# Species: | 228 |
# Excl Vagrants: | 228 |
# Endemics: | 0 |
# Near Endemics: | 19 |
Habitat: Roadside thickets, secondary forest, agricultural |
The table below lists species recorded at this locale but does not indicate frequency of occurrence there. It does indicate whether each species is globally threatened or endangered according to the IUCN and also whether it is migratory, very rare, or accidental in the country. The list is based on available data and may be incomplete.*
| |||
1 | Little Tinamou | Crypturellus soui | ? |
2 | Pale-browed Tinamou | Crypturellus transfasciatus | ? |
3 | Tataupa Tinamou | Crypturellus tataupa | ? |
| |||
4 | Blue-winged Teal | Spatula discors | ? |
| |||
5 | Speckled Chachalaca | Ortalis guttata | ? |
6 | Wattled Guan | Aburria aburri | ? |
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7 | Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail | Odontophorus speciosus | ? |
| |||
8 | Rock Pigeon | Columba livia | ? |
9 | Pale-vented Pigeon | Patagioenas cayennensis | ? |
10 | Band-tailed Pigeon | Patagioenas fasciata | ? |
11 | Peruvian Pigeon | Patagioenas oenops | ? |
12 | Plumbeous Pigeon | Patagioenas plumbea | ? |
13 | Ruddy Pigeon | Patagioenas subvinacea | ? |
14 | Blue Ground Dove | Claravis pretiosa | ? |
15 | Ruddy Quail-Dove | Geotrygon montana | ? |
16 | White-tipped Dove | Leptotila verreauxi | ? |
17 | Gray-fronted Dove | Leptotila rufaxilla | ? |
18 | White-throated Quail-Dove | Zentrygon frenata | ? |
| |||
19 | Smooth-billed Ani | Crotophaga ani | |
20 | Groove-billed Ani | Crotophaga sulcirostris | ? |
21 | Striped Cuckoo | Tapera naevia | ? |
22 | Squirrel Cuckoo | Piaya cayana | ? |
23 | \Dark-billed Cuckoo\ | Coccyzus melacoryphus | ? |
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24 | Rufous-bellied Nighthawk | Lurocalis rufiventris | ? |
25 | Common Pauraque | Nyctidromus albicollis | ? |
| |||
26 | Spot-fronted Swift | Cypseloides cherriei | ? |
27 | Chestnut-collared Swift | Streptoprocne rutila | ? |
28 | White-collared Swift | Streptoprocne zonaris | ? |
29 | Gray-rumped Swift | Chaetura cinereiventris | ? |
30 | White-tipped Swift | Aeronautes montivagus | ? |
| |||
31 | White-necked Jacobin | Florisuga mellivora | ? |
32 | White-tipped Sicklebill | Eutoxeres aquila | ? |
33 | Green Hermit | Phaethornis guy | ? |
34 | Tawny-bellied Hermit | Phaethornis syrmatophorus | ? |
35 | &Brown Violetearl | Colibri delphinae | ? |
36 | Lesser Violetear | Colibri cyanotus | ? |
37 | Sparkling Violetear | Colibri coruscans | ? |
38 | Rufous-capped Thornbill | Chalcostigma ruficeps | ? |
39 | Bronzy Inca | Coeligena coeligena | ? |
40 | Peruvian Racket-tail | Ocreatus peruanus | ? |
41 | Rufous-vented Whitetip | Urosticte ruficrissa | ? |
42 | Violet-fronted Brilliant | Heliodoxa leadbeateri | ? |
43 | Long-billed Starthroat | Heliomaster longirostris | ? |
44 | Amethyst Woodstar | Calliphlox amethystina | ? |
45 | Little Woodstar | Chaetocercus bombus | ? |
46 | Fork-tailed Woodnymph | Thalurania furcata | ? |
47 | Andean Emerald | Uranomitra franciae | ? |
48 | Golden-tailed Sapphire | Chrysuronia oenone | ? |
| |||
49 | /Solitary Sandpiper/ | Tringa solitaria | ? |
| |||
50 | Striated Heron | Butorides striata | ? |
51 | Western Cattle-Egret | Bubulcus ibis | ? |
52 | Great Egret | Ardea alba | ? |
| |||
53 | Black Vulture | Coragyps atratus | C |
54 | Turkey Vulture | Cathartes aura | C |
| |||
55 | Swallow-tailed Kite | Elanoides forficatus | ? |
56 | Roadside Hawk | Rupornis magnirostris | ? |
57 | White-rumped Hawk | Parabuteo leucorrhous | UC |
58 | White Hawk | Pseudastur albicollis | ? |
59 | /Broad-winged Hawk/ | Buteo platypterus | ? |
60 | Short-tailed Hawk | Buteo brachyurus | UC |
| |||
