled Prickletail | Siptornis striaticollis | LC | |
270 | Streak-capped Spinetail | Cranioleuca hellmayri | NE | |
271 | Silvery-throated Spinetail | Synallaxis subpudica | E | |
272 | Rusty-headed Spinetail | Synallaxis fuscorufa | E | NT |
273 | Dusky Spinetail | Synallaxis moesta | LC | |
274 | White-whiskered Spinetail | Synallaxis candei | NE | |
275 | Stripe-breasted Spinetail | Synallaxis cinnamomea | RR | |
276 | Yellow-headed Manakin | Chloropipo flavicapilla | NE | V |
277 | White-bibbed Manakin | Corapipo leucorrhoa | NE | |
278 | Velvety Manakin | Lepidothrix velutina | RR | |
279 | Golden-collared Manakin | Manacus vitellinus | NE | |
280 | Club-winged Manakin | Machaeropterus deliciosus | NE | |
281 | Golden-breasted Fruiteater | Pipreola aureopectus | NE | |
282 | Orange-breasted Fruiteater | Pipreola jucunda | NE | |
283 | Scaled Fruiteater | Ampelioides tschudii | RR | |
284 | Olivaceous Piha | Snowornis cryptolophus | LC | |
285 | Long-wattled Umbrellabird | Cephalopterus penduliger | NE | V |
286 | Dusky Piha | Lipaugus fuscocinereus | LC | |
287 | Black-and-white Becard | Pachyramphus albogriseus | RR | |
288 | Cinnamon Manakin-Tyrant | Neopipo cinnamomea | RR | |
289 | Tawny-breasted Flycatcher | Myiobius villosus | RR | |
290 | Yellow-throated Spadebill | Platyrinchus flavigularis | RR | |
291 | Rufous-browed Tyrannulet | Phylloscartes superciliaris | RR | |
292 | Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant | Pogonotriccus lanyoni | E | EN |
293 | Southern Bentbill | Oncostoma olivaceum | NE | |
294 | Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant | Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer | RR | |
295 | Pacific Flatbill | Rhynchocyclus pacificus | NE | |
296 | Fulvous-breasted Flatbill | Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus | RR | |
297 | Cliff Flycatcher | Hirundinea ferruginea | LC | |
298 | Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet | Mecocerculus minor | RR | |
299 | Agile Tit-Tyrant | Uromyias agilis | RR | |
300 | Subtropical Doradito | Pseudocolopteryx acutipennis | LC | |
301 | Choco Elaenia | Myiopagis parambae | RR | |
302 | Sierran Elaenia | Elaenia pallatangae | RR | |
303 | Plumbeous-crowned Tyrannulet | Phyllomyias plumbeiceps | LC | |
304 | Choco Tyrannulet | Zimmerius albigularis | NE | |
305 | Spectacled Tyrannulet | Zimmerius improbus | NE | |
306 | Fulvous-crowned Scrub-Tyrant | Euscarthmus meloryphus | RR | |
307 | Slender-billed Tyrannulet | Inezia tenuirostris | NE | |
308 | Pale-tipped Tyrannulet | Inezia caudata | RR | |
309 | Orange-crested Flycatcher | Myiophobus phoenicomitra | RR | |
310 | Black-billed Flycatcher | Aphanotriccus audax | NE | NT |
311 | Tufted Flycatcher | Mitrephanes phaeocercus | RR | |
312 | /Olive-sided Flycatcher/ | Contopus cooperi | NT | |
313 | Rufous-tailed Tyrant | Knipolegus poecilurus | LC | |
314 | Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant | Cnemarchus erythropygius | LC | |
315 | Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant | Myiotheretes pernix | E | EN |
316 | Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant | Silvicultrix diadema | RR | |
317 | Dull-capped Attila | Attila bolivianus | RR | |
318 | Apical Flycatcher | Myiarchus apicalis | E | |
319 | Lemon-browed Flycatcher | Conopias cinchoneti | RR | V |
320 | Sulphury Flycatcher | Tyrannopsis sulphurea | LC | |
321 | Black-billed Peppershrike | Cyclarhis nigrirostris | NE | |
322 | Lemon-chested Greenlet | Hylophilus thoracicus | LC | |
323 | Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo | Vireolanius leucotis | RR | |
324 | Rufous-naped Greenlet | Pachysilvia semibrunnea | RR | |
325 | Choco Vireo | Vireo masteri | E | NT |
326 | Beautiful Jay | Cyanolyca pulchra | NE | NT |
327 | Pale-footed Swallow | Orochelidon flavipes | RR | |
328 | Apolinar's Wren | Cistothorus apolinari | E | EN |
