# Species: | 495 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 495 |
# Endemics: | 4 |
# Near Endemics: | 29 |
List of species at this locale that are endemic (E), near endemic (NE), have restricted ranges in the country (RR), or that occur only locally (LC) in the country excluding vagrants and accidentals. Table also shows species with globally threatened or endangered status according to the IUCN.*
1 | Choco Tinamou | Crypturellus kerriae | NE | V |
2 | Comb Duck | Sarkidiornis sylvicola | LC | |
3 | Crested Guan | Penelope purpurascens | NT | |
4 | Great Curassow | Crax rubra | LC | V |
5 | Tawny-faced Quail | Rhynchortyx cinctus | LC | NT |
6 | Black-eared Wood-Quail | Odontophorus melanotis | LC | NT |
7 | Tacarcuna Wood-Quail | Odontophorus dialeucos | NE | |
8 | Plumbeous Pigeon | Patagioenas plumbea | RR | |
9 | Violaceous Quail-Dove | Geotrygon violacea | LC | |
10 | Purplish-backed Quail-Dove | Zentrygon lawrencii | NE | |
11 | Russet-crowned Quail-Dove | Zentrygon goldmani | NE | NT |
12 | Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo | Neomorphus geoffroyi | LC | V |
13 | Little Cuckoo | Coccycua minuta | RR | |
14 | White-tailed Nightjar | Hydropsalis cayennensis | LC | |
15 | /Chuck-will's-widow/ | Antrostomus carolinensis | NT | |
16 | |Chimney Swift| | Chaetura pelagica | V | |
17 | Short-tailed Swift | Chaetura brachyura | RR | |
18 | Tooth-billed Hummingbird | Androdon aequatorialis | LC | |
19 | Greenish Puffleg | Haplophaedia aureliae | RR | |
20 | Garden Emerald | Chlorostilbon assimilis | NE | |
21 | Violet-capped Hummingbird | Goldmania violiceps | NE | NT |
22 | Pirre Hummingbird | Goldmania bella | NE | NT |
23 | Snowy-bellied Hummingbird | Saucerottia edward | NE | |
24 | Sungrebe | Heliornis fulica | LC | |
25 | Roseate Spoonbill | Platalea ajaja | LC | |
26 | Fasciated Tiger-Heron | Tigrisoma fasciatum | LC | |
27 | Boat-billed Heron | Cochlearius cochlearius | LC | |
28 | Agami Heron | Agamia agami | V | |
29 | Capped Heron | Pilherodius pileatus | RR | |
30 | #Cocoi Heron# | Ardea cocoi | RR | |
31 | Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture | Cathartes burrovianus | RR | |
32 | Ornate Hawk-Eagle | Spizaetus ornatus | NT | |
33 | Crested Eagle | Morphnus guianensis | NT | |
34 | Harpy Eagle | Harpia harpyja | V | |
35 | Black-collared Hawk | Busarellus nigricollis | LC | |
36 | Snail Kite | Rostrhamus sociabilis | LC | |
37 | Plumbeous Hawk | Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea | NT | |
38 | White-tailed Hawk | Geranoaetus albicaudatus | LC | |
39 | Bare-shanked Screech-Owl | Megascops clarkii | RR | |
40 | Golden-headed Quetzal | Pharomachrus auriceps | RR | |
41 | Tody Motmot | Hylomanes momotula | LC | |
42 | Barred Puffbird | Nystalus radiatus | RR | |
43 | Gray-cheeked Nunlet | Nonnula frontalis | NE | |
44 | Dusky-backed Jacamar | Brachygalba salmoni | NE | |
45 | Spot-crowned Barbet | Capito maculicoronatus | NE | |
46 | Violet-throated Toucanet** | Aulacorhynchus cognatus | NE | |
47 | Yellow-throated Toucan | Ramphastos ambiguus | NT | |
48 | Keel-billed Toucan | Ramphastos sulfuratus | NT | |
49 | Choco Toucan | Ramphastos brevis | LC | |
50 | Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker | Piculus callopterus | E | |
51 | Golden-green Woodpecker | Piculus chrysochloros | RR | |
52 | Spot-breasted Woodpecker | Colaptes punctigula | RR | |
53 | Blue-fronted Parrotlet | Touit dilectissimus | RR | |
54 | Saffron-headed Parrot | Pyrilia pyrilia | RR | NT |
55 | Spectacled Parrotlet | Forpus conspicillatus | LC | |
56 | Blue-and-yellow Macaw | Ara ararauna | RR | |
57 | Great Green Macaw | Ara ambiguus | LC | CR |
58 | Red-and-green Macaw | Ara chloropterus | RR | |
59 | Chestnut-fronted Macaw | Ara severus | RR | |
60 | Black Antshrike | Thamnophilus nigriceps | NE | |
61 | Spiny-faced Antshrike | Xenornis setifrons | NE | NT |
62 | Moustached Antwren | Myrmotherula ignota | RR | |
63 | Jet Antbird | Cercomacra nigricans | LC | |
64 | White-bellied Antbird | Myrmeciza longipes | RR | |