61 | Peruvian Screech-Owl | Megascops roboratus | ? |
62 | Peruvian Pygmy-Owl | Glaucidium peruanum | ? |
| |||
63 | Andean Motmot | Momotus aequatorialis | ? |
| |||
64 | Ringed Kingfisher | Megaceryle torquata | ? |
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65 | Black-streaked Puffbird | Malacoptila fulvogularis | ? |
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66 | Coppery-chested Jacamar | Galbula pastazae | UC |
| |||
67 | Red-headed Barbet | Eubucco bourcierii | ? |
| |||
68 | Lafresnaye's Piculet | Picumnus lafresnayi | ? |
69 | Yellow-tufted Woodpecker | Melanerpes cruentatus | ? |
70 | Little Woodpecker | Dryobates passerinus | |
71 | Lineated Woodpecker | Dryocopus lineatus | ? |
72 | Golden-olive Woodpecker | Colaptes rubiginosus | ? |
73 | Crimson-mantled Woodpecker | Colaptes rivolii | ? |
| |||
74 | Laughing Falcon | Herpetotheres cachinnans | ? |
75 | Collared Forest-Falcon | Micrastur semitorquatus | ? |
76 | American Kestrel | Falco sparverius | ? |
| |||
77 | Red-billed Parrot | Pionus sordidus | ? |
78 | Blue-headed Parrot | Pionus menstruus | ? |
79 | Cordilleran Parakeet | Psittacara frontalus | ? |
80 | White-eyed Parakeet | Psittacara leucophthalmus | ? |
| |||
81 | Great Antshrike | Taraba major | ? |
82 | Lined Antshrike | Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus | ? |
83 | Marañon Slaty-Antshrike** | Thamnophilus leucogaster | ? |
84 | Northern Slaty-Antshrike | Thamnophilus punctatus | ? |
85 | Uniform Antshrike | Thamnophilus unicolor | ? |
86 | Plain Antvireo | Dysithamnus mentalis | ? |
87 | Yellow-breasted Antwren | Herpsilochmus axillaris | ? |
88 | Western Fire-eye | Pyriglena maura | ? |
89 | White-browed Antbird | Myrmoborus leucophrys | ? |
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90 | Marañon Crescentchest | Melanopareia maranonica | ? |
91 | Elegant Crescentchest | Melanopareia elegans | ? |
| |||
92 | Scaled Antpitta | Grallaria guatimalensis | ? |
| |||
93 | Olivaceous Woodcreeper | Sittasomus griseicapillus | ? |
94 | Tyrannine Woodcreeper | Dendrocincla tyrannina | ? |
95 | Wedge-billed Woodcreeper | Glyphorynchus spirurus | ? |
96 | Olive-backed Woodcreeper | Xiphorhynchus triangularis | ? |
97 | Streaked Xenops | Xenops rutilans | ? |
98 | Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper | Lochmias nematura | ? |
99 | Rufous-fronted Thornbird | Phacellodomus rufifrons | ? |
100 | Ash-browed Spinetail | Cranioleuca curtata | ? |
101 | Azara's Spinetail | Synallaxis azarae | ? |
102 | Dark-breasted Spinetail | Synallaxis albigularis | ? |
103 | Marañon Spinetail | Synallaxis maranonica | ? |
| |||
104 | White-bearded Manakin | Manacus manacus | ? |
| |||
105 | Masked Tityra | Tityra semifasciata | ? |
106 | Green-backed Becard | Pachyramphus viridis | ? |
107 | Black-and-white Becard | Pachyramphus salvini | ? |
| |||
108 | Wing-barred Piprites | Piprites chloris | ? |
109 | White-throated Spadebill | Platyrinchus mystaceus | ? |
110 | Olive-striped Flycatcher | Mionectes galbinus | ? |
111 | Slaty-capped Flycatcher | Leptopogon superciliaris | ? |
112 | Ecuadorian Tyrannulet | Phylloscartes gualaquizae | ? |
113 | Common Tody-Flycatcher | Todirostrum cinereum | ? |
114 | Yellow-olive Flatbill | Tolmomyias sulphurescens | ? |
115 | Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet | Camptostoma obsoletum | ? |
116 | Yellow-bellied Elaenia | Elaenia flavogaster | UC |
117 | White-crested Elaenia | Elaenia albiceps | ? |
118 | Mottle-backed Elaenia | Elaenia gigas | ? |
119 | Lesser Elaenia | Elaenia chiriquensis | ? |
120 | Torrent Tyrannulet | Serpophaga cinerea | ? |
121 | Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet | Tyranniscus uropygialis | ? |
122 | Loja Tyrannulet** | Zimmerius flavidifrons | ? |