329 | White-headed Wren | Campylorhynchus albobrunneus | NE | |
330 | Stripe-backed Wren | Campylorhynchus nuchalis | NE | |
331 | Sooty-headed Wren | Pheugopedius spadix | NE | |
332 | Rufous-breasted Wren | Pheugopedius rutilus | RR | |
333 | Antioquia Wren | Thryophilus sernai | E | V |
334 | Niceforo's Wren | Thryophilus nicefori | E | CR |
335 | Stripe-throated Wren | Cantorchilus leucopogon | LC | |
336 | Bangs's Wood-Wren** | Henicorhina bangsi | E | |
337 | Hermit Wood-Wren | Henicorhina anachoreta | E | NT |
338 | Munchique Wood-Wren | Henicorhina negreti | E | V |
339 | Northern Chestnut-breasted Wren | Cyphorhinus thoracicus | RR | |
340 | Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush | Catharus aurantiirostris | RR | |
341 | Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush | Catharus fuscater | RR | |
342 | Black Solitaire | Entomodestes coracinus | NE | |
343 | Rufous-brown Solitaire | Cichlopsis leucogenys | RR | EN |
344 | Yellow-legged Thrush | Turdus flavipes | RR | |
345 | Chestnut-bellied Thrush | Turdus fulviventris | RR | |
346 | Black-hooded Thrush | Turdus olivater | RR | |
347 | Java Sparrow | Padda oryzivora | EN | |
348 | Paramo Pipit | Anthus bogotensis | RR | |
349 | Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonia | Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys | RR | |
350 | Yellow-collared Chlorophonia | Chlorophonia flavirostris | RR | |
351 | Orange-crowned Euphonia | Euphonia saturata | RR | |
352 | Velvet-fronted Euphonia | Euphonia concinna | E | |
353 | Trinidad Euphonia | Euphonia trinitatis | RR | |
354 | &Yellow-bellied Siskinl | Spinus xanthogastrus | RR | |
355 | &Hooded Siskinl | Spinus magellanicus | RR | |
356 | Rosy Thrush-Tanager | Rhodinocichla rosea | RR | |
357 | Tanager Finch | Oreothraupis arremonops | NE | |
358 | Yellow-throated Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus flavigularis | RR | |
359 | Dusky Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus semifuscus | NE | |
360 | Tocuyo Sparrow | Arremonops tocuyensis | NE | |
361 | Sierra Nevada Brushfinch | Arremon basilicus | E | NT |
362 | Perija Brushfinch | Arremon perijanus | E | V |
363 | Black-headed Brushfinch | Arremon atricapillus | NE | |
364 | Golden-winged Sparrow | Arremon schlegeli | NE | |
365 | Olive Finch | Arremon castaneiceps | RR | NT |
366 | Moustached Brushfinch | Atlapetes albofrenatus | NE | |
367 | Santa Marta Brushfinch | Atlapetes melanocephalus | E | |
368 | Ochre-breasted Brushfinch | Atlapetes semirufus | NE | |
369 | Yellow-headed Brushfinch | Atlapetes flaviceps | E | NT |
370 | Tricolored Brushfinch | Atlapetes tricolor | RR | |
371 | Black-fronted Brushfinch** | Atlapetes nigrifrons | E | NT |
372 | Eastern Meadowlark | Sturnella magna | NT | |
373 | Black Oropendola | Psarocolius guatimozinus | NE | |
374 | Baudo Oropendola | Psarocolius cassini | E | V |
375 | Northern Mountain Cacique** | Cacicus leucoramphus | RR | |
376 | Band-tailed Cacique | Cacicus latirostris | RR | |
377 | Venezuelan Troupial | Icterus icterus | RR | |
378 | Bronze-brown Cowbird** | Molothrus armenti | E | NT |
379 | Red-bellied Grackle | Hypopyrrhus pyrohypogaster | E | V |
380 | Mountain Grackle | Macroagelaius subalaris | E | EN |
381 | /Golden-winged Warbler/ | Vermivora chrysoptera | NT | |
382 | /Cerulean Warbler/ | Setophaga cerulea | NT | |
383 | /Blackpoll Warbler/ | Setophaga striata | NT | |
384 | Santa Marta Warbler | Myiothlypis basilica | E | NT |
385 | Choco Warbler | Myiothlypis chlorophrys | NE | |
386 | Gray-throated Warbler | Myiothlypis cinereicollis | NE | NT |
387 | White-lored Warbler | Myiothlypis conspicillata | E | NT |
388 | Yellow-crowned Redstart | Myioborus flavivertex | E | |
389 | Golden-fronted Redstart | Myioborus ornatus | NE | |
390 | White-winged Tanager | Piranga leucoptera | RR | |
391 | Red-hooded Tanager | Piranga rubriceps | RR | |