65 | Dull-mantled Antbird | Sipia laemosticta | NE | |
66 | Wing-banded Antbird | Myrmornis torquata | LC | |
67 | Thicket Antpitta | Myrmothera dives | RR | |
68 | Ochre-breasted Antpitta | Grallaricula flavirostris | RR | NT |
69 | Nariño Tapaculo | Scytalopus vicinior | RR | |
70 | Tacarcuna Tapaculo | Scytalopus panamensis | NE | NT |
71 | Rufous-breasted Antthrush | Formicarius rufipectus | LC | |
72 | Streaked Xenops | Xenops rutilans | RR | |
73 | Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper | Lochmias nematura | RR | |
74 | Ruddy Foliage-gleaner | Clibanornis rubiginosus | LC | |
75 | Beautiful Treerunner | Margarornis bellulus | E | NT |
76 | Double-banded Graytail | Xenerpestes minlosi | RR | |
77 | Slaty Spinetail | Synallaxis brachyura | LC | |
78 | Choco Manakin | Cryptopipo litae | RR | |
79 | Velvety Manakin | Lepidothrix velutina | RR | |
80 | Golden-collared Manakin | Manacus vitellinus | NE | |
81 | Black-tipped Cotinga | Carpodectes hopkei | LC | |
82 | Cinereous Becard | Pachyramphus rufus | RR | |
83 | One-colored Becard | Pachyramphus homochrous | RR | |
84 | Sharpbill | Oxyruncus cristatus | LC | |
85 | Tropical Royal-Flycatcher | Onychorhynchus coronatus | E | |
86 | Yellow-green Tyrannulet | Phylloscartes flavovirens | E | |
87 | Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant | Pseudotriccus pelzelni | RR | |
88 | Southern Bentbill | Oncostoma olivaceum | NE | |
89 | Western Olivaceous Flatbill | Rhynchocyclus aequinoctialis | RR | |
90 | Ochre-lored Flatbill | Tolmomyias flaviventris | RR | |
91 | Black-billed Flycatcher | Aphanotriccus audax | NE | NT |
92 | |Olive-sided Flycatcher| | Contopus cooperi | NT | |
93 | Choco Sirystes | Sirystes albogriseus | RR | |
94 | Yellow-browed Shrike-Vireo | Vireolanius eximius | RR | |
95 | Black-capped Donacobius | Donacobius atricapilla | RR | |
96 | Slate-throated Gnatcatcher | Polioptila schistaceigula | LC | |
97 | Ochraceous Wren | Troglodytes ochraceus | NE | |
98 | White-headed Wren | Campylorhynchus albobrunneus | NE | |
99 | Sooty-headed Wren | Pheugopedius spadix | NE | |
100 | Stripe-throated Wren | Cantorchilus leucopogon | RR | |
101 | Buff-breasted Wren | Cantorchilus leucotis | RR | |
102 | Varied Solitaire | Myadestes coloratus | NE | NT |
103 | Orange-bellied Euphonia | Euphonia xanthogaster | RR | |
104 | Tacarcuna Chlorospingus | Chlorospingus tacarcunae | NE | |
105 | Black-headed Brushfinch | Arremon atricapillus | NE | |
106 | Black Oropendola | Psarocolius guatimozinus | NE | |
107 | Orange-crowned Oriole | Icterus auricapillus | RR | |
108 | /Golden-winged Warbler/ | Vermivora chrysoptera | NT | |
109 | |Cerulean Warbler| | Setophaga cerulea | NT | |
110 | Pirre Warbler | Basileuterus ignotus | NE | V |
111 | Hepatic Tanager | Piranga flava | LC | |
112 | Lemon-spectacled Tanager | Chlorothraupis olivacea | RR | |
113 | Gray-and-gold Tanager | Poecilostreptus palmeri | RR | |
114 | Rufous-winged Tanager | Tangara lavinia | RR | |
115 | Swallow Tanager | Tersina viridis | RR | |
116 | Viridian Dacnis | Dacnis viguieri | NE | |
117 | Purple Honeycreeper | Cyanerpes caeruleus | RR | |
118 | Scarlet-browed Tanager | Heterospingus xanthopygius | RR | |
119 | Yellow-backed Tanager | Hemithraupis flavicollis | RR | |
120 | Black-and-yellow Tanager | Chrysothlypis chrysomelas | NE | |
121 | White-eared Conebill | Conirostrum leucogenys | RR |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 5 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 1 |
|| | Transient | 4 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 1 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 4 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 0 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 10 |
[] | Accidental | 11 |
Code | Description | ## |
E | Endemic | 9 |
LC | Local | 54 |
NE | Near Endemic | 102 |
RR | Restricted Range | 105 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 25 |
V | Vulnerable | 7 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 1 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.