123 | Golden-faced Tyrannulet | Zimmerius chrysops | |
124 | Peruvian Tyrannulet | Zimmerius viridiflavus | ? |
125 | Fulvous-faced Scrub-Tyrant | Euscarthmus fulviceps | ? |
126 | Olive-chested Flycatcher | Myiophobus cryptoxanthus | ? |
127 | Bran-colored Flycatcher | Myiophobus fasciatus | ? |
128 | Mouse-gray Flycatcher | Myiophobus crypterythrus | ? |
129 | Gray-breasted Flycatcher | Lathrotriccus griseipectus | ? |
130 | Smoke-colored Pewee | Contopus fumigatus | ? |
131 | /Western Wood-Pewee/ | Contopus sordidulus | ? |
132 | Black Phoebe | Sayornis nigricans | ? |
133 | Vermilion Flycatcher | Pyrocephalus rubinus | ? |
134 | Long-tailed Tyrant | Colonia colonus | ? |
135 | Dusky-capped Flycatcher | Myiarchus tuberculifer | ? |
136 | Short-crested Flycatcher | Myiarchus ferox | ? |
137 | Sooty-crowned Flycatcher | Myiarchus phaeocephalus | ? |
138 | Great Kiskadee | Pitangus sulphuratus | ? |
139 | Boat-billed Flycatcher | Megarynchus pitangua | ? |
140 | Rusty-margined Flycatcher | Myiozetetes cayanensis | ? |
141 | Social Flycatcher | Myiozetetes similis | FC |
142 | Streaked Flycatcher | Myiodynastes maculatus | ? |
143 | Piratic Flycatcher | Legatus leucophaius | ? |
144 | Tropical Kingbird | Tyrannus melancholicus | ? |
| |||
145 | Rufous-browed Peppershrike | Cyclarhis gujanensis | ? |
146 | Olivaceous Greenlet | Hylophilus olivaceus | ? |
147 | Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo | Vireolanius leucotis | ? |
148 | Brown-capped Vireo | Vireo leucophrys | FC |
149 | Chivi Vireo | Vireo chiri | ? |
| |||
150 | Inca Jay** | Cyanocorax yncas | ? |
| |||
151 | /Bank Swallow/ | Riparia riparia | ? |
152 | Gray-breasted Martin | Progne chalybea | ? |
153 | Southern Rough-winged Swallow | Stelgidopteryx ruficollis | ? |
154 | White-banded Swallow | Atticora fasciata | ? |
155 | Blue-and-white Swallow | Pygochelidon cyanoleuca | |
156 | /Barn Swallow/ | Hirundo rustica | ? |
157 | /Cliff Swallow/ | Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | ? |
| |||
158 | Long-billed Gnatwren | Ramphocaenus melanurus | ? |
| |||
159 | Southern House Wren | Troglodytes musculus | ? |
160 | Speckle-breasted Wren | Pheugopedius sclateri | ? |
161 | White-breasted Wood-Wren | Henicorhina leucosticta | ? |
| |||
162 | /Gray-cheeked Thrush/ | Catharus minimus | ? |
163 | /Swainson's Thrush/ | Catharus ustulatus | ? |
164 | White-necked Thrush | Turdus albicollis | ? |
165 | Black-billed Thrush | Turdus ignobilis | ? |
166 | Marañon Thrush | Turdus maranonicus | ? |
| |||
167 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus | ? |
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168 | Blue-naped Chlorophonia | Chlorophonia cyanea | ? |
169 | Purple-throated Euphonia | Euphonia chlorotica | ? |
170 | Thick-billed Euphonia | Euphonia laniirostris | ? |
171 | Orange-bellied Euphonia | Euphonia xanthogaster | ? |
172 | Lesser Goldfinch | Spinus psaltria | ? |
173 | Olivaceous Siskin | Spinus olivaceus | ? |
| |||
174 | Yellow-browed Sparrow | Ammodramus aurifrons | ? |
175 | Marañon Sparrow | Arremon nigriceps | ? |
176 | Olive Finch | Arremon castaneiceps | ? |
177 | Rufous-collared Sparrow | Zonotrichia capensis | ? |
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178 | Russet-backed Oropendola | Psarocolius angustifrons | ? |
179 | Scrub Blackbird | Dives warczewiczi | ? |
| |||
180 | Black-lored Yellowthroat | Geothlypis auricularis | ? |
181 | Tropical Parula | Setophaga pitiayumi | ? |
182 | /Blackburnian Warbler/ | Setophaga fusca | ? |
183 | Three-striped Warbler | Basileuterus tristriatus | ? |
184 | Buff-rumped Warbler | Myiothlypis fulvicauda | ? |
185 | /Canada Warbler/ | Cardellina canadensis | ? |
186 | Slate-throated Redstart | Myioborus miniatus | ? |
