# Species*:115
# Excl Vagrants*:115
# Endemics*:11
# Near Endemics*:3
*Based on partial or incomplete data.


The table below lists species recorded at this locale but does not indicate frequency of occurrence there. It does indicate whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. The list is based on available data and may be incomplete.*

color codes

Ducks: Anatidae

1Black SwanCygnus atratus
2Australian ShelduckTadorna tadornoides
3Pacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa
4Gray TealAnas gracilis
5Chestnut TealAnas castanea

Oystercatchers: Haematopodidae

6Pied OystercatcherHaematopus longirostris
7Sooty OystercatcherHaematopus fuliginosus

Plovers and Lapwings: Charadriidae

8Masked LapwingVanellus miles
9Red-capped PloverAnarhynchus ruficapillus

Sandpipers and Allies: Scolopacidae

10/Ruddy Turnstone/Arenaria interpres
11/Red-necked Stint/Calidris ruficollis

Skuas and Jaegers: Stercorariidae

12/Long-tailed Jaeger/Stercorarius longicaudus
13/Parasitic Jaeger/Stercorarius parasiticus
14/Pomarine Jaeger/Stercorarius pomarinus
15#Brown Skua#Stercorarius antarcticus
16#South Polar Skua#Stercorarius maccormicki

Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers: Laridae

17Silver GullChroicocephalus novaehollandiae
18Pacific GullLarus pacificus
19Kelp GullLarus dominicanus
20Caspian TernHydroprogne caspia
21Arctic TernSterna paradisaea
22Antarctic TernSterna vittata
23/White-fronted Tern/Sterna striata
24Great Crested TernThalasseus bergii

Grebes: Podicipedidae

25&Hoary-headed GrebelPoliocephalus poliocephalus

Penguins: Spheniscidae

26Little PenguinEudyptula minor
27Fiordland PenguinEudyptes pachyrhynchus

Albatrosses: Diomedeidae

28#Northern Royal Albatross#Diomedea sanfordi
29#Southern Royal Albatross#Diomedea epomophora
30#Snowy Albatross#Diomedea exulans
31#Antipodean Albatross#Diomedea antipodensis
32#Amsterdam Albatross#Diomedea amsterdamensis
33#Sooty Albatross#Phoebetria fusca
34#Light-mantled Albatross#Phoebetria palpebrata
35#Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross**#Thalassarche carteri
36#Gray-headed Albatross#Thalassarche chrysostoma
37#Buller's Albatross#Thalassarche bulleri
38White-capped AlbatrossThalassarche cauta
39#Salvin's Albatross#Thalassarche salvini
40#Chatham Albatross#Thalassarche eremita
41#Black-browed Albatross#Thalassarche melanophris

Southern Storm-Petrels: Oceanitidae

42#Wilson's Storm-Petrel#Oceanites oceanicus
43(Gray-backed Storm-Petrel)Garrodia nereis
44(White-faced Storm-Petrel)Pelagodroma marina
45New Zealand Storm-PetrelFregetta maoriana
46#Black-bellied Storm-Petrel#Fregetta tropica

Shearwaters and Petrels: Procellariidae

47#Southern Giant-Petrel#Macronectes giganteus
48#Northern Giant-Petrel#Macronectes halli
49#Southern Fulmar#Fulmarus glacialoides
50#Pintado Petrel#Daption capense
51#Great-winged Petrel#Pterodroma macroptera
52Gray-faced PetrelPterodroma gouldi
53#Kermadec Petrel#Pterodroma neglecta
54(Providence Petrel)Pterodroma solandri
55#Soft-plumaged Petrel#Pterodroma mollis
56#White-headed Petrel#Pterodroma lessonii
57#Mottled Petrel#Pterodroma inexpectata
58Juan Fernandez PetrelPterodroma externa
59#White-necked Petrel#Pterodroma cervicalis
60Black-winged PetrelPterodroma nigripennis
61#Cook's Petrel#Pterodroma cookii
62#Gould's Petrel#Pterodroma leucoptera
63Stejneger's PetrelPterodroma longirostris
64Pycroft's PetrelPterodroma pycrofti
65#Blue Petrel#Halobaena caerulea
66Fairy PrionPachyptila turtur
67#Broad-billed Prion#Pachyptila vittata
68#Salvin's Prion#Pachyptila salvini
69#Antarctic Prion#Pachyptila desolata
70#Slender-billed Prion#Pachyptila belcheri
71#Gray Petrel#Procellaria cinerea
72#White-chinned Petrel#Procellaria aequinoctialis
73#Westland Petrel#Procellaria westlandica
74(Flesh-footed Shearwater)Ardenna carneipes
75Great ShearwaterArdenna gravis
76Wedge-tailed ShearwaterArdenna pacificus
77#Buller's Shearwater#Ardenna bulleri
78#Sooty Shearwater#Ardenna griseus
79(Short-tailed Shearwater)Ardenna tenuirostris
80Manx ShearwaterPuffinus puffinus
81#Hutton's Shearwater#Puffinus huttoni
82#Fluttering Shearwater#Puffinus gavia
83Little ShearwaterPuffinus assimilis
84Subantarctic ShearwaterPuffinus elegans
85Common Diving-PetrelPelecanoides urinatrix

Boobies and Gannets: Sulidae

86Australasian GannetMorus serrator
87#Brown Booby#Sula leucogaster

Cormorants and Shags: Phalacrocoracidae

88Little Pied CormorantMicrocarbo melanoleucos
89Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carbo
90Little Black CormorantPhalacrocorax sulcirostris
91Black-faced CormorantPhalacrocorax fuscescens

Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns: Ardeidae

92White-faced HeronEgretta novaehollandiae
93Eastern Cattle-EgretBubulcus coromandus
94Great EgretArdea alba

Pelicans: Pelecanidae

95Australian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites: Accipitridae

96Collared SparrowhawkTachyspiza cirrocephalus
97Swamp HarrierCircus approximans
98White-bellied Sea-EagleIcthyophaga leucogaster

Falcons and Caracaras: Falconidae

99Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus

Cockatoos: Cacatuidae

100Yellow-tailed Black-CockatooZanda funereus

Parrots: Psittaculidae

101Green RosellaPlatycercus caledonicus

Fairywrens: Maluridae

102Superb FairywrenMalurus cyaneus

Honeyeaters: Meliphagidae

103Crescent HoneyeaterPhylidonyris pyrrhopterus

Pardalotes: Pardalotidae

104Spotted PardalotePardalotus punctatus

Cuckooshrikes: Campephagidae

105Black-faced CuckooshrikeCoracina novaehollandiae

Whistlers and Allies: Pachycephalidae

106Gray ShrikethrushColluricincla harmonica

Fantails: Rhipiduridae

107Gray FantailRhipidura albiscapa

Drongos: Dicruridae

108Spangled DrongoDicrurus bracteatus

Crows, Jays, and Magpies: Corvidae

109Forest RavenCorvus tasmanicus

Australasian Robins: Petroicidae

110Flame RobinPetroica phoenicea

Larks: Alaudidae

111&Eurasian SkylarklAlauda arvensis

Swallows: Hirundinidae

112Welcome SwallowHirundo neoxena
113Tree MartinPetrochelidon nigricans

Waxbills and Allies: Estrildidae

114Beautiful FiretailStagonopleura bella

Finches, Euphonias, and Allies: Fringillidae

115European GoldfinchCarduelis carduelis


 *Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.



//Boreal Visitor6
\\Austral Visitor0
##Non-breeding Dispersal42
()Breeding Season Only5


NTNear Threatened10
CRCritically Endangered1

Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.