392 | Sooty Ant-Tanager | Driophlox gutturalis | E | |
393 | Crested Ant-Tanager | Driophlox cristata | E | |
394 | Lemon-spectacled Tanager | Chlorothraupis olivacea | RR | |
395 | Ochre-breasted Tanager | Chlorothraupis stolzmanni | NE | |
396 | Vermilion Cardinal | Cardinalis phoeniceus | NE | |
397 | Golden Grosbeak | Pheucticus chrysogaster | RR | |
398 | Black-backed Grosbeak | Pheucticus aureoventris | RR | |
399 | White-capped Tanager | Sericossypha albocristata | RR | V |
400 | Hooded Tanager | Nemosia pileata | RR | |
401 | Rufous-crested Tanager | Creurgops verticalis | RR | |
402 | Black-eared Hemispingus | Sphenopsis melanotis | LC | |
403 | Orange-headed Tanager | Thlypopsis sordida | RR | |
404 | Fulvous-headed Tanager | Thlypopsis fulviceps | NE | |
405 | Rufous-chested Tanager | Thlypopsis ornata | LC | |
406 | Tawny-crested Tanager | Tachyphonus delatrii | RR | |
407 | Flame-rumped Tanager | Ramphocelus flammigerus | E | |
408 | Black-and-gold Tanager | Bangsia melanochlamys | E | V |
409 | Golden-chested Tanager | Bangsia rothschildi | NE | |
410 | Moss-backed Tanager | Bangsia edwardsi | NE | |
411 | Gold-ringed Tanager | Bangsia aureocincta | E | V |
412 | Yellow-green Tanager | Bangsia flavovirens | NE | V |
413 | Masked Mountain Tanager | Tephrophilus wetmorei | LC | V |
414 | Black-chested Mountain Tanager | Cnemathraupis eximia | RR | |
415 | Black-cheeked Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus melanogenys | E | |
416 | Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus igniventris | RR | |
417 | Black-chinned Mountain Tanager | Anisognathus notabilis | NE | |
418 | Purplish-mantled Tanager | Iridosornis porphyrocephalus | NE | NT |
419 | Golden-crowned Tanager | Iridosornis rufivertex | RR | |
420 | Glistening-green Tanager | Chlorochrysa phoenicotis | NE | |
421 | Multicolored Tanager | Chlorochrysa nitidissima | E | NT |
422 | Glaucous Tanager | Thraupis glaucocolpa | NE | |
423 | Rufous-throated Tanager | Ixothraupis rufigula | NE | |
424 | Black-headed Tanager | Stilpnia cyanoptera | RR | |
425 | Scrub Tanager | Stilpnia vitriolina | NE | |
426 | Blue-browed Tanager | Tangara cyanotis | RR | |
427 | Rufous-winged Tanager | Tangara lavinia | RR | |
428 | Blue-whiskered Tanager | Tangara johannae | NE | NT |
429 | Emerald Tanager | Tangara florida | RR | |
430 | Yellow-tufted Dacnis** | Dacnis egregia | NE | |
431 | Turquoise Dacnis | Dacnis hartlaubi | E | V |
432 | Golden-collared Honeycreeper | Iridophanes pulcherrimus | RR | |
433 | Scarlet-and-white Tanager | Chrysothlypis salmoni | NE | |
434 | Bicolored Conebill | Conirostrum bicolor | RR | NT |
435 | Rufous-browed Conebill | Conirostrum rufum | NE | |
436 | Chestnut-bellied Flowerpiercer | Diglossa gloriosissima | E | NT |
437 | Glossy Flowerpiercer | Diglossa lafresnayii | RR | |
438 | Black-throated Flowerpiercer | Diglossa brunneiventris | RR | |
439 | Indigo Flowerpiercer | Diglossa indigotica | NE | |
440 | Rusty Flowerpiercer | Diglossa sittoides | LC | |
441 | Black-backed Bush Tanager | Urothraupis stolzmanni | NE | |
442 | Black-headed Hemispingus | Pseudospingus verticalis | RR | |
443 | Gray-hooded Bush Tanager | Cnemoscopus rubrirostris | RR | |
444 | Stripe-tailed Yellow-Finch | Sicalis citrina | RR | |
445 | |Double-collared Seedeater| | Sporophila caerulescens | RR | |
446 | &Slate-colored Seedeaterl | Sporophila schistacea | RR | |
447 | Plumbeous Seedeater | Sporophila plumbea | RR | |
448 | Paramo Seedeater | Catamenia homochroa | NT | |
449 | Pileated Finch | Coryphospingus pileatus | RR | |
450 | Black-faced Grassquit | Melanospiza bicolor | LC | |
451 | #Sooty Grassquit# | Asemospiza fuliginosus | RR | |
452 | Black-winged Saltator | Saltator atripennis | NE | |
453 | Orinocan Saltator | Saltator orenocensis | NE | |
454 | Masked Saltator | Saltator cinctus | LC |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.