| |||
187 | /Summer Tanager/ | Piranga rubra | ? |
188 | Blue-black Grosbeak | Cyanoloxia cyanoides | ? |
189 | Amazonian Grosbeak | Cyanoloxia rothschildii | ? |
| |||
190 | Black-faced Tanager | Schistochlamys melanopis | ? |
191 | Magpie Tanager | Cissopis leverianus | ? |
192 | Buff-bellied Tanager | Thlypopsis inornata | ? |
193 | Rufous-chested Tanager | Thlypopsis ornata | ? |
194 | White-lined Tanager | Tachyphonus rufus | ? |
195 | Silver-beaked Tanager | Ramphocelus carbo | ? |
196 | Fawn-breasted Tanager | Pipraeidea melanonota | ? |
197 | Blue-gray Tanager | Thraupis episcopus | ? |
198 | Palm Tanager | Thraupis palmarum | ? |
199 | Yellow-bellied Tanager | Ixothraupis xanthogastra | ? |
200 | Spotted Tanager | Ixothraupis punctata | ? |
201 | Silvery Tanager | Stilpnia viridicollis | ? |
202 | Green-throated Tanager | Stilpnia argyrofenges | ? |
203 | Blue-necked Tanager | Stilpnia cyanicollis | ? |
204 | Blue-browed Tanager | Tangara cyanotis | ? |
205 | Paradise Tanager | Tangara chilensis | ? |
206 | Bay-headed Tanager | Tangara gyrola | ? |
207 | Golden-eared Tanager | Tangara chrysotis | ? |
208 | Green-and-gold Tanager | Tangara schrankii | ? |
209 | Golden Tanager | Tangara arthus | ? |
210 | Swallow Tanager | Tersina viridis | ? |
211 | Black-faced Dacnis | Dacnis lineata | FC |
212 | Purple Honeycreeper | Cyanerpes caeruleus | ? |
213 | Golden-collared Honeycreeper | Iridophanes pulcherrimus | FC |
214 | Guira Tanager | Hemithraupis guira | ? |
215 | Saffron Finch | Sicalis flaveola | ? |
216 | Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch | Emberizoides herbicola | ? |
217 | Blue-black Grassquit | Volatinia jacarina | ? |
218 | Chestnut-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila castaneiventris | ? |
219 | Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch | Sporophila angolensis | ? |
220 | Black-billed Seed-Finch | Sporophila atrirostris | ? |
221 | Black-and-white Seedeater | Sporophila luctuosa | ? |
222 | Yellow-bellied Seedeater | Sporophila nigricollis | ? |
223 | Red-crested Finch | Coryphospingus cucullatus | ? |
224 | Bananaquit | Coereba flaveola | C |
225 | Dull-colored Grassquit | Asemospiza obscurus | ? |
226 | Buff-throated Saltator | Saltator maximus | ? |
227 | Bluish-gray Saltator | Saltator coerulescens | ? |
228 | Streaked Saltator | Saltator striatipectus | ? |
*Nomenclature and taxonomic affinities are based on Clements 6th Edition published 2007 with updates through 2021 maintained by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, which relies largely on the AOU and SACC nomenclature committees. IUCN status may reflect splits not currently recognized by Clements.
**Species not accepted by Clements, AOU, or SACC that we recognize based on the IOC, field observations along with geographical separation, consensus opinions of field guide authors, and other sources. These species are potential splits in future Clements updates.
Code | Description | ## |
// | Boreal Visitor | 11 |
\\ | Austral Visitor | 1 |
|| | Transient | 0 |
## | Non-breeding Dispersal | 0 |
<> | Erratic/Irregular | 1 |
() | Breeding Season Only | 0 |
{} | Casual/Vagrant | 0 |
[] | Accidental | 0 |
Code | Description | ## |
A | Abundant/Very Common | 0 |
C | Common | 4 |
FC | Fairly/Locally Common | 6 |
UC | Uncommon/Scarce | 4 |
R | Rare/Very Scarce | 0 |
VR | Very Rare | 0 |
X | Accidental/Vagrant | 0 |
? | Uncertain | 213 |
Code | Description | ## |
NT | Near Threatened | 7 |
V | Vulnerable | 3 |
EN | Endangered | 0 |
CR | Critically Endangered | 1 |
Species counts in code tables depend on completeness of the data. For some countries or locales, data may not include all species or information on species presence may be incomplete.